My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 334 You must be very happy to have this test paper as a gift!

Chapter 334 You must be very happy to have this test paper as a gift!
Seeing this memorial, Li Zhi felt bad all over.

What the hell is this?

He knew that the Longmen Escort Bureau was established by Li Yanran, but why did Li Hong get mixed up in the team and beat the magistrate of martial arts?
"Ryan, is this true?"

Li Zhi glanced at Ryan, his eyes were full of coldness.

"Your Majesty, this is all reported by local spies, so it shouldn't be false."

Ryan shivered, and slowly nodded to Li Zhi.

"It's really daring, and immediately sent an order for the prince to return to Chang'an."


Ryan retreated slowly, and then galloped out on a fast horse, heading towards the Lishan fiefdom.

"Sister, you're back, Brother Hong misses you to death."

Hearing that Li Yanran was coming back, Li Hong waited outside the small town early, and when he saw the car approaching, he immediately went up to meet him.

"Little Li Hong, you've grown a lot, and you know how to welcome sister."

When Li Yanran got out of the car, Li Hong threw himself into her arms.

"That's right, it doesn't matter who I am, brother, sister, did you bring me a gift?"

Li Hong smiled slightly, and directly spread his little hands.


Hearing the word "gift", Li Yanran was also dumbfounded.

After going through such a experience in Wugong County, how could she have the heart to bring gifts for the other party.

"Sister, you didn't bring it for me, did you? Brother Hong will be angry."

Li Hong pouted, his eyes full of displeasure.

"A gift, how could there be no one? My sister will give it to you when I get inside."

Li Yanran rubbed Li Hong's little head, and smiled at him, revealing her two canine teeth again.

Seeing Li Yanran's expression, Cheng Chubi and Yuchihuan also shivered, and hurried away.

The prince is going to be unlucky, so don't splash yourself with blood, it's not easy to wash at that time.

"I knew Sister Sister would be the best, Brother Hong couldn't wait."

Hearing that there was a gift, Li Hong's little face immediately turned cloudy, and after kissing Li Yanran's little face, he started to run.

"Hey, sister loves you very much, I hope you will be as happy as ever when you see the gift I prepared for you."

Li Yanran wiped the drool off her face, looked at Li Hong's jumping figure, and smiled again.

The team entered the small town, and Li Yanran rushed directly to her house.

Li Feng had been waiting outside the house, and when he saw Li Yanran returning, he had a long-lost smile on his face.

Li Yanran looked at Li Feng, and kicked him directly on the leg: "Old Li, this girl has been away for so many days, do you miss me?"

After being kicked by Li Yanran, Li Feng also scratched his head.

"Of course I thought about it."

A young lady is still a young lady, and her feet are still so strong.

"Then why are you still standing there, come in with me, I want to give Brother Hong a surprise."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, twisted her body and rushed into the room, while Li Feng followed behind her as usual.

"Quick, get a pen and paper."

A large piece of paper was spread directly in front of Li Yanran, and then Li Feng handed it over with both hands holding a pen.

It's better to have Lao Li.

Li Yanran took the brush, and quickly started writing on the paper.

After finishing writing, Li Yanran glanced again, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth inadvertently.

"Sister, sister, where are you, where is my gift?"

Li Hong hurriedly rushed into Li Yanran's house, he couldn't wait any longer.

I can't wait to get the gift that the other party prepared for me.

"Brother Hong, come, take it."

Li Yanran directly handed over the test paper she just wrote.


Looking at the test paper in front of him, Li Hong was in a bad mood.

What's the situation, who wants your test paper, I want a gift, a gift.

"This is the gift my sister prepared for you. Are you surprised or not?"

Hearing that this was his own gift, two lines of tears welled up in Li Hong's eyes.

I have been looking forward to it for many days, and you finally handed me a test paper.

He also said that it was carefully prepared for me, and the ink was not dry yet, so it was clearly written by you just now.

If you are not prepared, you are not prepared. What do you want to do?

Bullying people doesn't mean being so bullying.

Seeing that Li Hong was crying, Li Yanran was also furious.

I spent so many brain cells to help you come up with a question, and you just give me this expression?
It really is three days without a roof tile.

She slapped Li Hong directly on the head, and Li Yanran said with a tiger face: "Brother Hong, sister knows that you must be moved to tears,

Tell me quickly that you like this gift and make sister happy, otherwise sister will be angry. "

Li Hong clutched his head, and there was no trace of light in his eyes.

like?How could I like it.

If any child likes this gift, I am willing to offer it with both hands.

He also said that he was so moved that he was about to cry, which eye of yours saw that I was moved.

I also said that I want you to be happy, have you considered my feelings?

Isn't this bullying the honest person?

"Huh? Are you trying to make sister angry?"

Seeing Li Hong's small appearance, Li Yanran's hand directly touched his ear.

"I woo woo woo, I like it."

Faced with Li Yanran's ear twisting offensive, Li Hong cried while saying that he liked it.

