Li Zhi's mind couldn't turn around for a while, didn't he ask this question just now?
"Stand up, don't be so hippie."

"Oh, please also ask the father to give a lecture."

Li Yanran is also a hero, since he couldn't afford to offend him, he immediately chose to cooperate.

"I'm here to ask you, who gave you the guts to not report such a big incident as a bandit attack? If something goes wrong between you and Hong'er, have you considered the consequences?"

Li Zhi slapped the sand table again.

"Yanran naturally thought it over, so she didn't inform the emperor."

"What a deliberate thought. Is this the result of your deliberation?"

Li Zhi was dumbfounded, you decided not to tell me after careful consideration, what do you mean?
Am I that unbelievable?

"Father, don't be angry, just listen to Yanran's sophistry, no, let's listen to Yanran's explanation."

Facing the furious Li Zhi, Li Yanran also shuddered.

Although she is worthy of Li Zhi, there is an old lady beside her.

Offending Li Zhi is a small matter, but if it offends the old lady, it will be a big matter.

"Sophistry, I want to hear what you can say."

"Father, your talent must have seen that this banditry is not as simple as it appears on the surface. If I tell you, what will happen."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, and it was the beginning of a rhetorical question.

"What will be the result? I will definitely not put you in danger, and will send troops to wipe out those bandits in advance."

Li Zhi is also short of breath, you still have the face to ask me what the result will be.

No matter what the result is, it's better than you going head-to-head with those bandits.

"That's the reason why I didn't tell my father, only a thousand days to be a thief, no thousand days to guard against a thief, my fief can't always be remembered by people.

That's why I thought of deceiving all those bandits out, and then followed the clues to find out the culprit this time. "

Listening to Li Yanran's explanation, Li Zhi still replied angrily: "In my opinion, your reasoning is nonsense."

Even if your starting point is good, but using yourself as a bait to put yourself in danger is fundamentally wrong.

You risk your life and the prince's life to meet those bandits, what if something happens to you?

Let a white-haired person send a black-haired person?

"It doesn't make sense, at least I won now, that's all."

Li Yanran was also unconvinced, why is it so nonsense.

You tell me what I did wrong.


Wu Zetian slowly came behind Li Yanran, and she stretched out her hand to give her a big slap.

"Aniang, why did you hit me?"

Li Yanran covered her head with a gloomy expression on her face.

"Even if you have a clever plan, so what?
Can you guarantee that there will be no problems?
Do you know what the consequences would have been if the three princes hadn't given their all to help this time? "

Wu Zetian raised her eyebrows, and instantly switched to black face mode.

"Isn't something wrong? Why make such a fuss?"

Li Yanran feels wronged for a while, you look at the process, but what I look at is the result.

Now that the results are good, aren't these the best arguments.

"Don't dare to speak hard, if I don't hit you today, next time you might make something wrong."

Seeing that Li Yanran was still stubborn, Wu Zetian couldn't get used to her, and immediately started to be a loving mother and goddaughter.

Li Yanran was beaten and screamed.

"Meiniang, Meiniang, stop for a moment."

Hearing Li Zhi's words, Li Yanran looked up at Li Zhi.

After all, it is my own elder brother, although he was strict before, he will also know to plead for himself this time.

That being the case, I forgive you for treating me badly just now.

"Your Majesty, don't stop me, Yan Ran is too courageous, I, a mother, must teach her a lesson today."

Wu Zetian rolled his eyes and raised his hand to continue.

"What I mean is, it's too light to hit like this, use this."

Li Zhi took out a stick from nowhere, and handed it over with a look of gloating.

"Father, if you dare to bully me, at worst we will die, Auntie."

Seeing this scene, Li Yanran was about to explode, and shouted at Li Zhi directly.


Hearing that Li Yanran was going to die, Li Zhi was also shocked, and immediately pulled back the wooden stick he sent.

"His Majesty?"

Wu Zetian was a little confused, so what happened to Li Zhi?
How come it seems that the cat's tail was stepped on.

"Meiniang, I actually thought about it for a while, what Yanran said just now has some truth, and children, it's easy not to grow up if they are hit hard."

Li Zhi hid the wooden stick behind his back with a look of embarrassment.


Wu Zetian was depressed, and the change was too fast.

Just now you thought you beat yourself lightly, but now you say it's enough?
You are the emperor, how can you do this.

"Yan Ran, what do you mean by what you said just now? What do you want to tell A Niang?"

Glancing at Li Zhi, Wu Zetian also looked at Li Yanran, wanting to get an answer.

Li Zhi glared at Li Yanran, as if to say, if you dare to reveal my affairs, none of us will think about it today.

"Aniang, Yan Ran wanted to say that I knew I was wrong, you taught me the right thing, this time I was reckless,
Next time, if something like this happens again next time, I will definitely not do this again, please forgive me this time. "

Li Yanran rolled her small eyes, and quickly admitted her mistake.

"No, you definitely didn't mean to say this just now, tell me honestly, otherwise don't blame A Niang for being ruthless."

Wu Zetian didn't believe Li Yanran's nonsense at all, she definitely didn't mean to say this just now.

There must be some secret between the two of them that they don't know.

"Meiniang, the children know their mistakes, so don't care about those."

Li Zhi hurried to Wu Zetian's side, if Li Yanran revealed his affairs, it would probably not be Li Yanran, but himself who would be unlucky.

"Your Majesty, step aside first, I must teach her well today."

"Meiniang, is there not enough people here?"

Hearing Li Zhi's words, Wu Zetian couldn't help being taken aback.

By the way, why is there no figure of his son Li Hong?
"Huh? Where's Hong'er? We're all here, why don't you see him?"

What about your own son?
Why did you go.

"Aniang, my daughter knows Brother Hong's identity, so it's impossible to put him in danger, so I sent someone to send him back to Chang'an early in the morning."

Li Yanran couldn't help but want to give Li Zhi a thumbs up, this trick is really a trick.

"Meiniang, you see Yanran still knows how to advance and retreat, at least she is very wise to secretly send Hong'er to Chang'an."

Li Zhi quickly snatched Li Yanran from Wu Zetian.

The two looked at each other, both of them were lucky to have escaped from death.

"No, that's not what I said just now, come here for me."

Wu Zetian looked at the two people who were embarrassed by each other, and immediately remembered what happened just now.

Almost got caught by them.

At the moment, she also kept a straight face and asked Li Yanran to come over and get beaten.

"Princess, Li Feng is back."

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