Li Zhi slapped Li Hong directly on the head.

"Where did you jump out from? Why are you everywhere? Ryan, are you just eating? Didn't you see what I was talking about?"

Li Zhihu yelled towards the door with a straight face, why did he let you in.

"Queen, I miss my sister, just let me go."

Li Hong threw himself directly into Wu Zetian's arms, and there were already crystal clear tears in his eyes.

"Go? What are you going to? Have you finished your homework?"

Wu Zetian also slapped Li Hong on the head, you have to join in the fun of everything.

"Those are all bad guys. They slander my sister. My sister is a famous bully who punished that person. He deserves what he deserves. Damn it. I'm going to save my sister."

Li Hong also lost his temper and yelled at Wu Zetian in a low voice.


"How do you know who the elder sister killed? Have you been to the Lishan fief?"

Hearing this, Li Zhi also came to his senses. Hearing this, he feels that you have already secretly gone to the Lishan fiefdom.

I don't seem to have given him the right to leave Chang'an, let's go to Lishan to fief.

"I, I, I don't."

As soon as Li Hong covered his mouth, he knew that he had said something wrong, and was about to run away with oil on the soles of his feet, but was directly caught by Wu Zetian beside him.

"You little bastard, you dare to go out of the city privately, you really have the guts."

Seeing Li Hong being arrested, Li Zhi also leaned in front of him, his eyes full of anger.

You are the prince of the Tang Dynasty, you are so bold and dare to leave Chang'an privately, if something goes wrong, he really doesn't know what the consequences will be.

"I know I'm wrong, the queen mother will save me."

Li Hong was frightened and cried directly by Li Zhi, and this fat beating might be inevitable.

"Save you? I wish I could beat you to death."

Wu Zetian was also angry, this kid is too courageous, it is inevitable not to beat him up.

He raised his hand and slapped Li Hong's butt hard.

"Meiniang, this son is too bold and reckless, if you don't clean up properly, there will be problems in the future."

Li Zhi found a stick from nowhere, tapped it twice on his hand and spoke to Wu Zetian.

"Your Majesty, you are right, this son will really die if he doesn't teach him a lesson."

Wu Zetian snatched the stick from Li Zhi's hand, and slapped Li Hong's ass hard.

"Mother, please forgive me."

This really made Li Hong doubt his life. His old mother really hit him with hatred, and his ass was about to explode.

"Forgive me? I'm saving your life."

Wu Zetian didn't listen to Li Hong's words at all, and the stick danced like an afterimage, and Li Hong was crying when he beat him, saying that he knew he was wrong.

"Father, empress, Hong'er really misses sister, and you beat me too, can you take me to see sister.

I guarantee that I will definitely study hard in the future, so as not to make you angry. "

Li Hong hugged Wu Zetian's thigh with tears in his nose, his eyes were full of pleading.

He scolded and scolded, and beat and beat, if he couldn't go to Lishan to fief, he would lose his money.

"You still want to go to the Lishan fiefdom?"

Wu Zetian stared at the pitiful Li Hong, she was already thinking whether she had been beaten lightly just now, or why this little bastard didn't know how to repent.

"Mother, my son misses my elder sister. You always taught me that family love is as important as a mountain, and I hope my mother will be fulfilled."

Hearing what Li Hong said, Wu Zetian felt a little soft-hearted.

How long has it been since Li Hong and Li Yanran's relationship is so deep?
"Let him go, after all, he is also his own sister."

Li Zhi glanced at Li Hong, and also smiled slightly, brother and friend, isn't this what the royal family lacks the most?

He really didn't want his son to become a cold-blooded and heartless person.

"Hurry up and go back to your own East Palace, pack up and leave the palace with us tomorrow."

Hearing Li Zhi pleading for Li Hong, Wu Zetian had nothing to say, kicked Li Hong away and told him to clean up quickly.

"Long live the emperor father, long live the queen mother."

Li Hong clutched his buttocks, shouted long live, then limped and ran quickly, for fear that Li Zhi and Wu Zetian would regret it.

"Meiniang, isn't it a little too hard for you to hit me?"

After Li Hong left, Li Zhi also held Wu Zetian in his arms.

Seeing Wu Zetian beat Li Hong, Li Zhi was scared.

No matter how angry he was, he would not be able to deal with such a ruthless hand.

Don't the world say that fathers are strict and mothers are loving?
Anyway, I can't see where the so-called compassion is.

Could it be that this is also divided into objects?
"Is it heavy? A filial son is born under the stick. If the beating is not hard enough this time, he might do something next time."

Wu Zetian threw the stick on the ground and looked at Li Zhi with tangled eyes.

Could she not know the pain? It was a piece of flesh that fell from her body.

The pain in the child's body is in the mother's body, and she can only suffer more and suffer more than Li Hong.

But it's all for Li Hong's good, so no matter how much it hurts, she won't hold back.

"Okay, I know you, clean up, let's go directly to the Lishan fief tomorrow to see your good girl."

Li Zhi also hugged Wu Zetian in his arms, his eyes full of distress.

"It's as if she's not your good girl, bad."

Wu Zetian also knocked on Li Zhi's chest twice, her face was full of the gesture of a little girl.

"Okay, okay, go and see my good girl, that's all right."

The next day Li Zhi, Wu Zetian and Li Hong left Chang'an in a carriage escorted by dozens of imperial guards and headed towards Mount Li.

"Brother Li, I just received news from Chang'an that someone is using the so-called Zhenshanhu to cause trouble in the court, and wants you to return to Chang'an and shut down the hot spring town. What should we do?"

Li Siwen came to Li Yanran's side and told the news he had just received.

"Does a mountain-shattering tiger make trouble in the court? These people really have nothing to do when they are full."

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi immediately became angry.

"That's right, he's just a rascal, if you kill him, you'll be killed, and you can go to court for such a big deal?"

Yu Chihuan was also taken aback, not understanding what the situation was.

"This matter couldn't be simpler, Zhenshanhu is just a pretext.

Some people are jealous of Lishan's income, and want to deal with me, and then weaken the imperial father's imperial power. "

Li Yanran saw it very clearly, how could a Zhenshanhu fall into the eyes of those adults, and the so-called withering of the people was just rhetoric.

Their real goal is the imperial power behind them.

"Who is it? I must screw his head off."

"That is, if the hot spring town is not allowed to continue, then I will not be allowed to make money, and I will not agree."

Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan's idiot eyes were about to pop out, no matter who it was, to touch Li Yanran was to touch their right purse.

Cutting off one's wealth is like killing one's parents, this is what Li Yanran taught them deeply.

"Now it seems that only five surnames and seven Wangs can do this. They are the only ones who have this idea, so it's hard to deal with."

Changsun Yan glanced at Li Yanran, and the names of five surnames and Qiwang immediately appeared in his mind.

Although he is ignorant, he still knows a little about the affairs of the court.

The Five Surnames and Seven Wangs exist against the imperial power, and only they are keen to do such a stupid thing.


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