My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 245 Salesman

Chapter 245 Salesman

Cheng Chubi was dumbfounded, he knew his father's temper.

If he doesn't agree, he really dares to tie himself to a tree and whip him.

"Do you think I'm joking with you? There are two choices, either I will discount your legs, or you will give me a house, you choose one."

Cheng Yaojinhu scowled, a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes.

"I'll see you off, let me see you off, but now the house built in advance is gone, so you can only wait."

Between thighs and money, Cheng Chubi chose thighs with self-knowledge.

If the money is gone, he can make it again. If the leg is discounted, he will be completely ruined.

"This is my good son, get up."

Hearing Cheng Chubi's submission, Cheng Yaojin's face was full of joy in an instant, and he immediately pulled Cheng Chubi up, and carefully patted the dust off his body.

"Father, in two days we will organize a sightseeing group to a hot spring town. Do you want to go then? Of course it's okay if you don't."

Cheng Chubi really didn't dare to say anything now, Dad, if you want to go, go, if you don't go, you will be dragged down.

He didn't dare to get into trouble again, otherwise he would have to be beaten up again.

"Go, why don't you go, I have a house in a hot spring town, how can I not go and have a look.

When the time comes, not only will I go, but I will also bring those dignitaries along to cheer our good son. "

Cheng Yaojin grinned, why didn't he go, I was going to see my own house, so I had to go.

Cheng Chubi curled his lips, you have to go to your house, what is this called.

In the end, I became a fool.

Really beeping a dog.

"Okay, Dad, then you can rest, I'll go back first."

Cheng Chubi really didn't want to stay here anymore, if he stayed any longer, he was really afraid that his father would jump out again, and he would be finished.

"What's the rush? There's a curfew coming soon. Why go out? Stay and have a drink with me."

Cheng Yaojin directly grabbed Cheng Chubi's arm.

"This, this, all right."

The next day, Cheng Chubi rode his donkey straight to the hot spring town, jumped off the donkey and went straight to Li Yanran.


Looking at Yu Chihuan and Li Siwen next to Li Yanran, he couldn't help being stunned.

"What's going on here?"

Cheng Chubi moved closer to the two of them, not knowing what was going on.

"What's the matter? A group came to rip me off."

Li Yanran rolled her eyes at Cheng Chubi, then at Li Siwen and Yu Chihuan who were bowing their heads, their faces were full of depression.

"What do you mean?"

Cheng Chubi really can't do it now, what does it mean to form a group to rip off?

"I asked them to go back and invite their parents to come. They are good. They invited them. Now they come back and ask me for two houses. Why is this not a scam?"

Li Yanran glanced at the two naive critics, she was really pissed off.

"Brother Li Li, it's not two houses, it's... three houses. My father also wants a house."


Hearing this, Li Yanran ran away completely, jumped up and gave Cheng Chubi a slap.

Well, I thought there was a promising one, but I didn't expect another one to come.

"Okay, you guys think I'm a bully, right?"

Li Yanran looked at the three of them with a grimace, she really had the urge to kill them.

"Brother Li, if something happens, you need to solve it, no. Why don't you just send it away."


Li Yanran also gave Changsun Yan a headshot, you gave it away if you said it?

Why are you so rich?
Have you forgotten how your father's house came about?

"Brother Li Li, isn't this an emergency? And the three princes all live in the hot spring town. This is also a good advertisement, what do you think?"

Li Siwen also looked at Li Yanran embarrassedly, and he didn't want to either.

But his father strongly demanded it, and he couldn't help it.

"Thousands of advertisements, can the effect be bad?"

Li Yanran also had nothing to say, the current situation has become like this, so she has nothing to say.

"Brother Li, are you agreeing?"

Li Siwen immediately understood what Li Yanran meant.

"What can I do if I don't agree, I can't treat one more favorably than another, right? It's just three houses, I'll give them away."

Li Yanran hit Li Siwen again, her eyes full of reluctance.

Changsun Yan's house was given away, how could he really ask Cheng Chubi and the others for money?

It is not easy to lead the team when the hearts of the people are scattered.

"Brother Li, you are my real brother from now on."

"From now on, I will hit whatever Brother Li points out, and I will never say a word of no."

Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan also hurried over to flatter.

"Not only do I want to give away the house, but I also want to give the princes a great opportunity to make money."

Li Yanran glanced at the three of them, and said something that made them puzzled.

Li Siwen asked with a puzzled face, "Brother Li, what do you mean?"

"Go back and tell the princes that as long as they can help me sell a house, I will give them a [-]% commission.

That is to say, if they sell a house worth [-] guan, they will get a commission of [-] guan, and if they sell [-] houses, they will get a commission of [-] guan. "

Li Yanran smiled slightly, and put his thoughts on the dukes of the state. With these first-class dukes in the empire as their real estate sales, the house should be sold very well.

"[-]% commission? Brother Li, isn't that too much?"

Hearing Li Yanran's words, several people were all stunned. If they were sold for 100 million guan, wouldn't they have a profit of [-] guan?

What is the difference between this and picking up money for nothing?
"A lot?
Only by selling the house in the hot spring town can we make a profit. This is called willingness, understand?
Don't let my investment go to waste, or I will really kill someone. "

Li Yanran gave them a blank look, turned around, and left, leaving behind three idiots staring at each other.

"You guys, you can't let Brother Li save some time. You don't even understand what you are willing to do. What can you do?"

Li Yanran left, Changsun Yan moved in front of the three of them with his hands behind his back, a look of regret.

Brother Li's thoughts can only be fully understood by my elder, Sun Yan.

You still have a long way to go.

Three mallets.

"Changsun Yan, do you have the face to preach to us? If it weren't for you, I would be ripped off by my father, but if I wasn't ripped off by my father, would I be able to come and ripped off Brother Li?"

It's okay if Changsun Yan doesn't say anything, but Cheng Chubi loses his temper when he talks about it.

If it weren't for your situation, would I be so beaten up?
"That's right, I haven't troubled you yet, so you have taught me."

Li Siwen also frowned, if it weren't for you, I would be like this?

"beat him."

Yu Chihuan didn't talk nonsense, and immediately took action, pinning Changsun Yan to the ground.

"Yes, beat me up first."

"Hit him all over the face."

Cheng Chubi and Li Siwen also joined together, and they were crazy about Changsun Yan.

"Oh, don't hit me, you just kicked my tailbone."

"Are you going to kill people? Help, Zhang Si and Zhao Wu, beat them up for me."

"I was wrong, take it easy, take it easy."

(End of this chapter)

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