My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 343 Beat them all!

Seeing Li Siwen approaching Li Ji like a pug, Changsun Yan also spat.

"What are you muttering about? Lead the way."

Changsun Wuji kicked Changsun Yan, muttering that he didn't know anything.

"Father, His Highness is inside."

After speaking, Changsun Yan retreated directly to the back and stood with Li Siwen.

As soon as Li Yanran walked out of the room, she saw a few figures walking slowly, who else could they be if it wasn't Changsun Wuji.

Sun Yan and Li Siwen, the elders behind the four of them, lowered their heads in distress, not daring to fart.

"Yanran was just about to go to welcome her. She met the three princes and the king of Changsun County."

Seeing this scene, Li Yanran hurried over to salute the four of them.

"Your Highness, I've waited so hard, I can't afford to be worthy."

Changsun Wuji walked in the front and quickly smiled at Li Yanran.

"Hehe, you guys are joking, please."

Li Yanran waved her hand, motioning for them to enter the room and talk.

"Where's that bastard Cheng Chubi? I'm here, why isn't he here?"

After sitting down, Cheng Yaojin glanced left and right, but he didn't see his silly son, so he got mad on the spot.

You see, when Li Siwen and Changsun Yan heard him coming, they trotted all the way to greet him, but he was fine, and there was no one in sight now.

"Don't be angry, Duke Lu, I'll bring that guy Cheng Chubi to you right now."

Hearing Cheng Yaojin's words, Changsun Yan quickly saluted and was about to bring Cheng Chubi over.

"Changsun Yan, let me go with you."

Li Siwen glanced at Changsun Yan, then at his own father, and also said that he wanted to go with him.

"And my stupid son, please help to call him here, I'm here, it's kind of bad if my son doesn't come to see the ceremony."

Yuchi Jingde glanced at the duo, when the time comes, everyone will have sons to beat them, but he will not, which is somewhat unattractive.

"Okay, then father, let's go."

Changsun Yan nodded, and then looked at Changsun Wuji. After all, his father didn't speak, so he didn't dare to go.

"Go, hurry up and hurry back."

Changsun Wuji waved his hand and asked Changsun Yan to do it quickly.


Seeing this, the two ran out in a panic.

"Cheng Chubi, Cheng Chubi."

Changsun Yan ran to the place where the princess guards were training, and immediately called out Cheng Chubi's name.

"Why are you looking for me? Didn't you see that I'm busy?"

Cheng Chubi came out shirtless, his body was covered with sweat, it looked like he had just finished exercising.

"Brother Li has urgent business with you, hurry up and follow me."

Changsun Yan glanced at Cheng Chubi with a playful look in his eyes, grabbed his arm and ran away.

"What's so special about you is that you asked me to put on a shirt?"

Cheng Chubi was depressed, wondering what Changsun Yan wanted to do?

I'm shirtless, you let me see Brother Li.

Don't you embarrass me?
"Wearing chicken feathers is the same as who cares about your body. Brother Li is in a hurry. If you delay, be careful."

Changsun Yan was still relentless and dragged Cheng Chubi to continue running.

"Damn, bring me my coat."

Cheng Chubi was also helpless, and hurriedly called for one person to bring the coat, and then put the coat on his shoulders and followed Changsun Yan to the school field.

Running into the school grounds, he was about to enter the house, but Cheng Chubi quit, swung Chang Sunyan's arm and slowly put on his shirt.

Seeing that Cheng Chubi wasn't fooled, Changsun Yan turned his eyes slightly, and shouted inside: "Cheng Chubi, you're already here, why don't you go in?"


Cheng Chubi glanced at Changsun Yan, wondering why this idiot is so stupid?

Am I not going in?Am I obliged to get dressed?
Just when he was depressed, he saw a majestic figure appearing at the door, who could it be if it wasn't his old man Cheng Yaojin.

"Old, father, why are you here?"

Seeing Cheng Yaojin's staring eyes, Cheng Chubi froze in place like a thunderclap.

"You rebellious son, you are so indecent, it really embarrasses your father."

Cheng Yaojin rushed to Cheng Chubi's side in three steps, and his big fan-like hand slammed onto Cheng Chubi's forehead.


Cheng Chubi was immediately beaten up, what kind of routine is this.

Flying slap in the sky?

If he still doesn't understand that Changsun Yan's idiot is the one who harmed people, he will be really a fool.

"Father, don't fight, listen to my explanation."

"If you say don't fight, then don't fight. After all, you are my father or I am my father."

Cheng Yaojin slapped him again, making Cheng Chubi's brain buzz.

"Father, hit me again, me."

"What are you doing?"

"I'll run."

Since he couldn't afford to offend him, Cheng Chubi resolutely ran away, putting on his clothes while running.

Seeing Cheng Chubi running wildly, Cheng Yaojin's beard was about to fly off, and he followed Cheng Chubi closely.

Listening to the voices outside, Li Yanran and the others also came out of the room.

Seeing Cheng Chubi and Cheng Yaojin playing around the column of the King of Qin, Li Yanran couldn't help but also smiled.

This guy is really a treasure, and he can always take off his old man.

I am different, I only feel sorry for my own father.

