My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 345 Such a good show, how could Bengong be missing!

Cheng Yaojin's words almost made Zhang Sunyan kneel down.

Lu Guogong, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately.

I was just making excuses and making nonsense, I really didn't know they were stealing food here.

Now I'm done, look at the three of them wanting to kill, and when you beat them hard, they will dare to beat you twice.

Glancing at Changsun Wuji beside him, Changsun Yan really wanted to say something now.

If your son is not filial, he may not be able to see the end for you.

I only hope that you can add a handful of loess to my grave when you miss me.

By the way, remember to burn more gold ingots for me, so that I don't have to suffer from having no money down here.

Better to burn two more Miki.

The most important thing is to burn Cheng Chubi and the others to me so that my son can have a companion on Huangquan Road.

"Old, father, I can explain."

Cheng Chubi looked at Cheng Yaojin tremblingly, he was already thinking about whether he would turn into a ghost and knock on Changsun Yan's window after his death.

It's best to take him away too, this is a disaster, if you don't kill him, you will die in peace.

"Explanation? Okay, then you can explain to us why you guys are eating, but we old guys are drinking northwest wind."

A cruel smile appeared on the corner of Cheng Yaojin's mouth.

Explain, I will give you a chance to explain.

You can complain again when you get to Huangquan Road.

"This and this were all suggested by Li Siwen, he has a bright mind,
He said that we can still watch from the side when the hot pot is served later, it is better to send it over when we are full.
Right, Yuchihuan. "

Cheng Chubi thought about it for a long time but couldn't think of a reason not to be beaten to death. He glanced at Li Siwen, whose eyes were about to roll, and directly took the blame.

Li Siwen, I know that you are my good brother, and I also know that your father is not a reckless person.

I really can't bear this pot, only you can have a glimmer of life if you bear it.


Li Siwen was stunned when he heard Cheng Chubi's words.

I'm out of my mind?
Your brain is bright.

If it's a good move, if your father hits you, it hurts, but if my father hits me, won't it hurt?

You are too inhuman.

"That's right, it was Li Siwen's suggestion. I also said that it's not good to keep the dukes and His Highness waiting.

Who knew that guy Li Siwen told me to put down the bowl and get out, and said that if I dared to file a complaint, it would be my suggestion,

I have no choice but to commit myself to be with them. "

"My son is suffering!"

Saying that, Yuchi Huan ran to Yuchi Jingde's side, and squeezed a few tears with great force.

"You... Father, it's not like this, they slandered me, they slandered me."

Li Siwen was really about to cry now, and the usual two brawny idiots teamed up to screw him over.

It's still a shocking pit, the kind that can't be dug out even if people are buried.

"You still dare to quibble now, do you really think that this old man dare not beat his son?"

Li Ji was furious, no matter who the cause of this matter is, now that the two of them say that you are the mastermind, you will suffer.

If you want to blame you, you can't blame your father, you can only blame yourself.

You let yourself suffer this disaster because you met someone unkind.

Keep your eyes open next time you recognize someone.

"Father, I am wronged."

Looking at the angry Li Ji, Li Siwen knew that he was doomed, so he knelt down in front of Li Ji, his eyes full of distress and regret.

Why should I covet the desire of the tongue.

No, it's not my fault, it's Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan's fault.

And that shameless Changsun Yan.

"Several, the old man's son is so stubborn today, you laughed at me, Li Ji will definitely give you an explanation today."

Li Ji made a slight salute to the people around him, walked slowly to Li Siwen's side, grabbed his hair and walked out.

Soon there were crackling noises and indistinct screams in the next room.

"Old, old man, we were all bewitched by Li Siwen, weren't we?"

"It's your head. Don't think that I don't know your ghost thoughts. If you say it's Li Siwen's envoy, will I believe it?"

Cheng Yaojin slapped Cheng Chubi somersault, his eyes were full of anger.

"Father, since you know, why didn't you speak just now?"

Cheng Chubi was depressed for a while, since you know everything, why didn't you speak just now?

"I just can't understand that my son is full of scars, but other people's sons are fine. This world has always suffered from inequality rather than widowhood, understand?"

Cheng Yaojin grabbed Cheng Chubi and walked to the side.

Li Ji, since you don't want me to watch you take care of your son, then I won't let anyone else watch you either.

Otherwise, wouldn't this big show be at my own expense.

"Father, you must not be like Duke Lu and Duke Ying, right? We are father and son."

Yu Chihuan couldn't help shivering as he watched his two companions being pulled out.

"Of course I'm different from those two old things, they are both very stingy, how could I be so stingy.

If you dare to eat hot pot first, I will let you know the consequences. "

Yuchihuan lifted the two hundred kilograms of Yuchihuan with one hand, slammed it on the ground, and then slammed it at him again.

