My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 336 Compromise

Li Yanran stretched out her hands to block Li Hong's way.

"Sister, how can such a villainous little brother not be angry, if the emperor doesn't let his father cut off his head, how can he maintain the royal prestige, don't stop me."

A trace of coldness flashed in Li Hong's eyes, and he directly grabbed Li Yanran who was standing in front of him.

"Aren't you listening to sister's words?"

Looking at Li Hong, Li Yanran also looked cold, and slapped him on the head.

"Sister, you... you still dare to hit me?"

Li Hong was depressed, it was obviously your fault first, why would you still bully me.

It really doesn't make sense.

"What happened to you? I'll make it clear. I pretended to be you. If you dare to sue your father, I... I'll tell you about you falling into the toilet."


Hearing this, Li Hong was completely dumbfounded.

Why does my sister only know about this.

Very meow.

Li Feng, you are a slave.

This king is at odds with you.

"The dignified prince is with the toilet bucket. He is such an adult and still uses urine and mud. If you tell him, I wonder if the emperor will beat you to death."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, and two small canine teeth jumped out again.

"Sister, you are shameless, you are shameless."

Li Hong cried, crying very sadly.

Originally, he thought that he could take revenge by grabbing Li Yanran's braid, but he didn't expect that her braid would already be in her hands.

Isn't this bullying?
"Don't cry, it is a foregone conclusion that you will be beaten, even if you fight to the death, it will not help, sister is not an unreasonable person,
Knowing that you have been wronged, tell me, I will satisfy you whatever you want. "

Li Yanran also had a headache looking at Li Hong who was crying in the storm.

Fortunately, I have Li Hong's handle, otherwise I don't know what Li Hong will do this time.

The stick has been knocked down, it's time to comfort the carrot.

Otherwise, Li Hong really exploded, and he would have to be beaten by his father.

"Everything satisfies me?"

Li Hong wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with his hands, and looked at the elder sister in front of him with a shining face.

"As long as you don't ask too much, it's fine."

"Then I don't want to study, I have unlimited pocket money every day, and give Li Feng a beat, and"

Li Hong snapped his fingers and began to talk about his request.

"Wait, do you think I'm the bastard of the wishing pool?
I asked you to ask, but didn't ask you to make a wish. All of what you said is impossible. "

Saying that, Li Yanran waved her hand and gave Li Hong a slap.

Damn, do you really think I'm the bastard at the Wishing Pool in Lingyin Temple, and you come here to make a wish?
"Sister, you hit me again, are you really not afraid that I will die?"

Li Hong covered his head and growled at Li Yanran with his eyes wide open.

"The fish will die and the net will be broken, I will let you die and the net will be broken."

With a wave of Li Yanran's plain hand, Li Hong slapped another slap in the face, with stars shining in his eyes.

"Little brother, sister solemnly tells you that the fish may die, but the net may not be broken.

If you are sensible, just say something serious, don't send me any ambitions. "

Li Hong looked at Li Yanran with some fear.

He knew that if he messed around again, Li Yanran would knock his head full of bags and send them to Santai Temple as a Buddha statue without going out.

Besides, even if he went to a showdown with Li Zhi now, there would be nothing but another beating.

"Then tell me, what can you give me?"

Thinking of this, Li Hong is also convinced, since he has no ability to choose, then it depends on what you are going to give me, and come to gag me.

"It's impossible not to study, and it's impossible to beat Li Feng. As for your pocket money, you can increase it."

"Consistently, consistently every day."

"You always have an elbow."

Li Yanran once again taught Li Hong how to be a man.

I have been paying all the money for a day, and you left me with a bug in this card?

It's not that I can't afford it, but there is a saying that is not good. A man becomes bad when he has money. Sister doesn't want you to be bad, so she chooses to refuse.

"If you don't give it, you won't give it. Why beat someone?"

Li Hong covered his head and cried aggrieved again.


"Hold me back."

When Li Yanran drank, Li Hong was so scared that he quickly covered his mouth and sobbed softly.

"One hundred dollars a day, the most, if you don't agree, I'll tie you up at home from now on,

Not only will you not be able to see the sun tomorrow, but you will not be able to see the sun every day. "

Li Hong shivered, sniffled his nose again, his eyes were full of horror.

He knew that his elder sister was a ruthless person, and she could definitely do what she said.

Medicine King Sun Simiao has been tied up before, let alone himself.

"120 money."

"make a deal."

Li Hong just wanted to reach out his hand to give Li Yanran a high five, but he didn't expect to get another slap.


Li Hong was puzzled, and he clapped his hands together as an oath, why did you hit me on the head.

Do I deserve to be bullied by you?

"From now on, you are not allowed to threaten me about going to Wugong County, and I will not threaten you about using urine and mud. If anyone commits the crime again, I will beat you into a pig's head."


Li Hong quit, why should I be beaten into a pig's head.

No matter who makes a mistake, they can beat me together?
Sister, you know how to be shameless.

"Let's go."

As soon as Li Yanran opened the door, four bastards rushed in.


Looking at the group of people in front of her, Li Yanran was in a bad mood.

Are you playing Demacia with me?What about squatting in the grass next to this?
"Brother Li Li, I still have something to do."

