My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 333 Pull out the beard!

After a basin of water went down, Zhang Wei still didn't move?
what's the situation.

"Play dead, right? Hit me until he wakes up."

A sneer appeared on the corner of Li Yanran's mouth, pretending to be dead with me, then you'd better pretend to the end.

"Don't fight, don't fight, wake up."

Zhang Wei got up from the ground with a grunt when he heard that he was going to fight.


Cheng Chubi and Yuchihuan also looked disdainful.

"County magistrate, since you're awake, shouldn't we settle the score?"

Li Yanran patted her head, it's so meow, hit my head, it still hurts now.

"Your Highness, there is something to settle between us."

Zhang Wei was nervous for a while, and quickly shook his head.

I don't want to settle accounts with you. This account is planned by Lord Yan, and it will kill you.

"Hehe, Cheng Chubi, disrespecting the royal family, not only threatening with a knife, but also beating me on the head, what should I do?"

"Return to Your Highness, according to the laws of the Tang Dynasty, you can be killed."

"Your Highness, please forgive me, please forgive me."

The word Kesha frightened Zhang Wei, and he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

"Forgive me, do you know that even my father has never hit me on the head, how dare you, how dare you."

Are you afraid now?

I'm afraid you didn't do that in the first place.

Hit me on the head, and hit me several times.

"Your Highness, the so-called ignorant people are not to blame. The reason why I did that was because of emotion. I hope Your Highness will learn from you."

Zhang Wei is even more depressed, if you are fine, can you not move your emperor Lao Tzu out.

I'm small-minded, if I accidentally get scared to death, then you will be fully responsible.

"Those who don't know don't blame it. There is nothing wrong with saying this sentence, but Ben Gong is very angry now, what should I do?

If I kill you, my father probably won't blame me, after all, everyone has a time when they are young and frivolous,
Say yes, Cheng Chubi. "

Threatening me with a knife and hitting me on the head, trying to get away with saying that I don't know why?
What a good thing to think about.

"It should be fine, but His Majesty will reprimand you at most. After all, you are the crown prince."

Cheng Chubi grinned, and quickly followed Li Yanran's words to respond.

"Don't kill, don't kill, you will be in trouble if you kill my Highness."

Hearing this, Zhang Wei was really scared to pee.

Why are you so murderous at such a young age? Besides, I just knocked you on the head a few times. As for shouting and shouting?
"Then how should I get rid of my anger, I know, you want me to go back to the palace and directly sue the emperor, and kill you openly, right?"

"Don't, don't, don't, there's no need to alarm His Majesty for such a trivial matter, how about His Highness also hit me a few times?"

Zhang Wei is depressed, do I mean that?

Knowing that your father is the emperor, you misunderstand me so much.

will die.

"Slap you a few times? That's not enough, after all, I am the leader, how can I compare with you."

Li Yanran shook her head, how can I get rid of my anger by hitting you a few times, your thinking is too beautiful.

"As long as you don't kill me and follow His Highness's disposal, Zhang Wei will never frown."

Seeing that the matter was slow, Zhang Wei hurriedly spoke.

As long as you don't kill me, you can do whatever you want.

You have already made a mistake, and you have to bear it.

"You said, don't you regret it?"

What I'm waiting for is your words, Xiao Mian, you're done.

"No regrets, follow His Highness's disposal."

"Alright, Cheng Chubi, Yuchihuan, strip off his beard for me."

"and many more."

Zhang Wei was stunned, pulling out his beard?How can this be.

If he didn't have a beard, what face would he have?

What's more, plucking is not shaving, which is painful.

"What? You don't want to? Then let it go, I will return to Chang'an immediately, and let the emperor take your dog's head."

Seeing Cheng Chubi and Yuchihuan walking towards him, Zhang Wei felt like dying.

But now that the arrow is on the string, I have to send it out, or I will lose my head if I don't pull out my beard.

"Why bother the two gentlemen, Zhang Wei will come by himself."

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi and Yuchihuan also froze in place.

This old guy is so hard?

Pulling out one's own beard by oneself would hurt a million points just thinking about it.

Anyway, they can't do it.

"Okay, I'll see how you pull it out."

Zhang Wei glanced at his beard, and inexplicably tears welled up in his eyes.

He was terrible at his own beard, but now he was sending them away with his own hands.


Zhang Wei grabbed a beard with his hands, and pulled it hard, a piercing pain instantly made him howl.


Looking at Zhang Wei's distorted old face, Li Yanran also frowned.

Are you a little too cruel?



While plucking out his beard, Zhang Wei wailed, and after a while, he clenched a handful in his hands, and the original thick beard became thinner.

"Okay, stop."

After all, Li Yanran still didn't pass her own level, seeing others suffer, she also suffers, once the beard is removed, her anger has long since disappeared.


Zhang Wei was taken aback for a moment, but he accidentally pulled out another one, and his painful face twisted.

"Bengong said to stop, what else are you pulling out?"

Li Yanran was depressed, and told you to stop, you still continue?

Are you not paying attention to me, or are you saying that you have a tendency to masochistic?

"Your Highness, are you not angry?"

Zhang Wei looked at Li Yanran expectantly, hoping he had heard correctly.

"Don't be angry anymore. If you hit me on the head, I'll pull out your beard. We'll settle the matter."

Li Yanran nodded, this old man is really a ruthless person.

"Thank you, Zhang Wei, for your kindness."

