Cheng Chubi stared at Zhang Hu with a tiger face.

Now he is really afraid that this tiger has the same virtue as Sun Hu, then he must go crazy.

Just as Tie Zi was about to speak, he shut his mouth wisely when he saw Zhang Hu's miserable appearance.

You can't even call him grandpa. Could it be that you think you are too young and want to call yourself grandpa?
"You are Zhang Tiger."

Zhang Hu nodded.

"I asked you something, why are you nodding?"

Zhang Huhu, who was slapped by Cheng Chubi, already had tears in his eyes. Didn't you stop me from talking just now?
Then you ask me, is it okay for me to nod my head?
What do you want?

"Cry ass, I'm asking you, is it Zhang Hu?"

Cheng Chubi's eyes almost popped out, and Zhang Huhu was so frightened that he was shocked.

"Speak, dumb?"

"Grandpa, I'm Zhang Hu."

Another punch hit him, and Zhang Hu couldn't hold back anymore, tears streaming down his face.

"Speak well, if you dare to mention grandpa again, I will kill you."

Cheng Chubi directly pulled out the horizontal knife from his waist and stuck it by Tie Zi's leg.

Tie Zi was taken aback by this, why did you frighten Zhang Hu and stick the knife in me?

I didn't say anything, grandpa don't kill me.

"Zhang Hu, do you have any hidden money?"

Hearing this, Zhang Hu quickly nodded, but after thinking about it for a while, he quickly said, "Yes, yes, yes."

"Come here, take him to find."

Glancing at the Forbidden Army next to him, someone immediately carried Zhang Hu to his secret stash.

After finishing Zhang Hu, Cheng Chubi smiled slightly and looked at Tie Zi.

"Grandpa, I have it too, I have it too."

"I'll go to you."

Soon Hutou Village was swept away, more than a dozen carts filled with loads descended the mountain, while Cheng Chubi burned down the majestic Hutou Village with a torch.

A large flag symbolizing the Longmen Security Bureau was planted in front of Hutou Village, fluttering in the wind.

Looking at the big carts and small carts behind Cheng Chubi, Liu Chetong's eyes turned red.

No wonder the princess doesn't let her own people go up, feeling that you are not going to destroy the village, but to rob the bandits.

Glancing at the carriage behind him, he finally understood why the bandits provoked by the other party wanted to ambush them with the same hatred.

You are more like bandits than bandits.

Burn the stockade, plant flags, and the most important thing is that no grass will be left wherever you pass.

If you don't take you down, the bandits in this area will have no way out.

"Brother Li, I'm back."

Cheng Chubi came to Li Yanran's car with an aggrieved expression.

Li Yanran got out of the car, looked at Cheng Chubi who looked like he had eaten a bitter gourd, and said in a daze, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, just a little aggrieved."

Cheng Chubi really felt that he was insulted, and his IQ was insulted by Sun Hu and Zhang Hu, two psychopaths.

He was suffocated.


Li Yanran was dumbfounded, feeling aggrieved no matter what the situation was.

Wasn't it still elated when you went up the mountain?

"Brother Li, you don't know."

Yu Chihuan moved closer to Li Yanran, and happily told what happened to Cheng Chubi.


Hearing this, Li Yanran also felt a little empathetic, why Sun Hu is a scourge, and anyone who touches him will be unhappy for half his life.

"Okay, how's the harvest?"

"Everything that should be taken was taken, Hutou Village was also burned, and the bandit leader Zhang Hu and Tie Zi were also captured."

With an aggrieved face, Cheng Chubi still told all about the situation on the mountain.

"Well, where's Sun Hu?"

Cheng Chubi winked, and Sun Hu was immediately brought over by the forbidden army.

Seeing Sun Hu who was tied up and stuffed with a rag in his mouth, Li Yanran was also depressed.

After all, this Sun Hu is also one of his own. This time he not only sneaked into Hutou village, but also took down the bandit leader. It's kind of bad for you to treat him like this.

He ordered someone to tear off the rag from Sun Hu's mouth, but Sun Hu shouted aggrieved directly: "Grandma, Grandpa Cheng abused me, he abused me."

"Who told you to take off the rag, stuff it back for me."

Hearing this, Li Yanran was completely dumbfounded.

Who the hell took the seal for him? He finally knew why Cheng Chubi treated Sun Hu like this.

Everyone was taken aback, didn't you ask to take down the rag?

Cheng Chubi reacted the fastest, punching him in the face, then rode on him, grabbed the dirt-covered rag and stuffed it back.

"Your Highness, this is?"

Liu Chetong's eyes are about to pop out, this guy is called Grandma Li Yanran?
Could it be that he was insane?

"This is crazy, don't worry about him, Captain Liu is thanks to your great help this time, you can share half of these captured from Hutou Village to the soldiers."

Li Yanran was depressed, and she didn't know how to explain it. She looked at the soldiers who were staring at the cart, and immediately decided to give half of it to the other party.

"What's the fun of it then?"

"Zhang Dabiao, didn't you hear His Highness's words? Divide in half, divide in half."


Li Yanran looked at Liu Chetong in a bad mood.

Good guy, cooperating with yourself to rob the bandits, you come to rob me, right?

Hearing this, Zhang Dabiao quickly led his soldiers to surround the cart that came down from the mountain, and counted the belongings.

"Your Highness, my subordinates are all rough, please don't take offense."

