Wu Zetian frowned directly, his eyes full of hesitation.

She naturally understands her husband, this is an emperor with great ambitions, he has been in Buddhism for a long time.

These people don't obey the king, but only obey the Buddha. This is the biggest challenge to the emperor's prestige. How can the other side allow the Buddhist sect to continue to roam free?

She paid homage to the Buddha, not just believing in it, but taking a fancy to the Buddhist teachings, which can educate the people and stabilize the rule of the Tang Dynasty.

Now you are going to attack Buddhism, which will shake the foundation of the country.

Think twice.

"Of course I know, but now that the opportunity is in front of me, I can't just give up like this.

The reason why I came here to tell you is that I hope you can understand me.

It's not that I don't like Buddhism, but I don't like Buddhism that doesn't obey the king. "

Li Zhi held Wu Zetian in his arms precisely because he understood Wu Zetian and didn't want the other party to be in a dilemma, but he still had to do what had to be done.

"Then Mei Niang understands, what His Majesty wants to do, I have no objection, I just hope His Majesty will not overcorrect and hurt the foundation of Datang."

Wu Zetian hugged Li Zhi's tiger waist, she knew what her husband meant, and she did it out of respect for herself, so she had nothing to refuse.

After all, the emperor is an emperor, and he is just his queen.

Feng Qiuhuang, how could she stop Li Zhi.

"Don't worry, I brought Xiao Yanran here for you, I'll go first."

With Wu Zetian's permission, Li Zhi had completed the task and immediately pushed Li Yanran out.


Li Yanran was full of question marks, is she a tool person?
It was agreed that I would not be pushed out, so why have you sold yourself now.

You have something to go, what about me?

"Your Majesty has important things to do, go and do it yourself, as long as I have Yanran here to accompany you."

Wu Zetian directly grabbed Li Yanran's shoulder, she couldn't run away from her husband and then her daughter.

"Okay, Xiao Yanran, spend good time with your queen mother."

Li Zhi ran away with a flick, leaving only the helpless Li Yanran and the kind-hearted Wu Zetian.

"Little Yanran, come here, Auntie has something to ask you."

Wu Zetian pulled Li Yanran to sit down, looking at Li Yanran's small appearance, there was something else in her eyes.

"Auntie, you ask."

Seeing Wu Zetian being so formal, Li Yanran also knew that Wu Zetian was serious.

"What do you think of Buddhism?"

"I don't have any opinion on Buddhism. A Buddha is a Buddha, and it is what people want."

Li Yanran glanced at Wu Zetian, wondering why she asked herself.

"The Buddha's heart is the human heart, so how do you think your father will deal with Buddhism this time?"

Wu Zetian was also very pleased that Li Yanran could say such words, her daughter had roots of wisdom after all.

"How will the father treat Buddhism? If my daughter doesn't believe that Aniang doesn't know, do you still need me to explain it in detail?

Besides, I'm just a child, so don't think too hard of me. "

Li Yanran shook her head, she was not in her position, she would not seek his own affairs, in the past she advised Wu Zetian, it was because of the situation, she was really afraid of being implicated.

Now that she is living well, there is no need to spend that brain cell.

"Aniang is stupid, it's not like you don't know, please tell me, so that Aniang can feel at ease."

Wu Zetian didn't believe that Li Yanran had no idea.

"Aniang, what my father wants is only respect, and I don't want to completely eradicate Buddhism from the Tang Dynasty.

Therefore, there is a high probability that they will make use of the topic and search for temples in Datang first.

See if there are any villains like Santai Temple, if there are, get rid of them, if there are no, then let it go.

Of course, there must be some concoctions, because only by breaking the image of Buddhism can the other party bow their heads.

Only by letting them bow their heads can the temple be brought under the jurisdiction of the king's law.

This matter will only end if the Buddha bows his head, otherwise, hehe. "

Now that Wu Zetian said so, Li Yanran has nothing to worry about, this is what you asked me to say, don't blame me.

"Buddhism, these years have really fallen, and there are indeed some black sheep, but it is undeniable that those eminent monks in Buddhism are indeed elegant people, so you can't misunderstand Buddhism."

Hearing what Li Yanran said, Wu Zetian also nodded her head. What her daughter thought was pretty much the same as hers, and I believe that what Li Zhi did was pretty much the same as what he expected.

"Aniang, what misunderstanding can I have about Buddhism, and besides, Buddhism has nothing to do with me.

If it wasn't for my mother asking me, I wouldn't even bother to think about it.

Auntie, if it's okay, I'll go back first. "

Li Yanran was depressed, he had nothing to say to Buddhism, his good or bad had nothing to do with him, there was no misunderstanding.

"What are you doing when you go back, sleep with A Niang today, you always wanted to be with me before.

Sure enough, if I get it, I don’t know how to cherish it. My mother is an old woman, and even my daughter despises me. "

Wu Zetian gave Li Yanran a small look of resentment.

"Okay, okay, I'm here to accompany Auntie today."

"Come here for me."

When the two were in deep love between mother and daughter, Wu Zetian suddenly caught a glimpse of a figure, and raised his eyebrows involuntarily.

"Mother and queen."

Li Hong came out from behind the door trembling, and saluted Wu Zetian.

"Why are you here again?"

Wu Zetian was also puzzled, how could this little Li Hong come over as soon as he was with Li Yanran.

It's really a sight to behold.

"Didn't the queen mother tell you to let the son come to see you every night? I'm here, and you are like this again?"

Li Hong looked at Wu Zetian with an aggrieved face, you asked me to come, here I come, why this expression?

"Hehe, if your elder sister doesn't come, you won't come, as soon as your elder sister comes, you will come.

Are you here to see me?

You obviously came to see your sister. "

Wu Zetian understood that this kid was kissing her elder sister.

"How could it be? The son-in-law is naturally here to see the queen mother."

Li Hong shivered, and threw himself directly into Wu Zetian's arms.

"You are the smartest."

Glancing at Li Hong, Wu Zetian had nothing to say, after all, he was a son, not a woodcarving.

"Arrange meals for people."

That night, Wu Zetian was able to enjoy the happiness of the family. What could be better than this?

The so-called good things don't go out, bad things spread thousands of miles, Li Yanran's disturbance in Santai Temple was also blown to Chang'an City like the wind.

"Shouye, Xiuye, and Cui Yuanyu will all come to discuss matters soon."

Cui Yuqing glanced at the servant next to him, and directly asked him to find someone to discuss matters.

"what happened?"

Cui Yuanjun looked at Cui Yuqing, wondering why he wanted to come here in such a hurry?
"I just received the news that Princess Lishan made a big fuss at Santai Temple at the foot of Lishan Mountain, and brought a great monk to Chang'an."

Cui Yuqing looked at the three members of the Cui family in front of him, and directly told all the news he had just received.

"Is there such a thing?"

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