My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 340 Stabbing Sun Hu!

Seeing Li Yanran staring at him, Cheng Chubi also shivered, and explained with a playful smile.

"Self-protection? I asked you to hold down Li Hong, but I didn't want you to kill him. Why should you protect yourself?"

Li Yanran is also about to be laughed out of anger, self-protection?Save your ass.

Just a little Li Hong, why are you so afraid?
"Brother Li, have you forgotten that last time the crown prince went to complain to our father, he was almost beaten to death, I was really scared."

Li Siwen had a bitter look on his face. The lesson his father taught him last time was still vivid in his memory. He really didn't dare to offend Li Hong.

This guy is too ruthless, and his shots are king bombs.

They were fried until they were charred on the outside and tender on the inside, and they were almost ready to serve.

Li Yanran was also speechless, but she forgot that Li Hong still has the potential of the sixth child.

"Dare to do this next time, without Li Hong complaining, I'll beat you to death."

"Nature, nature."

A few people nodded quickly, next time?
Let’s talk about it next time. After all, you said that the beating may be to scare people, but your father is really doing it.

"Li Siwen, first check the situation of the military households around the town."


Li Siwen was taken aback, wondering what Li Yanran was going to do again.

These military households are all heroes of Datang. Without them, Datang would not be as prosperous as it is now.

If you move them, you will be outraged.

"Brother Li, what do you want to do? These military households are not easy to mess with."

"What are you thinking about? I want you to count how many orphans and widowed mothers like Ma Li, and how many families are hungry, and arrange some errands for them."

Li Yanran glared at Li Siwen, you must have thought too much of me.

How could I know how to deal with those military households? I'm really confused.

"Oh, oh, I'll do it right away."

Hearing what Li Yanran meant, Li Siwen was also delighted.

Although Datang had a lot of pensions, after layers of deductions, not many of them actually fell into the hands of the widows of military households. There are still many situations like Ma Li's who have no news of life and death.

Li Yanran can do this, not to mention others, he must give Li Ge a thumbs up first.

A few days later, Ma Li also took his son to the town to help in the kitchen, while Ma Hou was Li Hong's little follower.

He followed him all the time, making Li Hong feel like he is floating when he walks now.

With Li Yanran's acquiescence, Li Siwen also formally referred Sun Hu to the position of the second in command of the prisoner camp, and under his command were more than 2000 prisoners who came from Wugong County.

"Fight up, fight up."

A guard ran in and shouted at Li Yanran.


Li Yanran's first reaction was that Li Hong was fighting with others again?

But thinking about it, it shouldn't be possible. I just got a beating and my skin was itchy again.

"Your Highness, the captives are fighting."

Looking at the unfriendly eyes of several people, the imperial guard also shuddered, and quickly explained the matter completely.

"Damn, a bunch of scumbags, they are still not safe here, see if I don't give them a hundred lashes."

Hearing that the captives had actually fought, Cheng Chubi immediately became angry.

He didn't expect that these prisoners were fine before, but now they suddenly started fighting.

"Wait, let's go and see the situation first."

Li Yanran frowned, there was an evil wind in this matter.


Several people were also protecting Li Yanran, and rushed towards the construction site with nearly a thousand forbidden troops.

Rushing to the construction site in a hurry, I saw thousands of people fighting together, and more than 200 imperial guards standing around did not dare to intervene.

After all, a large-scale melee of 5000 people is really a drop in the bucket.

"Cheng Chubi, hurry up and stop them."

Looking at the battle in front of her, Li Yanran was a little skeptical about life.

The wind of this fight was so sudden, it didn't look like it was about to collapse at the beginning.

If he had this momentum when he started the war with him, even the imperial army probably wouldn't be able to resist it.

"Stop for me."

Cheng Chubi stood on a high place and yelled at the chaotic crowd below.

But... But in the face of a battlefield with thousands of people, even Cheng Chubi's voice was like a bell, but it was useless.

Because no one cares about you at all.

"Forbidden Army, dispatch, whoever dares to resist will be beaten to death."

Li Yanran glanced at Cheng Chubi who was looking depressed, and directly ordered the imperial guards to enter the arena.

More than 1000 imperial troops left the field one after another, and they lined up to bombard the captives who were in the melee.

With the strong suppression of the imperial army, the prisoners who were still fighting fiercely were cowed in an instant, kneeling on the ground one by one, not daring to move.

"Call me Wei Shan and Sun Hu."

Li Yanran was depressed, she really didn't know that these people were full of food and didn't work to fight here.

Beep the dog.

Soon, both Wei Shan and Sun Hu limped and were brought to Li Yanran with black eyes.

"Grandma, are you looking for me?"

"Drag me down and beat me up first."

Li Yanran collapsed, this guy is really cheap, her scalp is numb, he won't know how bad he is unless he beats him up.

"Don't fight, don't fight, Your Highness, don't fight."

Sun Hu shivered and begged for mercy.

However, Cheng Chubi punched him with one punch. If you beg for mercy, hit him first, save yourself a moth after a while.

