My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 326 Deploying Troops to Suppress Bandits

Chapter 326 Deploying Troops to Suppress Bandits
Sun Hu was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly a bad thought flashed across.

Does this guy...does he have any special hobbies?
"What do I want? Don't think too much, I'm afraid you will run away."

Wei Shan was taken aback, and immediately kicked Sun Hu somersault.

What dirty things are you thinking about?

Lao Tzu is a normal person, what do you think.

"That's fine, that's fine."

Sun Hu glanced at Wei Shan again, wrapped his clothes and lay on the bed.

Wei Shan didn't go to bed, but leaned against the edge of the bed and slept with his clothes on.

"Your Highness, Wei Shan and the others are all right?"

Cheng Chubi came to Li Yanran's side, looking at the distance somewhat worried.

"Wei Shan is definitely fine, now we'll see Sun Hu."

Li Yanran took a hard bite of the pancake, and to tell the truth, she was also heartbroken, if something really went wrong, she would have caused Wei Shan to suffer.

"Well, it is estimated that Sun Hu will not dare to make a fool of himself, so don't worry."

Yu Chihuan nodded, glanced at Li Yanran's small face and offered comfort.

"I hope, everyone rests, and I hope there will be a result tomorrow."


At dawn the next day, the gangsters in Hutou Village were awakened one by one, and then roared through the mountains and forests, and began to lay an ambush.

Sun Hu gave Wei Shan a look, and he nodded. When he went down the mountain, he took the opportunity to sneak into the mountain, and ran towards Li Yanran on his two legs.

"Cheng Chubi, take someone to scan the front, the team can't stop, keep moving forward."

Li Yanran looked at the sky, and directly asked Cheng Chubi to take people to the front to meet him, and the large army also moved forward slowly.

Wei Shan walked where the bushes were lush and where the bushes were, and he didn't go far. His clothes were already full of holes, and he looked like a savage in tatters.

After running for about an hour, he finally felt relieved and started to find a forest path to continue running wildly.

Hearing the sudden sound of horseshoes, Wei Shan was stunned, and quickly lay down in the grass, not daring to move, fearing that the bandits from Hutou Village were looking for horses.

After he saw Cheng Chubi galloping on his horse, he quickly jumped out.

"Master Cheng, Master Cheng."

Hearing the call, Cheng Chubi hastily reined in his horse and looked to both sides.


Seeing the savages rushing out of the forest, Cheng Chubi and the cavalry behind him immediately became vigilant.

"Don't do it, it's me, it's me."

Wei Shan rushed forward, looked at Cheng Chubi who was waiting in full force, and quickly pulled his hair to reveal his true face.

"It is you."

After seeing Wei Shan's appearance clearly, Cheng Chubi breathed a sigh of relief.

"How did you become such a ghost?"

Looking Wei Shan up and down, Cheng Chubi felt depressed for a while.

It was fine when I went, but why did I come back like this.

"Stop talking, Your Highness, I have an urgent military report."

Wei Shan glanced at himself and felt depressed for a while, do you think I want this?

If it wasn't for the urgent situation, why would I panic? As for this?
"Stop talking, get on the horse and go back quickly."

Cheng Chubi dragged Wei Shan onto the horse, then turned the horse's head and galloped back.

"Brother Li, Wei Shan is back."

"Your Highness, Wei Shan is back."

Wei Shan knelt directly in front of Li Yanran.

"Get up and talk, what's the situation in Hutou Village?"

Li Yanran was also taken aback looking at Wei Shan who looked like no one?
This guy might have met a wild boar in the mountains, otherwise why would he be in such a miserable situation.

"Your Highness, just as you imagined, Hutou Village has gathered [-] bandits to attack you, and they are ambushing you at the foot of Hutou Mountain. You... you should go around."

Wei Shan quickly told Sun Hu's news.


A chill flashed in Li Yanran's eyes upon hearing this, and then she smiled slightly, her two canine teeth shining brightly in the sunlight.

"Cheng Chubi, how long will it take for Captain Zhechong to arrive?"

"Brother Li, at the speed of the regular army, if you march for a distance of twenty miles, you can reach it in an hour at most."

Cheng Chubi thought for a while, and reported the approximate time.

"Go and dispatch your troops immediately and let them join me. I will wipe out this gang of bandits in one fell swoop."

Calculating the time, I have to walk at least two hours to Hutou Mountain, and I can give the soldiers an hour to rest.

"Brother Li, if you do this, I'm afraid."

Yu Chihuan glanced at Li Yanran, hesitated for a while and said.

"What's the matter, say something."

Li Yanran was taken aback, not knowing what Yuchihuan wanted to say.

"Brother Li, you bring more than 2000 soldiers over there. Those bandits have long since disappeared, and there is no way to take them down."

Cheng Chubi spoke out Yuchihuan's worries.

"Then what are you going to do?"

Li Yanran was depressed, he was really not good at marching and fighting, so what should you do?

"My idea is to lead Zhechong's soldiers around Hutou Mountain and wait in the west. When the battle starts on your side, the east-west attack will definitely wipe out those mountain bandits."

Cheng Chubi smiled slightly, picked up a branch and drew a simple sketch on the ground.

"You mean that we will be used as bait to hang out those bandits."

"That's right, if His Highness thinks there is danger, I will leave this place to Yuchihuan, and you can go with me to dispatch troops, so that safety will be no problem."