It was painful to cry, even if Li Feng was an outsider who saw it, he would feel that Li Yanran was a little cruel.

"As long as you like it, finish it within half an hour, no problem?"

"No woo, no problem."

As he spoke, Li Hong directly picked up the writing brush on the table, and began to do the questions while crying on his stomach.

Li Yanran sat aside, before he could speak, Li Feng took out a peach from his pocket and handed it over.

Smiling slightly, Li Yanran took Tao Zi and wiped it on her clothes.


"I know."

Li Yanran bit on the peach, her eyes curved and said: "The peach picked by Lao Li is delicious, really sweet."

"Ha ha."

Li Feng scratched the back of his head and smiled naively.

"I want to eat too, Li Feng give me one."

Seeing Li Yanran eating peaches while he was doing test questions, Li Hong exploded on the spot.

Putting the brush aside, he spread his hands at Li Hong.

"Sister's people are also people you can call around? Honestly do the question, dare to live up to sister's wishes, I will twist your ears off."

"Sister, you bully people."

After Li Hong finished speaking, he wiped the tears from his eyes, quickly grabbed the brush and started writing again.

After about two quarters of an hour, Li Hong threw the brush away again and sat down on the sofa.


Li Yanran was taken aback, finished writing so quickly?
"I'm done, Li Feng, how about giving me a peach?"

Li Hongerlang turned his legs up and asked Li Feng for peaches again.

"Give it to him."

Li Yanran nodded to Li Feng, walked straight to the edge of the test paper, and began to mark him.

Li Feng smiled slightly, took out a peach from his pocket and handed it to Li Hong.

After receiving the peach, Li Hong imitated Li Yanran, wiped it on his body, and took a bite.

"It's so sweet, Li Feng, where did you find the peaches, why haven't you seen them take them out before?"

Li Hong was captured instantly when Tao Zi entered. He gave Li Feng a white look and asked slowly.

Why didn't Sister see you buying peaches for me when I went out.

Dare to despise the king.

Diao Nu, all right.

"Give me another one."

Three times, five divisions and two solved the peach in his hand, and Li Hong spread his hands at Li Feng again.

"Eat, slap me."

Unexpectedly, Li Yanran slapped him with a slap, which made Li Hong's eyes darken and his head a little dazed.

"Sister, why are you beating me?"

Li Hongteng stood up from the sofa all at once, staring at Li Yanran like a fighting cock.

"Look, how many of the fifty questions did you get wrong?"

Li Hong looked out and saw that the paper was full of circles, and only three questions were marked with X, and he was immediately depressed.

"I only got three questions wrong, and it's not more than [-]%. Sister, don't go too far."

"This question is so simple, you can get it wrong? You should answer it."

After Li Yanran finished speaking, she slapped her across the face again.

Brother, you should be glad that you were born in the Tang Dynasty. With your level, you can't even graduate from kindergarten.

Three mistakes?You must know that in future generations, a single question may determine your future.

Hitting you is light.

"I'll change it, can't I change it?"

Facing Li Yanran's high-handed rule, Li Hong could only succumb, pouted his buttocks and began to change the topic.

"I told you that you should do this question."

Seeing that Li Hong corrected his mistake again, Li Yanran couldn't bear it anymore, and directly twisted his ears.

"Sister, it hurts, it hurts."

"Brother Li, someone is here."

Li Siwen went directly into the house, and brought him over to deliver the order to the Imperial Army.

The forbidden army entered the door and looked at Li Hong who had his ears twisted, and he was also confused.

What is this operation?
The princess is twisting the prince's ears?

This is what I can see?
Seeing Li Yanran glanced at him, the imperial guard quickly lowered his head.

"The subordinate imperial army is Feng Qianli, see His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and see His Royal Highness the Princess."

"what happened?"

Letting go of Li Hong's ears, Li Yanran was also puzzled.

Now the forbidden army is here, what do you want to do?
"Your Majesty has an order to urgently call His Highness the Crown Prince back to the palace."

Feng Qianli didn't dare to raise his head, and directly stated Li Zhi's will.

"Father called me back to the palace? What's the matter?"

Li Hong was stunned, why did the good old man ask him to go back?

"Did you make another big mistake? Otherwise, why would Father call you back?"

Looking at the bewildered Li Hong, Li Yanran slapped him on the head again with a flying palm.

"I haven't. I haven't done anything other than not studying much recently? If you don't believe me, ask Li Feng."

Li Hong clutched his head, and hurriedly ran behind Li Feng.

Tyrant, absolute tyrant.

Li Feng shook his head at Li Yanran, at least as far as he knew, Li Hong didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

"I didn't do anything, why did my father call you but not me? You must have done something shameful."

Even with Li Feng's proof, Li Yanran still didn't believe it.

After all, my younger brother is not good at anything else, but he is the only one in the world who is looking for trouble.

He said it's okay, it's only strange if he can believe it.

As he said that, he chased after Li Hong again, but when the other party saw this, he ran away like a scumbag.

"Here, Your Highness, Your Majesty is still waiting."

(End of this chapter)

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