My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 344 Steal Eating!

Chapter 344 Steal Eating!

Speaking of Changsun Wuji, he touched Changsun Yan's head.

Changsun Yan was about to cry now, his head had already soared to 180, and he was wondering what the hell he had done.

How should I explain it to my father.

"Father, since the son came to this fief with His Royal Highness, he has changed his mind and become a new man. He has not done anything out of the ordinary."

"Really? Then there is no need to seek justice from Duke E for my father. After all, anyone who has framed my eldest grandson Wuji's son will have to pay the price."

Hearing that Changsun Yan was still not confessing, Changsun Wuji touched Changsun Yan's head with more strength.

"Father, my son doesn't blame Duke E, so I'm going to investigate."

Changsun Yan directly gasped, if the other party really told what he had done, who would be worse off, Cheng Chubi or himself?

Sorry, I really don't need it.

"Really? E Guogong, did you hear that, my son said he won't pursue your fault, and you haven't thanked him yet."

Since his son doesn't confess, he can only borrow the words of others.

"Father, why are you doing this, Duke E, I don't mean that."

Changsun Yan is really going to collapse, Dad, can't you afford to lose?

Engage in a sneak attack, right?

Wouldn't your heart ache for such a dirty trick on your son?

"Changsun Yan, you are considered a good citizen in the fiefdom? Forgot about the fact that you bullied the prince and was sued by the prince, forgot that you had a good friend in Xinfeng, forgot."

Seeing this, Cheng Chubi didn't hide anymore, he opened his mouth wide and sprayed.

Seeing this, Cheng Yaojin folded his hands, waiting quietly for the ethical drama to take place.

Beating one's own son is not as comfortable as watching others beat one's son.


The veins on Changsun Wuji's arms burst, and he pulled up Changsun Yan's hair.

"Father, listen to me and I can explain."

Changsun Yan's brain is about to explode, and now he withdraws his pity for Cheng Chubi just now.

This product is no longer a question of fighting, but of being damned.

Now he only hates why Cheng Yaojin didn't beat that guy to death and let him come to harm the world.

"Explain? Go into the room with the old man and explain it carefully."

Changsun Wuji plucked Changsun Yan's hair, regardless of whether his son was in pain or not, he went straight to the house.

Immediately afterwards, Changsun Yan's wailing and crying sounded in the room.

Four people came, and three of them were beating their sons. For a while, Li Siwen felt a chill down his spine, and the two were fighting.

"Father, you are sensible, you won't beat your son for no reason."

Li Siwen swallowed, and asked Li Ji with a bitter face.

"Things have come to this point, why don't father join in?"

Looking at his trembling son, Li Ji also smiled.

It's okay if you don't smile, but when you smile, Li Siwen immediately thinks of Li Yanran's iconic smile.

No, no, no.

Could it be that his father is really going to do something to him.

"Father, I...I am your own son."


Li Ji was completely overwhelmed by Li Siwen's words.

What does it mean that you are my own son, co-author Cheng Chubi, they are all picked up by Cheng Yaojin.

As he spoke, he slapped Li Siwen on the head with a smile in his eyes.

Silly son, I am the kind of ignorant person, you really think too much.

"Let's watch the show well, such scenes are rare."

After being slapped, Li Siwen breathed a sigh of relief, and leaned against Li Ji to continue watching the show.

"Stop beating. Why, Changsun Wuji doesn't talk about martial arts. I didn't force him to beat my son. Instead, he didn't show me. It's not fair."

Cheng Yaojin got up directly from Cheng Chubi's body, and kicked his stupid son aside.

"That's right, if you look down on someone, don't you just beat your son? It's as if no one has ever beaten you, right?"

Yuchi Jingde also slapped Yuchihuan on the head.

"That's right, the son was born to be beaten by the father."

Yu Chihuan hurriedly responded, he was already somewhat grateful to Changsun Yan.

If it wasn't for him, maybe today would be my death day next year.

"That's right, go away."

Yuchi Jingde got up, Yuchi Huan also got up with a grunt, and stood together with Cheng Chubi, clutching his buttocks.

"Oh, father, stop beating."

"What about your explanation?"

"Father, you have to give me a chance to talk?"

"Did the old man gag you? I spanked your butt and it didn't stop you from talking."

"I, ah, father, don't hold a stick."

Hearing the screams in the room, several people also smiled.

Just like what Cheng Yaojin said, beating your own son is not as comfortable as watching others beat your son.

After a while, the door opened, and Changsun Wuji walked out refreshed. Behind him was Changsun Yan who was limping and his face was covered with tears.

"Okay, the sons have also been beaten, shouldn't it be time for dinner?"

Li Yanran glanced at the hard-working Duke and County King, and also started the old routine.

Let's eat first, if there is something to say at the dinner.

"Let's talk about business first."

Changsun Wuji was taken aback, he hasn't said anything about himself yet, you want to eat?
Isn't it a little too presumptuous.

"Prince Changsun, this is your fault. The old man was really tired just now. Let's eat first. If there is anything to do, we can talk about it after dinner."

Cheng Yaojin glared at Changsun Wuji, you don't know how good the food here is for the princess.

