My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 275 Violence Can't Solve Problems

Li Hong curled his lips, before he hit you, you recruited?

This king does not allow it.

Several imperial guards were also taken aback, and all looked at Li Yanran.

After all, what Li Hong did was somewhat personal hatred.

It's just ugly, the crime is not death.

"Gag that fellow, and continue beating."

Li Yanran glanced at Li Hong, anyway, there are so many people, so let's fight first.

Killing chickens and scaring monkeys, that's what they did.

Don't let these people know how powerful they are, who knows if they will tell the truth.

The imperial guard directly took out a sweat towel and stuffed it into the monkey's mouth, while the monkey stared and was speechless.

The board hit the monkey's butt, and the monkey passed out after a few hits.

"Your Highness, I'm dizzy."

The imperial guard glanced at Li Yanran, and told about the situation of the monkey.

"Pour water on him to wake him up, and then continue to beat him."


Everyone is stupid now, it's a bit too cruel.

Everyone has been knocked out, you have to wake up and continue beating.

It's more or less over.

"Brother Hong, you have to forgive others and forgive others, let him go first."

Li Yanran was depressed, she was already wondering whether Li Hong was frightened when he was a child, otherwise how could he be so cruel.

If there was no personal grievance, she would not believe it.

"Okay, since my sister begged him for mercy, I will spare his life for the time being, and continue beating him after he wakes up."

Since Li Yanran said so, Li Hong has no objection.

Who can refuse to give face, but Sister's face still has to be sold.

Otherwise, he was afraid that Li Yanran would deal with him.


Wei Shan and the others are about to cry now.

People are almost beaten to death, but they don't stop, and they continue to beat when they wake up.

Whose child is this? This is too cruel.

"Sister, who is the second one to hit?"

Li Hong's small eyes traveled back and forth on several people, thinking about who to hit next.

"Be safe and don't be impatient, be safe and don't be impatient."

Li Yanran quickly comforted Li Hong, it's not good to be hostile at such a young age.

You are the prince of the Tang Dynasty, how can you hit someone with a board at every turn.

"I want to hear it now, do you have anything to say?"

Li Yanran glanced at the few people in front of her, and a sense of coercion slowly rose.

"I say."

"Get up, I said."

"Listen to me, I don't want to be boarded."

A few people were really frightened, and the monkey was knocked out in just a few strokes, and he would continue to beat him when he woke up.

They dare not try this.

"Are you so enthusiastic? Come here, separate them and record them separately. If there is any difference in the middle, the board will take care of it."

Glancing at a few people, Li Yanran also smiled slightly.

I thought it was a tough guy at first, but I gave in after hitting a board.

I really think highly of them.

The imperial army came, two of them, escorting them away.

"Sister, these people can't tell the truth if they don't get beaten. If you want me to say it, I'll beat you first."

Li Hong curled his lips, looking unhappy.

"If you fight, you know how to fight."

Li Yanran was upset, and directly gave Li Hong a slap.

"Sister, why are you beating me?"

Li Hong covered his head, and switched to the pitiful mode again.

"Violence can't solve the problem. Just now I agreed with you to beat that person, just to kill chickens and scare monkeys.
If you rely on boards for everything, then what if the Great Tang Dynasty is handed over to you? "

Li Yanran gave Li Hong a blank look, if you are an ordinary prince, that's all.

But you are my own younger brother, the crown prince of Datang.

If you develop this habit, will you still have it in the future?

"But. But."

Li Hong pouted aggrievedly.

"But what, you have to cultivate your morality, and you can't get angry at will. If you let me know that you are showing a temper, then don't blame me for cutting you."

Li Yanran glared at Li Hong, and directly twisted Li Hong's ear.

"Sister, it hurts, don't twist it, I know."

Li Hong hurriedly begged for mercy, but he dared not talk back.

"As long as you know."

Li Yanran let go of her hand, Li Hong also fled to the side, rubbing his ears for a while depressed.

It is said that a companion is like a tiger, but now he only feels that Li Yanran is more powerful than his father.

Little Temper said it would explode.

In the future, I have to stay away from my sister, otherwise I can't have my ears.

"Brother Li, the confession is out."

Li Siwen came to Li Yanran with the confessions of several people in his hand.

"How to say?"

Li Yanran took the statement and asked questions while reading it.

"The confession is not bad, this group of people are bandits from Erniu Mountain, and their leader is a guy named Tie Tou.

I don't know where the news came from, that the hot spring town is full of gold and rich as oil.

So the bandits around are also united to prepare to attack us here.

These few people came to check out the front station. "

Li Siwen glanced at Li Yanran, his eyes were full of dignity.

"The hot spring town is full of gold? Where is it? Why haven't I seen it?"

Li Hong's small eyes lit up immediately.

After experiencing the previous candied haws incident, he has a deep understanding of how a man must have money.

"Gold, gold."

Li Yanran punched Li Hong on the head again.

What is the little head thinking about all day, gold everywhere?

If that's the case, would you still use your hard work to sell the house to make money?

"Oh, it hurts, Sister, you'd be stupid if you hit me again."

Li Hong clutched his head and quickly fled to the side.

Sister is too cruel.

"come over."

Li Yanran glared at Li Hong, am I a tiger?
You hide so far.


Although Li Hong refused in his heart, his body involuntarily moved to Li Yanran's side.

"What did you think of in what Li Siwen said just now?"

Li Yanran touched Li Hong's small head and asked.

"What did you think of? What can you think of?"

Li Hong was depressed, what could he think of?
That's it?Just a few words, but can you still think of flowers?
"Oh, sister, you hit me again."

Li Hong was hit by Li Yanran again, and he felt depressed.

"Think again, think hard for me."

Li Yanran put on a tiger's face, there are too many things in here, is your brain rented?
It is useful except when it is just a meal, and it is dormant at other times, right?

"I think, I think it's okay?"

Li Hong took the statement from Li Yanran and read it carefully.

"Brother Li, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

Li Siwen glanced at Li Yanran, the prince is only six years old after all, you let him think, what can he think of.

It's really difficult for the other party.

Besides, isn't it too much for you to bully the prince like this?

Li Yanran gave Li Siwen a look, but the other party didn't dare to speak, and looked at Li Hong quietly.

"Sister, I thought of it, I thought of it."

After watching for a while, Li Hong also excitedly said to Li Yanran.

"Tell me."

"The hot spring town is too ostentatious, that's why it became the target of those bandits,

We should tell Father Huang immediately and let him send troops to wipe out all those people. "


Li Yanran slapped Li Hong on the head again.

"Think again."

Am I making you think about this?I'll let you see what's inside.

The solution is still in your words?
"Stop hitting, I think."

Li Hong was depressed, he obviously worked so hard, why are you still not satisfied, sister.

"Think about it, why the bandits didn't worry about the hot spring town in the past. After you came, there was news of this."

Looking at Li Hong who was thinking hard, Li Yanran had nothing to say and could only open his mouth to guide him.

"Sister? You mean someone wants to deal with me? The hot spring town is just incidental?"

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