My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 338 My wife, I'm fighting with someone!

Chapter 338 Tai. Prince, I'm fighting with someone!
Li Siwen was taken aback, so many fields here are not enough for you to plant, and now you want to reclaim wasteland?

Enough support?
You must know that in the early days of the Tang Dynasty, there were fewer people and more fields, and your [-] mu of land was rewarded by the emperor, so you don’t have to pay land taxes, but you have to pay taxes on newly reclaimed land.

Isn't this looking for trouble for yourself?

"Why, you don't agree?"

Li Yanran looked at Li Siwen, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Brother Li, it is not worthwhile to report to the government for land reclamation, to be inspected by the government, to be registered, and to pay taxes, corvee, etc."

Li Siwen shook his head and said what he was worried about.

"Is there so much more to say?"

Hearing Li Siwen's explanation, Li Yanran was also taken aback.

She originally thought that the land would be reclaimed and farming would be enough, but she didn't expect that there were so many roads in it.


"Then let's not reclaim wasteland, just flatten all the land behind the town, and let me build a house for the head office, right?"


Several people are about to cry, your hot spring town has only reached the first phase so far, and the second phase has not yet started, and now you have to draw land and build a house again.

There are so many people coming to buy a house, I'm afraid you are addicted to cutting leeks.

"I know what you think, what I want to build is Datang Everbright City."

Li Yanran glanced at the few people and spoke slowly.

"The Nightless City of the Tang Dynasty?"

The few people were all stunned now, what kind of thing is this, I have never heard of it.


As soon as Li Yanran said that, she expressed all her thoughts.

After listening to the explanation, Li Siwen and the others also looked at each other.

It's really unbelievable that the other party wants to turn this place into a tourist attraction.

But thinking about it, it is not impossible. After all, although Chang'an is rich and has two cities, it is the capital of the Tang Dynasty after all, and it is a bit solemn.

If it can really develop here, it can't be said that it can really succeed.

"Let's do it like this. In addition, the logistics base of the Longmen Escort Bureau will also be built there. We can't send all the goods to the town after receiving them. It's so messy."

Li Yanran's ultimate goal is to integrate all of her industries, which is convenient for management and saves money, so why not do it.


Several people looked at each other and had nothing to say.

Not to mention anything else, just to say that the city that never sleeps will cost a lot of money to build, I hope it won't be a waste of time to fetch water from the bamboo basket.

"Not good, not good."

A forbidden army rushed in directly.

"What's the habit of panicking?"

Cheng Chubi stared, these are his soldiers, so frizzy, not to embarrass himself.

"what happened?"

Li Yanran lowered her hands and asked the guard.

"Ma'am, there was a fight at the market."


Several people were all stunned, how could Li Hong get into a fight with someone.

Behind him is the guard of the forbidden army. Could it be that someone assassinated him?
"Why are you standing there, let's go."

My younger brother can only beat him by himself, and no one else can touch a hair on him.

Saying that, Li Yanran directly picked up the stick leaning against the wall, and Sa Yazi ran out.

Cheng Chubi and the others hurriedly greeted the imperial guards, followed Li Yanran and killed them.

"Hit, hit, hit."

"Brother Li, come on."

"beat him."

Li Yanran came rushing with murderous intent, and saw a group of people surrounded by them from a long distance away, and childish applause came from inside.

Seeing this scene, Li Yanran and the others were also stunned.

"Brother Li, do you want to disperse the crowd?"

Li Siwen looked around and frowned involuntarily.

"No, let's check the situation first."

After speaking, Li Yanran held the stick and looked at the cracks, then got in.

Li Feng followed closely behind Li Yanran, he also jumped at the gap, and disappeared after a while.

Li Yanran got into the front row, only to see Li Hongzheng wrestling with a child who was slightly taller than him, and behind him was a circle of clapping children watching.

Although Li Hong was a bit short, he couldn't help but eat well, and he was fat and strong. Although the child opposite was a little taller, he was as thin as a bamboo pole.

Li Hong swept his leg with one blow, then grabbed the child and smashed it to the ground. Then he rode on the person and smashed it with his fist.

"I don't like it."


"I don't like it."


"Submit it, don't hit it, don't hit it."

After seven or eight punches, the child's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, with tears and snot dripping out in fistfuls.

"Brother Li is awesome."

"Brother Li, mighty."

"Brother Li, it's amazing."

Hearing that the other party was convinced, all the children behind Li Hong shouted excitedly, and Li Hong was like a little hero, raising his fist to accept the adoring eyes of the younger brothers.

The children who were pressed and beaten by Li Hong were also depressed for a while, and they got out of the crowd with a few children on their side in a desperate manner.

Seeing that there was no more excitement, the surrounding crowd also slowly dispersed.

The corner of Li Hong's mouth twitched, but when he glanced, he saw Li Yanran holding a stick and looking at him coldly.

With a thud in my heart, I shouted directly: "The tigress is here, run."

Look for the right direction and run away.

Seeing this, the friends behind him scattered like birds and ran in all directions.

