My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 229 Xuanzang's decision

Cui Shouye glanced at his uncle, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"That's right, that's why I called you over. Can you see what can be done here?"

Cui Yuqing smiled slightly. Originally, the family had been suppressed by Li Zhi for a while now. Now that Princess Lishan has sent this matter out, don't blame yourself.

"Now relying on this incident, can we really turn around? Uncle, are you so confident?"

A gleam flashed in Cui Shouye's eyes, do you really want to do this?

You must know that they had already defeated Sun Qingquan last time. If they sang against Li Zhi again, it would be fine if they won, but it would be a big loss if they lost.

"Buddhism is pure, and it has been like this throughout the ages. The monks don't worship the king, let alone she is a wild girl.

Once this matter is revealed, don't say anything, at least she won't want the title of Princess Lishan. "

Cui Qingyu is still very confident about this matter. Buddhist matters have always been important matters. If Li Zhi really dares to cover up this matter, then things will be fun.

"What if His Majesty insists on not admitting his mistake?"

Cui Xiuye ​​looked at the excited Cui Qingyu, and to be honest he still felt a little bit wrong.

"There are countless eminent Buddhist monks in the world, if the monks from the entire Tang Dynasty come to Chang'an, the scene will be spectacular.

Although Buddhism is not the state religion of the Tang Dynasty, it is deeply rooted in the Tang Dynasty, which will shake the foundation of the country.

No matter how much your Majesty cares about this Princess Lishan, you must follow the general trend. I am sure about her Princess Lishan. "

Cui Qingyu didn't care at all. In his opinion, the current situation is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If it can be implemented smoothly, the family will have a turnaround this time.

If the imperial power is slapped severely this time, then the authority of the aristocratic family can be established again.

"Since you have decided, let's do it, but what I mean is, first disclose this news to the temple in Chang'an, and Da Ci'en Temple should let it know."

Cui Yuanjue glanced at his brother, and also mentioned letting the monks in Chang'an move first before talking.

"Tomorrow. No, now."

"Well, I'll arrange it."

Soon the news of Santai Temple spread directly to Da Ci'en Temple.

Now the host of the Daci'en Temple is none other than the hero of Journey to the West, Master Xuanzang who traveled west to learn Buddhist scriptures.

Upon hearing this news, the eminent monks of Da Ci'en Temple also gathered in Xuanzang's quiet room.

"Master, although the Santai Temple is only a small remote temple, it belongs to my Buddhist sect after all. It is absolutely unbearable to be trampled on like this now."

Monk Kuiji looked at Master Xuanzang who was sitting quietly in front of him, his eyes were full of worry.

"Master, Kuiji is right. Buddhism is pure and cannot be polluted by the world. Otherwise, Buddhism will not be pure."

Monk Puguang glanced at Xuanzang, and also expressed his thoughts.

"You say so now, do you know the specific situation of Santai Temple?"

Xuanzang glanced at the few people in front of him, his eyes were full of wisdom.

"Master, no matter what Santai Temple is like, the door of Buddhism is the door of Buddhism, and it cannot be trampled on like this.

If my Buddhist sect doesn't make a statement this time, the situation after that will inevitably be corrupted, and it may be difficult for the Buddhist sect to be clean again. "

Monk Puguang performed Buddhist rituals to Xuanzang. He understood Xuanzang's thoughts, but Santai Temple is a place of Buddhism. This is an indisputable fact, and no one can change it.

Li Zhi issued an edict to Buddhism before, if this matter is allowed to ferment, then Buddhism may really become unclean in the future.

"Do you know why we got this news?"

Xuanzang shook his head slightly, they still didn't understand what they were thinking.

"Master, are you afraid that someone with a heart will want to use my Buddhism as a pawn for their own convenience?"

Monk Kuiji also reacted when he heard Xuanzang's words.

Those who can become eminent monks are not stupid for a few months. On the contrary, they are still very smart. With Xuanzang, they will understand.

"The pure land of Buddhism, I'm afraid it's hard to be clean."

Xuanzang nodded, as if he had already seen what happened next.

If a caring person really wants to use Buddhism to achieve some purpose, then Buddhism may be in trouble afterward.

Not for others because they are just pawns now, not chess players.

"What does the master think we should do?"

Monk Puguang glanced at his master, wondering what he meant by that.

"This matter can be big or small, but now that someone with a heart is here, this matter will inevitably be magnified, and in the end it will probably be stabbed to the emperor's side, then."


As Xuanzang said, he put his palms together and raised the Buddha's name.

"Master, if this is the case, then we should pretend that we didn't hear it. There is nothing we can do about it."

Kui Ji also clasped his hands together, he already understood his master's worry.

"There is no chance. The Buddhist gate has already been pushed out. Even if we pretend that we haven't heard it, they still have a way to let us hear it. Let's arrange for the monks to prepare to make a fuss."

Xuanzang shook his head, he had already been missed by others, and they had no ability to escape.

"Master? Pu Guang doesn't understand."

Monk Puguang's eyes were full of doubts, he didn't understand what Xuanzang meant.

"The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. Instead of sitting and waiting for death, it is better to follow the wishes of those people. Maybe Buddhism can persist.

If you really don't care about it now, it's too late. "


Xuanzang put his palms together again, and then avoided speaking.




A group of monks chanted the Buddha's name one after another, and slowly exited the quiet room.

After everyone left, Xuanzang slowly opened his eyes, looked at the Buddha characters on the wall, and was speechless for a long time.

Before dawn the next day, the door of the Daci'en Temple was wide open. Headed by Xuanzang, countless monks left the temple in cassocks and appeared on the street.

The common people were also full of doubts when they saw this scene. You must know that Da Ci'en Temple is the largest temple in Chang'an, and it is now the holy place of Buddhism in the Tang Dynasty.

Master Xuanzang was the leader of the hundred monks coming out together, which is really rare.

So the common people spontaneously followed behind the monks, wanting to see what these people wanted to do.

Outside the palace, all the officials were waiting, and suddenly a news reached Cui Shouye's ears.

Cui Shouye's eyes lit up when he heard that the monks of Da Ci'en Temple had left the temple.

After all, my uncle is so powerful that he could have predicted this situation in advance. The eminent monks of Da Ci'en Temple were dispatched, and now some of them are playing.

"Your Majesty has a decree, and all officials will go to court."

The gate of the palace was opened wide, and the Xuanshi eunuch shouted, and all the officials stepped in in a line.

"Long live, long live, my emperor."

"Long live, long live, my emperor."

"Long live, long live, my emperor."

When Li Zhi appeared, all the officials knelt down and shouted long live.

"Flat body."

Li Zhi flicked his dragon robe and sat directly on the dragon chair.

"The officials will play early if they have something to do, and leave the court if there is nothing to do."

Ryan cleared his throat and shouted at the officials.

Li Zhi glanced at Xu Jingzong who was on the side. He had already communicated with the other party about these things, and the other party would fight him.

"Your Majesty, sir."

"Your Majesty, I have the original play."

Just as Xu Jingzong was about to speak, Cui Shouye stepped forward.


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