Xu Jingzong was dumbfounded, and Li Zhi was also dumbfounded. What's going on?
Cui Shouye is stupid?
"Your Majesty, I have the original play."

Cui Shouye spoke again and saluted Li Zhi.


Li Zhi frowned, motioning for the other party to speak.

"I heard that Princess Lishan tampered with Santai Temple at the foot of Lishan Mountain, and beat Master Yishui, who is in charge of the temple. This trip is too much, and I hope His Majesty will order punishment."

After Cui Shouye finished speaking, the officials with five surnames and seven Wangs also stood up one after another to support the other party's point of view.

The dispute between Wang and Buddha has a long history in the Tang Dynasty. From Li Shimin to Li Zhi, they both used and restrained Buddhism, but generally speaking, they didn't have too many ideas.

What should be respected is also respected, now that Li Yanran is trampled on the Santai Temple openly, it is a big taboo in Buddhism, and now he is brought up in the court, this is about to cause trouble.

The rest of the officials looked at Cui Shouye and the others dumbfounded, and were also a little speechless.

Li Zhi frowned, I haven't made a fuss yet, why are you jumping out?

In a hurry to be beaten by yourself?

It's really not enough to be beaten.

Silly batch.

"You said that my Princess Lishan trampled on the pure land of Buddhism, so have you investigated the Santai Temple? Are you talking nonsense here?"

Li Zhi stared at Cui Shouye and the others with his eyes full of mockery.

"No matter what the Santai Temple is, after all, it is a place of alienation. Princess Lishan's move is disregarding the community, and I hope your Majesty will severely punish it."

Cui Shouye saluted Li Zhi, investigating what a mess.

What they want is just a pretext, do a few temples have anything to do with them?

"You don't even know what's going on at Santai Temple, but you dare to come out and slander me, Princess Datang, do you really think I'm made of mud?"

Li Zhi slapped the dragon case, glaring at His Highness Cui Shouye and others.

"Your Majesty, the Santai Temple is a matter of Buddhism, and it is handled by the Daci'en Temple. Princess Lishan's move is really too much. I hope that Your Majesty will severely punish Princess Lishan.

Strip off its fief and title, so as to restore the purity of Buddhism, and to reassure the hearts of monks all over the world. "

Lin Kaifeng, the advising doctor, also stood up and directly suggested that Li Yanran's fief and title should be cut off.

"Presumptuous, that's my princess of the Tang Dynasty. How can you allow you to arrange it at will? It's against you."

Hearing Lin Kaifeng's words, Li Zhi's eyes turned red instantly.

Your own daughter is so caring and kind, and you dare to propose cutting her fief, which is really against you.

Her father is not dead yet, her father is still the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Bullying also depends on who the person is.

"Your Majesty, think twice."

"Your Majesty, treat it with caution, so as not to cause national disaster."

"Your Majesty, the country is the most important thing in everything."

All the officials responded directly, and they all supported the abolition of the title of Princess Li Yanran.

"Presumptuous, whoever dares to talk about this again will directly leave the Golden Palace."

Li Zhi was also very depressed, are you really a fly?

I didn't seek any trouble from you, so I rushed here to find trouble, right?

"His Majesty."

"Cui Shouye, you."

"Your Majesty, the monks of Da Ci'en Temple left the temple gate in the early morning, and now tens of thousands of people in Chang'an are following them and parading in the street."

A guard knelt directly on the Golden Luan Hall and told all about the situation of the Da Ci'en Temple.

"Your Majesty, all the eminent monks of the Da Ci'en Temple have been dispatched, which shows that this matter has reached the point where it cannot be dealt with.

I also hope that you will decree to cut off the title and fief of Princess Lishan, so as to appease the hearts of the monks and calm the grievances of the common people. "

Cui Shouye knew about this a long time ago, otherwise he wouldn't have come up to a showdown with the emperor, just for this moment.

"Your Majesty, the Da Ci'en Temple represents the Buddhist sect of the Tang Dynasty. If this matter is not handled well, there will be a catastrophe."

Ren Yaxiang, who had always been busy, was shocked when he heard the news.

You must know that he also believes in Buddhism, and he has eaten fast and worshiped Buddha in Da Ci'en Temple many times.

He respects Da Ci'en Temple, especially Master Xuanzang, so he knows the influence of Da Ci'en Temple.

If this matter is not handled well, then something big will happen.

"A big disaster? I want to see what the disaster is? Xu Jingzong, don't you have a book to play?"

Hearing that the monks from Da Ci'en Temple had actually taken to the streets, Li Zhi rolled his eyes, full of excitement.

If you jumped out by yourself, then don't blame me.

"Your Majesty, my minister Xu Jingzong has something to play."

Hearing Li Zhi's words, Xu Jingzong also hurriedly stood up.

"Your Majesty, the problem now is that Princess Lishan trampled on the Santai Temple. I hope His Majesty can clarify which is more important."

Seeing that Li Zhi wanted to rely on Xu Jingzong to divert his target, Cui Shouye would naturally not allow it.

"Cui Shilang, I advise you to listen to what I want to report before it's too late."

Xu Jingzong's eyes were full of sneers, you jumped out too early.

Still young.


Hearing Xu Jingzong's words, Cui Shouye was also taken aback, not knowing what he meant.

"Your Majesty, do you remember the case of missing children ten years ago?"

Xu Jingzong saluted Li Zhi and uncovered the missing child case ten years ago.

"I vaguely have such an incident. It happened when I first became the throne. I also sent people to deal with it severely, but in the end I couldn't find the murderer."

Of course Li Zhi remembered this, otherwise he would have nothing to say.

"Your Majesty, I have just received a report that the mastermind of the missing child case ten years ago has been found."

Xu Jingzong smiled slightly, and then Li Zhi started talking.

"Your Majesty, what is the relationship between the case of missing children ten years ago and the current Buddhist affairs? I hope that Your Majesty can distinguish between priorities and prioritize the immediate predicament."

Cui Shouye is dying of anxiety, I'm working hard now, tell me about old cases from ten years ago, be sincere.

"Then Cui Shilang has to listen carefully to what I'm going to say next. The mastermind of the missing child case ten years ago was the abbot of Santai Temple, Monk Yishui."

As soon as Xu Jingzong said this, the whole hall was in an uproar.

The case of the missing child was rumored in the beginning, and even if all the criminal experts in the Ministry of Criminal Justice came out, there was nothing to follow.

Who would have thought that the mastermind had been caught now, and it was Monk Yishui, the abbot of Santai Temple this time.

What a coincidence.

Ren Yaxiang glanced at Xu Jingzong and then at Li Zhi, and a bright light flashed in his cloudy eyes.

He didn't know anything else, but he had already guessed what Li Zhi would do next.

"how can that be?"

Cui Shouye was dumbfounded, what the hell is going on.

Isn't Monk Yishui the abbot of Santai Temple?

How could it be related to the missing child case ten years ago.

"How is it possible? Hehe, I also want to ask how is this possible?"

Li Zhi smiled, but without the slightest warmth, full of ferocity.

"Xu Jingzong, do you have solid evidence, you must know that you are talking about a Buddhist."

"Your Majesty, the evidence is complete, so it is a fact."

Xu Jingzong saluted again, and glanced at Cui Shouye who was in a daze.

Didn't you dance happily just now?Why are you dumb now.

"Come here, order people to gather the monks of Daci'an Temple, and the officials will follow me to have a good meeting with these eminent Buddhist monks."

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