"Okay, Wei Shan, tell me, why did you fight?"

Li Yanran looked at Cheng Chubi depressedly, then stared at Wei Shan and asked.

"Your Highness, blame Sun Hu, he picked the head."

Wei Shan covered his dark blue eyes, and gave Sun Hu a hard look.

"Your Highness, it's the boss of Wei Shan who has been framed. He's not fair."

Hearing Wei Shan's complaint, Sun Hu quit immediately and hurriedly defended himself.

"Why am I being unfair? It's clear that you are making trouble."

Wei Shan was depressed, if he was given a knife now, he would definitely give it to him without hesitation.

"I didn't. It's obviously because you distributed it unfairly. Why are our brothers doing all the rough and heavy work? Isn't this bullying honest people?"


Li Yanran looked at the two of them in a daze, not understanding what they were arguing about.

"What's the matter, Li Siwen?"

Although she didn't know, I believe Li Siwen must understand.

"Brother Li, they probably mean that all the heavy work of transporting stones is assigned to the captives in Wugong County, while the local captives in Lishan are only responsible for the relatively light work, right?"

Li Siwen frowned, glanced at the two of them, and expressed his understanding.

"Grandpa Li is still smart. This is the reason. They are all captives. There is no distinction between high and low. Why do they eat the same food but do different jobs?"

Li Siwen gave Sun Hu a blank look, he really couldn't accept this title, and seeing Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan sniggering, he was also depressed for a while.

"Wei Shan, tell me, why is this arrangement?"

Li Yanran frowned and looked at Wei Shan, not understanding why he made such arrangements.

"Your Highness, there is a reason for my arrangement. After all, the people under my command have been working for a long time, and they are all skilled workers.

I thought that those newcomers were not familiar with it, so I asked them to be responsible for the heavy work of transporting stones, so as not to waste manpower and speed up the progress of the construction of the city wall. "

Wei Shan was also depressed for a while, how could he favor one person over another.

If it weren't for you all being raw melon eggs, would it be possible for me to arrange this?
One by one, working on the city wall is like a dog crawling, and they have to send their own people to rework.

If you are not allowed to do heavy work, what else can you do.

"Your Highness, there must always be room for growth. Although they are dishes, who can guarantee that there won't be someone like Lu Ban in this place?

You keep asking him to transport stones, even if Lu Ban is really a laborer in the end, this is killing the future of my subordinates, so I naturally disagree. "

"shut up."

Return to Luban?Is there any Luban who is a bandit?

You really dare to think, why don't you say that you can produce a saint like Confucius under your hands.

Educate all peoples and bring prosperity to the world.

Deep ice.

Li Yanran just wants to kick this guy to death now, but the one she wants to kill is Li Siwen even more. She told you that this guy is a scourge, but you don't believe me.

it's good now.

What a mess.


Wang Hu covered his mouth obediently, and looked at Li Yanran with an aggrieved expression.

"Brother Li, it's all my fault, I didn't think carefully."

Li Siwen was also depressed, and regretted not listening to Li Yanran's advice.

Let alone this guy, he really has the material to be a bandit leader. In just a few days, he subdued all the more than 2000 bandits under his command.

"What's the use of blaming you? Now that the contradictions have emerged, we must find a way to solve them."

Li Yanran gave Li Siwen a blank look, now you know you're wrong?
What did you eat at the beginning.

The most urgent task now is to resolve the conflicts between these bandits, and we can't just let it go, otherwise there will be troubles in the future.

"Brother Li, I feel that the Everbright City of Tang Dynasty you mentioned can be put on the agenda. Divert these bandits, so that one person is in charge of the city wall, and there will be no problem with the Everbright City of Tang Dynasty."

Li Siwen thought of the Everbright City of Tang Dynasty proposed by Li Yanran, and immediately took it to heart.

Aren't you unable to work together?Hurry up and get it done.

"Well, it's okay to separate, but this conflict already exists, so we have to find a way to resolve it. It can't be that the two groups of people never get along with each other."

Li Yanran nodded, now the diversion can indeed solve the immediate problem, but what about in the future?
You can't fight as soon as you meet.

So, will there be a peaceful life in my own fief in the future?

"Let them each choose a group of people to fight, and whoever loses will apologize, or it will be over."

Cheng Chubi smiled slightly, and things between men should be resolved in a man's way, a fight is enough.

Win or lose with one punch, clean and tidy.

"Fighting, fighting, what else do you know besides fighting, what if someone dies? Isn't the conflict even bigger."

Li Yanran kicked Cheng Chubi with a high-side kick, Cheng Chubi also pretended to be in pain when he saw this, and his face was full of grievances.

"Then what do you want to do, Brother Li?"

Li Siwen frowned. He had the same idea as Cheng Chubi, but now it seems that this is not going to work.

"I'll think about it."

Li Yanran glanced at the more than 5000 bandits squatting on the ground, and felt a headache.

There are so many people, and they are all energetic and strong. If they can find something to do, it would be strange if they don't find something to do when they are full every day.

"Cuju, how about using Cuju to determine the winner?"

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