My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 302 The situation is wrong, the wind is blowing

Chapter 302 The situation is wrong, the wind is blowing

Li Zhi glanced at Wu Zetian, and couldn't help coughing.

Meiniang, Meiniang, don't forget why we are here.

This was captured, and the defense line was really loose and vulnerable.

Unlike me, I haven't forgotten my original intention until now.

"Father, are you sick? If you are sick, you need to be treated. Why don't you ask Sun Yaowang to diagnose and treat you?"

Li Yanran gave Li Zhi a blank look.

If you have a cough, see a doctor if you are sick.

Don't disturb my conversation with Auntie.


Hearing this, Li Zhi's eyes immediately widened.

What do you mean I'm sick.

I did it on purpose, can't you hear it?

"Your Majesty, stop standing here, it's windy."

Li Ji glanced at the family of three and was a little depressed.

This Princess Lishan is truly blessed by heaven, even the emperor dares to hate her.


"Well, Yanran comes with me."

Li Zhi frowned, and directly shouted at Li Yanran.

"Aniang, I'm so scared to see my father beating me."

Seeing Li Zhi's big black face, Li Yanran got behind Wu Zetian directly.

This time, my father's coming here is definitely not as simple as looking at me.

"Yan Ran, don't be afraid."

Wu Zetian hugged Li Yanran tightly, then glanced at Li Zhi who was blowing his beard and staring.

"Your Majesty calm down, don't scare the child."

Hearing Wu Zetian's words, Li Zhi also obeyed.

Just get used to it, when you cry.

Immediately flicked his sleeves and walked towards the house.

"Empress, please."

"It's time to work, British lord."

Wu Zetian nodded, supported Li Yanran and followed behind Li Zhi.

Entering the room, looking at the sand table in the hall, Li Zhi's eyes lit up, and he immediately went over to watch it.

"Mr. Ying, why is this thing so similar to Chang'an's sand table? But you sent someone to make it?"

Although Li Zhi had never experienced a battle, he realized the importance of this thing when he saw the lifelike sand table in front of him.

"Your Majesty, Li Ji is not capable. This sand table was made by someone sent by Her Highness the Princess. This time, he was able to take down those bandits in one fell swoop. This sand table has made a great contribution."

Embarrassment appeared on Li Ji's face. After dozens of years of marching and fighting, he was not as transparent as Li Yanran, a young doll. It was really embarrassing to say the least.

"The British prince is joking, Yan Ran is just a child, don't give her any credit."

Hearing Li Ji's words, Li Zhi also glanced at Li Yanran who was following Wu Zetian.

Such a good thing came from the hands of a child like Li Yanran?
How much he is also a little disbelief.

"Your Majesty, don't let Li Ji down. I can only admire Princess Lishan's thorough thinking."

Li Ji's face was almost red to the neck.

Majesty, may I take you to be at Versailles?

Still saying that Li Ji is incompetent, not even as good as a child.

"Okay, this thing is very good, it should be promoted to the army."

Seeing that Li Ji blushed, Li Zhi somewhat believed his words.

"This is exactly what Li Ji wants to write about. If this thing can be promoted in the army, our Tang army will be like a tiger with wings added, and it will be invincible."

Li Ji saluted directly, even if Li Zhi didn't say anything, he would write a letter to promote the sand table in the whole army.

"Well, why don't you see Duke Lu and Duke E? I just got the news that the three Dukes are all here."

He didn't say much about the sand table, Li Zhi looked around, but he didn't see Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde.

"Father, I built this sand table. If you want to promote it to the army, do you want to reward me?"

Hearing Li Zhi asked about Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde, Li Yanran quit on the spot.

This sand table is my patent, you can use it if you want, but it’s not good to use it for nothing.

"Yan Ran, you are not good. You are the princess of the Tang Dynasty. Since you have enjoyed the rights granted to you by the Tang Dynasty, you will naturally fulfill your obligations. It is only right that you dedicate this sand table to your father."

Seeing Li Yanran begging for benefits from Li Zhi, Wu Zetian also hit her on the head with a stern face and began to lecture her.

"That's right, I think Yanran is drifting away, Mei Niang, you have to discipline her well."

Li Yanran was beaten, but Li Zhi was in a happy mood.

I finally saw that you were deflated, and even a sand table has so much trouble with me.

I even gave you Mount Li, what else do you want?

"A little bit."

Li Yanran gave Li Zhi a grimace, and hid directly behind Wu Zetian.


Li Zhi was also speechless for a while, Li Yanran was really not afraid of himself at all.

He also regretted it, he shouldn't have been so used to Li Yanran before, otherwise why would this be the case.

"Where are Duke Ying, Duke Lu and Duke E now, call them over immediately."

Unable to cure Li Yanran, Li Zhi could only change the subject and continue to ask about the whereabouts of Cheng Yaojin and the other two.

"Your Majesty, the two princes are not in the fief right now. After eliminating the bandits, they have already led people to sweep up the bandits' strongholds."

Li Ji was taken aback, and hurriedly told the whereabouts of the two of them.

"I see."

Li Zhi was at a loss for words when he heard it, so he could only nod his head.

The scene fell into an embarrassing situation for a while, especially Li Ji, who was so embarrassed that he could pick out a desert sea view house with his feet.

"Well, Your Majesty, have you eaten yet? Why don't we arrange it?"

After waiting for a while, Li Ji also slowly buffered Li Zhi to speak.

Li Zhi's face flushed instantly when he mentioned eating, and the matter of being surrounded in a restaurant when he came to the fief last time came to his mind again.

Seeing Li Zhi's red face, Li Ji couldn't help being taken aback.

Did I say something wrong?

Should not be ah.

"That's right, Ma'am, you must be hungry. I'll go get someone to prepare something delicious. I guarantee you've never eaten."

Glancing at Li Zhi, Li Yanran felt that this was not a place to stay for a long time, so she ran out.

"Li Yanran, stop for me."

Seeing that Li Yanran was about to run away, Li Zhi immediately changed his face and shouted at her.

"Father, you are not hungry, and my mother is hungry too, don't worry, Yan Ran will come back as soon as she goes."

Li Yanran didn't dare to stop at all, Lao Li's situation is not right today.

The wind is tight.

Shout out.

"British Duke, take Princess Lishan down."

Seeing that Li Yanran was still running, Li Zhi slapped the sand table directly.

Li Ji was also depressed for a while, so he could only step forward and stand in front of Li Yanran.

"Mr. Ying, you have to go to work first. I have something to talk to Yanran about."


Hearing this, Li Ji turned around and left as if he had received an amnesty.

When he left the house, he kindly helped to close the door.

"come over."

"Aniang, look at Father, Yan Ran is scared."

Seeing Li Zhi's big black face, Li Yanran knew that today's affairs could not be messed up, so she jumped into Wu Zetian's arms to seek shelter.

"Your father is also doing it for your own good, so don't be afraid."

Unexpectedly, Wu Zetian pushed her directly to Li Zhi's side.

"Father, have you eaten yet?"


(End of this chapter)

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