My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 246 The middleman earns the difference

Chapter 246 The middleman earns the difference
After the crazy output, Changsun Yan was completely convinced, and he also convinced this group of old sixes.

You can't afford to offend your own father, so come and bully me.

I messed with someone.

"Don't fight, I have a good chance to make money."

Hearing Changsun Yan's words, the three also stopped, staring at each other together.

"You'd better not lie to me, or you will only be beaten worse."

Li Siwen knocked Changsun Yan on the head again, his eyes full of threats.

"Didn't Brother Li promise the princes a [-]% commission for selling a house?

You just told your father to sell a house with half the commission, so wouldn't you get half of the profit for nothing? Isn't this a good opportunity to make money? "


The three of them looked at each other, and immediately helped Changsun Yan up. If you really want to say this, it is really a good opportunity to make money.

It's exciting to think about letting my father work for me.

"Yanzi, I didn't expect you to look like Brother Li. That's right, I won't hit you anymore."

Cheng Chubi smiled at Changsun Yan, compared with making money, what was the plan for the previous meal.

"Hmph, I proposed such a good method for you, shouldn't you thank me?"

Changsun Yan patted the dirt on his body, and looked at Cheng Chubi and the others with some defiant expression.

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean? Just like Brother Li, I invested in the stock with wisdom, and each of you will give me [-]% of the profit, which is reasonable."

As soon as Changsun Yan said these words, several people immediately showed a ruthless look.

"You want to share the profits from us? Do you really think we are soft persimmons?"

Cheng Chubi punched Changsun Yan directly on the head, you've got all your ideas on us, don't you want to mess around.

"Why don't we call first."

Yuchihuan struck directly, and the three of them began to output like a storm again.

"Don't hit, don't hit."

"If you hit me again, I will turn my back on you."

"Whoever does it again, I'll tell the three princes about your deeds, and everyone will die."

Changsun Yan threatened the three while being beaten, and the three stopped their fists when they heard this.

After all, everyone knew that this guy was a jerk among jerks. If he really did this, the way to make money they just thought of might be gone.

"One percent is not enough, at most half of one percent, otherwise I will take the risk to lie to my father. You love this place and take money for nothing, isn't it unreasonable?"

Li Siwen looked down at Changsun Yan, and said his bottom line.

"Changsun Yan, I advise you not to mistake yourself, if you have money, you will be fine.

Otherwise, believe it or not, we'll dig a hole and bury you right now. The beautiful scenery here doesn't count as burying you. "

A trace of cruelty flashed in Cheng Chubi's eyes, if you disagree, we can only kill people for the sake of money.

Yuchihuan took a shovel from nowhere and started digging a hole.

"I agree, I agree."

Seeing Yu Chihuan's actions, Changsun Yan was completely convinced, these six children might really be able to kill people and silence them.

I would rather believe what I have than believe what I don't, Changsun Yan accepted the three people's suggestion very kindly.

The three of them together had a gain of [-], which he was satisfied with.

"Okay, then let's return to Chang'an as soon as possible."

After convincing people with reasoning and persuading Changsun Yan, the three also left separately and returned to Chang'an again.

"Dad, Dad."

Cheng Chubi pushed open the door and shouted loudly.

Cheng Yaojin was drinking tea, when he heard Cheng Chubi's shout, he immediately trembled, the tea in his hand spilled all over his body.

"Father, I have some great news for you."

Cheng Chubi rushed into the room, and went directly to Cheng Yaojin's side.

"I also have good news for you."

Cheng Yaojin gritted his teeth, and directly pushed Cheng Chubi to the ground, and he was beaten up immediately.

"Daddy, Daddy, don't hit me."

"Make money, I can make money."

Cheng Yaojin also stopped what he was doing when he heard the word "make money", and stared at his silly son.

"Tell me, how do you make money?"

"Father, I've settled with Brother Li."


Cheng Yaojin slapped Cheng Chubi directly, and shouted viciously: "That's a princess, use honorifics."

Cheng Chubi's eyeballs were almost exposed, and he pointed his neck at Cheng Yaojin and said, "Do you want to make money?"

"Money still has to be earned, tell me."

Cheng Yaojin also smiled when he heard that he was making money.

"The house has been settled, and Her Royal Highness Princess Li also said that as long as you can help sell a house, there will be a half commission."

"It's only half done, how much money can I make?"

Cheng Yaojin originally thought it was a deal, but with a half commission, how much money could he make?

"Father, don't underestimate the semi-percentage, you must know that the smallest house in the hot spring town costs 25 guan, and the semi-completion is a commission of [-] guan.

A set of 25 guan, [-] sets is [-] guan,
A thousand sets is a profit of [-] strings,

Ten thousand sets are 25 guan, 25 guan. "

Seeing that Cheng Yaojin was not interested, Cheng Chubi quickly drew a big cake for him.

Although Li Yanran initially expected a thousand sets, but her father didn't know.

Let him eat the cake first, and talk about the rest later.

"One million pennies?"

Hearing this appalling number, even Cheng Yaojin, who had a lot of money, was shocked.

Glancing at Cheng Chubi, Cheng Yaojin was a little taken aback.

Has his son grown up to this point?The transactions you do are all tens of millions of transactions?

"Father, what's the matter? Do you want to do it? Others don't have this opportunity."

Seeing that Cheng Yaojin hadn't expressed his opinion, Cheng Chubi hurriedly continued to speak.

"Okay, I made this deal, isn't it just to let people buy a house? It's a trivial matter."

Cheng Yaojin thought about it for a while, and this matter is still promising, so he also nodded.

"Okay, then it's all up to Dad. I'll go back to Mount Li and tell His Royal Highness Li Shan the good news."

A gleam flashed in Cheng Chubi's eyes.

Dad, even if you are as treacherous as a ghost, you still want to drink your son's footwashing water.

Just obediently work as a coolie for me and make money.

Looking at Cheng Chubi's excited figure, Cheng Yaojin couldn't help but also frowned.

He always felt that there was something going on here.

The three ran back and looked at each other and smiled after the round.

"It's all done, right?"

Li Siwen glanced at the two smirking fools and asked them what was going on.

"Don't worry about what I do. As far as my father's brain is concerned, it will be at least two catties less than mine."

Cheng Chubi looked at Li Siwen with disdain, no matter how capable his father was, he would still be a coolie for him.

"I can do it too, but my father can't."

Yu Chihuan also smiled slightly, and his father was also fooled around by him.

"Then go find Brother Li."


The three of them nodded together, came to Li Yanran's side, and told about their father's promise to help sell the house in the hot spring town.

"So good, so good."

Li Yanran glanced at the smiling people, and was puzzled for a while.

Did these three people take the wrong medicine?

Why is it like this?
Strange indeed.

"Brother Li, there is something wrong with Santai Temple."

(End of this chapter)

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