"Catch him here for me."

Li Yanran was also out of breath, and now she thinks about it and runs away?

Do you really think this girl is here to watch the fun?
Hearing Li Yanran's order, the imperial guards immediately rushed out and surrounded Li Hong.


Li Hong, who had no way out, was also depressed for a while, so he could only bow his head and salute Li Yanran.

"Say, what are you talking about?"

Li Yanran slapped Li Hong on the head with one slap, you are a prince, and you are actually fighting with someone in public.

If this gets to the ears of my parents, I will have to be skinned.

"He said that Erya was too thin and unattractive. I couldn't see it, so I beat him up for Erya."

Li Hong raised his head, and growled at Li Yanran with black eyes.


This name, Li Yanran is also depressed.

Without even thinking about it, it must be a girl.

But you are only a little bit of a special meow, you know the hero saves the beauty, and you yell when you see injustice?
You are a prince, can you be a little more cautious about your status and consequences when you do things.

It's all like this now, when you grow up, don't you want to learn from King You of Zhou, the princes of Fenghuo Opera?

"Yes, his mother sells tofu, she looks as white as tofu."

"Bai, I will let you be white."

Li Yanran was depressed, another series of violent blows, Li Hong hugged his head and begged for mercy.

"What are you guys doing for food? How can you let the prince fight with others in the street? If you are injured, even if you have eighteen heads, it's not enough to chop off."

Li Hong gave in, and Li Yanran directly cursed at the guards protecting Li Hong.

"Sister, don't scold them. I said it. If they dare to intervene, I will break their dog legs."

Hearing Li Yanran's reprimand, Li Hong raised his head again and explained to Li Yanran.

"You are very brave."

Li Yanran is depressed, you are really a good guy.

One person does one thing and one person does it?


"I will make you brave."

Li Yanran hit Li Hong directly with a stick, which made him howl.

"Pull down everyone's [-] boards, and next time, they will be beaten to death with random sticks."

"Sister, don't hit them, hit me if you want to."

Li Hong jumped out again and stopped in front of several imperial guards, with a trace of firmness in his small eyes.

"Okay, then don't you regret it?"

Li Yanran is depressed, now you are playing heroism on me.

"I don't regret it. My sister taught me this. I remember it."

Looking at the stick in Li Yanran's hand, Li Hong also swallowed, but he still stood firmly in front of the imperial guards without moving.

"Cheng Chubi, hold the prince down for me."

Cheng Chubi was depressed, how could he get involved in any good thing.

This is the prince, everyone knows that this kid holds a grudge.

It's okay for you to beat him, and when he is suing his father, then if I don't get beaten to death, it will be regarded as the Buddha's mercy.

"Why are you standing still, you don't even listen to my words."

Seeing Cheng Chubi's hesitation, Li Yanran also hit his thigh with a stick.

"Brother Li, I dare not, you should find someone else."

Cheng Chubi saw that the situation was not good, so he ran away.

Both Yu Chihuan and Li Siwen had seen Li Hong's vindictive character, and they also shuddered and ran away with Cheng Chubi.

"Brother Li, I'm coming."

Changsun Yan spat, walked up to Li Hong with hatred on his face, and directly pushed him to the ground.

Who let the imperial guards spank their own ass, now let you know what is called the law of heaven and good reincarnation.

So what if you are the prince, it's not that you don't report that the time has not come yet.

Now is the time.

"I'm asking you again, don't you regret it?"

Li Yanran put the stick on the ground, her eyes were full of chills.

"No regrets, fight as you want, no need to say much."

After Li Hong finished speaking, he directly covered his eyes with his hands, and at the same time tightened his buttocks, waiting for the stick to strike.

"Brother Li, the prince is really too stubborn, if you don't fight, maybe something will happen next time."

Seeing that Li Yanran was still hesitating, Changsun Yan also gritted his teeth and spoke to Li Yanran.

Now he wished that Li Yanran would smash Li Hong's ass and avenge himself.

Li Yanran rolled her eyes at Changsun Yan, she was really depressed, what kind of hatred do you have with my younger brother to make you so angry.

But it is still necessary to fight, otherwise it will be like what Chang Sunyan said, and there may be no moths in the future.


Li Yanran picked up the stick and hit Li Hong's buttocks directly.


Li Hong cried out in pain, tears burst out suddenly.

"Your Highness, it is our fault, please punish."

"Your Highness, please punish me."

"Your Highness, don't blame the prince."

Several imperial guards saw that Li Hong was willing to be punished for them, and they dared to move. They all knelt in front of Li Yanran, begging for punishment.

"You don't have to do this, it's the king's intention, you don't have to do this."

Li Hong looked at several people, struggling with babbling and babbling, one person should do something and the other should be responsible. If he made a mistake, he should be punished.

"Okay, call me."

The guards around immediately pressed those people to Li Hong's side, and clattered the boards.

"Sister, you are unreasonable, hit me, don't hit them."

"Sister, you hit me."

"Ah ah ah."

(End of this chapter)

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