My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 295 The first battlefield

Seeing Lin Feihu fleeing, Yuchi Jingde felt as if he had been spat with chicken blood, he clamped the horse between his legs, and accelerated towards Lin Feihu to kill him.

Lin Feihu fled, turned his head and saw that Yuchi Jingde had already killed him, and immediately realized that running was impossible, so he became ruthless in his heart, turned his horse's head and swung the ghost-headed sword to cut at Yuchi Jingde.

"Come on."

Yuchi Jingde yelled loudly, like a thunderbolt, which made Lin Feihu in front of him tremble with fright.

The iron mace swung the ghost-headed broadsword into the air, and then another iron mace fell from the sky, smashing his head to pieces under Lin Feihu's horrified gaze.

All the soldiers ambushing around also rushed out, attacking two thousand bandits with hundreds of people.




Just when the frontline battle was in full swing, a group of figures took advantage of the darkness, the least number of people was a thousand, and they were rushing towards the hot spring town at high speed.

"Listen well, don't worry about anything after killing them. If you see a child, you will kill it. If you see a house, you will burn it down. Everyone will be rewarded when things are done."

A muscular man glanced at the crowd around him, and directly conveyed his order.

"Boss, don't worry, when have we let you down."

"Yes, don't worry."

"Guaranteed to be done."

There were echoes and echoes from all around.


"My lord, there is a situation."

Li Ji's part came in directly and saluted the two of them.

"Did someone touch it?"

Li Ji opened his eyes suddenly, and a chill burst out instantly.

Li Yanran looked at Li Ji from the side, and couldn't help but shudder.

"There are almost a thousand people. They have touched three miles away from the town. They are moving in an orderly manner. They are not ordinary bandits."

Bu Qu nodded and told all the news that he had detected.

"1000 people, it's a bit troublesome."

Hearing this information, Li Ji couldn't help but frowned.

"British Duke, can you stop it?"

Li Yanran also frowned, there were only 500 people on his side, and nearly a thousand people on the other side.

"Don't worry, if you do the math with your heart, you can kill even 500 people without leaving any."

Li Ji glanced at Li Yanran, his eyes were full of frightening coldness.

"What is the Duke planning to do? Take the initiative and catch them by surprise?"

Li Yanran came to the side of the sand table and planted a blue flag three miles away.

"That's right, surprise and surprise, the only way to win."

Li Ji nodded, he really thought so.

Before the other party finds out that he has been exposed, he will lead his army to fight out, and he will definitely win in one battle.

"Then Yanran wishes the British flag a victory."

"Please rest assured, Your Highness, with Li Ji here, they can't hurt a single hair of your hair."

After Li Ji finished speaking, he flicked his cloak and walked outside.

"British lord, you don't just want to bring such a small number of people to attack the enemy's line, do you?"

Looking at the hundreds of cavalry gathered around the Duke of England, Li Yanran was stunned.

Didn't you keep five hundred elites?Why is there so much here.

"Hundred riders are enough, Your Highness, just wait for the news of Li Ji defeating the enemy."

On the other hand, Li Ji smiled slightly, and shouted directly at the trilogy beside him: "Generals, how dare you follow me to kill the enemy."

"Willing to kill the enemy with the Duke."

"Willing to kill the enemy with the Duke."

"Willing to kill the enemy with the Duke."

A murderous aura instantly rose from Bai Yubu Qu's body.


Li Ji directly raised the horse in his hand, and galloped out.

More than a hundred cavalry also raised their weapons one after another, and followed Li Ji to kill them.

"Gentlemen, listen to the dragon chant."

Looking at the distant figure, Li Yanran just stood there, unable to control herself for a long time.

"what sound?"

Wang Hu, who was in charge of the sneak attack, was advancing rapidly when he suddenly heard a thunderous sound from a distance.

"It sounds like the sound of a war horse treading on the ground."

A person's ears moved, and his eyes were full of horror.

"It seems that we have been discovered, and everyone is ready to fight."

Wang Hu was taken aback for a moment, a gleam flashed in his eyes.


These were all elites, and upon hearing Wang Hu's order, they were immediately ready for battle.

Under the moonlight, more than a hundred cavalrymen's horseshoes shook the ground in a uniform order, like spirit ecstasy messengers from hell, they went straight to kill Wang Hu.

"No, it's the elite."

Seeing this scene, Wang Hu's eyes were full of shock, and he immediately realized that he might have kicked the iron board.

Such superb horse riding skills can only be achieved by the elite of the frontier army, and even the emperor's imperial army is far behind.

But why did the elite of the frontier army appear here?

Could it be that the emperor had anticipated this situation a long time ago, and this place was just a bait?

Before Wang Hu could figure out why, the cavalry had already reached him.

"They only have a hundred riders, kill them."

Seeing that the opponent had only a few hundred cavalry, Wang Hu regained his confidence and ordered the soldiers to kill these cavalry.

Li Ji was dressed in bright light armor and held a mixed iron horse lance. He took the lead and stabbed one person straight through.

With a strong pick, Ma Qian smashed the man into the crowd, and then swept across with another blow, and three or four people fell directly into a pool of blood.

Li Ji is ferocious, and the trilogy behind him is not weak at all. These self-proclaimed elite soldiers can't resist the trilogy of veteran soldiers who have experienced many battles.

They followed Li Ji all the way forward, and with hundreds of people, they insisted on fighting with the momentum of thousands of troops.

"Dong dong dong."

Just when Li Ji charged into the formation, the Quartet was full of excitement, and the [-] forbidden soldiers who had been arranged outside by Li Ji also came out.

"Scattered out in all directions, those who fought desperately stopped them, and the rest moved towards the hot spring town at full speed."

Seeing the enemies killed around him, Wang Hu immediately changed his formation.

Their mission is to snipe the crown prince Li Hong. As long as they can take down the opponent, even if all these people die here today, it will be worth it.

Hearing Wang Hu's order, these soldiers dispersed one after another. Those who were entangled desperately resisted the imperial army, while the rest focused on rushing towards the hot spring town.


Li Ji beheaded the two people in front of him, and frowned when he saw the figure rushing towards the hot spring town.

"Li Ming, if you take fifty cavalrymen out of battle to snipe, you must not let their tricks succeed."


The person whose name was called immediately left the brigade with fifty cavalrymen and ran towards the hot spring town.

"Stop them."

Wang Hu's order sounded again, and immediately someone began to attack Li Ming's cavalry.

"Got you."

Li Ji's eyes were piercing, and he immediately spotted Wang Hu by the moonlight.

The so-called capture the thief first, capture the king, and kill him with a flick of the horse.

"Wei Shu, do you really want to do this?"

When the battle broke out outside the hot spring town, Li Yanran's diners also gathered together.

"Princess Lishan is kind to us. If something happens to her, how can we live with it?

We can have such days now, all thanks to Princess Lishan,
We can't let her have trouble in public or private. "

Wei Shu glanced at the old man beside him, his eyes were full of determination.

"But but, we are just ordinary farmers, what can we do to resist?"

Liu Xu glanced at Wei Shu, his eyes filled with fear.

"What do you use to resist? Use the stick in your hand, use your own life, anyway, the [-] people in Weijia Village will be determined."

"If you want to be disrespectful to His Highness, the old woman will be the first to refuse."

Mrs. Wei Sun left a word, holding a wooden stick in his hand, and walked resolutely towards the hot spring town.

"That's right, I still hope to make money from Her Royal Highness to marry a wife."

"That's right, without the princess, I might still be a bachelor now."

"Fight it, aren't they just some bandits? I'm afraid he's a bird."

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