My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 341 Modern football is also called one-man Cuju!

Chapter 341 Modern football is also called one-man Cuju!
After thinking about it for a while, the grand scene of the World Cup, the world's largest event in later generations, appeared in Li Yanran's mind. Now the development of Cuju in the Tang Dynasty has been very developed, and it can be said to be a national sport.

If Cuju is used to allow the two parties to resolve conflicts, it can not only let these prisoners vent their energy, but also solve their disputes and strengthen their physique, why not do it?

"Cuju, good idea."

You won't be sleepy when you hear the word Cuju and Yuchihuan.

Without him.

Because he is a good player.

"I think so."

Cheng Chubi nodded. Although his hobby is cooking, he has also played Cuju before. If this is truly a competition, it will be a good solution to the dispute between the two.

"I agree."

Changsun Yan also smiled slightly. Although he is thin and thin, he often goes to Cuju competitions.

If it can really develop into a fiefdom, it will be a great pleasure.

"Ke Ke, these prisoners don't have so much time to train, and they are busy with work every day. If they delay the process because of practicing Cuju, it will be somewhat bad."

As the butler of Lishan Mountain, Li Siwen looked at things differently from others.

The first and most important thing in Cuju is talent, but no matter how talented you are, you need long-term training to become an excellent player.

Now these captives go to work every day and arrive at Luohei. They are practicing Cuju. Do they have time?

"It's okay, don't they still have time to rest? It shouldn't be a problem to use these time,
Let's organize four teams for the time being. If anyone can win in the end, I will absolve them of guilt, and at the same time reward each of them with ten pennies. What do you think? "

Li Yanran was not worried about training.

The tree man once said that time is like water in a sponge, as long as you want, there will always be squeezes.

As long as the bait is big enough, are you afraid that they won't take the time to train?

Li Siwen has nothing to say, you are the boss, you have the final say.

Since you want to play, have fun.

"Brother Li, I don't think this cuju can only be played by the captives. The imperial army is also full of energy, so they can also join in."

Hearing Li Yanran say that only captives can play, Yu Chihuan is not happy anymore.

You can't disregard other people's wishes just because the captives are fighting. There are also people in the imperial army who like Cuju, so you can't deprive them of their hobbies.

It's like being yourself.

"It's okay. It's fun when there are more people. Allow the Imperial Army to form a team and join in the final competition."

Li Yanran glanced at Yu Chihuan, it was rare to see such an idiot asking for this, but thinking about it, this is indeed a benefit,

Ten strings of money is not much for me, but it is still a lot of wealth for ordinary people, there is no reason to let these bandits benefit only.

"One is not enough, the imperial army has 500 people, at least two are needed."

Yu Chihuan shook his head, these bandits only have 5000 people and there are four football teams, there is no reason why there is only one imperial army.

In this case, the chances of winning are actually higher for the bandits.

"Two teams are two, the premise is that the training cannot be delayed."

"Okay, Brother Li, don't worry."

Yu Chihuan smiled slightly. He was sure that the two football teams would win this time.

He doesn't care if he has money or not, the key is honor.

"Brother Li, is there only the Imperial Army? I suggest that the Princess Guard also form two teams to participate in this competition. After all, it is more fun when there are more people."

Since someone from the Forbidden Army can participate, the Princess Guard, as Li Yanran's direct guard, naturally cannot let go of this opportunity.

"Okay, okay, since you want to play, then go ahead, the Princess Guard will also set up two teams to participate in the competition."

Li Yanran was depressed for a while, she was only thinking of resolving the differences between the two, but you guys just came to an army contest.

It's just rain and dew, just more people.

"Brother Li, I have seen people playing cuju in Xinfeng County, how about expanding this game, Xinfeng County can also organize two teams, plus one for each of your five villages,
At that time we can sell tickets, maybe we can earn a lot of money. "

Changsun Yan smiled slightly and expressed his thoughts.

If they are all organized and hold a grand event, they may not have to pay for the prize money themselves, and in the end they can earn a lot of money.

"Okay, the county magistrate Changsun has grown up now."

Glancing at Changsun Yan, she was a little dumbfounded that this guy's mind turned so fast.

Don't say that this guy is really a dark horse in business, no, judging from his face shape, he should be called a black donkey.

"If Brother Li agrees, I'll post the notice right away."

Changsun Yan is also somewhat complacent, after all not everyone can get such praise from Li Yanran.

But he deserved it.

"If you want to attract others to come and compete, ten guan is a bit less.

How about this.

The winning team will be rewarded with 3 guan for each person, the next best team will be rewarded with [-] guan for each person, and the No. [-] team will be rewarded with [-] guan for each person. Let's arrange it like this. "

Since you want to play, let’s continue this activity. What is the Champions League and the World Cup in modern times? Can’t I be the whole Datang Cup and Lishan Cup?

Just a joke, what foreigners can do, they can do themselves.

The money you can make, this girl can make as well.

As long as the sport of football is developed, it will definitely be an inexhaustible golden mountain, how could I miss it.

