My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 271: Silver Needle Acupoints

Chapter 271: Silver Needle Acupoints
"Sun Simiao, this king is the crown prince, I advise you not to have any unreasonable thoughts."

Hearing Sun Simiao's words, Li Hong immediately grabbed his clothes with both hands.

What does this old man want?

Healing a disease is not just about drinking medicine. Why do you want me to take off my clothes?
Are you going to do that mediocre thing to this king?

I have long heard that someone has different interests than ordinary people. Could it be that this person is Sun Simiao?


Li Yanran slapped her again.

"Hurry up and take off your clothes, let Sun Yaowang help you diagnose and treat."

Li Yanran stared at Li Hong.

The little kid was thinking about something, and he was thinking too much.

As long as you are two taels of meat, who can take a fancy to it.


Li Hong was extremely wronged, with tears in his eyes, he said to Li Yanran: "Sister, I won't take it off."

Li Yanran was stunned, how could she forget this.

Li Hong's ability to take care of himself is no different from that of a vegetable.

This is his negligence.

After speaking, he leaned over and took off all of Li Hong's shirts.

Glancing at Li Hong, Sun Simiao also hesitated for a while, and said slowly, "Your Highness, do you want to avoid it?"

"Why, Sun Yaowang is still afraid that I will fail if I learn your unique skills? I'm not here to watch, do you think he will cooperate well?"

Li Yanran curled her lips, do you think I'm too lazy to care about this matter?
If you can suppress Li Hong, I can't wait to drink tea and see the sky.

"Not at all. Forget it."

Sun Simiao shook his head, told Li Hong to lie down, and then took out a leather bag, which was full of shining silver needles when he opened it.

"Sister, I don't want it, I don't want the needle."

Seeing such a long silver needle, Li Hong's small face instantly turned livid, and he struggled to get up, eyes full of fear.

"Li Hong, sister didn't hear what you said just now."

Li Yanran approached Li Hong's face with a sullen face, and her little hand touched Li Hong's ear.

"I said that I will definitely cooperate with Sun Yaowang, so what's the problem with mere silver needles? Come and prick me."

Li Hong glanced at Li Yanran, knowing that he must be doomed, so why should he resist.

Isn't it a pure idiot to cross the river with a whip?


Seeing Li Yanran's transformation so quickly, Sun Simiao couldn't help being stunned.

Glancing at Li Yanran, don't tell me, if she wasn't here, the needle wouldn't be done today.

"Your Highness, lie down, the old man is about to start."

Sun Simiao smiled slightly, and after roasting it with fire, he was about to get the needle.

"and many more."

Seeing Sun Simiao's actions, Li Yanran directly called to stop.

"what happened?"

Sun Simiao glanced at Li Yanran not knowing what she meant.

"Sister, do you want to save me?"

Li Hong's expression brightened. After all, it was his elder sister, and she definitely didn't want to see him being pricked.

Conscience found out, I love you so much.

"You can't do this, there are bacteria, and you need to kill the virus in depth."

Li Yanran patted Li Hong on the head, and Li Hong covered his head and howled.

"The old man has been roasted with fire, and he still needs to kill the virus?"

Sun Simiao hesitated as he looked at the silver needle in his hand.

He used to do this all the time, why can't he do it now?

Disinfection, how else do you disinfect?

"Find a porcelain pot first, steam it with water for a while, and then I'll ask someone to bring over some alcohol, so that nothing will go wrong."

Li Yanran shook her head and thought for a while, the future generations seem to be sterilized by autoclaving, but the conditions are obviously not available now.



Soon according to Li Yanran's instructions, a brand new porcelain pot was brought over, and then the silver needles were put into water to boil. After a while, the silver needles were taken out and wiped with alcohol, and then handed over to Sun Simiao.


Seeing Li Yanran's operation, Sun Simiao was also stunned.

He has been giving people needles all his life, and this is the first time he knows that there are so many ways in it.

Sun Simiao shook his head, seeing the acupuncture point, he was about to give the needle.

"and many more."

Li Yanran yelled again, scaring Li Hong and Sun Simiao into shock.

The poison is gone, what else do you want?

Sun Simiao looked at Li Yanran, with a little anger in his eyes.

In the end you are a doctor or I am a doctor.

You shout, what if I tie the wrong degree?
"Sun Yaowang, do you have a rope here?"



The two of them were all stunned, they just got the needles, why do they need ropes?

"You have to add a layer of insurance to Brother Hong, so that he won't move around when the needle is inserted, and it will be over if he gets the wrong acupuncture point."

After Li Yanran finished speaking, she began to look for the rope on her own.

Hearing this, Sun Simiao smiled wryly.

It's just a needle, and it doesn't hurt much. As for this?

Still piercing the wrong acupuncture point?Do you really think the old man is a quack doctor?

Li Hong looked at Li Yanran, tears flowed from his eyes again.

Sister, you are really my dear sister,
You have used the rope for your younger brother, and you are considered the only one in Tianzi.

Soon Li Yanran came over with some cloth ropes, and after trying her strength, she tied Li Hong to the small bed.

"Sister, thank you."

He was tied up by all kinds of flowers, which he had never experienced before.

I am the prince of the Tang Dynasty, if you do this, are you really not afraid that I will order someone to spank your ass after I ascend the throne?

"You're welcome, it's all my sister should do."

Li Yanran smiled at Li Hong, the younger brother has grown up, knowing that sister is doing it for your own good.

If Li Yanran knew that Li Hong was already thinking of sending someone to spank her after she ascended the throne, she would have to deal with family law first, and beating Li Hong would not be able to take care of herself.

Sun Simiao glanced at the silver needle in his hand, then at Li Yanran, and asked slowly, "Your Highness, is there anything else?"

"No more, Sun Yaowang, let's start."

Li Yanran nodded, she couldn't think of anything to pay attention to at the moment.

"The old age has begun."

Sun Simiao said that he was about to get the needle in, but he stopped halfway and looked at Li Yanran again.

"I really started."


Li Yanran glanced at Sun Simiao.

What are you doing looking at me all the time?

I am not a doctor.

"I'm really stuck."


Sun Simiao struck directly, and the silver needle was about to pierce Li Hong's body.

"and many more."

Sun Simiao threw the silver needle in his hand on the ground and looked at Li Yanran angrily.

I've asked you several times, and you said it's all right, but now I'm about to get an injection, and you yell to stop.

Are you playing with me?


Li Yanran was taken aback, it wasn't me who shouted, why are you staring at me?

Li Hong's face darkened, he shivered, and said slowly, "I want to relieve myself."

"Hold on."

Li Yanran's face immediately darkened. You didn't say Xiaojie when you were tied up just now, but now Xiaojie is looking for trouble?
"But I can't hold back."

Li Hong was about to cry, there were three urgencies in people, how could he hold back.

Sister, can you be considerate of the patient.

"I want you to hold back, don't you hear me?"

Li Yanran slapped Li Hong on the head with a slap, you can't cooperate well with me, right?

"Okay, sister, don't hit me, can't I just hold back?"

Li Hong was depressed. Facing Li Yanran who was furious, he suddenly felt that he didn't feel anything.

"No one should talk this time, and if you dare to stop, whoever wants to get the needle will get it done."

Sun Simiao stared at Li Yanran and Li Hong, and then called to stop, he was afraid that Li Hong didn't get the needle, and he would die of anger first.

"and many more."

"Your Highness, are you here to fight against this old man?"

(End of this chapter)

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