My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 296 People's Ocean

Chapter 296 People's Ocean

Hearing Wei Shu's words, the people in Weijia Village were also excited, and their eyes were full of anger.

Life has just changed for the better, and they absolutely do not allow their hopes to be destroyed.

For Li Yanran and for themselves, they all fought hard.

For a while, the people of Weijia Village, men, women, old and young, rushed towards the hot spring town like waves.

"How to do?"

The rest of the elders were all dumbfounded and didn't know what to do.

"Whatever you do, I don't agree anyway."

Speaking of a man from Liujia Village holding a hoe, he followed.

"Let's go."

"Why don't the people in Weijia Village look down on us."

"I'm going all out."

Without the elders talking, all the young people rushed over.

"There is nothing to say, everyone is dispatched and fights with them."

Seeing the situation in front of him, Liu Xu also grabbed a wooden stick and followed.

At one time, more than 5000 people from five villages came out together, and a large black mass rushed towards the battlefield.

Li Ji had just beheaded Wang Hu, and hearing the shouts of killing around him, he couldn't help but tremble.

Could it be, could it be that this is just a bait for the other party, they even have ambushes.

"Not good, the whole army is there, follow me to fight and return to the small town."

Thinking of this, Li Ji didn't dare to love to fight, and picked another person to death one by one, and rushed towards the small town with his trilogy.

Hearing this, the other guards hurriedly left the battle and followed Li Ji to retreat towards the town.

"Our reinforcements are here, go ahead."

Seeing the opponent's retreat, the faces of those who came to attack and kill were also shocked, and they followed the forbidden army to the town.

"Your Highness, quickly retreat with me."

Li Jichong was the fastest, came to the town, and directly saluted Li Yanran.

"Did you fail?"

Hearing Li Ji's words, Li Yanran looked at the small town behind her again, her eyes were full of desolation.

After working so hard for so long, the hot spring town took shape. Unexpectedly, it is now in vain and about to be destroyed.

"Your Highness, this battle is Li Ji's responsibility, but the town can be rebuilt if it is gone. You must not have any accidents."

Seeing Li Yanran's appearance, Li Ji felt sad for a while.

He had vowed to take over the enemy before, but he didn't expect this to be the result now.

It's all my own fault for being too big, for misestimating the enemy's energy, and also misestimating my own combat power.

"It's not the British Duke's fault, it's just that the opponent is too cunning. Let's go."

Li Yanran glanced at the small town behind her again, and boarded the carriage directly.

"My lords, lead the way with me, and ensure the safety of Her Highness the Princess."

Li Ji took his own trilogy guard beside the carriage, chose the right direction and rushed over.

Before they had gone far, a black crowd appeared in front of them. Li Jiti was about to charge, but the other side spoke first.

"It's His Highness's carriage."

"Your Highness, Your Highness."

"We are here, don't panic, Your Highness."

Hearing this voice, Li Ji was completely dumbfounded, looking at the people in front of him, he was a little confused.

Li Yanran lifted the curtain of the car and got out. Seeing Wei Shu coming out riding a bull, she was also dazed.

"Wei Shu, you, you, what's going on?"

"Your Highness, we know that someone wants to sneak attack the town, so the surrounding villages have rushed to support."

Wei Shu quickly got off the cow and knelt down in front of Li Yanran.

"You said that these are all the eaters around?"

Hearing this, Li Yanran asked in a daze.

"if not?"

Wei Shu was taken aback for a moment, not understanding what Li Yanran meant by this.

"Your Highness, Li Ji is split."

Li Ji glanced at Li Yanran, he was not feeling well.

Just now he thought it was the enemy's reinforcements arriving, but he didn't expect that the people around him spontaneously came to support him.

This is so embarrassing.

"Then why are you still standing there, hurry back and don't let anyone go."

Looking at the countless people, Li Yanran became energetic in an instant, and ordered Li Ji to bring people back to kill them.


Li Ji's expression froze, and he rushed over again with the cavalry under his command, and those forbidden soldiers turned around and followed Li Ji to kill them.

Li Ji was very fast, but when he arrived, he was in a daze.

Those who attacked were already surrounded by nearly ten thousand people, with long sticks, hoes, and even dung forks in front of them.

The people behind picked up the stones, and those who hit them like raindrops had no power to fight back.

"Guo Guogong, what should we do now?"

A trilogy looked at Li Ji with horror in his eyes. Even the nervous man felt a little numb at such a scene.

"What to do? Wait."

Li Ji gave that person a white look, you don't know what to do, and he said it as if I knew.

Judging from the current situation, even if he doesn't intervene, those people seem to be unable to escape.


The man was taken aback, looked at the excited people, and shuddered.

Facing the rain of rocks, those sneak attackers hadn't thought of breaking through, but just as they rushed over, they were hit with bruises all over their heads, lying on the ground without knowing whether they were alive or dead.

With the lessons learned from the past, the rest of the people did not dare to rush, but could only hold their heads and bear the stones falling from the sky.

"Don't smash it, please don't smash it, I surrender."

"Surrender, I surrender."

"I know I was wrong, and if I smash it again, I will be smashed to death."

Finally, the people inside couldn't take it anymore, dropped their weapons and knelt down to beg for mercy.

It was they who begged for mercy, and the people did not intend to let them go. The stones continued, and some even threw their hoes down.

"Okay, okay, stop."

Hearing that everyone inside was begging for mercy, Li Ji also hurriedly asked the people to stop.

However, Li Ji found that no one listened to him at all, and the tragedy continued. They even narrowed the encirclement and carried out a bloody attack on the people inside with farm tools.

"What should I do? They dare not listen to your orders."

Seeing that the common people didn't listen to Li Ji's words, Buqu couldn't help being taken aback.

We must know that when Li Ji was in command of thousands of troops, hundreds of thousands of people would dare not to obey an order, so let's not say it now.

"What should I do? Go and invite Princess Lishan."

Li Ji directly gave that person a shot, what the hell are you dissing me?

Why do these people listen to me, and they are not my subordinates.

"Oh oh oh."

The man felt depressed for a while, and hurried to report the situation to Li Yanran.

"What? There is such a thing, Wei Shu, you old people, come with me right away."

Li Yanran couldn't help being taken aback when she heard that Li Ji had been hung up by the people.

Glancing at Wei Shu and the others beside him, he immediately let them go with him.

"I am Li Yanran, the Princess of Mount Li. Everyone disperses immediately. Those who violate the order are prohibited from working in the hot spring town."

Li Yanran also shuddered seeing the surging crowd, she had seen too many stampedes in later generations.

If something goes wrong, the consequences are really unimaginable.

Hearing Li Yanran's words, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then turned their heads to look at Li Yanran in the carriage.

"Why are you standing there in a daze? Why don't you retreat separately? If I see you again, one of you will count as one, and you will all be blacklisted."

"Didn't you hear? Her Royal Highness tells you to get out of here."

"Let's go, let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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