"This is too much, isn't it a loss-making business at all?"

Changsun Yan was stunned now, he just wanted to earn some extra money, good guy, you threw the old man out at once.

Hundreds of tickets, how many tickets would have to be sold to recover the cost.

"It's not just that, I'll draw a sketch later, and you ask the craftsmen to build me a stadium."


Changsun Yan was stunned again, not understanding what Li Yanran wanted to do.

Cuju is not enough to kick in the open air, why do you need to build a stadium?

"What are you in a daze for, go quickly."

"Oh oh oh."

Changsun Yan didn't dare to neglect, while ordering people to post the notice, he went to find the craftsmen.

Soon the artisans brought brushes and other things to salute Li Yanran, and Li Yanran did not hesitate, and directly drew the outline of the future football field,

In fact, it is not much different from the Colosseum in ancient Rome. She believes that with the great Tang craftsmen, it should not be a problem to build it.

The craftsman was stunned after seeing Li Yanran's drawings.

Not to mention anything else, just talking about the stone materials needed for construction is not enough here, unless Lishan is leveled.

And even if all the stone materials are available, it will take at least a year and a half, or even longer, to complete the construction. They really don't understand what Li Yanran wants to do.

After thinking about it for a while, the craftsman still told all the difficulties in it, and Li Yanran felt depressed after hearing it.

After a year and a half, when you build it, the day lily will be cold, so how can you make money.

"In this way, all wooden structures are used, and the auditorium does not need to be too high. It is enough to have about five floors. How long will it take?"

Hearing that the wooden structure was used and the height was five floors, the carpenters also looked at each other, and after some calculations, they gave a month's time.

"Okay, let's do it, and I'll see success in a month."


A group of craftsmen left directly, and Li Siwen and others surrounded them again.

"Brother Li, your court is too big. Cuju doesn't usually have such a big court. Do you want to play polo?"

Yuchihuan is very proficient in Cuju, but he still doesn't understand the court designed by Li Yanran.

In such a large venue, wouldn't people run away to death?

"The cuju I'm talking about is different from the cuju you mentioned. Mine is a cuju match between 11 people and 11 people. If the venue is not big, wouldn't it become a scuffle?"

Li Yanran smiled slightly. If it was really the five-player cuju that was popular in the Tang Dynasty, such a large venue would naturally not be used.
However, the five-man cuju is somewhat less interesting, and the 11-man modern football is more enjoyable.

"Cuju for 11 people?"

Yu Chihuan is really confused now, how should we play the Cuju match between 11 people and 11 people?
He really won't.

"Hey, then I'll tell you the rules."

After Li Yanran said all the football rules he knew, Yuchihuan's brain was already smoking.

What is a boundary, what is a free kick, what is a penalty, what do these mean?
Seeing Yu Chihuan's sluggish look, Li Yanran was also taken aback, drew a simple map of the stadium, and then helped him answer it.

Until Li Yanran's mouth became dry, Yu Chihuan scratched his head and asked Li Yanran: "Brother Li, why can the goalkeeper use his hands? Isn't that a foul?"

"What am I?"

Li Yanran was depressed, it didn't make sense with Yu Chihuan's idiot, the goal is so wide and so high, don't you use your hands and feet to kick it?
It is said that it is different from Cuju in the Tang Dynasty, why can't you turn around?

"No matter what you say, first promulgate this order, and then I will demonstrate it to you and you will know."


Soon Li Yanran's order spread throughout the construction site, and the more than 5000 bandits were all excited when they heard that if they won the championship, they would be exempted from the punishment of labor reform, and they could also get a reward of [-] pennies.

It's just Cuju, it seems to be difficult to say.

For a while, everyone was enthusiastic, and Sun Hu was the most excited.

Because he is a cuju lover himself, known as the king of Xiaohuzhai, and now there is a competition, he immediately started looking for people to form a team.

Under the division of the Imperial Army, the bandits from Wugong County in the two thousand capitals were also taken away from the construction site of the city wall, and began to reclaim the land needed for the city that never sleeps in the Tang Dynasty.

After returning to the school field, Li Yanran directly ordered the guards to draw a miniature football field on the school field, and then set up two wooden sticks on both sides as goals.

The field is ready, but the next thing is that Li Yanran is in trouble. Where does the football come from?
A good football is necessary for the game. If the football is not square or round, how can we play it.

"Brother Li, here you are."

Yu Chihuan walked slowly, holding a game similar to modern football in his hand.

It is Cuju made by skilled craftsmen.

Looking at the Cuju in front of her, Li Yanran snatched it up and tried the feel. Although it was not as good as the rubber football of later generations, it was not bad in ancient times.

"Brother Li, take it easy."

Looking at Cuju who was ravaged by Li Yanran, Yu Chihuan couldn't help feeling distressed.

"Okay, let's try."

Li Yanran directly brought the ball to the goal, Yu Chihuan looked at the seven-meter-wide goal, and was stunned.

What is this goal?

(End of this chapter)

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