My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 335 A Big Black Pot

Chapter 335
The imperial army will not be able to see this scene immediately. If you want to fight and fight, can you share the time.

The emperor is waiting in the palace. It's hard for me to do this.

"Hurry up and tidy up, and go back with this forbidden soldier. I kept my father waiting for a long time, and maybe I have to beat you again."

Hearing this, Li Yanran also stopped, and scolded Li Hong to hurry back to the palace with others.

"Oh oh oh."

Li Hong is also drooping his head, he can't wait to run away now.

It's too dangerous here, even if he goes back to face Li Zhi, he doesn't want to see Li Yanran anymore.

This sister is even more unreasonable than a bandit.

After tidying up, Li Hong also stepped into the carriage, and under the escort of nearly a hundred imperial guards, he left the fief and ran towards Chang'an.

"Lao Li, Hongdi really didn't do anything out of the ordinary during my absence?"

Seeing the back of Li Hong leaving, Li Yanran looked at Li Feng beside him.

"Not really."

Li Feng was also a little dumbfounded.

If you care about it, you care about it, why do you have to use that kind of situation to express it.

"That would be hell."

Li Yanran shook her head, somewhat puzzled.

Li Hong sat on the carriage, touched the plums in his pocket, and couldn't help being stunned.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Feng can handle this matter.

Take a bite, it's sweet.

This Diao Nu is not bad, I will spare your life.

The carriage went straight into the palace with billowing dust and smoke.

"Father, why did you ask your son to come back? Did you miss me?"

Li Hong rushed into the imperial study room, threw himself into Li Zhi's arms and acted coquettishly.

Seeing that Li Hong threw himself into the trap, Li Zhi didn't hesitate, he directly pressed him on his lap, and slapped him.


Li Hong was completely dumbfounded by this slap.

What's happening here?
Could it be that his father called him back just to beat him up?

This is so unreasonable.

"Father, don't hit, don't hit."

Seeing Li Zhi raised his hand again, Li Hong hurriedly shouted to stop.

"If you say don't fight, don't fight? Are you Lao Tzu or I am Lao Tzu."

Li Zhi stared wide-eyed, and slapped Li Hong's ass again, and Li Hong burst into tears instantly in pain.

"Father, why did you hit me?"

Li Hong was really stunned, he still needs to be charged for beheading, if you raise your hand indiscriminately, you will be hit violently, who will bear it.

"Dare to talk back."

As he said that, Li Zhi was beaten again.

"I didn't talk back, I didn't talk back."

Li Hong was about to go crazy, he didn't understand what was wrong with him, to suffer such a crime.

I was beaten at Li Yanran's place, and I failed to fill out a test paper, but I still have to be beaten at your place.

"Do you know what's wrong?"


Hearing this, Li Hong immediately confessed his mistake.

Although I don't know what I did wrong, but who told you that I am Lao Tzu.

You are wrong, so be it.

"Then it's only right for me to hit you."

Li Zhi's slap was slapped again, until Li Hong was about to twitch.

Temiao will also be beaten if he admits his mistake, so he is a fart for admitting his mistake.

Allowing yourself to admit your mistakes is just giving yourself a reason to do it.

Dad, you don't talk about Wude.

After a burst of thunderous attacks, Li Zhi also stopped what he was doing.

Li Hong stood aside aggrievedly, clutching his buttocks, his small face was lined up, showing how miserable he was crying.

"Don't you know why I hit you now?"

Li Zhi looked at Li Hong, the anger still hard to dissipate in his eyes.

"Er Erchen doesn't know."

Li Hong shook his head, I know?I know you have an elbow.

"Nizi, why did you go to Wugong County without me?

Do you know your identity?
If something happens, what kind of situation will Datang Jiangshan be in? "

Li Zhi slapped the table and stood up suddenly.


Li Hong was dumbfounded, yes, completely dumbfounded.

I wanted to go to Wugong County, but my sister didn't let me go.

How could such rumors come out.

"Father, no, I didn't go to martial arts."

"You still dare to quibble? I really think I'm trying to fool you."

Hearing that Li Hong dared to talk back, Li Zhi immediately went to arrest him.

"Royal father, I know I was wrong, and I dare not do it again."

Li Hong ran away, and when he saw Li Zhi stop, he quickly confessed his mistake.

He is now yellow mud and rotten crotch is not shit or shit.

At this moment, he really wanted to tell Li Zhi that it was Li Yanran who went to martial arts, but seeing the other party's appearance, he probably didn't believe him, and he might be beaten again.

He simply gritted his teeth and took the blame for this crime.

But, it was obviously not him, he was really wronged.

"I hit you lightly this time. If I hear it again next time, I'll have to break your legs. Get lost."

Li Zhi glared at Li Hong, as long as he knew he was wrong.

This time it was just a small punishment and a major punishment. I believe that after this beating, Li Hong would be wary in a short period of time, and he would not dare to do anything out of the ordinary again.

"Er Erchen, please leave."

Li Hong was so wronged that two lines of clear tears flowed out of his big eyes.

