My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 325 What Do You Want To Do?I am a decent person!

Chapter 325 What Do You Want To Do?I am a decent person!
Wei Shan saluted again, and then Cheng Chubi called Sun Hu over again.

Glancing at Wei Shan, Sun Hu was also taken aback.

This is the person you found for me?I can't see anything from this.

"Your Highness, this person is no good."

Sun Hu said to Li Yanran with a bitter face.

Bandits also have bandit circles, you look like a good commoner, isn't this pushing me into the fire pit?
"Really? Wei Shan, stop hiding it and let him see your true colors."

Wei Shan was taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood what Li Yanran meant, and immediately changed his face, returning to the previous appearance of Er Niu Shan's third master.

Sun Hu was stunned, the current Wei Shan was completely different from the person he saw just now.

This banditry is so much heavier than himself.

Without a few hundred younger brothers under his command, he couldn't have such a bandit spirit at all.

Could it be that Her Royal Highness really raised a lot of bandits?

Li Yanran smiled slightly, and asked Sun Hu, "What about now?"

"it's OK now."

Sun Hu nodded, what else can he say now.

It seems that this Hutou village says he will go to it.

Really depressed and bored, I knew what I was talking about back then.

Well now, get yourself involved.

"Well, Wei Shan, have a good chat with Mr. Sun."


As Wei Shan said, he put his arms around Sun Hu's neck and walked to the side.

The two discussed for about half an hour, and Wei Shan also followed Sun Hu onto the rough horse, ready to set off.

"Wei Shan, come back alive, your old lady is waiting for you."

Glancing at the two people on the horse, Li Yanran also waved goodbye.

"Your Highness, I will leave my old lady to you."

Wei Shan got off his rough horse, kowtowed directly at Li Yanran again, and then followed Sun Hu towards Hutou Village.

"Brother Wei Shan, what is your relationship with our princess?"

The two rode away together, and Sun Hu couldn't hold back his gossip fire.

"Your Highness is a good person. It is His Highness's grace that I can turn over a new leaf, so if you dare to do anything wrong in this mission, I will cut off your head first."

Wei Shan glanced at Sun Hu, didn't say much, just expressed his thoughts.

"Don't worry, I don't want to die either."

Sun Hu didn't want to bore himself anymore, so he turned his face away.

The two of them arrived at the foot of Hutou Village until they reached the brows of the moon, and led the nanny up the hill slowly.

Not long after walking, dozens of bandits rushed out and surrounded them.

Seeing this, Wei Shan was also nervous and involuntarily pressed his hand on the handle of the knife, but Sun Hu pressed his hand and shouted at the surroundings.

"I'm Sun Hu from Xiaohuzhai, are you blind?"

"Damn it, it turned out to be Sun Hu. I heard that your Xiaohu Village was not burned, so why did you come out of trouble."

A voice floated, and then a strong man walked out slowly surrounded by the crowd.

"I'm not dead, Chen Fang, you idiot, aren't you happy?"

Sun Hu took a step forward and directly punched Chen Fang on the chest.

"Hehe, you are not dead, so I will not be happy."

Chen Fang also punched back, and then the two hugged each other.

"It's great that you're fine. You were asked to come to Hutou Village to hang out with the boss a long time ago. You insisted on guarding your own poor village. Now you're fine. You almost didn't kill yourself."

Chen Fang hugged Sun Hu's shoulders, his words were full of concern.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm starving to death, why don't you take me in quickly."

"You can go in, who is this person?"

Chen Fang glanced at Wei Shan beside him, his eyes full of doubts.

"This is also an idiot. He came from the south and begged for food to my Xiaohu village. Seeing how pitiful he is, I will accept it."

Hearing Chen Fang's words, Wei Shan was also nervous for a while, but Sun Hu smiled slightly and rounded up Wei Shan's identity.

"As long as you show kindness, let's go."

A group of people flocked towards Hutou Village, while Wei Shan followed closely beside Sun Hu. As long as he dared to talk nonsense, he would definitely give the other party a heartfelt blow.

Entering Hutou Village, Sun Hu and Wei Shan frowned when they saw the bandits all over the village.

"Chen Fang, why are there so many brothers here?"

Sun Hu smiled slightly and asked Chen Fang a question.

"You forgot the boss's hero post two days ago. Basically all the bandits around have arrived. There are more than 3000 people. Everyone is planning to give that Longmen bodyguard agency a boost."

Without hesitation, Chen Fang directly told the situation of Hutou Village.

"There are so many? We don't seem to have so many people on the road here."

Hearing that there were more than 3000 bandits, Sun Hu was also numb.

More than 3000 people, how can Li Yanran resist this?

Just scared to death.

"Hehe, why don't we say that the tiger boss is powerful, he has a hero post that even the brothers from the west of Wugong County have come, and this is how we have the current scale,

Don't talk nonsense, you can come, the tiger boss must be very happy. "

Chen Fang directly grabbed Sun Hu's shoulders and walked towards Datang. Wei Shan couldn't help but chased after seeing him.


Seeing Wei Shan's appearance, Chen Fang couldn't help frowning.