Changsun Yan watched the fierce performance of punching to the flesh, and the corner of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

How badly they are being beaten now, they will only be beaten even worse when the time comes.

"Duke E'e, show mercy, if you hit Yuchihuan again, you will kill him."

Thinking of this, Changsun Yan hurriedly spoke to Yuchi Jingde, wanting to show it in front of Yuchi Huan.

It may be said that the other party will say good things about himself when the time comes, and he can play lightly.

"What's the matter with you? Duke E is educating his son, how can you, a junior, intervene."

Changsun Wuji also slapped Changsun Yan staggeringly.

"My son, I know, but Duke E is indeed hitting hard."

Changsun Yan tremblingly walked to Changsun Wuji's side.

Dad, don't you know how inhuman these idiots are.

When you leave, you really want the white-haired person to give the black-haired person away.

"Changsun Yan, don't pretend to me here, if it weren't for you, why would you put it here? You wait for me, this matter is endless."

"Nizi, if you dare to speak nonsense, I will beat you to death today."

"Oh, Dad, stop beating, you're really going to die."

Changsun Yan was speechless, this business has become bigger, he is already thinking, should he go back to Chang'an with his father to avoid it for a while, and come back after these idiots have dissipated.

"Sister, sister, I can already smell the aroma of hot pot, did you improve the food today?"

When Yuchi Jingdebao was violently teaching his son, Li Hong pushed the door in with his newly recruited servant.


Looking at the scene in front of him, Li Hong was stunned.

What's happening here?Another picture of a loving father teaching his son?
Complainingly, she glanced at Li Yanran, you didn't ask me to come to watch such a good event, you really are not enough friends.

"Changsun Wuji pays his respects to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

Seeing Li Hong's figure, Changsun Wuji hurriedly saluted Li Hong.

Although he is Li Hong's uncle in name, he should have the courtesy.

Who calls people surnamed Li?

"Yuchi Jingde pays homage to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

When Li Hong came, Yuchi Jingde also let go of Yuchi Huan, a silly son, and stood up to salute Li Hong.

"You two don't need to salute, Li Hong can't bear it, and Duke E, go on, this guy just owes a beating, so don't worry about me."

Seeing that Yuchi Jingde had stopped, Li Hong pouted immediately.

I watch mine, you hit yours, there is no need to worry about me.

I don't know which few idiots I like to see get beaten the most.

"His Royal Highness is joking, ha ha."

Hearing Li Hong's words, Yuchi Jingde also smiled innocently, feeling a little embarrassed.

Hitting his son in front of Li Yanran was because he knew her well enough, and she was just a princess.

You are the heir apparent of the Tang Dynasty, and you will be enthroned as emperor in the future. If your son loses face in front of you, will you still use him in the future?

Li Hong gave Yuchi Jingde a big roll of his eyes, and showed my elder sister some good ones, but he didn't show them to me.

Obviously they look down on me.

"Okay, let's get ready to eat, grandson Yan, why don't you call Duke Ying and Duke Lu?"

Li Yanran was also speechless looking at Li Hong who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, so she hurriedly asked Changsun Yan to call for someone.

After lunch, it should be dinner, and she didn't want to keep these big shots in her fief for the night.

"Sister, I'll go."

Hearing this, Li Hong became interested.

Sister, you are too unkind, why don't you let me watch this good show?
Speaking of which, Li Hong twisted his buttocks and ran out. Hearing the sound and knowing the way, he first found the room where Li Siwen was taught a lesson, and slowly pushed open a crack in the door.

I saw Li Siwen was kneeling on the ground, holding Li Ji's thigh with both hands and crying bitterly, crying so miserablely.


Li Ji glanced at Li Hong's door and yelled loudly. Li Hong was so frightened that he fell in directly.

"His Royal Highness?"

Looking at that figure, Li Ji couldn't help frowning.

"Mr. Ying, my sister invites you to dinner, but don't worry, you should educate Li Siwen first.

This fellow should be beaten, and he wanders around the fief all day long, making his eyes dizzy just looking at it. "


Li Siwen was dumbfounded, his father just got angry, and you, the sixth child, came back to fight again.

I am provoking someone.

"How can His Highness wait, Nizi, why don't you come with me?"

Li Ji shook his head and smiled wryly. This prince is good at everything, but he likes fighting too much, and he is afraid that the world will not be chaotic.

At that time, I can't say that I have to mention it to His Majesty. This character is not good and needs to be changed.

Seeing Li Ji approaching, Li Hong also pouted and walked towards Cheng Yaojin's room.

"That bastard dares to peek outside?"

As soon as Li Hong opened the door, he heard Cheng Yaojin shout loudly.

"Here, Duke Lu is my palace, this palace!"

Li Hong pushed open the door obediently, only to see Cheng Yaojin riding on Cheng Chubi, his face full of anger.

"So it's Your Highness, what's your order?"

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