My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 276 The Purpose of the Sand Table

After all, Li Hong is a child of the royal family, and he learned a lot from those teachers. Hearing what Li Yanran said, he immediately understood.

"Well, think about who these people might be?"

Li Yanran nodded, although she was guided out by herself, she is not stupid after all.

It is not easy to think of these.

"Who could these people be? How would I know."

"Oh, don't hit me."

Li Yanran slapped him again, Peng Peng's, and Li Siwen who was watching shrank his neck.

This scene reminded him of when his father beat him, it was so cruel.

"Think about Chang'an, think about Datang."

Li Yanran glared at Li Hong, telling him to continue thinking.

"Think about Chang'an, think about Datang?"

Li Hong also stared, his little head began to spin at high speed.

"Sister means, imperial power?
Some people want to take me down through those bandits, and then push a prince they like to take over. "

Thinking of this, Li Hong couldn't help but change color.

Although he is still young, he also knows the preciousness of his crown prince.

This position was carried up by my father, if that's the case.

That's a big deal.


Li Yanran also nodded, as a prince, he has a natural sense of politics.

"Sister, this matter is no small matter, we should immediately report to Father Emperor."

Now that he knew the seriousness of the matter, Li Hong became more determined to find reinforcements from his father.

Shaking her head, Li Yanran touched Li Hong's little head.

"Sister, what are you going to do?"

Li Hong was stunned for a moment, not knowing what Li Yanran meant.

What do you want to do if you don't go to your father for reinforcements?

"It's not rude to come here, these bandits want to come and attack the hot spring town, so how can I not fight back, Li Siwen."

A chill flashed in Li Yanran's eyes, and she shouted directly at Li Siwen.

"Brother Li."

Li Siwen came over, wondering why Li Yanran was calling him now.

"Let Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan come over immediately, let's discuss how to catch all these bandits."


Hearing that bandits were going to attack the hot spring town, Cheng Chubi and Yuchihuan were immediately angry.

You can touch me, but you can't touch the hot spring town even if the king of heaven comes.

"Brother Li, tell me, what are you going to do."

"I'm ready."

Seeing the two people who had taken the gunpowder, Li Yanran was also taken aback.

I don't know why these two idiots are so angry.

"It's not up to me. You are experts in marching and fighting. Tell me what you are going to do."

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Cheng Chubi took out a map from his pocket and laid it out in front of everyone.

"Where did you get this thing from?"

Looking at the map in front of her, Li Yanran was completely dumbfounded.

The above is centered on the hot spring town, extending outward, Xinfeng County, Lishan, and farther away there are Chang'an and the surrounding hills.

Could it be that these idiots actually stole Datang's military map?

Taking military maps privately is a serious crime that will cost you your head.

Thinking of this, Li Yanran hit Cheng Chubi hard on the head

"Hey, Brother Li, why are you beating me?"

Cheng Chubi was dumbfounded, he didn't know why Li Yanran was so mad, he knocked himself on the head for no reason.

"Cheng Chubi, you dare to steal Datang's military map, you... you are dying?"

Li Yanran also hated iron for being weak, and directly reprimanded her.

"Brother Li, you are overthinking. This is the map I sent people to survey and draw, not the military map of Tang Dynasty.

Even if I had the guts, I wouldn't dare to steal a military map. "

Cheng Chubi was wronged, and he was not a fool.

How could it be possible to steal a military map at the risk of the world?
Brother Li, you look down on us too much, anyway, we are also military nobles.

"You asked someone to survey and map it yourself? I don't believe it."

Hearing this, Li Yanran's eyes were filled with suspicion.

Do you still have this brain?
"That's right, a soldier must not only know the enemy, but more importantly, know himself,

So we discussed it and sent people out to survey and map, and this is how we got this map. "

Cheng Chubi is depressed, you look down on people, don't you?

Although we are not as smart as you, I am much better than you in this respect.