Finally, Cheng Yaojin was also exhausted, standing in the distance and pointing at Cheng Chubi who was in front of him and shouted loudly: "You son of a bitch, I count to three, if you don't come over, I will break your leg."

Hearing Cheng Yaojin's words, Cheng Chubi also shivered, and ran to Cheng Yaojin's side in desperation.

"Father, hit lightly."

"Hit lightly, I will let you run away."

Cheng Yaojin kicked Cheng Chubi somersaults with one kick, and then rode on him with violent output, causing Cheng Chubi to cry for his father and mother.


Seeing Cheng Chubi's miserable appearance, Li Yanran also took a deep breath.

Think about yourself, fortunately, I am not Cheng Yaojin, otherwise my little arms and legs would be sent to the crematorium directly.

Changsun Yan glanced at it, but also shuddered. He was now in a state of war and wanted to run away.

This joke may be too big. I thought it was just a prank, but I didn't expect it to be the rhythm of killing people.

Just as Cheng Yaojin was beating up the unfilial son, Li Siwen also ran over with Yu Chihuan.


Looking at his father and then at Cheng Chubi who was pushed to the ground and beaten violently, Yu Chihuan quickly touched his heart.

This special meow is simply the beginning of hell.

Dad wouldn't beat himself like this, would he?

Glancing at Li Siwen beside him, Yu Chihuan felt that he was about to kill someone.

You really tricked me to come here, if I was really beaten, then don't think about it.

"Why are you standing still, come over here for me."

Yuchi Jingde glanced at Yuchi Huan standing at the door, and raised his eyebrows.

His son finally came, Cheng Yaojin has already turned on the loving father mode, and he can't fall behind, right?

"The more you say, the more mistakes, the less you say, the less mistakes, and the less you say, it's good."

Li Siwen whispered in Yuchihuan's ear.

"Father, why are you here?"

Yuchi Huan nodded, and obediently walked in front of Yuchi Jingde, lowering his head like a baby bunny.

Unexpectedly, Yuchi Jingde slapped Yuchihuan's head directly with a flying slap.

After being slapped, Yu Chihuan also lowered his head and dared not speak.

I knew you were going to hit me a long time ago, I don't hurt, I don't hurt.

Li Siwen said, the more you say, the more mistakes, the less you say, the less mistakes,

If you don't say it, you probably won't be beaten.


Yuchi Jingde was speechless, why didn't you fight back when I hit you.

If you don't fight back, how can I continue.

Aren't you forcing me to do nothing?
"Don't you ask me why I beat you?"

Yuchi Jingde stared at his son with big eyes like copper bells.

Yuchihuan still didn't speak, but shook his head violently.

Seeing that Yuchi Huan didn't play the trick, Yuchi Jingde also went crazy, you pretend to be dumb for me, right?

Then I will let your father let you know how hard it is for the dumb to eat coptis.

Speaking of which, Yuchi Jingde just fell over his shoulder, smashing Yuchihuan to the ground directly, riding on him with a small jump, and started violently beating him like Cheng Yaojin.

"I told you to pretend to be dumb."

"I told you not to speak."

"I let you eat Coptis chinensis."

While fighting, Yuchi Jingde yelled.

Pretending to be dumb is a disease, today I will give you a punch to get rid of the disease.

After being beaten violently, Yu Chihuan couldn't bear it anymore.

Fuck your sister, talk more and make more mistakes, say less and make less mistakes, and don't say it's not bad.

I didn't say a word, and the beating was even more severe than usual.

Li Siwen, I'm not finished with you.

"Daddy, don't hit me, my son can talk, don't hit me anymore."

Yu Chihuan directly hugged his father's thigh, he is a human being, not a tree wheel, it really hurts.

"Can talk now? It's too late."

Hearing Yuchi Huan begging for mercy, Yuchi Jingde fought even harder.

Fist until the disease is cured, he is indeed a physical doctor.

Looking at Li Yanran's gradually changing face, Changsun Wuji also frowned.

Two old and disrespectful guys, it is right to educate their sons, but they have to be divided into occasions.

It's somewhat embarrassing to do so in public.

"Lu Guogong, E Guogong, enough is enough, doing so will lose the face of the Duke."

"I'm educating my son. What's your business? If you're not convinced, beat me up and show me."

Cheng Yaojin is not at all like his eldest grandson Wuji.


How many people have lost by themselves?
Don't care this time.

This time he dared to walk around shirtless, and next time he dared to walk around naked. If things got to that point, he would really lose his face.

If Cheng Chubi, who was being beaten violently, knew that his father was thinking this way, he would probably hit the wall and die on the spot.

You are the one who walks around naked, and your whole family walks around naked.

"That's right, Changsun Wuji, you really think your son is a good bird. If you find out about the stupid things he did, it's probably your turn to go berserk now."

Yuchi Jingde also gave Changsun Wuji a blank look, you are the only one who still has the face to educate us.

I really don't know what to say.


Changsun Wuji's beard was about to fly from the two of them.

I teach you well, but you say I'm meddling in my own business.

I'm also a fucking dog, so I'm busy minding your own business.

No, Yuchi Jingde said that something happened to his son?

"Yan'er, what does E Guogong mean? Why can't father understand?"

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