Cheng Chubi reacted the fastest, and Sa Yazi ran away.

Yu Chihuan and Li Siwen also ran wildly with their long legs oiled on their feet.

As soon as Changsun Yan was about to run away, Li Yanran swept her head with a stick.

Falling to the ground, Changsun Yan was about to cry.

I seemed to have heard something extraordinary just now, looking at Li Yanran's black face, I'm afraid I'm going to be silenced.

"Brother Li, have you eaten?"

Li Yanran was speechless, and with a stick, she knocked on Changsun Yan.

"Oh, murdered."

"Brother Li, you're going to kill me."

"I never heard that the prince is still using urine and mud at such a big age."

After being beaten, Changsun Yan got up with a grunt, and Sa Yazi ran away, explaining loudly while running.

"Changsun Yan, this king is in conflict with you, come and follow this king to chase after that fellow."

Hearing what Changsun Yan yelled clearly, Li Hong's face turned pale instantly, and he limped after him.

If you don't kill this guy today, he won't be the prince.

Seeing this, several imperial guards followed closely behind Li Hong.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Li Yanran also shook his head, he had already anticipated the tragic situation of Changsun Yan.

Although my little brother is cowardly to death in front of himself, but in front of others, he is the top official second generation in Datang.

Grandson Yan, this princess can only say that you know how to speak out.

If the sky does evil, you can live, but if you do evil yourself, you are doomed.

Finally, Changsun Yan was caught up by the long legs of the forbidden army, and then Li Hong asked the forbidden army to hold him down and beat him hard with a stick before giving up.

After tidying up the grandson Yan, Li Hong also went to the accountant with satisfaction, and asked for the pocket money that Li Yanran had promised him.

The accountant naturally wouldn't give it to him, because Li Yanran had a strict order that Li Hong was not allowed to take a dime from the account.

Hearing this, Li Hong was also furious, and directly ordered the imperial army to beat up the accountant, and then turned around and left with 120 yuan.

"Your Highness, Mr. Sun from the cashier came to sue His Highness the Crown Prince not only ordered the imperial guards to beat him, but also robbed 120 yuan from the account."

Hearing this, Li Yanran was also dumbfounded.

Temiao's own little brother is really adrift, and dared to grab money from the account.

But think about it, it seems that I promised him a daily pocket money of 120 yuan. If he asks for money, you will be fine if you give it to the accountant?
There is still a face to complain.

"The prince went to the accountant to withdraw money, why didn't the accountant give it?"


Li Feng was taken aback. Didn't you say that the prince is not allowed to take a penny from the cashier?
Why are you asking that again now?
Thinking of Li Feng, he said Li Yanran's order.

"Oh, oh, Mr. Sun did the right thing. He rewarded him with the usual money for medical expenses, and told him that the crown prince can withdraw 120 yuan from the account every day."


Mr. Sun got the usual reward, and he felt comfortable on the spot, and he didn't feel any pain at all.

After thanking Dade, I hurried back to the accounting room to continue working.

Glancing at the sky above her head, Li Yanran suddenly remembered that the matter hadn't been finished yet, so she hurriedly asked Li Feng to call back all the smart people.

One by one, they quit their business and just think about fishing all day long.

How did I raise such a bunch of trash.

When they came back, only Changsun Yan was limping, and there were several bloodstains on his face. Li Hong bullied him badly.

"Misfortunes come from the mouth, you all remember this palace, otherwise Changsun Yan will be a lesson from the past."

Glancing at the miserable grandson Yan, Li Yanran didn't feel sympathetic at all.

Who let you kill yourself, no wonder others.

The three of them laughed and nodded together, only Changsun Yan was like a big grudge, his eyes were full of depression.

Why are the four squatting in the grass to eavesdrop, and only myself was beaten.

Why not beat the three of them together.

This is not fair.

"Li Siwen, how many prisoners are there in total?"

Li Yanran ignored the elder Sun Yan's resentful eyes, and asked Li Siwen directly.

The other party has now been promoted to the chief executive of the town. If there is a chance, after Li Hong ascends the throne, she would like to recommend him to the palace to replace Ryan and take charge of the entire palace.

Become the closest person to the emperor.

But thinking about it, Li Siwen wouldn't let him enter the palace. Even if Li Siwen agreed, Li Ji would not agree.

Let alone.

He was afraid that Li Ji would come and fight him hard.

"There are now a total of 320 captives in the town."

Li Siwen looked at Li Yanran's eyes and shuddered involuntarily, not knowing what she meant.

"Well, do these people have any thorns?"

Hearing that there were so many prisoners, Li Yanran was also taken aback.

Unknowingly, my labor reform team has grown so big?

"Of course there are thorns, but under the guidance of the Forbidden Army, all of them have reformed and become honest people who work hard."

Cheng Chubi smiled slightly, daring to be a stabbing head here, wouldn't that be kowtowing to Lord Yama in the middle of the night, courting death?

The imperial army beat you down with sticks, and even if you are a wicked person in ten generations, you will become a kind-hearted and kind-hearted citizen.

"Go and see."

There are more than 5000 people, and they are all strong and strong men. It is not a problem to build the city wall all the time, which is too bad.

Always find a way to make them self-sufficient.


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