The hot pot, the mutton, the sesame sauce, and the most important thing is enough wine.


Just thinking about it makes my mouth water.

"That's right, eat first, eat first."

"That's right, the old man can't wait."

Yuchi Jingde and Li Ji also supported Cheng Yaojin.

There is no reason not to eat first when you come to the Lishan fief, isn't this a slap in the face of the princess?

Seeing the appearance of the three of them, Changsun Wuji was also stunned.

I don't understand why the dignified Duke is so greedy for food. Could it be that the food in the Lishan fief is better than the rich clothes and jade food in the Duke's mansion?
"Cheng Chubi, why don't you hurry up and prepare it, you bastard? Cut a few more catties of mutton."

Cheng Yaojin couldn't bear it anymore, he felt that his mouth was about to drool, and the key point was that the saliva still smelled of alcohol.


Cheng Chubi didn't dare to be negligent, he limped and started to run wildly.

"I'm going to help."

"I'm going too."

Li Siwen and Yu Chihuan also raised their hands directly, and when they saw their fathers nodding, they were afraid of Ou leaving in the same gesture.

"I'm going too."

Just as Changsun Yan wanted to run away, Changsun Wuji grabbed his hair.

"What are you doing? Give the old man a good time."

"Okay okay."

Changsun Yan only felt that his father's forehead was a little cool.

Don't think about it, you must lose a lot of hair.

After waiting for a long time, the hot pot still hasn't come up.

Li Yanran glanced at the several princes, and couldn't help but frowned.

This shouldn't be, even if they started raising sheep just now, they should be able to eat them.

"Your Highness Li, why don't I go and have a look? Don't let Cheng Chubi and the others steal food there, it would be bad to keep everyone waiting."

Changsun Yan really doesn't want to stay in this Asura field now, who knows what bad intentions the dukes can have.

If he provoked himself again and received another beating, his body would not be able to bear it anymore.

"How dare you steal it? I want to see if that rebellious son wants to die."

A cold light flashed in Cheng Yaojin's eyes, if it was true what Changsun Yan said, so many fathers were waiting here, but they were feasting.

Then you have to ask your own Xuanhua Axe if she agrees.

"Lu Guogong, calm down, calm down, I'm just guessing, so I said I'm going to remind you."

Changsun Yan shivered.

This Cheng Yaojin is really a demon king in the world, and his murderous aura is really going to scare a person to death.

"What's the reminder, just go and see. I want to see if my rebellious son dares to steal my mutton."

Yuchi Jingde stood up abruptly, with a bit of murderous intent in his eyes.

"Here, Lu Guogong, E Guogong, don't be impatient, let me go and find out."

Changsun Yan was about to cry now, he just said that casually just now, if it was true, I am afraid that the two dukes could slice their sons into the pan.

"What are you talking about, let's go."

Cheng Yaojin couldn't wait any longer, and walked out directly.

Yuchi Jingde followed closely behind, even Li Ji, who had always been prudent, was not behind them with a cold face.

"Junwang Changsun, let's go and have a look together."

Li Yanran was also depressed, why Cheng Yaojin was so restless, I really don't know how he got to this position step by step.

"Your Highness please first."

Changsun Wuji is also helpless, what is this all about.

Will they die if they eat late one by one or what?

When a group of people rushed to the kitchen, the three of Cheng Chubi were feasting around the hot pot.

"Cheng Chubi, is it really okay for us to do this?"

While holding the meat in the pot, Yu Chihuan stroked Cheng Chubi to ask questions.

"What's the problem? When the hot pot is served, what else can we do but watch it. Instead of doing this, we might as well eat our fill first."

Cheng Chubi glared at Yu Chihuan, if you feel guilty, don't eat it.

The chopsticks are clamped like a big windmill, and the wind is blowing like a tiger and a tiger.

It's really a dog.

"That is, if you feel guilty, just give me the meat in your bowl, I don't think you are dirty."

Li Siwen looked at the mutton that had been caught again, and also gave Yuchihuan a look.

It belongs to you who pretend the best, and also belongs to you who grab the fastest.

I really don't know how you can manage to talk and eat meat.

"That won't work. You will have the strength to be beaten when you are full. You may find something wrong later. If you are hungry and you are beaten, it is not a loss."

Yu Chihuan stuffed all the meat in the bowl into his mouth, chewing like a hamster.

As soon as the three of them went down to the meat, they heard Peng's sound, and the door of the kitchen was kicked open, and what came into view was Cheng Yaojin's big black face that was about to kill someone.


The chopsticks that Cheng Chubi held up in the air fell directly to the ground, and he was stunned.

How did my father find the kitchen? This time he is really going to die.

Seeing this, Yuchihuan quickly chewed hard a few times, and swallowed all the meat in his mouth into his stomach.

Li Siwen was even worse, he was already looking for a way to escape, after all, his father was different from Cheng Yaojin and the others.

If you have sufficient physical strength, you will definitely not lose your strength when you fight yourself later.

"Okay, I was really hit by Changsun Yan, you bastards are really stealing behind our backs."


(End of this chapter)

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