After all, their fathers were the founding generals of the country. If they didn't even think of this, they might just dig a hole and bury them.

Li Siwen and Yu Chihuan nodded together.

"Trust you just once."

After looking at the three of them, Li Yanran let go of her worries, as long as she didn't steal Datang's military map.

Otherwise, even I can't keep these silly criticisms.

"Brother Li, according to what those bandits said, those bandits are distributed in various hilltops in the south, and the distribution is too scattered. It is obviously impossible to take them down in one fell swoop."

Li Siwen frowned. These bandits were scattered like stars, and they were too scattered. It was too difficult to catch them all.

"You mean to break down one by one?"

Li Yanran glanced at Li Siwen, and immediately understood what he meant.

"That's right, we only need to catch a few big bandits, such as Erniu Mountain, Erhu Village and Niutou Mountain,
Get rid of these big bandit troubles, and the remaining small groups of bandits will not be successful. "

Li Siwen nodded. In military affairs, the center breakthrough and then cutting its wings,
As long as I annihilate the leading bandit leaders, this banditry will no longer be a problem.

"Don't talk about that yet, Cheng Chubi, call the craftsman over immediately."

Li Yanran felt dizzy looking at the map in front of her, it was a bit too unintuitive.

"Why do you call craftsmen?"

Cheng Chubi glanced at Li Yanran, now he is discussing important matters, why are you looking for a craftsman?

Li Hong kicked Cheng Chubi directly, glared at him with small eyes and shouted angrily: "You can do whatever Sister asks you to do, why are there so many?"


Cheng Chubi couldn't help feeling depressed when he looked at Li Hong.

When the adults talk, your child can intervene.

You still dare to kick the young master, if it weren't for the crown prince, the grass on your grave would be two meters long
"Don't go soon."

Li Hong put his hands in his pockets, looking defiant.

"I go."

Seeing Li Yanran's threatening gaze, Cheng Chubi was also depressed for a while, and immediately went out to find the craftsman.

The craftsman came over and Li Yanran handed over the map surveyed and drawn by Cheng Chubi.


Looking at the map in his hand, the craftsman was also taken aback, not knowing what Li Yanran meant.

"According to this map, make a sand table of equal proportions, and I will see the finished product in half an hour."

"Old man obeys."

Hearing that he would see the finished product in half an hour, the craftsman didn't dare to neglect, grabbed the map and ran outside.

"Brother Li, you want to make a sand table? Isn't that for viewing?"

Cheng Chubi was taken aback when he heard that Li Yanran was going to make a sand table.

It's not that he hasn't seen a sand table before, but that's only available in the Jinwu Guard's residence.

In his imagination, it was just a model, and he didn't know what Li Yanran meant by making a sand table now.

"The real use of the sand table is actually in the military. If we can make an equal-scale sand table now, wouldn't it be more intuitive? It will also be more convenient to march and deploy."

Li Yanran gave Cheng Chubi a blank look, the use of the sand table was not just for viewing, it was actually used for military purposes at first.

"Brother Li is Brother Li after all."

Hearing Li Yanran's explanation, Li Siwen's eyes flashed with excitement.

"Well, your current idea is to attack first and encircle their cottages one by one, but attacking the city will definitely put us at a disadvantage.
Is it possible to lure the snake out of the hole and fight in the wild. "

Li Yanran frowned and looked at the three of them, and expressed her thoughts.

"If you want to lure the snake out of the hole, you need the help of those spies who are catching it."

Li Siwen looked at Li Yanran in a daze. Although these bandits were just mobs, they were not fools.

If you haven't figured out the situation in the hot spring town, you will definitely not attack rashly.

"I remember that there is someone named Wei Shan among them. Isn't he from Weijia Village? Go find Wei Shu immediately."

"I understand."

Li Siwen smiled slightly, he had already understood what Li Yanran meant, and went directly to Wei Shan.

"Xiao Langjun, please slow down."

"Old, old, almost throwing up."

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