Now he only feels that he is more wronged than Dou E, he really beeped the dog.

"Don't go to your mother, she doesn't know about it for the time being, otherwise you would have to be beaten in the past. Your mother is not like me, maybe she will be whipped again."

Li Hong shivered, then bowed respectfully to Li Zhi, and limped out clutching his buttocks.

Sitting in the carriage back to Lishan, Li Hong cried directly with his head in his arms.

He had never been wronged so much in his life.

Hearing the wailing in the car, the imperial guards who were in charge of the guard also felt a burst of sympathy.

It is said that the Tian family has no family affection, and this child is crying like this at a young age.

Fortunately, I was not born in the royal family, otherwise, whether I can grow up to such a big size is another matter.

At the gate of the town, Li Hong, whose eyes were swollen from crying, stepped on someone and got off the carriage.

"Where's my sister?"

Li Hong bared his teeth and glanced at the guards on one side, and asked Li Yanran's location directly.

He knew that he must have taken the blame for Li Yanran, if he didn't talk about it properly, he wouldn't be able to sleep at night.


The imperial guards were also taken aback when they saw Li Hong's expression.

No one in the town knows now, you can't afford to mess with Princess Lishan.

Your Highness would like to advise you, don't push yourself, otherwise you will be looking for your own death in this way.

"I asked you something, didn't you hear me?"

Seeing the imperial guards in a daze, Li Hong kicked them, who knew that his buttocks were touched, and his face twisted in pain.

"His Highness is discussing matters with several young gentlemen in the school grounds."

Seeing Li Hong's distorted face, the Imperial Army felt depressed for a while.

Shouldn't it be my pain that you kicked me?Why do you feel more pain than me.

Could it be that I have actually cultivated the supreme skill of rebounding damage?
"The school grounds, right?"

Hearing that Li Yanran was in the school grounds, Li Hong snorted coldly, picked up a stick, and limped towards the school grounds.

Looking at Li Hong's back, the imperial guard also shook his head, no one could save him if he wanted to die.

Li Yanran and Li Siwen were discussing the distribution plan for the new prisoners when the gate was kicked open with a bang.

Immediately afterwards, Li Hong walked in with a wooden stick taller than him.

"All of you get out of here, my king."

Li Hong's eyes were as swollen as walnuts, and he raised his stick and rushed to Bi and the others to drink.


Seeing Li Hong's appearance, everyone was stunned.

Has this guy eaten the heart of a bear and the gall of a leopard?Dare to be presumptuous in front of Li Yanran.

"Didn't you hear what I said? If you don't leave, I will be angry."

While Li Hong was talking, the stick in his hand was shaking up and down.

"You go out first."

Li Yanran frowned, she was really curious now.

What exactly did Li Hong go through when he returned to the palace that made him so heroic.


Seeing this, several people left together, and Changsun Yan kindly closed the door behind him.

"What happened to the prince?"

Li Siwen shivered involuntarily as he recalled the scene just now.

He had already anticipated the tragic end that Li Hong might face next.

"Shh, you'll know if you just listen."

Changsun Yan put his ears directly on the door, and the other three followed Changsun Yan's example to eavesdrop.

"Sister, do you know why my father urgently called me to Chang'an?"

Li Hong's small eyes were red and filled with anger.

Who knew that Li Yanran rushed directly to Li Hong's side, snatched the stick from his hand, and did not forget to give him a hand.


Li Hong burst into tears as soon as his butt was pumped.

"Speak well if you have something to say, whoever wields a knife and stick with me, is it against you?"

Li Yanran stood with a stick, staring at this poor brother.

"Sister, do you know how much trouble I have carried for you? Did you do something in Wugong County under my identity?"

Li Hong glared at Li Yanran, even if she had a stick in her hand, she would not hesitate at all.

If you don't get justice for your ass today.


Li Yanran was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly remembered that she had really borrowed her younger brother's identity in Wugong County.

Could it be, no way.

My father has so many eyes and ears, even in every corner of Wugong County.


It seems that if you really want to go out in the future, you should use your younger brother's identity.

Otherwise, there will be endless troubles.

"How can I borrow your identity, you are just a brat, isn't my princess's identity high enough?"

Although she had figured it out, Li Yanran's momentum remained undiminished, she smashed the stick on the ground, and growled at Li Hong.

Seeing this scene, Li Hong was also stunned.

Could it be that I blamed my sister wrongly?Or is it someone else pretending to be himself.

No, who dares to pretend to be the prince, if it is not my sister, it will be strange.

Thinking of this, Li Hong rolled his eyes wide and sneered at Li Yanran.

"So it wasn't Elder Sister, then I really blamed you wrongly, fortunately I would rather be beaten to death by my father to hide the truth for Elder Sister.

I will return to Chang'an right now, explain the situation to my father, and ask him to investigate thoroughly.

We must take down this pretending to be a younger brother and cut off his head. "

After speaking, Li Hong walked directly outside, Li Yanran threw the stick and ran towards him when she saw it.

"Little brother, if you have something to say, don't be angry, don't be angry!"

(End of this chapter)

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