My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 339 We also have a younger brother!

Seeing that everyone's buttocks were bleeding from the beating he received, Li Hong's small eyes instantly turned red, and tears fell to the ground like beads.

"Li Hong, do you know why sister insisted on beating them?"

Li Yanran squatted in front of Li Hong, and asked him with a dark face.

"Because you are unreasonable, sister."

Li Hong's face was covered with mottled tears.

"I'll hit you with a big watermelon."

Li Yanran slapped Li Hong on the head again.

You really want to piss off this girl to death.

Am I unreasonable?

If I'm really unreasonable, I can cut off the heads of these people just because of their weak guards, why only hit twenty big boards?

"Sister, if you are angry, being angry proves that you are guilty."

Li Hong stared at Li Yanran, I must have hit your heart, otherwise why would you be angry.

"I'm angry with you watermelon, I beat them to let you see how many people will be punished for your willfulness.

Now you are just the crown prince, with only a few guards under your command. After a hundred years from the father, you will ascend the throne and become the emperor.

At that time, if you make a willful decision, it may be the tens of millions of people in the entire Tang Dynasty who will suffer. "

Hearing Li Yanran's words, and looking at the miserable Forbidden Army, Li Hong was speechless for a while.

What the other party said was quite correct. If he hadn't wanted to be a hero today, these forbidden soldiers would not have been harshly criticized.

It was because I was too self-willed and let others suffer on my behalf.

"Sister, I understand, I won't do this again next time."

Thinking of this, Li Hong also bowed his head to Li Yanran to admit his mistake, he remembered this matter.

"Just remember it."

As soon as she finished speaking, Li Yanran hit Changsun Yan on the back with a stick.


This stick directly hit Changsun Yan, why did he hit himself for no reason?
"Why are you still pressing my little brother? Do you want to die?"


Changsun Yan is depressed, and together with your siblings reconciled, I have become a sinner, right?

Not daring to hesitate right now, he let go of Li Hong, and Sa Yazi followed to chase Cheng Chubi.

Li Yanran pulled Li Hong up, and carefully patted the dust off his body.

"Don't act recklessly like this again, you know?"

Wiping away the tears on his face with her hands, Li Yanran felt melancholy for a while.

"Don't worry, Brother Hong knows."

Li Hong also laughed through his tears, such a sister can only be seen after beating him.

It would be nice if my sister could always be this gentle.

However, this wish is impossible to realize.

Because Ajie is more ferocious than a tiger.

"Let me in."

"My lord, please let me in."

"I kowtow to you."

Listening to the shouts outside, Li Yanran couldn't help frowning, who is so ignorant to disturb her rare tender moment.

"Your Highness, there is a woman outside who insists on seeing you."

A forbidden soldier came to Li Yanran's side and told about the situation outside the wall.

"Do you have to see me? Let her in."


Soon a thin woman with a good face came over pulling a child.

"Mahou, you still dare to come here to find trouble."

Seeing the child's appearance clearly, Li Hong immediately became angry.

If it wasn't for your brat looking for trouble, would I have suffered this beating?
If you dare to come here now, you really think that this king is made of mud!
"Boy, we're not done with this matter."

Ma Hou also had a serious face, and shouted at Li Hong.

The woman slapped the monkey on the head with a slap, and then knelt down on the ground with a plop.

"Your Highness, Ma Li Shi, my little lady, I heard that my nephew ran into this young master today, so I specially brought him here to plead guilty."

"Aniang, why are you kneeling? My son is right."

Seeing his aunt kneeling on the ground, the mahout grabbed her arm and tried to pull her up.

"Nizi, hurry up and kneel down to apologize to His Highness."

Ma Li raised her eyebrows and slapped her son again.

"Aunt, you."

"Kneel down for me."


Ma Hou couldn't offend his mother, so he knelt down beside her.


Seeing this scene, Li Yanran was also a little speechless.

It's just children fighting, and I don't want to pursue anything, so why bother.

"Ma Lishi, get up."

Li Yanran scratched her head, and quickly asked Ma Li to get up.

"Your Highness, I still hope for punishment."

As Ma Li said, he took out a bamboo whip from behind and held it high above his head.

"Get up, it's really unnecessary."

Li Yanran walked to Ma Li's side, trying to help her up, but found that she couldn't do it.

"Your Highness, if you don't want to get your hands dirty, let me do it for you."

As Ma Li said, he directly pressed his son to the ground, and whipped up the bamboo whip to beat the other party, who howled like ghosts and wolves.


Before Li Yanran could speak, Li Hong who was behind rushed over directly and snatched the bamboo whip from Mrs. Ma Li's hand.

With both hands, he wanted to break the cane whip, but he also found that he overestimated himself.

It's impossible.

"Your Highness, this."

Ma Li was taken aback, looking at Li Yanran, she didn't understand what this meant.

