Now that the general trend was his own, Li Zhi didn't get used to the habit of the monks, so he directly ordered to drive around, and wanted to meet those eminent monks who had attained the Tao.

Baiguan looked at each other, knowing that Li Zhi could not be kind this time.

If the emperor did not seize the opportunity, then he would not be the emperor of the Tang Dynasty who shocked the world and swept the Turkic Gaogouli.

Previously, monks were ordered to worship the king and respect their parents, but then nothing happened. This time it seems that these monks are going to be in trouble.

Cui Shouye and the others looked at each other, and they all saw the shock in their eyes.

What the hell, I was lying down this time, and rushed to make the emperor feel uncomfortable. After the emperor cleaned up the monks of Daci'an Temple, it would be their turn next.

"Ma'am, there is something to do."

There was a knock on the door of Wu Zetian's bedroom, and Jin Fu, the eunuch in charge, called softly inside.

"what happened?"

Hearing the knock on the door, Wu Zetian also woke up leisurely, what should I do at this point.

"Your Majesty, the eminent monks of Daci'an Temple are going out of the temple to patrol the streets for some reason. His Majesty was furious when he heard about it, and wanted to bring all the ministers to confront them."

Jin Fu directly stated the news he had received.


"Come and change clothes."

Hearing this situation, Wu Zetian became energetic in an instant.

The monks of Daci'an Temple went out to parade in the temple. It seems that it happened only when Li Zhi issued the edict last year. They came out again this time?
Could it be that they knew about the Santai Temple?
No, if they know that what they should do now is to self-examine the temple and not give the emperor a chance, instead of going out of the temple to parade, isn't this obviously against the emperor?

What are they trying to do?
Soon the palace ladies came in like flowing water and began to help Wu Zetian dress up, while Li Yanran looked at everything here with cold eyes.

Only Li Hong turned over like a dead pig and continued to sleep.


After grooming, Wu Zetian directly left the palace. The current situation is a little bit wrong, so she has to go and have a look.

As soon as Wu Zetian left, Li Yanran slapped Li Hong's head with a slap.

"Who, who attacked me."

Li Hong flipped over in a stupid way, looking for the enemy with his eyes wide open.

"Confused, aren't you?"

Li Yanran suddenly slapped her again, this time Li Hong woke up completely.

Covering his head and looking at the other party, his eyes were full of grievances: "Sister, why are you beating me, I haven't gone to class yet."

"There's a good show to watch, put on your clothes quickly, sister will take you to watch the excitement."

Li Yanran gave Li Hong a blank look, if it weren't for seeing that you are my own younger brother, I would call you quite often, do you think Changsun Yan and the others would I call you?
Don't know the blessings in the blessings.

"Watching a play? Where are you going?"

Hearing that there was a good show to watch, Li Hong woke up in shock.

"What's the point, put on your clothes quickly, you won't be able to see it if it's too late."

Li Yanran put on her clothes with one hand, and slapped Li Hong directly with the other.

"Sister, I don't know how to wear clothes."

Li Hong was depressed. He had never done this job since he was a child. How could he be able to do the rough work of dressing.

Li Yanran:
Another slap in the face, you don't even know how to put on clothes, but you dare to say that you are the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty, it's really embarrassing.

"Sister, you are hitting me, but I am in a hurry with you."

Li Hong wasn't made of mud either, as soon as his small eyes stared, he was about to turn against Li Yanran.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry."

"I'll make you anxious."

"Small, you are still impatient."

Li Yanran's counterattack was a flurry of blows, and Li Hong hit him all over the place, almost on his knees begging for mercy.

"I can tell you, if it's late, I won't take you."

Li Yanran was also tired from the fight, she just wanted to hurry up and see how her father fought those great monks.

It seems that Tang Seng hasn't hanged up yet, and he is translating the Buddhist scriptures he retrieved at the Big Wild Goose Pagoda. I don't know if I can see them.

The Tang monk in Journey to the West is facing the wind in Yushu, and he is suave and suave, but I don’t know if the real Tang monk looks the same as in the legend.

"Sun Xu, Sun Xu, get the hell out of here quickly."

Hearing that Li Yanran didn't take him to play, Li Hong was also anxious, and hurriedly shouted outside.

"I'm coming."

Sun Xu scrambled and ran in: "Your Highness, what's the matter?"

"What else can I do if you come here? Hurry up and change the clothes of this king. If you are slower, this king will break your dog legs."

Li Hong kicked Sun Xu directly, telling him to change his clothes quickly.

"Oh oh oh."

"Come on, help Your Highness change."

Sun Xu roared, and the maids rushed in to help Li Hong change his clothes.

After all, there are many people and strength is great, Li Yanran is better dressed here, and Li Hong is also fully dressed on the other side.

"Sister, I'm ready, where are we going?"

Li Hong hugged Li Yanran's arm, and asked her where she was going in a childish voice.

"Go, I'll take you to see Monkey King's master."

Although she didn't know if the so-called master Xuanzang would appear, Li Yanran raised Li Hong's interest at once.

"The master of the Great Sage Equaling Heaven? The Bodhi Patriarch of Fangcun Mountain in Lingtai, the three-star cave in the oblique moon?"

Hearing about Monkey King's master, Li Hong immediately thought of Patriarch Bodhi with a white beard and white eyebrows.

"It's his other master, let's go."

Li Yanran was too lazy to explain so much to him, so she took the lead and ran outside.

"Sister, wait for me."

Li Hong followed Li Yanran and ran out.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, wait for your servant."

Sun Xu also raised his legs and ran, following closely behind Li Hong.

One Li Hong is enough for him to drink a pot, and now he is paired with Li Yanran, a little devil, what might happen.

The two boarded the carriage, and Sun Xu wanted to go up, but was kicked down by Li Hong.

"Your Highness, why are you kicking me?"

Sun Xu clutched his butt, eyes full of grievances.

"Sun Xu, get out of here, or this king will break your dog legs."

Li Hong lifted the curtain and glared at Sun Xu angrily.


With Li Yanran's order, Zhou Xun drove directly to the outside of the palace.

Li Yanran was dispatched here, while the monks of Da Ci'en Temple headed by Xuan Zang and countless civilians were already guarded by the forbidden army.

Li Zhi also brought all the civil and military officials to the monks.

"Your Majesty, the empress is here."

Ruian came to Li Zhi and told the news that Wu Zetian had come.


Hearing Wu Zetian's arrival, Li Zhi also frowned, and then motioned for Ryan to come over.

"Your Majesty, Daci'an Temple is full of eminent monks, not Santai Temple, so don't be impulsive."

Wu Zetian saluted Li Zhi slightly, and then signaled that the other party must not be impulsive.

"I know."

Li Zhi patted Wu Zetian's little hand lightly to show that he understood.

"Where is Xuanzang, let him go forward."

"Your Majesty has a decree to call Master Xuanzang to have an audience with him."

Rui'an shouted Li Zhi's will, and then the monks in Daci'an Temple panicked, after all, he was the emperor, who could not be panicked.

"Master, let Puguang go with you."

When Puguang heard the order, he also bowed to Xuanzang and wanted to go with him to see the emperor.

"No, the emperor called me, I will go alone."

Xuanzang shook his head, then abandoned the monks and walked towards Li Zhi alone.

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