My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 337 Familiar Feels Familiar!

After finishing speaking, several people got up together and walked towards the construction site of the city wall.

Li Hong withdrew 120 yuan, and it was different in an instant.

Walking on the market, he seems to be the king here, whoever dares to disrespect him, he will not buy his products.

No way, who told me to be rich.

"Brother Li."

While Li Hong was wandering around, a crisp voice suddenly sounded.

Li Hong took a closer look, who could it be if it wasn't Lao Zhang's granddaughter.

"Xiao Caiya, are you going out with Lao Cai again?"

Li Hong leaned over directly, looked at Cai Ya's delicate face, and smiled for a while.

"Well, Brother Li, here's this for you."

Cai Ya spread her hand and handed over a small round cake.

"Hee hee, I knew Xiaocai Sprout was the best for me, here you are."

Li Hong took the round cake from Cai Ya, grabbed a bunch of candied haws and gave it to him.

"Brother Li is really nice."

After receiving the candied haws, a hint of surprise flashed in Cai Ya's eyes, but she swallowed but didn't eat it.

"Why don't you eat it, this candied haws is delicious."

Li Hong took a bite of a candied haws and smiled at Cai Ya again.

"I, I, I want to take it back to my brother to eat, he hasn't eaten candied haws yet."

Hearing Li Hong's words, Cai Ya was also shy for a while.

"What am I supposed to do? I'll give you another string. That's fine."

As Li Hong said, he took another bunch of candied haws from the shelf carried by the imperial guards and handed them over.

"Brother Li is the best."

Cai Ya was also excited when she took the second bunch of candied haws. She kissed Li Hong directly on the face, turned her head and ran towards her grandfather.

"Grandpa, you eat candied haws. Brother Li gave it to you. It's so sweet."

"Grandpa won't eat it, let's eat the sprouts."

"Then I'll eat it, hee hee, it's so sweet."

Li Hong was satisfied while covering his small face, and continued to walk forward.

After a while, a group of friends of the same age gathered behind him.

Li Hong put his left arm around the granddaughter of the old fish seller Chen, and his right hand around the youngest daughter of the widow selling tofu, with a group of younger brothers behind him.

They shouted and drank in groups, and had a great time shopping in the market.

Li Yanran and the others came to the construction site of the city wall, and seeing the shirtless prisoners working hard, they couldn't help but nodded.

It seems that I am right to keep these people, how many natural villains can there be in this world.

As long as they can live and are willing to do the murder and arson, and they can eat three meals, these are enough.

Seeing Li Yanran coming to inspect, a group of prisoners knelt down and bowed to her.

Li Yanran is not just a kindness to them, but now they are working here, although they have no money, they can eat enough every day.

Even if there is no so-called big fish and big meat, it is already a great gift to these desperate bandits.

"Go away, you want to be lazy? Hurry up and get to work."

Li Yanran yelled, and the prisoners surrounding him dispersed abruptly and continued to work.

Everyone left, only one person stood looking at them from a distance with bright eyes.


Seeing the man's dark skin and simple and honest smile, several people were all dumbfounded.

Why does this idiot look so much like the crazy Sun Hu he let go.

Shaking his head, maybe he was wrong, it must not be him.

After all, he left with a reward of one hundred coins, so how could he appear in a labor camp?

"Grandma, Grandpa, I miss you so much."

Hearing this peculiar name, several people felt bad instantly.

Who could it be if it wasn't Sun Hu, who was so special.

"I rely on."

Without any hesitation, Cheng Chubi punched him.

"Hey, Grandpa, I haven't seen you for a few days, your hand strength is good."

Sun Hu got up from the ground with a grunt. Although his right eye was black and blue, he couldn't hide the smile on his face.

"I'm so meow."

Cheng Chubi was really depressed, he had never seen such a lowly person before, it was absolutely amazing.


"Stop, if you talk again, I promise to knock out all your teeth."

Li Yanran also had a headache for a while, she really had nothing to do with this Sun Hu.

The humblest person is invincible, she has seen the unprecedented Lord.

Hearing this, Sun Hu quickly covered his mouth, he knew that the other party was definitely a ruthless person who could do what he said.

"Why is he here? I'm not asking you, Li Siwen, you say."

Seeing Sun Hu who was about to speak, Li Yanran hurriedly spoke and asked Li Siwen to speak.

Li Siwen was taken aback. To be honest, he didn't know what the other party was.

When you came to the town, you just said that you came to work under the order, don't you know?

"Didn't you ask Brother Li to come?"


Everyone was depressed, especially Li Yanran.

How could I let this psycho come to town?

Do you think I'm crazy?

Really beeping a dog.

"Sun Hu, get the hell out of me right away. Did I ever tell you that if you dare to let me see you again, I will beat you to death?"

Li Yanran gave Li Siwen a depressed look, you dare to recruit anyone.

I really don't know how you are the chief executive, and you can't even see clearly.

Bengong withdraws his idea of ​​letting you be the chief executive, you are a fool and unworthy.

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Sun Hu's eyes dimmed, and his heart was full of grievances.

