My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 251 The Situation of Xinfeng

Li Siwen also nodded, but anything involving these people is a sign of trouble.

They were responsible for the lottery incident at the beginning, but now they have come out to find trouble.

"Don't worry about them, I believe that the emperor will never let them do what they want, and the hot spring town will continue to work.

Now that we have money, let me recruit some more civilians, and then call some skilled craftsmen from Xinfeng to join the work here. "

Li Yanran shook her head, these things involved the court, not something that a brat like me should worry about.

Anyway, now that I have a father and a mother, it's time for them to take the blame for me.

"Okay, I'll post the poster right now."

Li Siwen nodded, left immediately and went to Xinfeng County to post a notice to recruit people to come to work.

"Your Majesty, Empress, Xinfeng County is just ahead. Shall we go to the county or directly to Princess Lishan's fief?"

Ryan asked Li Zhi and Wu Zetian inside.

"Let's go to Xinfeng County first, I want to see how the people there are living in dire straits."

Li Zhi came here this time not only to see Li Yanran, but also to investigate the whole story of Xinfeng County.

How can it be better than Xinfeng?

"Don't reveal my identity when you come out, do you use me to teach you?"

Li Zhi's voice floated out from inside the carriage, and Ryan shivered when he heard this, and apologized again and again.

A group of people went straight into the county seat, and Li Zhi frowned as he saw the shops lined up and the crowds constantly coming and going.

This is the legendary people living in dire straits, and this is what you call the miasma?

I think the situation here is comparable to Chang'an, did I come to the wrong place?

This is not Xinfeng but somewhere else?

Glancing at the guards behind him, Li Zhi couldn't help asking, "Is this Xinfeng County?"

The guard was also puzzled for a while, and after confirming it, he replied: "It's Xinfeng County, it must be right."

Speaking of seeing an inn ahead, Li Zhi and Wu Zetian also sat in, while the guards came to the side and watched from afar.

Ryan pulled the guy aside, and ordered in a low voice: "My master is very human. You can serve any good dishes you are good at. Don't worry about money."

Hearing what Ryan said, the man looked at Li Zhi and Wu Zetian who were sitting on the table, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

"My lord, don't worry. Although our inn is not big, we have everything you need, including chicken, duck, fish, delicacies from mountains and seas. Just knock."

"Arrange quickly."

The guy smiled slightly, and hurried to the back to arrange Li Zhi's meals.

Li Zhi sat down, but found that the business in this inn was good if there were people coming and going, most of the people who could eat in the inn in Chang'an were merchants or scholars.

But there are many mud-footed men in this inn, some are wearing straw sandals and short shirts, and some are dragging their families.

But most of them are dark-skinned, and they look like civilians who often work in the fields.

But the business of this inn is still surprisingly good. It is not an exaggeration to say that people are like flowing water.

"Father, don't you see that the people in Xinfeng have such a so-called scene of people living in dire straits. Those people must have falsely accused sister."

Seeing everything in front of him, Li Hong was also a little surprised.

How long has it been since he came to Xinfeng last time, and the people here have changed so much.

"Master, what Hong'er said is quite right, those people are definitely making false accusations."

A cold light flashed in Wu Zetian's eyes. The scene here, not to mention the analogy of Chang'an, is at least above average.

If the people here are not living well, she can't think of where it can be called Guotai Min'an.

"Look at it first."

Li Zhi frowned slightly, signaling to the two of them not to jump to conclusions, but to watch first.

After a while, the kung fu guy brought up a few dishes that looked about the same.

Li Zhi glanced at the guy, and asked slowly: "Your business here is pretty good."

The man smiled slightly and replied: "It's true, ever since Her Royal Highness Princess Lishan's fief started construction, the economy here has picked up.

Every day, there are people from all over the place to beg for life, and the business of the small shop will naturally improve when there are more people. "

"I see that many people here are serious farmers. They are willing to eat at your inn? When did the people of Tang Dynasty become so rich?"

Although what the guy said is reasonable, but no matter how many people you have, the people don't have any money left, so you can't come to this inn to spend money, right?

Just as the guy was about to answer, he saw a few men come in, sat on the table opposite Li Zhi, and shouted at the guy: "Third brother, hurry up and eat, it's still the same as the third child, I'll hurry to go after eating." Going to work."

"Guest officer, I'm going to Zhang Luo first."

"Fourth brother, don't worry, I'll start right away, I'm sure I won't miss you going to work."

The clerk pleaded guilty to Li Zhi, and went directly to arrange the meal that the man wanted to eat.

Soon three simple dishes were served, along with a few pancakes.

The few men didn't say much when they saw this, they grabbed the pancakes and ate them directly.

After a storm, the pancakes and meals on the table were all eaten.

After eating, the fourth brother also wiped his mouth and stood up directly.

"Third, how much is it?"

"Fourth brother, it's still the old price, 23 yuan."

The guy smiled and reported the money.

"What the hell, I come to eat every day, can't you give us a little cheaper? Twenty dollars."

The fourth brother frowned. He came to eat every day, so he couldn't be cheaper.

"Fourth brother, you don't know that we can only make a little money for 23 yuan. If you wipe it like this, you won't make any money."

The man also shook his head, he would never dare to wipe away the money.

"Take the money and leave, don't delay work."

The person next to him also stood up, took out a handful of copper coins, counted them and put them on the table.

"No, I'm not full yet, so I'll give you a few pancakes to eat on the way."

The fourth brother held the money in his hands, rubbed his belly, and glanced at the buddy.

"Fourth brother, you really don't take any losses, so I'll take it for you."

As he said that, the buddy brought some pancakes from the back, and the fourth brother also rolled up the pancakes and put them in his backpack.

"Hurry up, there are a lot of stones this time, you have to work hard, otherwise you will be sorry for the wages given by Her Highness the Princess."

The person who gave the money glanced at the fourth brother, and the group left quickly.

Not long after the seat was empty, a few more men came and sat on it, yelling loudly at the buddy.

"Third brother, third child, hurry up and serve the food, don't delay us from going to work."

"Hold on, honored guest, I'll go get busy first."

The clerks wandered around the inn like a spinning top, constantly supporting the guests coming and going in the inn.

Li Zhi looked at the busy inn and shook his head slightly, and couldn't help but twitch his index finger when he looked at the dishes on the table.

I am indeed a little hungry.

After working for a while, the guy wiped the sweat off his brow and came to Li Zhi's table again.

"My dear guest, are you satisfied with the food in this restaurant?"

"Man, I hear they're all going to work. What work?"

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