Chapter 272
Sun Simiao was depressed. Like I said just now, no one is allowed to stop. Do you want the old man to die here?
"No, Sun Yaowang, don't be angry, I can control my mouth, but brother Hong is still a child, I'm afraid he won't be able to control it, just wait a moment."

Li Yanran directly took out a handkerchief from her pocket, and stuffed it into Li Hong's mouth brutally.


Li Hong only felt that he was about to explode. He stared and talked, but couldn't make a sound.

"Now I promise no one will disturb you, let's get started."

Li Yanran smiled obediently at Sun Simiao, it's all right now.

"Your Highness, no. No, you should go out first. It seems that you are no longer needed here."

Looking at Li Hong who was tied up and sealed, Sun Simiao was also depressed.

This is the first time he has encountered such treatment.

If Li Yanran stayed any longer, he was really afraid that his mind would be unstable and explode on the spot.

Hearing this, Li Yanran obediently left, and couldn't help curling her lips after going out.

Stinky old man, are you really afraid that I will learn your craft?
You are willing to teach, but this princess is not willing to learn.

After finishing speaking, he took a piece of dog's tail grass in his mouth, sat on the steps and waited for Sun Simiao to finish.

After about 10 minutes, the door opened, and Sun Simiao walked out slowly.

"It's over?"

Glancing at Sun Simiao, Li Yanran couldn't help stretching her head to look inside.

"Don't look at it, His Royal Highness is already asleep."

Sun Simiao brushed the dust with his sleeve and sat beside Li Yanran.


Looking at Sun Simiao beside her, Li Yanran also asked, "How?"

"How? Do you really think I'm a fairy? One injection can cure the disease?"

Sun Simiao is also drunk, what are you asking?

How can there be any medicine to cure the disease, it's all just bragging.

"How long will it take to have an effect?"

Li Yanran curled her lips, it seemed that she had too much hope for Sun Simiao.

Divine doctor, that's all.

"It will take at least half a month. If you want to be completely cured, it will take six months."

Sun Simiao glanced at the sky, and slowly expressed his prediction.

"It will take six months!"

Li Yanran curled her lips when she heard that it would take six months to fully heal.

That doesn't mean that Li Hong will stay in his fief for six months.

It's been too long.

Six months was too long, and Sun Simiao's beard flew up from anger.

"Your Highness, it's tuberculosis, it's not bad if it can be cured in six months.
This means that His Royal Highness is full of energy and blood and has some abilities in old age. If it is someone else, it will be over. If he can live past 20 years old, he will be considered blessed by God. "

This is Li Yanran, if it were someone else, he would let the other party taste what it is like to have a punch the size of a sandbag.

"Oh, then there will be Sun Yaowang."

Li Yanran looked at Sun Simiao who was blowing his beard and staring, wondering why he was so angry.

I didn't say that your medical skills are not good. As for this?
"Leave quickly, the old man's head hurts just looking at you."

Sun Simiao got up and went back to the house, leaving Li Yanran there in a daze.

"You think I don't have a headache when I see you, old man."

Li Yanran stood up, patted the dust off her buttocks, and walked out.

Just when Li Hong was staying in the hot spring town, a news spread outside Chang'an.

Even the land in the hot spring town is made of gold, and tens of millions of family wealth are hidden inside.

Hearing this news, those robbers and bandits running around on various hilltops also had their eyes brightened, coveting the fertile land of the hot spring town.

With the help of people with good intentions, the big and small bandits also got together to discuss how to carve up the hot spring town.

"How? Do you want to do it?"

A burly and scary-looking robber looked at the robber in front of him and said slowly.

"Tietou, that is the fiefdom of the princess. If it really passes like this, if something goes wrong, there will be no room for us in this Tang Dynasty."

The bandit leader of Niutoushan took a look at Tietou, and couldn't help expressing his worries.

"Zeng Laosan, do you think we can be tolerated by the Tang Dynasty now?
I have been suppressed by the government three times recently, and more than half of my personnel have been lost. If this continues, everyone will have to drink the northwest wind. "

Lin Feihu, the bandit leader of Erhu Village, looked at Zeng Laosan with disdain, and expressed his thoughts.

"That's right, let's not talk about drinking and eating meat now, it's a question of whether we can persist, I mean make a big ticket.

If everyone drinks and eats meat, they will go far away. If they fail, they will go to Lingnan and Jiannan, where they can ask for food. "

Tietou nodded at Lin Feihu, and he also thought it was time to fight now.

"I agree with Tie Tou's words, and I will do a big vote."

"What's wrong."

"If it becomes drinking and eating meat, if not, let's go to the south to develop together."

The gangsters around were also excited, their eyes full of yearning for the hot spring town.

"Zeng Laosan, if you procrastinate, we will destroy you first, and then go to grab the hot spring town."

Lin Feihu stared at Zeng Laosan with staring eyes. Now everyone has decided that if you delay any longer, in order to ensure everyone's safety, we can only kill you first.

"Go, who said I won't go, but there must be a charter, just kill it rashly, who knows what's going on there."

Zeng Laosan glanced at the crowd and nodded.

"It's not easy. Send people in to investigate right away. Know yourself and the enemy. It's still necessary."

Tietou smiled slightly, and sent someone over to step on the spot. This is a necessary process, and he is not stupid, how could he kill him in a hurry.

"Then let's do it, send more people over there, pretend to be a little bit, and prepare to attack after the investigation is clear."

"Have you heard, send some clever people over there, it's best to choose someone from Xinfeng, let's do it."


The bandit leaders also left separately, and then dispatched their subordinates to head towards Xinfeng in disguise.

A group of people dressed up as merchants sat in a carriage and walked on the main road of Xinfeng.

"Third brother, you have returned home this time. If you really win the hot spring town, you will be prosperous."

A bandit with sly eyebrows looked at the man sitting in the middle, and complimented him with a flattering face.

"Monkey, stop talking nonsense and just do things."

A trace of heaviness flashed in Wei Shan's eyes, and he patted the man nicknamed Monkey directly.

"Third brother, don't worry, it's not the first time for us."


"That's right, when the time comes, Brother San will eat meat, but let us have some soup."

Several men in the carriage also answered together.

"Okay, put away all your bandits. If you reveal your identity, Tietou will have to light us up with sky lanterns."

Wei Shan nodded, and said to them earnestly.

"Third brother, don't worry, when did we fall off the chain?"

The monkey's eyes are full of disdain, isn't it just a town, can it still have piercing eyes?


Wei Shan stopped talking, closed his eyes and leaned on the carriage to fall asleep.

Others began to chatter, fantasizing about their wonderful life after attacking the hot spring town.

"Third Brother, we're here."

The curtain of the carriage was lifted, and a big-headed man spoke to the inside.

"From now on, no one can call me third brother or boss. If anyone makes a mistake, I will not recognize anyone with a knife."

Wei Shan opened his eyes suddenly, and spoke to several people threateningly.

"Boss, I understand."

"You won't make mistakes, don't worry."


Several people shuddered and nodded.

"All get out of the car."

Hearing Wei Shan's words, the people in the carriage immediately got out of the carriage and stood beside the carriage.


(End of this chapter)

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