I worked so hard to come here, and I even help you to work for free.

You don't say I'm good, I understand, but you let me go, this is a bit too much.

Looking at Sun Hu's aggrieved eyes, Li Siwen quit and looked directly at Li Yanran.

"Brother Li, Sun Hu is now a model soldier in the labor camp. He is the first to go to work and the last to go to work every day. He is a model for all prisoners to learn from. It is probably inappropriate for you to drive him away now."


Li Yanran looked at Sun Hu, who was nodding repeatedly, and was stunned. Is this guy still a model?

Which soldier to mark?
Deep well soldiers?
"Brother Li, this kid is really good. He is not only diligent in his hands and feet, but also has a smart head. He is a talent. If he is just driven away like this, it will be a loss."

Changsun Yan thought that Sun Hu often bought himself delicious food out of his own pocket, and he was not ashamed to compliment him one by one, so he directly opened his mouth to defend him.


Li Yanran felt completely bad now.

Even Sun Yan, the commander of the company, can talk to Sun Hu if his brain is not bright. Could it be that he really blamed him.

"Grandma, don't drive me away. I have nowhere to go. This is my home."

As Sun Hu said, he knelt on the ground and was about to hug Li Yanran's leg, but was kicked by Li Feng on the side.

Hearing this, Li Yanran was sure, she did not blame the comparison.

Sun Hu is still Sun Hu, that Shenjingbing.

"Did I ever tell you that if you dare to yell nonsense again, I'll knock out all your teeth?"

With a stern face and staring eyes, Li Yanran yelled directly at Sun Hu.

"Your Majesty."

"go away."

Li Yanran slapped herself on the forehead, she was really depressed.

Why do you come to this prisoner camp by yourself? Get in touch with Sun Hu.

She felt that her spirit was polluted.

Sun Hu was obedient, rolled over on the ground and got to the side.

"Brother Li, just let him stay.
Now Wei Shan is the boss of the prisoner camp. I am going to support Sun Hu as the second child and manage the prisoner camp together with Wei Shan.
If this is driven away, it will be hard to find people. "

Li Siwen laughed as he watched Sun Hu roll to the side.

This guy is really a lovely person, as long as he digs hard, he should be a malleable talent.

"Brother Li, anyway, I don't agree, I want to kill him when I see him."

Cheng Chubi's eyes were red, he had already been polluted once, and he didn't want to be polluted a second time.

"Cheng Chubi, what are you trying to do with me?"

Li Siwen stared straight away. I said he could do it, but you just said no.

Isn't this a slap in the face?
"You don't know how powerful this Sun Hu is, I'm here to save you."

Cheng Chubi also stared and shouted at Li Siwen.

"Are you trying to fight me?"

"Come on, who is afraid of who is the grandson?"

After they finished speaking, they rolled up their sleeves, ready to perform a full martial arts performance for Li Yanran.

"Enough, is it shameful or not?"

Li Yanran was a little speechless, this Sun Hu is really powerful.

The two big smarts were about to fight because of him, which really caught her off guard.

"Li Siwen, this person has a brain problem, I told you in advance,

If you insist on using him, then I have no problem. After all, you are responsible for these things.

But if he has a problem, I only ask you, understand? "

Li Yanran was still very relieved of Li Siwen, otherwise it would not have been possible to let him look after the house in the fief. Since the other party had his own ideas, she couldn't refuse.

"Brother Li, don't worry, I've never missed anyone. This Sun Hu must be a malleable talent."

Li Siwen nodded, he didn't believe that he would misunderstand the person.

Sun Hu is definitely a usable talent, he firmly believes in this.

"Bah, you don't know how stupid he is."

"Cheng Chubi, I have tolerated you for a long time, if I don't beat you today, you don't know the king and the king."

"Yah, with your three-legged cat kung fu, you can't see enough of your toes even if I let you."

The two of them got together again while talking, Li Yanran jumped up and gave each of them a hug.

"See if you can do it, Cheng Chubi can't say a few words."

Cheng Chubi covered his head, depressed for a while, I was doing it for Li Siwen's good, and I was afraid that he would be angry and suffer from a cerebral thrombosis and die young.

"But there is one thing, don't let Sun Hu approach me three meters, no, five meters, understand."

Although he didn't know why Li Yanran hated Sun Hu so much, Li Siwen nodded.

"Let's go, go back."

After speaking, Li Yanran flicked her sleeves, turned around and walked towards the town.

"Brother Li, stop patrolling?"

Li Siwen yelled, but was kicked by Cheng Chubi.

Why didn't you see that Brother Li was in a bad mood?What a lot of nonsense.

"Cheng Chubi, I'm not Li Siwen if I don't let you taste the punch as big as a sandbag today."

Cheng Chubi ran away when he saw this, not because he was afraid of Li Siwen, but because he didn't want to lose that man in public.

After returning to the school field, Li Yanran went directly to the sand table.

"Now that I have the manpower, I'm going to draw a piece of land in the north of the fief, and cultivate a field to house the captives."


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