"I don't know Mahou and I don't know each other. Besides, it's not his fault this time. Why are you beating him?"

Li Hong threw the bamboo whip aside angrily, and said to Ma Lishi.


"Okay, my little brother has already said that your son is not at fault, so don't hit him again."

Li Yanran patted Li Hong's little head, and silently gave a thumbs up in her heart.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your kindness, Mahou, don't hesitate to thank Your Highness."

Hearing this, Ma Li hurriedly knocked his head on the ground,
Ma Hou took a look at Li Hong, and respectfully kowtowed to Li Yanran.

"Ma Li, where is your man?"

Li Yanran smiled slightly, and helped her up again, Ma Li also took advantage of Li Yanran's momentum to stand up this time.

"My man joined the army two years ago and there is no news. Now we are the only orphans and widows left to depend on each other."

There was a gloomy look in Ma Li's eyes, and he told his own situation.

"My father is obviously going to help Datang expand its territory, he said he will not leave us behind."

Ma Hou raised his head and retorted.

Ma Li embraced Ma Hou in his arms, his eyes filled with desolation.

"It turned out that Yan Ran was offended after the military exploits. Can you make a living now?"

After hearing Ma Li's words, Li Yanran also understood.

Although Datang has been invincible in expanding its territory over the years, there are many military widows like Ma Li behind it.

This is a problem that is difficult to reconcile. The pillars of the family are gone, and they are left in a mess, which is a bit cruel.

"Helping people to sew and mend, can still support the family to some extent."

Ma Li smiled at Li Yanran, no matter how poor she is, as long as she can raise this son, she will be satisfied.

"Sister, you can help her find a job, you see the monkey is skinny."

Glancing at Mahou, Li Hong directly grabbed Li Yanran's arm, his eyes full of pleading.

"Since my younger brother said, you will come to the town's construction site tomorrow to help the kitchen. The money may not be much, but the food is enough, how about it?"


Hearing this, Ma Li's eyes lit up.

The so-called middle-aged and poor eat poor people, and now Mahou's appetite is getting bigger and bigger every day, she is really afraid that she can't afford him,
If it was true what Li Yanran said, she would be willing to work even if she didn't need money.

Seeing her son as thin as a bamboo pole, which mother can not feel distressed.

"Of course it's true. When you go to the back kitchen of the construction site tomorrow, just say that I asked you to help. Remember, take your son with you."

"Thank you, Ma Li, for your kindness."

Said and Ma Li kowtowed to the ground again, and Ma Hou heard that he was full, so he also kowtowed with his old lady.

"Boy, I will remember your love, and if you come to me for anything in the future, you will be willing to go through fire or water."

After kowtowing, Ma Hou looked at Li Hong and kowtowed to the ground again.

The world is the most full, and my mother said that whoever can make herself full is her benefactor.

It's not too much to kowtow to your benefactor.

"I also accept you, little brother. From now on, if I have a mouthful, you will have a mouthful."

Li Hong also stepped forward and patted Mahou on the shoulder, looking like a big brother in society.


Li Yanran was also depressed, you really know how to buy people's hearts, so you found yourself a younger brother.


As he said that, he directly twisted Li Hong's ears, picked up his ears, and walked towards the distance.

"Little brother, I'll wait for you in the small town."

"Boss, I'll be there tomorrow."

"You bastard, go home with my old lady."

Back in the small town, Li Hong stared at Li Yanran with small eyes.

"Why? Are you going to shake the sky?"

"Sister, what I said is that I have a younger brother. Can you save me some face in front of my younger brother in the future?"

Li Hong hesitated, and aggrievedly dismissed Li Yanran.

"You're still a little brother, you don't understand without eating, face? Why do you want face?"

Li Yanran is in a hurry, will she know how to save face?

Why didn't you think about your own face when you were fighting with others?


"Sister, don't be angry, as long as you don't hit me casually in the future, I will obey you in everything."

Feeling guilty for a while, Li Hong changed his smile and moved to Li Yanran's side.

"Yo Yo Yo, little Li Hong knows that he has improved, so he hastened to report to Yaowang."


Seeing Li Hong running away in a hurry, Li Yanran also smiled.

It seems that my brother has really grown up a bit, and in the future, he may not really want to save him some face in front of the outside world.

"What are you guys doing sneaking around there, get the hell out of here."

Glancing at the figures outside, Li Yanran didn't even have to think about it, it must be those idiots who were eavesdropping again.

Like elementary school students who made a mistake, Li Siwen and the others lined up in front of Li Yanran.

"Okay, you've made progress, and you dare to disobey my orders. It's really promising."

Looking at the few people, Li Yanran was furious, especially Cheng Chubi's idiot who took the lead in running away, he really wanted to piss him off.

"Brother Li, don't be angry, I and we are just trying to protect ourselves!"

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