My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 269 The Wonderful Hot Pot

Looking at the ingredients in front of him, Cheng Chubi immediately forgot about training soldiers.

The world is the biggest place to eat, and there are delicious food, who cares about those who are strong.

"What nonsense, wash these sesame seeds for me first."


Cheng Chubi rolled up his sleeves, immediately changed into chef mode, and began to clean the sesame seeds.

After washing the sesame seeds, Li Yanran set up a big iron pot, and asked Cheng Chubi to start frying those sesame seeds.

"Yes, turn it over more, don't fry it."

"That's it, can't stop."

"Yes, Not Bad."

Under Li Yanran's supervision, the sesame seeds gradually dried up, and a strong fragrance rose slowly.

Li Hong couldn't bear it anymore, he pinched a pinch of sesame seeds out of the pot and put it in his mouth.

"Good food."

As the roasted sesame seeds were chewed, a strong sesame aroma instantly filled his mouth.

Li Yanran hit Li Hong's head with a headshot, and said viciously, "Who told you to steal it?"

Li Hong covered his head, and said to Li Yanran with an aggrieved face, "Sister, I'm hungry."

"Be patient even when you're hungry, this isn't cooking for you."

Li Yanran looked like she hated iron for being weak.

If you can't even control your own stomach, how will you manage the huge Tang Empire in the future?

"Brother Li, what should I do next?"

Cheng Chubi took out all the fried sesame seeds, wiped off his sweat and said to Li Yanran.

"Get a small stone and grind these sesame seeds carefully."

Li Yanran rubbed her little head. It used to be very easy to make sesame paste with a grinder, but in the current situation, I can only use a stone mill to grind it manually.


Soon a brand new small stone mill was sent over, and Cheng Chubi did it himself, turning it into a human meat grinder.

The grinding disc of the small stone mill was sparkling, and the finally ground sesame paste also slowly flowed into the porcelain bowl.

Li Yanran dipped her fingers in some sesame paste and put it in her mouth, the long-awaited taste exploded instantly.

That's the taste, that's right.

"Sister, how can you steal it?"

When Li Hong saw Li Yanran stealing the sesame paste, his little face instantly became serious.

Just now I ate stir-fried sesame seeds, and you knocked my head, how should you explain now?


Li Yanran directly slapped Li Hong on the head.

"I'll try it, do you have an opinion?"

"Sister, you're not fair. Why do you have the final say? It's not fair."

Li Hong was dizzy for a while after being beaten by Li Yanran, but he pouted his mouth, still a little unconvinced.

"Because this is my territory, I am your sister, so I am fair."

Li Yanran gave Li Hong another compliment, you dare to insist on being fair.

In my fief, if my fist is the biggest, then I am fair.

"Sister, I see."

After being hit twice in a row, Li Hong only felt that his eyes were full of stars.

Seeing the domineering Li Yanran, he immediately chose to admit defeat.

Who made sister great.

"It's good to know."

After ordering someone to fry the pork ribs, they brought some pepper over. Now everything is ready and only owes Changsun Yan the hot pot.

"Brother Li, Brother Li."

Changsun Yan walked slowly holding a half-meter-diameter hot pot, which looked like a long-legged hot pot shaking back and forth from a distance.


Glancing at Sun Yan, Li Yanran's eyes were full of doubts.

It seems that I didn't make the hot pot so big.

"Brother Li, the hot pot you originally drew was too small, and it's not fun to boil mutton, so I asked the craftsman to make a slightly larger one.

You. You don't mind. "

Changsun Yan put the hot pot on the ground and scratched his head involuntarily.


Hearing Changsun Yan's words, Li Yanran was also depressed for a while.

If you are greedy, just be greedy. If you say that my hot pot is too small, you will really find a reason.

After thinking about it, there is nothing wrong with making the hot pot bigger, so Li Yanran didn't say anything, and ordered someone to get charcoal and put it in the belly of the hot pot.

Immediately afterwards, he ordered someone to pour boiling well water into it, threw some scallions, red dates, and sliced ​​ginger into it, and then waited for the water to boil.

The copper hot pot has excellent thermal conductivity. After a while, the Kung Fu hot pot has begun to boil, bubbling and bubbling.

"Sister, the water is boiling, the water is boiling."

Seeing that the water in the hot pot was boiling, Li Hong also jumped up.

His stomach is now bubbling like the soup in a hot pot.

"I'm going to kill you."

Li Yanran picked up a lot of mutton with chopsticks and put it directly into the hot pot.

The tender mutton turns white in the boiling hot pot, and after a while, you can smell the aroma of mutton.

"I'm going to start."

Looking at the rolling mutton, Li Hong's saliva was about to flow out, and he was about to pick up the mutton with his chopsticks, but was educated again by Li Yanran.

"Sister, why did you hit me again?"

Li Hong stared at Li Yanran with staring eyes, wondering why she beat him again.

"Seniors are in order, shouldn't you let sister eat first?"

Li Yanrang also stared at Li Hong.

Little brat is not polite at all, sister, I haven't moved my chopsticks yet, when will it be your turn.

"Koke, when I was in the East Palace, I always ate first."

Li Hong looked aggrieved, he was the biggest when he was in the East Palace, and he didn't have to worry about others at all.

"This is not your East Palace, do you understand? Didn't you look at Changsun Yan and they didn't dare to move their chopsticks?"

Li Yanran gave Li Hong a blank look, is this your east palace?

Those eunuchs are used to you, I don't care, you have to listen to me in my territory.

Changsun Yan has already been educated by me, why, you also want Sister to act as Sister's godbrother?
"Sister, please go first."

The situation is stronger than others, Li Hong follows Li Yanran in this, and he is definitely not the best when it is time to give in.

"Is that right?"

Li Yanran picked up a chopstick of mutton and put it into her own bowl, dipped it in sesame sauce and put it directly into her mouth.

"good to eat."

Li Yanran's eyes widened, full of satisfaction.

"Sister, can I start?"

Glancing at Li Yanran with lingering fear, Li Hong also asked.

"Well, let's go."

"Do it."

"this is mine."

"Fuck, you took all the meat away, save some for me."

As soon as Li Yanran finished speaking, she saw that Changsun Yan and the three of them had already made lightning strikes and swept away the mutton in the hot pot.


Li Hong looked at the empty hot pot and was dumbfounded.

What's so special about this?
What about meat?

Gone in the blink of an eye?

"Cheng Chubi, Li Siwen, Changsun Yan, you guys are too presumptuous."

Li Hong's little eyes were already filled with tears, the delicious mutton was snatched up by you three idiots before he even ate it.

In your eyes, do you still have me as the prince, and do you still have me as the acting king?

What audacity.


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