My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 328 What can I do, Sap No. 1!

A roar sounded from behind, and Cheng Chubi took the lead, rushing over with a big knife in his hand.

Liu Chetong and Fifty Jingqi followed behind Cheng Chubi, their eyes were full of anger.

You bandits really have a way to heaven, if you don’t go, there is no way to hell.

Dare to gather a crowd to attack Princess Datang in broad daylight, even if all the members are nine-headed worms, it is not enough to cut off their heads.

"Not good, someone is coming, let me block them."

Tie Zi was also shocked when he saw this, how could so many cavalry rush out behind him.

Without hesitation, he led nearly a hundred cavalrymen to meet Cheng Chubi.

"Get out of my way, grandpa."

With both arms, Cheng Chubi split a bandit in half with his sword, as if he were smashing Huashan, and then cut two bandits under the horse with his sword.

Liu Chetong was even fiercer, holding a long lance, swept across the three bandits and instantly fell off the horse, and then knocked one person off the horse with another stab.

The cavalry behind the two were also as wild as bulls, rampaging, and the bandit's bad horse cavalry was no match for them at all.

"Run, run, run."

Tiezi was also frightened when he saw this, so he turned his horse's head and retreated.

"Cheng Chubi is here, reinforcements are here, and the cavalry will charge with me."

Hearing Cheng Chubi's shout, Yu Chihuan knew that the time had come, and directly led a hundred cavalrymen to kill them in the dust.

Facing the sudden arrival of more than a hundred cavalry, the bandits who were attacking were all stunned.

Good guy, there are still cavalry hidden here, are you kidding yourself?

Before he could react, Yuchihuan's iron mace had already smashed the heads of several bandits, leading the cavalry into the bandits.


The cavalry disturbed the opponent, and the two hundred forbidden troops behind the formation also rushed out again, relying on the armor on their bodies, and began to kill the bandits in a dimension-reducing strike style.


The soldiers of Captain Two Thousand Zhechong also rushed to the battlefield, and their murderous aura soared into the sky.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Tie Zi finally understood why Zhang Hu had a stomachache.

It's a stomachache, it's a fear of losing your head.

After saying that, he couldn't control much anymore, so he rode his horse and ran towards Hutouzhai along the path.

Without the command of the leader, these bandits could not form an effective resistance at all. When the Zhechong Mansion soldiers came to them, these bandits collapsed instantly.

Zhang Hu ran wildly all the way, and he couldn't help shivering when he heard the shouts of killing from the bottom of the mountain.

Rushing into the stockade, he felt a pain in the back of his head before he could react, and fell to the ground with a bang.

Sun Hu threw the stick in his hand aside, his eyes full of complacency.

"Run away, shameless."


After spitting, Sun Hu took the rope and tied Zhang Hu into rice dumplings, and threw it aside.

"Zhang Hu, you motherfucker, come out to me."

Tie Zi chased to Hutou Village, got off his horse, and ran in yelling loudly.

He just wants an explanation now, you want to get rid of Lao Tzu because of Mao, and the brothers in Hutouzhai run away by themselves.


With a crisp sound, Tie Zi only felt his eyes go dark, and he also fell to the ground.

"It's shameless to beg for honor from your friends."


Sun Hu spat again, took the rope and tied Tie Zi into rice dumplings, and threw it to Zhang Hu's side.

The battle at the foot of the mountain proceeded very quickly. Facing the attack from the imperial army and Zhechong soldiers, the bandits had no room to fight back. They were either killed or captured. The remaining few bandits disappeared into the mountain without a trace.

Sun Hu was planning to continue beating the sap, but after seeing so many people coming, he quickly closed the gate of the village.

"Open the door, I'm back."

"Damn meow, open the door."

"Old Liu, are you dead?"

A group of bandits were stunned looking at the closed gate, why was the gate closed?
"You have been surrounded, this village has been captured by the Longmen Security Bureau, Zhang Huo and Tie Zi have been captured, if you are sensible, surrender quickly, I may spare your lives."

Sun Hu went up to the wall of the village and shouted at the bandits below.

"Damn it, Sun Hu, you rebellious boy, it turned out to be you."

"I saw that you had a problem at the beginning, so please open the door for me."

"Hurry up, or my knife won't have eyes."

Glancing at Sun Hu, all the bandits were also angry, and some even threw their knives at him.

Seeing this, Sun Hu quickly lay down on the ground, and let them shout loudly without daring to show their heads.

"Lieutenant Zhechong Liu Chetong came late to rescue him, I hope His Highness will punish him."

Liu Chetong followed Cheng Chubi to the side of Li Yanran's car, and directly dismounted to salute.

"Liu Duwei, there is no need to do this, just wait."

Lifting the curtain, Li Yanran walked out of the car directly.


Liu Chetong quickly stood beside the carriage.

"Cheng Chubi, Yuchihuan, what are you waiting for, hurry up and bring the imperial army to kill me up the mountain, and wipe out Hutou Village."

Cheng Chubi and Yuchihuan were taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood what Li Yanran meant.

This is because they are afraid that those bandits will run away with the money in the village.

Brother Li, you know how to suppress bandits.

