My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 308 Three bowls are not enough?

Chapter 308 Three bowls are not enough?
Li Hong burst into tears immediately, sister's ear twisting trick is really better than blue, much more skilled than his own mother.

Looking at the picture of Sister Ci teaching her younger brother, the Dukes were all dumbfounded.

Good guy, this really didn't treat them as outsiders.

This show is exciting.

"Then, Your Royal Highness, the prince is a child after all, so you don't need to take your words seriously, let alone so many people."

Li Ji smiled awkwardly, and hurriedly pleaded for Li Hong.

"Sister, the British prince has spoken, but you still don't let me go."

Li Hong was also tossing for a while, his little face turned red into an apple.

"Eat when it's time to eat, and if you dare to talk nonsense, don't want your ears."

Li Yanran slapped Li Hong on the head again, her big eyes were full of threats.


Li Hong was honest, his little face was full of grievances.

"My lords, this wine."

"Your Highness, drink this."

At some point, Li Feng brought a cup of milk tea over and placed it in front of Li Yanran.

Looking at the milk tea in front of her, Li Yanran also smiled slightly, picked up the milk tea and said, "Come on, let's toast, I have heard that the three princes are not drunk after a thousand cups, today we will not return if we are not drunk."


Cheng Yaojin didn't know what milk tea was, but Cheng Chubi and the others knew it very well.

What does it mean not to get drunk and not to return.

Isn't it a bit too shameless for you to drink milk tea with us?

"Why are you standing still, why don't you pick up the wine in your glass?"

Cheng Yaojin glanced at Cheng Chubi in a daze, and shouted directly.


Cheng Chubi was depressed, he could only pick up the wine glass in front of him after a few words of trembling.

Compared with this good wine, he prefers to drink milk tea.

"Your Highness, if you don't get drunk, you won't return home."

Everyone raised their wine glasses, toasted Li Yanran from a distance, and drank the wine in one gulp.


Li Yanran was also delighted when the milk tea entered her stomach.

Clinking glasses with high-grade liquor with milk tea was absolutely unimaginable in her previous life.

Rights are indeed a good thing.

"Sister, what should I drink?"

Li Hong looked at the empty wine glass and felt depressed for a while.

Those of you who drink alcohol drink, those who drink milk tea drink milk tea, only yourself, drink the air.

"Your Highness, you drink this."

Li Feng brought a bowl of milk and put it in front of Li Hong.


Smelling the smell of milk, Li Hong looked disgusted.

He likes eating puffs and ice cream, but that doesn't mean he likes drinking milk.

This thing is not very fishy, ​​who wants to drink it.

"Brother Hong, drinking milk is good for your health. Children can grow taller if they drink milk. You don't want to be a little bean, do you?"

Li Yanran glanced at Li Feng with a satisfied expression.

You even prepared milk for your little brother, not bad, not bad.

"I don't want to drink."

Li Hong pushed the bowl aside, his eyes full of rejection.

"I feel like you want to drink."

Seeing Li Yanran's pretty face, Li Hong was also depressed, picked up the big bowl of milk, and drank it clean.

"Your Highness, that's great."

As Li Feng spoke, he picked up a jar and poured another full bowl for Li Hong.

"Li Feng, thank you."

Li Hong is about to cry, this milk is so bad, you still fill it up for me.

You are really my sister's good friend.

I will really thank you.

I thank your ancestors for nineteen generations.

"Your Highness, this is what Li Feng should have done, and I can't thank you."

Li Feng smiled slightly and shook his head.

Li Yanran looked at Li Hong with a burst of Coca-Cola, the child finally got the hang of it.

He would actually say thank you to Li Feng.

Ruzi can be taught, and Ruzi can be taught.

"This cup is too petty, Li Feng, help all the princes to replace it with big bowls, enough meat and wine today."

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your understanding."

The three of them are old drunkards, and what Li Yanran said was exactly what they wanted.

A man who drinks from a cup should drink from a bowl.

Looking at the big bowl in front of them, Cheng Chubi and the others were about to cry.

They can only drink so much, drinking from a cup can last a while, you can change it to a bowl.

If you want three bowls but don't pass the post, let yourself play drunken fist.

"Please raise the wine in your hands."

Li Yanran picked up the milk tea in her hands again, and the three princes also held the bowls with both hands, their eyes full of satisfaction.

Only Cheng Chubi and the others looked miserable, they poured at least half a bowl of wine and held them in the air.

Li Hong was also standing on the chair, holding a bowl of milk, wanting to join in.




"and many more."

"what happened?"

Glancing at Li Hong, Li Yanran immediately became angry.

When adults drink, there is no place for your children to intervene.

And what are you doing standing on the chair?

take off?
Faced with Li Yanran's questioning, Li Hong couldn't help but shivered, still stubborn, pointed at Changsun Yan and the other four, and said, "Sister, several princes, look at Changsun Yan's wine bowl."

Hearing Li Hong's words, Li Yanran and the others immediately glanced over and frowned when they saw the four people who were only shallow in the bottom of the bowl.

The four of them looked at the black faces of everyone, and they felt bad all of a sudden.


"Hey, why did you hit me?"

Cheng Yaojin's big hand directly slapped Cheng Chubi's head, his eyes were full of hatred for iron.

"Hit you? I wish I could beat you to death. Is your bowl leaking?
Still looked down on us, only poured so much wine,

If you can drink it, you can drink it, if you can't drink it, it will kill the child. No,

If you can't drink, just stand on the side. "

Glancing at Li Yanran and Li Hong, Cheng Yaojin paused and then slapped Cheng Chubi.

Cheng Chubi was taught a lesson, and Li Siwen and Yu Chihuan were also taken care of separately. Only Changsun Yan watched and smiled silently.

"Father, I can drink, I can drink."

Cheng Chubi gave Li Hong a blank look, and hurriedly lifted the wine jar and filled his big bowl.

"Next time you dare to do this again, you'll just get the hell out of me. Old Cheng's man can die, but he can't be cowardly, understand?"

"Son, I understand, I will do it first to respect you."

Cheng Chubi didn't dare to say more, picked up the wine bowl and drank it down in one gulp.

"Who told you to drink it? Are you a tiger? Fill me up again."

Cheng Chubi was depressed. It was wrong to drink less, but also wrong to drink too fast?
Dad, hurry up and leave, if you stay for a few more days, I might die soon.

"Why are you standing there? Hurry up, don't you see that so many people are waiting for you?"

"I'll help Third Young Master Cheng pour the wine."

After saying that, Changsun Yan smashed the wine bowl on the table vigorously, spilling it everywhere, then ran to Cheng Chubi's side in a small step, picked up the wine jar and poured a full bowl for him.

"Changsun Yan, thank you."

Cheng Chubi stared at Changsun Yan, bared his teeth and shouted at him.

"No thanks, it should be."

There was a hint of hatred in the corner of Changsun Yan's eyes.

You were the one who hit me the hardest that day, if you don't take the opportunity to serve you well.

It's hard to get rid of the great hatred in my heart.


A gleam flashed in Cheng Chubi's eyes, you want to play, right?

When my father is gone, if he doesn't beat you into a pig's head, the young master will not be Cheng Chubi.

"Come on, I respect you first."

Li Hong glanced at the crowd, picked up the milk in his hand, and drank it up again.



(End of this chapter)

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