Zhang Wei quickly knocked his head on the ground, and his hanging heart finally fell back into his stomach.

This little life was hanged back from the Palace of Hades by his own beard.

"Let's go."

Glancing at Zhang Wei whose head was on the ground, Li Yanran also shook her head.

"Your Highness, are you leaving now?"

Hearing that Li Yanran was about to leave, Zhang Wei quickly raised his head and looked over with two dark blue eyes.

"If you don't go, you still want to keep me for dinner?"

"It's not impossible to eat, let Zhang Wei show his friendship as a landlord."

Zhang Wei tried his best to squeeze out a smiling face, but his mouth hurt too much, this smile was uglier than crying in Li Yanran's eyes.

"Forget it, I can't afford your food, so I'll let you in on a little secret. In fact, even if you don't pluck your beard, I won't do anything to you.

After all, you can be regarded as an official of the imperial court. If I sue the emperor, I will have to be punished, so I leave, old man. "

After speaking, Li Yanran left directly with Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan.

Zhang Wei was really stupid this time, looking at the beard in his hand, he let out a shocking wail.

"Do not."

"Do not."

"Brother Li, you are a bit murderous."

Cheng Chubi shrank his neck involuntarily when he heard the screams behind him.

"Who told him to provoke me, I can't see him humiliating himself, so can't I be angry with him?"

Li Yanran smiled slightly, revealing two small canine teeth.


Hearing this, Cheng Chubi and Yuchihuan shuddered again.

Brother Li, it's you after all, I'm convinced.

When Li Yanran went out, the imperial guards also protected her. After all, there is a lot of fish and dragons here, and no one can guarantee that there will be no problems.

"Let me in, let me in."

Hou Yuanshan looked at the imperial guards on the periphery, and hurriedly shouted.

"What's the matter? Let him in."

Seeing that it was an acquaintance, Li Yanran also waved and let him in.

"My boss, I'm here to deliver the rest of the shipping fee."

Hou Yuanshan smiled slightly, and quickly saluted Li Yanran.

"Well, just arrange for someone to hand over the money to my person."

After Li Yanran finished speaking, she took the people with her and was about to leave.

"Boss, I still have a business order here. I need to transport some goods back to Chang'an. I don't know if the Longmen Security Bureau will accept this business."

Seeing that Li Yanran was leaving, Hou Yuanshan was a little dazed, I still have business to discuss, so you're leaving now?
"Yes, why not? How many are there?"

Li Yanran also became interested when he heard that the business was coming. He didn't expect to see a repeat customer so soon. This was a good start.

"I made a count. There are a total of [-] merchants who want to transport goods back to Chang'an, and there are almost [-] trucks."

"Very well, these are all your contacts."

Looking at the attitude of the other party, Li Yanran immediately understood that her identity should have been exposed.

Otherwise, as a businessman, he doesn't need to be so respectful to himself.

"I was the one who contacted, but it was also because of the strength of the Longmen Escort that everyone accompanied them."

Hou Yuanshan glanced at Li Yanran, he really didn't expect the other party's vision to be so sharp.

It can be seen directly that these are organized by themselves, after all, they are nobles, but they are much smarter than ordinary children.

"Cheng Chubi, give him a discount, as long as all the goods delivered by their firm are discounted by [-], let's go."

Li Yanran didn't pay much attention to the other party, she probably understood what the other party meant.

I want to take this opportunity to build a good relationship with myself, maybe I want to climb my own high branch.

She doesn't bother to get acquainted with such speculators.

Otherwise there will be endless troubles.


Seeing Li Yanran leaving, Hou Yuanshan also froze in place.

He really didn't like this petty gain, his real thoughts were exactly as Li Yanran thought, he wanted to get acquainted with the other party.

However, people don't give themselves this chance at all.

"Sixth brother, I told you that His Highness is not Yi Yi's generation, and your idea will never come true."

Looking at Hou Yuanshan who was in a daze, Hou Sihai also shook his head.

Now Li Yanran can be said to be the most popular businessman in Chang'an, and the few transactions in his hands are sharp tools for making money, so he doesn't think much of businessmen like himself.

"No, you follow the goods back to Chang'an, and tell father that all future goods will be handed over to the Longmen Escort Bureau.

I believe that sincerity is as good as gold and stone, if we can really embrace this big tree, our Hou family will be prosperous in the future. "

Hou Yuanshan slapped Hou Sihai directly, this matter must be done no matter what.

The hope of his own family is all on this, and he will not be reconciled if he doesn't fight hard.

He was really fed up with his helpless business life, and he must seize this opportunity.

"As you please."

Hou Sihai was also depressed, and nodded to show that he understood.

After receiving the [-] carts from the merchants, Li Yanran's team started heading towards Chang'an.

It wasn't until Li Yanran rushed to Xinfeng County that the bandits who had been beaten by Li Yanran over and over again appeared again.

At the same time, a proverb was also spread in this area.

It's better to provoke the king of Hades than touch the dragon's gate.

Because you can survive until the third watch if you offend the King of Hades, but you can’t even live until the third watch if you provoke the Longmen Escort.

They will inevitably be killed by the other party, burn the village and destroy the family, and then be arrested and sent to the Lishan fief for labor reform.

At the same time, a secret report was also sent to Li Zhi.

"Hong'er went to Wugong County with the caravan? And beat the county magistrate there?"

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