My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 307 Return from Victory

Chapter 307 Return from Victory
Hearing that Li Siwen had eaten, Li Ji was also full of question marks.

The two came out at the same time, when did you eat it?
Why don't you call your dad along?
Feeling the chill behind him, Li Siwen knew that he had said the wrong thing again.

Father, it's really not that I secretly ate and didn't take you with me. Aren't you watching your confession at that time? I'm sorry to bother you.

"Lu Guogong is back."

"Lu Guogong?"

Hearing that Cheng Yaojin was back, they couldn't help but look up.

Li Siwen was about to run away by rubbing oil on the soles of his feet when he saw the opportunity, but was tripped by Li Ji stretching his legs.

"Young Master Li, what are you going to do?"

Li Ji looked down at Li Siwen and asked slowly.

"Father and father have worked hard, son. My son is going to prepare hot pot for you."

Li Siwen shuddered and begged for mercy.

"Oh, then I don't understand one thing. Why is Mr. Li eating, but the old man is still hungry?"

Li Ji's face was extremely dark, and he walked aside Li Siwen with one hand.

"Father, please forgive me."

Hearing Li Siwen's wailing, Li Yanran shook her head slightly.

This is what happens when you eat alone.

Glancing at Li Hong beside him, he slapped him across the face.

Li Hong was watching the excitement, and he was stunned after this blow.

"Sister, why did you hit me?"

"Let you remember it. In the future, if you have something, remember to share it with sister first, otherwise I guarantee that your end will be much more miserable than his."

Li Hong was depressed, Li Siwen was beaten because he should, but I was beaten because of prevention.

Is this reasonable?

But seeing Li Yanran's smile and two small canine teeth, Li Hong couldn't help shivering.

Hastily nodded in agreement.

"Okay, Brother Hong, it's time for you to take your medicine."

"Sister, I'll go later, I just finished eating and I have to do some activities."

Saying that, Sa Yazi wanted to run, but Li Feng had already blocked Li Hong at some point.

"Li Feng, today the king has already lenient the net and spared your life, so you can't let me go?"

Li Hong was depressed, he didn't even notice when this silly boy came over.

"Spare your life? Let you go?"

Li Yanran followed, and a pair of small hands slashed left and right, attacking Li Hong's ears.

"Sister, I was wrong."

Li Hong directly admits that, why does sister suddenly evolve, pulling one ear is not enough, but a double-gun cannon, who can bear it.

"What's wrong?"

"It's my fault that I didn't take the medicine when I should have taken it."

"Hey, sister, why are you working harder?"

Li Hong was dumbfounded, he admitted his mistake, why don't you let go.

"Besides, what's wrong?"

Li Yanran frowned, and moved her face in front of Li Hong.

"My mistake was that I didn't listen to sister and go to drink medicine."

Li Hong changed his mind and changed his words immediately.

"That's good, let's go."

As time passed day by day, Cheng Yaojin and Yuchihuan also gained a lot, they swept up more than a dozen cottages one after another, and then burned them to the ground.

After finishing all this, Cheng Yaojin gave an order, and the soldiers returned to Li Yanran's fief with a lot of luggage and money.

"Dong dong dong dong."

As soon as I arrived at the edge of the small town, I saw a mass of people waiting there, with the sound of gongs and drums shaking everywhere.

The lion dancers are full of heroism, flying up and down, which is very lively.

"His Royal Highness, fortunately, I did not disgrace my life and returned victorious."

Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde were also excited when they saw the lively scene in front of them, they got off their horses and saluted Li Yanran.

"The two princes have worked hard, and I have prepared a reception banquet for you."

Li Yanran directly helped the two of them up, the victory this time was due to the help of the three of them, otherwise the consequences would be really unpredictable.

"Thank you, Your Highness."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

Both of them smiled.

These few days have made them greedy. What they drink is plain water and what they eat is military rations.

It can be said that they have been looking forward to this feast for a long time.

"Let's go."

Li Yanran was in the front, Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde were in the back, Li Ji followed closely, and Cheng Chubi and the other three were in the last row, each with drooping faces and eyes full of displeasure.

A group of people sat down interactively, with Li Yanran and Li Hong sitting at the top.

"The three dukes, Cheng Chubi and the others have contributed a lot this time, so why not let them sit together."

Looking at Cheng Chubi and the other three who were full of depression, Li Yanran smiled slightly and suggested that the three of them should come to the table.

"Your Highness has already spoken, why are you still standing there, come and sit down."

"Oh oh oh,"

Hearing the old man's words, Cheng Chubi and the others were immediately excited, and sat beside the three princes.

They are not excited because of a meal.

Cheng Yaojin and the others have experienced battles for a long time, and their vision is so high.

Now that they can go to the table, it proves that they have been recognized.

What an honor, even if the other party is his father, it is a pride.

"Sister, look at the three of them, there really are people whose mouths can reach the ears."

Li Hong looked at the three who were laughing, and quickly gestured at Li Yanran.

"Eat with peace of mind."

Li Yanran gave Li Hong a blank look.

People are so happy, how come you have become a monster?
"Oh oh oh."

Seeing Li Yanran's small face, Li Hong didn't dare to speak anymore, and quickly sat up straight with his eyes, nose, nose, mouth, and heart.

"Today is considered a celebration banquet. I also ordered the soldiers to have additional meals. The three princes, drink freely."

Li Yanran picked up the wine glass in front of her, sniffed the smell of liquor, her big eyes narrowed instantly.

In her previous life, she couldn't hold alcohol very well, and she drank a few bottles of green sticks at most, and she didn't dare to drink after time travel, for fear of talking nonsense after drinking, and now she will finally be able to taste the white wine she brewed.

Li Hong's small eyes rolled, and he also filled the wine glass for himself, showing yearning for baijiu.

It's not that he hadn't secretly drank Li Zhi's good wine before, but he felt that it was very unpleasant, bitterer than the medicine prescribed by Sun Simiao, but he didn't know what the wine made by Aunt Sister tasted like.

Seeing this, Cheng Yaojin and the others also picked up their wine glasses, their eyes full of yearning for what was in the glass.

"The empress has said that drinking is not allowed."

Li Feng glanced at Li Yanran, frowned and spoke directly.

"Li Feng, you are just a guard, and you dare to control my sister, do you want to die?"

Li Honggang was about to drink, but when he heard Li Feng's words, he became angry instantly.

Li Feng, the guard, really went too far, not only dared to tie himself up, but now he dared to prevent sister from drinking with him.

It really turned against him.


Li Yanran slapped her across the face, and the wine in Li Hong's hand instantly spilled all over the floor.

"Why, when is it your turn to take care of Sister's people?"

Li Yanran stared at Li Hong, a look of displeasure flashed across her face.

Li Feng is my personal bodyguard, I didn't say anything, but you little brat reacted so badly.

Give you a face, right?

"Sister, why are you beating me? I would have been dragged out and beaten to death with a stick like this."

Li Hong was also taken aback, he didn't understand why Li Yanran was so nice to Li Feng.

I really don't know what to say.

"Since when did I ask you to teach me how to do things? Have you become too loud lately? You beat me to death with sticks. I'll beat you to death first."

Li Yanran directly twisted his ears,

You kid is really floating now.

I didn't feel anything about Li Feng, but you complained.

Do you really think that you have already ascended the throne and that the whole world is under your jurisdiction?

"Sister, don't screw it up."

(End of this chapter)

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