Cheng Chubi nodded, how to fish without bait, let alone a big fish.

"Don't look down on people, just do as you say, but the station needs to be adjusted, put the cart we brought outside, put those goods inside,
The battle can be fought, and those goods can't go wrong. This is the face, understand? "

Li Yanran kicked Cheng Chubi, although I am not as strong as you guys, but I am not too frightened.

With so many imperial guards protecting her, she still couldn't believe that those bandits could hurt herself.


"Then I'll go now."

Cheng Chubi rode his horse away, while Yuchihuan began to direct the convoy to change formation.

After everything was arranged, the convoy continued to move forward, but the imperial guards stood ready to fight at any time.

Cheng Chubi rode his horse and galloped for twenty miles.

"Who is it? The military camp is important, and the idlers are retreating."

The soldiers at the gate directly pointed their guns at him, shouting at Cheng Chubi.

"I am Cheng Chubi, the third son of Duke Lu, and I want to see Captain Liu Chetong."

Cheng Chubi directly reported his identity and wanted to see Zhechong Captain Liu Chetong.

"Master Lu Guogong? Please wait a moment."

Hearing Cheng Chubi's identity, the soldiers at the door were taken aback for a moment, and hurried in to report.

After a while, Liu Chetong rushed to the door quickly, and seeing Cheng Chubi who was on the horse, he immediately moved over.

"Cheng Chubi, you little bastard, why did you come to this place where I don't want to shit?"

"Uncle Liu."

Cheng Chubi hurriedly got off his horse and rushed to salute Liu Chetong.

Liu Chetong patted Cheng Chubi's shoulder and said with a smile, "I've grown taller and stronger. When are you going to join the army?"

"Uncle Liu, let's not talk about those first, I have something important to do."

Cheng Chubi was depressed for a while, his father's arrangements were all based on virtue, and it didn't matter how serious he was.

"Important matter? What important matter can you have, you bastard?"

Liu Chetong was taken aback for a moment, he really couldn't think of what could happen to Cheng Chubi.

"According to Princess Lishan's order, dispatch Liu Chetong's troops to Hutou Mountain to suppress the bandits."

Cheng Chubi quickly explained his intention of coming.

"Are you crazy? Or is the princess crazy? Can this soldier be transferred at will?"

Hearing this, Liu Chetong was completely depressed.

How stupid are you?Transfer Lao Tzu's soldiers?

Even the princess does not have this right.

"Uncle Liu, Her Royal Highness is going to Hutou Mountain now, and we have detected nearly [-] bandits gathered in Hutou Village, preparing to attack Your Highness.
If you don't go, if something happens to Her Royal Highness, you may not be able to escape the relationship. "

"How could the princess be in Hutou Mountain? You're a coward, aren't you?"

Liu Chetong slapped Cheng Chubi on the forehead.

The princess is the body of a thousand gold, how could she appear here.

Besides, don't you know how many bandits there are in Hutou Mountain?
Are you fucking kidding me?
"Uncle Liu, it's true. Her Royal Highness said that after suppressing the bandits, the credit will be yours and the fault will be his. Send troops quickly, or it will be too late."

Cheng Chubi was depressed, no matter how old he was, he liked to hit other people on the head.

My dad was like that, and so are you.

Really beeping a dog.

"You didn't lie to me? The princess is really in Hutou Mountain?"

Seeing that Cheng Chubi didn't seem to be joking, Liu Chetong also frowned.

"It's true, even if I'm joking, I can't take this matter."

Cheng Chubi glanced at Liu Chetong, although I'm not very smart, but I'm not so stupid.

Fooling you to deploy troops without authorization, isn't that harmful to others and yourself?

"Bastard, you really will find trouble for me, me."

"Zhang Dabiao, Chen Xincheng, immediately gather troops and horses, no need to bring luggage."

Liu Chetong was depressed now, now is not the time to talk about his merits and demerits, if something happened to Li Yanran on his side, the emperor would definitely let him be buried with him.

"The captain has an order, all must gather."

"Hurry up."

The two school lieutenants hurried in and began to gather troops according to Liu Chetong's order.

"Tell me, what do you want to do?"

As the troops prepared, Liu Chetong slapped Cheng Chubi's head again.

Cheng Chubi patted his head, and hurriedly expressed their thoughts.

"I said, why are the bandits around here safe now? So it's all your fault? But you let Her Royal Highness be the bait, and you took the wrong medicine?"

After listening to this, Liu Chetong also had a headache. He really didn't understand, why do you work as a part-time bandit suppressor when you are a businessman?

The suppression of the bandits is over, and it has aroused public outrage, asking them to unite and ambush you.

The most important thing is that you use the princess as a bait. If your father finds out about this, he might just give you a discounted leg.

If you save yourself, you will harm yourself and others.

"I think so too, but Her Royal Highness insists on this, what can I do?"

Cheng Chubi lowered his head, not daring to look into Liu Chetong's eyes.

He knew that his father, an old man, not only had strong hands, but also had a bigger temper.

If this offends the other party, this old uncle can beat him half to death without using his own father.

"You, let me tell you what to say about you, wait until you get home and get whipped."

"Zhang Dabiao, hurry up, meow, if someone is not ready within the time of a stick of incense, I will peel off his skin and light his sky lantern."

"Did you hear that? If anyone is not prepared in the time of a stick of incense, I will take your skin off."

(End of this chapter)

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