Saying that he didn't dare to be negligent, he directly greeted the imperial guards to let go of those bandits, and drove the cart towards Hutou Village.

"Your Highness, the forbidden army should stay here to protect your safety, and just leave the Dangping cottage to my soldiers."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Liu Chetong couldn't help being a little dazed.

Why did Sweeping Shanzhai bring so many big cars up there?
"No, don't worry about yourself."


Liu Chetong was taken aback for a moment, what does it mean to be at ease?
It's just a small bandit village, so don't worry about it.

"It's fine, as long as Captain Liu stays with Bengong here."

After Li Yanran finished speaking, she got into the carriage directly, leaving Liu Chetong there in a daze.

Don't you want me to accompany you?

Is this the compensation method?
Cheng Chubi rode up the mountain, saw the bandits at the gate of the village, and killed them immediately.


When Cheng Chubi came to attack, those bandits didn't dare to resist, they fled in all directions like birds and beasts.

"You have no guts, prepare to break the stronghold."

Cheng Chubi spat, looked at the tall Hutou stronghold, and directly ordered the soldiers to break down the stronghold.

"and many more."

Hearing Cheng Chubi's voice, Sun Hu directly exposed his head.

"Grandpa, you are here."

Seeing that it was really Cheng Chubi, Sun Hu hurriedly called out to Grandpa.

"What am I?"

Cheng Chubi was depressed. When he heard this address, he didn't need to look to know that it was Sun Hu, that shameless thing.

"Grandpa, wait a moment, I'll open the door for you."

Sun Hu ran down from the wall of the village with a grunt, opened the door bolt and opened the gate to the maximum.

"Why are you here?"

As soon as Cheng Chubi waved his hand, the imperial army rushed into the Hutou Village with the cart, looking at Sun Hu in front of him, he also had a headache.

"Grandpa, I know you will definitely come, so I took down this Hutou village in advance."

Sun Hu nodded and bowed, Cheng Chubi wanted to slap him because of his triumphant appearance.

"What nonsense, is there any gain?"

Cheng Chubi kicked Sun Hu somersault, why don't you show your wit like me.

If you are afraid of death, be afraid of death, and you say it so fresh and refined.

If we hadn't fought desperately below, you would have taken this Hutou village.

"Grandpa entrusts you with great blessings. I have taken down both the first and second masters in Hutou Village."

Sun Hu got up from the ground, with his head held high and his eyes full of complacency.

Cheng Chubi glanced at Sun Hu, feeling depressed for a while.

As the saying goes, stupid people have stupid blessings, and this guy is really lucky.

"Where is the man?"

"Grandpa, come with me."

Sun Hu smiled, and hurriedly led Cheng Chubi to his hiding place.

Looking at Zhang Hu and Tie Zi with one horn on their heads, Cheng Chubi already guessed how Sun Hu took them down.

What a sneak attack, if you hit hard, your brains will be smashed out.

"Wake them up."

"Okay, Grandpa, face the back."


Cheng Chubi was taken aback when he heard this, I asked you to wake them up, why did you ask me to stay back?
Sun Hu unfastened his belt while looking at Cheng Chubi who was standing there.

"Wait, what do you want?"

Cheng Chubi is dumbfounded, what kind of show operation is this, what exactly do you want?

"Didn't Grandpa tell me to wake them up?"


Cheng Chubi kicked Sun Hu away with a flying kick, now he finally understands why Li Yanran has nothing to do with Sun Hu.

This guy's mind is simply not normal.

I will wake them up for you, will you wake me up?
What's really special is the talent.

"Grandpa, why are you kicking me again? Why don't you come?"

Sun Hu was depressed, why is this master so irritable, and he didn't do anything wrong.

Did I steal your limelight?

"What the hell, shut up for me."

Cheng Chubi felt that he could no longer hold back his big sword. If he was talking to him, he was afraid that either you would die or you would die.


"Come on, tie him up for me."

Cheng Chubi exploded, and directly called the imperial guards around him to tie up Sun Hu tightly.

"Grandpa, why did you tie me up?"

"Bet me on his mouth."

A piece of torn rag was stuffed directly into Sun Hu's mouth, and the world was finally clean.

"Take a basin of water and wake them up, no, just wake them up."

Cheng Chubi touched his temple, he felt that he was really going to be annoyed to death by Sun Hu.

He finally understands now that Sun Hu's village is not poor because of his kindness.

It's because this guy is a psycho.

It would be really strange if this product can be made bigger.

The imperial guards took a basin of water and poured it on the two of them.

"I told you to splash it, but you poured it on your elbow."

When Cheng Chubi saw this scene, he felt bad immediately. He looked at Sun Hu, whose eyes were shining, and trembled. He quickly grabbed the water basin and poured it directly on the two of them.

"Which idiot dares to beat Laozi Sap?"


Zhang Huhu woke up and was about to curse, but he was dumbfounded when he saw the imperial guards beside him and Cheng Chubi's big face.

"This grandpa."

"I'll go to you."

Hearing the word "grandfather", Cheng Chubi punched him directly.

Zhang Huo is completely stupid, am I wrong?

I begged for mercy, why did you still beat me?
What makes you so special is that you can’t understand human language?
"If you dare to speak again, I will break your mouth."

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