Is the place in front of you a place where a rascal like you can come?
I really don't know my identity.

"Fifth son, take this brother down to rest."

With a wave of his hand, a strong man came over and directly put Wei Shan on the shoulder.

"Lao Shan, go and rest with the five brothers."

Sun Hu glanced at Wei Shan, and gave him a wink directly.

Seeing this, Wei Shan had no choice but to leave with the five sons.

"Sun Hu, it's not that I'm talking about you. Your vision of people is getting worse and worse. No wonder you can't get up in Xiaohu Village. Let's go."

Looking at Wei Shan's back, Chen Fang also shook his head and said.

"He is sick here, don't be as knowledgeable as him."

Sun Hu also smiled embarrassingly.

This is not my little brother, this is my grandfather.

"Let's go."

"Yah, Sun Hu is here."

Zhang Hu was sitting on the tiger leather chair, staring at Sun Hu in amazement.

"Brother Tiger, here I come."

Sun Hu quickly saluted Zhang Hu.

"It's good if you come, we are discussing how to take down the Longmen bodyguard bureau, please sit down."

Zhang Hu waved his hand, motioning for Sun Hu to sit beside him.

"It's a pity that you old boy didn't die."

"I still want to go to Wugong County to take care of your good business after you die."

"Get out of here."

Surrounded by peers, seeing Sun Hu was also a joke.

"According to the itinerary of the Longmen Escort Bureau, we will be able to go to our village tomorrow. I plan to lead people to kill them and take down these thieves. What do you think?"

"Brother Tiger, you have the final say."

"It's just a small Longmen bodyguard bureau, it scares them to death."

"That's right, it's done."

Sun Hu couldn't help curling his lips when he heard what a group of bandits said.

You were originally bandits and thieves, and now you still call them thieves.

The phrase "thief shouting catch thief" really couldn't be more appropriate when applied to you.

But after thinking about Li Yanran's actions, Sun Hu felt relieved again.

They really are more like bandits than bandits.

What the hell do you want to collect protection money from the bandits?

"Don't talk so much, Sun Hu, tell me about the situation of those people."

Zhang Hu smiled slightly, and then looked at Sun Hu who was sitting at the end.

"Let me say? These people are not easy to deal with, but we have so many brothers here, it is more than enough to take them down."

Sun Hu was stunned for a moment, and expressed his thoughts.

"Brother Sun Hu said so, I feel relieved."

Zhang Hu nodded. Since Sun Hu had said so, he had nothing to worry about.

"Today everyone eats meat and drinks heavily, and works hard tomorrow, destroying their prestige."

"Eat meat and drink."

"Destroy them."

A group of bandit leaders drank and ate meat, and Wei Shan arrived at the arranged place early, waiting for Sun Hu's return.

"Sun Hu, do you want me to find you two girls?"

"Go away, I don't care if you give me a god like this."

"Then don't blame brother for not taking care of you."


The door opened, and Sun Hu walked in unsteadily.

Wei Shan closed the door, looking at Sun Hu was also depressed for a while.

When I went back to Niutoushan, let alone drinking, I had to look at some people when I peed.

This guy is good, drinking so much, if you tell the truth after drinking, you will die without a place to die.

"Do you want to die?"

A dagger appeared in Wei Shan's hand, and it directly touched Sun Hu's chest.


Sun Hu made a booing motion, and after looking around at the situation, he gently blocked Wei Shan's dagger.

"What do you want to do? How can I hang out if I don't drink, and besides, I'm not drunk, why are you so anxious."

"Haven't you thought about the consequences?"

Wei Shan raised the knife again, you don't recognize your identity, do you?

How dare you pull my knife.

Give you face.

"Don't be angry, it's okay."

Sun Hu pulled the saber aside again, then leaned in front of Wei Shan's ear, and gently explained the situation discussed in the hall.

"I will inform His Highness immediately."

Hearing that these bandits were really planning to attack Li Yanran, Wei Shan couldn't stand it any longer and was going to report right away.

"You're trying to kill me. It's impossible to touch down from the mountain at night."

Sun Hu was dumbfounded, you don't take Lao Tzu's life seriously.

You are leaving now, what should I do?
If people know that you are gone, then I will die here without a place to die.

What's more, you can't run away at all, and you can't kill two lives.

"Then what do you want to do?"

Wei Shan glanced at Sun Hu, don't you have a better way?

"What I mean is, let's go out with the big army during the day tomorrow, and then you take the opportunity to slip away halfway, so that you can leave without anyone noticing."

Sun Hu patted Wei Shan on the shoulder, he already had an idea of ​​how to run.

"Then I'll leave when the time comes, won't you still be exposed?"

Wei Shan frowned, he didn't believe this guy would be so kind.

"Don't worry, there are more than 3000 bandits in this cottage, and there are a few who can be named. I don't care, let alone you are a newcomer. It doesn't matter if you run away."

Sun Hu smiled slightly, as long as you didn't get caught running around at night, I'm fine.

"Then do it."


After Wei Shan finished speaking, he hugged Sun Hu directly and wanted to rest.


"What do you want? I'm a decent person!"

(End of this chapter)

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