A group of elders all came in front of Li Yanran, everyone, you look at me, I look at you, I don't know what the other party is calling them now.

Li Yanran glanced at the group of old men, and slowly said: "His Royal Highness will rush to live in the fief of this palace today."

"Your Highness, are you calling us here so that we can meet His Royal Highness the Crown Prince?"

Hearing that the crown prince was coming here, Wei Shu and the others immediately became excited.

Li Yanran is just a princess, no matter how much she is favored, she is still a princess, but the prince is different.

That is the prince of the Tang Dynasty, the future emperor of the Tang Dynasty. It is a great opportunity for them to come to Lishan fiefdom for a temporary residence.

If you can take the opportunity to build a good relationship with the prince and wait until His Royal Highness ascends the throne, then you can imagine the benefits of these people.

"Why are you so excited? Although it is a great honor for the prince to come to Lishan to enshrine the land, there is also a great crisis."

Li Yanran glanced at Wei Shu, what are you thinking, you old boy.

Can the brain be used in a serious place?

"Your Highness, why did you say that? Where did the crisis come from?"

Wei Shu was taken aback for a moment, not understanding what Li Yanran meant.

"My father is a literary and martial artist, but Datang is not just such a prince.

If something goes wrong with the crown prince in the Lishan fief, then not only me, but the entire Lishan fief and even the people of Xinfeng County will be destroyed forever. "


Hearing Li Yanran's words, everyone gasped.

These are all people who have lived their entire lives, and whoever eats more salt than Li Yanran eats rice.

When the other party said this, they immediately understood what Li Yanran meant.

"So, the reason why His Highness recruited young men for training was to ensure the safety of the crown prince?"

Reminiscent of Li Yanran's sudden recruitment of a thousand young adults for training a few days ago, Wei Shu immediately understood what the other party meant.

"That's right, the prince's safety is the top priority now, we must not let the prince have an accident, understand?"

Li Yanran nodded, this old man still has something.

"Then His Highness is probably not only calling us here for this matter, you can tell us what to do with us, and we will do anything to protect the crown prince."

Wei Shu knelt directly on the ground, and now he doesn't feel that it is a good thing for the prince to come.

One might not say that they all have to be buried with him.

This is a mine, a nuclear bomb that may explode at any time.

"What I mean is to set up an intelligence network. From now on, whenever a stranger appears in the fief, or even in Xinfeng County, I will know immediately. Can you do it?"

Li Yanran glanced at Wei Shu, and expressed her thoughts.

In her previous life, she had a deep understanding of the energy of the street aunt.

If she can mobilize all these people, once someone really wants to come here to find trouble, then she will be able to get the news as soon as possible.

Information is the most important thing at all times.

"Your Highness, don't worry, we are all your patrons, we will do these things even if you don't tell us,
I'm here to assure you, let alone someone with a heart, even if a bird flies into the fief, we will know. "

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Wei Shu also nodded.

Isn't it just to find someone who cares?This couldn't be easier for me.

"Well, let's do this, the safety of His Royal Highness will be entrusted to you, all go down."

Li Yanran waved her hand, indicating that they could leave.



All the elders saluted together, and then slowly backed out.

Seeing the figures of those people leaving, Li Yanran breathed a sigh of relief.

With these people helping to mobilize the people, it is basically impossible for ordinary people to break through this intelligence network and approach the Lishan fiefdom.

"Wei Shu, what do you think?"

Old Zhang Shan looked at Wei Shu, not knowing what he was thinking.

"However, as Princess Lishan said, the safety of His Royal Highness is the most important thing. If there is a problem with the crown prince, we will all be buried with him, so."

"Immediately summon the whole village to issue an order, especially those women who have nothing to do, stop beating their children at home all the time,
Go outside when you have time, and report directly to strangers once you find them. "

Old Liu He also followed Wei Shu's words and expressed his thoughts.

"Well, that's how it should be."


"Just do it."

Hearing Liu He's words, a group of old men nodded their heads, and then returned to the village to convey Li Yanran's order.

For a while, all five surrounding villages were mobilized. The men were farming the fields, while the women brought their children outside to check for any strangers coming.

Li Hong's team passed through Xinfeng County and came straight to Li Yanran's fief.


After getting off the carriage, Li Hong threw himself into Li Yanran's arms.

Li Yanran patted Li Hong's head, and said slowly, "What, nothing happened on the way."

"What's the matter? Sister, what about the feast you promised me?"

Li Hong curled his lips, who would dare to provoke him.

One thousand imperial guards is not a joke, others can't hide when they see it.

Compared to this, Li Hong cared more about the feast that Li Yanran mentioned.

"Greedy ghost, what do you want to eat?"

Li Yanran flicked Li Hong's head lightly, and even the painful Li Hong covered his head with a grievance on his face.

"I want to eat big goose stewed in iron pot, I want to eat birthday cake, I want to eat more"

"Wait, my sister will give you something delicious that you haven't eaten before."

Glancing at Li Hong, Li Yanran also smiled slightly, thinking of the good things that later generations often eat.

"What's delicious?"

Hearing that there was something delicious, but he hadn't eaten it yet, Li Hong's stomach started to grow.

“Hot Pot with Mutton.”


Li Hong was also taken aback when he heard the name.

He has never heard of hot pot mutton, let alone eating it.

"Hey, just watch."

"Elder Sun Yan."

Hearing Li Yanran's call, Changsun Yan hurried over.

"I'll draw you a drawing, and you immediately ask the craftsman to make it for me with copper according to my drawing."


Zhang Sunyan took Li Yanran's hot pot drawings and immediately went to find a craftsman to make them.

"Li Siwen."

"Brother Li, I'm here."

"Go kill the sheep right away, get some ribs and refined pork belly, and then find some fresh vegetables. Bring the ingredients. By the way, there are sesame seeds. Get a few catties."


Li Siwen nodded, and immediately went to arrange the ingredients Li Yanran needed.

"Where's Cheng Chubi? Li Feng, go and call me Cheng Chubi's idiot."


Hearing Li Yanran's order, Li Feng also ran directly towards the school field.

Cheng Chubi glanced at Li Feng, and couldn't help being depressed for a while, he was practicing these strong addictions.

"Cheng Chubi, why are you in a daze? Let's go."

Li Feng glared at Cheng Chubi, why, you are not happy when Miss calls you?
"Oh, Yuchihuan, I'm leaving this place to you for the time being, I'll come back as soon as I go."

Glancing at Li Feng, Cheng Chubi didn't dare to neglect, and handed over the training here to Yuchihuan, while he left with Li Feng.

"Brother Li, what are you calling me for? I'm practicing those strengths."

Cheng Chubi looked at Li Yanran with displeasure on his face.

"You idiot, do you have any opinions?"

Li Yanran kicked Cheng Chubi, what, you are not happy to have you come here?
Did I give you face?

"How could it be?"

Cheng Chubi also smiled naively and scratched the back of his head.

"Okay, get ready to help me, I'm going to make hot pot."

Too lazy to pay attention to that naive criticism, Li Yanran went directly to the ingredients that Li Siwen sent.

"Hot pot? What's delicious?"

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