Liu Chetong scratched his head at Li Yanran, he also knew that he was being unkind just now, but he couldn't help it, who made himself poor.

"It's okay, it's okay, if there is a need in the future, Captain Liu will take care of you."

Li Yanran smiled awkwardly, she really had nothing to say to someone like Liu Chetong.

"These are easy to talk about and should be done. If there is nothing wrong, I will take all these bandits back and report them to the court for conviction and punishment."

Seeing that the loot was almost divided, Liu Chetong also bowed and said goodbye.

"and many more."

Hearing that Liu Chetong wanted to take all the prisoners away, Li Yanran stopped doing it on the spot.

I was not afraid of hardships and dangers, and I sent people to be spies, and I used myself as a bait to call out these bandits. If you say it, you will take them all away?
How can there be such a good thing.

I will share half of my booty with you, it is too unkind to do so.

"Your Highness, please rest assured, this credit is absolutely indispensable to you."

Liu Chetong glanced at Li Yanran again, not understanding what she meant.

"It's not a matter of credit, Captain Liu. It's no problem for you to take away those who have committed the most crimes, but you can't take away those minions. I want to keep them."

Li Yanran shook her head and expressed her thoughts.

I don't care about the bandit leaders, you can ask for credit wherever you like, but those little bandits who are not guilty of death must be taken down by themselves.

After all, hot spring towns lack such free labor.

With them, I only need to take care of the food, and I can save a lot of money to do other things.

"Your Highness, this is a bit unreasonable. You said before that the credit belongs to me. If you resist if there is a problem, it stands to reason that all these prisoners should belong to me."

Liu Chetong is depressed, why do you want all these bandits?
They are all rebellious people, so if you bring them back, you may cause some trouble.

It's better to give it to me and ask for some benefits.

"I have my own ideas, and I will do as I say. This is the order of my palace."

Li Yanran glared at Liu Chetong, if you dare to compete with me for a prisoner, you probably don't know how powerful this girl is.

"That's fine, but how do you tell?"

Liu Chetong looked at Li Yanran's little black face and was subdued, saying that the other party was also the princess of the Tang Dynasty, since she wanted these captives, let her go.

Anyway, the credit for suppressing the bandits is already his own, so there is no need to ask for it.

"It's easy, Cheng Chubi, Yuchihuan, get to work."

Li Yanran clapped her hands, Cheng Chubi and Yuchihuan also nodded, and immediately led people to work.

They were already familiar with these things, and the two thousand bandits were immediately separated, and they began to write each other's crimes.

Soon all the crimes of the bandits were listed, and then the bandits were quickly identified based on these crimes.

Seeing the stack of crimes handed over, Liu Chetong was completely stunned.

He really didn't expect the other party to be so proficient in this hand, and he didn't do this kind of thing less before he saw it.

Glancing at the bandits in the convoy, he probably understood why these people were still here.

"Okay, these 240 people will be handed over to you, and the rest will be mine."

Li Yanran smiled slightly at Liu Chetong, 240 bandits are enough for you to claim credit.

"That's fine."

Liu Chetong was also helpless, and immediately waved and took the identified bandits away.

"and many more."

"Is there anything else you want to order, Your Highness?"

Liu Chetong was taken aback, this person has been assigned, what else do you have to say.

"When you declare to the court, you can't mention me at all. You suppressed the bandits on your own initiative. Otherwise, if I find out, you will be finished, you know?"


Liu Chetong clasped his fists, Zhe Chong soldiers escorted more than 200 bandits, and drove away in several carts.

"Cheng Chubi, is the money really all gone?"

Li Yanran called Cheng Chubi over, and questioned him with wide eyes.

"It's all over."

Li Yanran immediately jumped up and slapped Cheng Chubi on the head.

"Brother Li, why did you hit me?"

Cheng Chubi was depressed and didn't understand what happened to Li Yanran.

"I'll hit you with a mallet, knowing that there are people down the mountain, you don't know how to hide the money and take it out when they leave?

It caused me to make a lot of less money. If I hit you, I would like to kill you. "

Li Yanran's face was tiger-faced, her eyes were full of anger.

I knew you were not smart, but I didn't expect you to be so not stupid.

Having been with this girl for such a long time, you only gain flesh but not brains, right?

"Ha ha."

Seeing Cheng Chubi being beaten, Yu Chihuan laughed silly, but Li Yanran also jumped up and gave him a hit.


Yu Chihuan was dumbfounded, if you hit Cheng Chubi, hit him, what did you hit me, I didn't make a mistake.

"You still have a face to smile, you didn't go to the mountain? He's a fool, and so are you, two idiots."

"go away."

After hearing this, Yu Chihuan walked away in despair, not daring to approach Li Yanran anymore.

"Your Highness, what should Sun Hu do? It's not an option to always do this."

"Hurry up and give him a hundred guan, and tell him to get out of here, otherwise I'm afraid I can't help but kill him."

Li Yanran's forehead hurts when Sun Hu was mentioned, she really didn't want to see this guy.

He always has an urge to make people lift a knife, but he doesn't know if it's talent or what.

"Yuchihuan, Brother Li asked you to give Sun Hu a hundred guan, and tell him to get out of here."


When Yu Chihuan on the other side heard this, he was in a bad mood.

You bother those idiots, don't I?
"Why don't you hurry up and let him have another meal for us?"

"Oh oh oh."

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