My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 346 His Majesty Arrives!

Seeing that it was Li Hong, Cheng Yaojin was also a little speechless.

Cheng Chubi shuddered and turned to look at Cheng Yaojin tremblingly.

This old sixth is here, if he has any bad intentions, he is really doomed today.

"Lu Guogong, that guy Cheng Chubi is usually very brave, but you are better, beat him, don't worry about me, keep going, keep going."

Li Hong rolled his eyes and spoke slowly.

"How about I hold it down for you, Your Highness?"

Cheng Yaojin didn't see him either, and asked Li Hong to come over and try his hand.

"Is this okay?"

While Li Hong said it was not good, he took a few steps forward, his eyes full of expectation.

"What's wrong, we are all on our own. I don't distinguish from the late emperor, and naturally I don't care so much with His Highness."

As Cheng Yaojin spoke, he held down Cheng Chubi, exposed his buttocks, and asked Li Hong to beat him accordingly.

Li Hong walked up to the two of them, and just as he was about to make a move, he saw Cheng Chubi's angry eyes.

Immediately, I shuddered, if this guy went to my sister to sue me for being tricky, wouldn't it be a loss?

Shaking his head, he rushed to bite the gold and said: "Gong Lu, I'm just joking with you. Cheng Chubi and I have the same father and brother. How can we be willing? Sister is still waiting."

After speaking, Li Hong ran out with his little ass twisted.


When passing the threshold, I accidentally fell again.


Seeing Li Hong fall, Ma Hou quickly helped him up.

"I'm fine, let's go."

Soon everyone gathered, and the hot pot was delivered to the hall.

A group of people also sat in front of the table.

The four Changsun Yan stood obediently behind their respective fathers, not daring to show their air.

Looking at the meat on the table and the steaming hot pot in the middle, everyone swallowed, even Changsun Wuji looked forward to it.

"Several, let's start."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, and directly signaled everyone to move.

"Your Majesty is here."


Hearing this sound, Li Yanran's chopsticks in mid-air suddenly fell down, looking at the mutton rolling in the pot, she suddenly felt that it was not delicious.

Li Hong shivered, and wanted to get under the table as soon as his legs gave way.

Why is my father here?

Is it to settle accounts?

It's over.

Just when everyone was wondering, a figure had appeared at the door, who could it be if it wasn't the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Li Zhi?
"Hehe, Xiao Yanran, Xiao Li Hong, I'm here to see you, how many high-ranking princes are there?"

Before Li Zhi finished speaking, he couldn't help being stunned looking at the few people in the room.

Why are all these old guys here?
"Minister Sun Wuji pays homage to His Majesty, long live my emperor, long live, long live, long live."

"Chen Cheng Yaojin pays homage to His Majesty, long live my emperor, long live long live."

"Chen Yuchi Jingde"

All the people in the room knelt on the ground and saluted Li Zhi, and there was a burst of doubt in everyone's eyes.

We are all idlers, come over to eat hot pot if we have nothing to do, it's good to beat up our son.

You are His Majesty the emperor who manages everything every day, why are you here?

Is there nothing for the court to do?

"Let's all be flat."

Li Zhi was also speechless for a while, I finally came here to meet my child, what kind of business are you guys doing here.

It seems that people can't be idle, these few are full all day long and have nothing to do, so they can't come here to eat and drink with their daughter.

No, I have to find something for them to do when I go back.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Everyone also got up and stood beside them respectfully.

"Father, why did you come here? Do you miss Hong'er? I miss you so much."

Li Hong rushed towards Li Zhi directly, and said flatteringly in a childish voice.

"Go away, you will miss me? You wish I would leave you alone."

Who knew that Li Zhi directly pulled Li Hongpa aside, refusing to accept his tricks at all.


Li Hong was depressed, what's the matter?

This king is so low-key, even if you don't like me anymore, you old man, just pretend to be the head office.

After all, this is not your imperial study room, several princes and county kings are watching.

You really don't save any face for your son.

"Li Yanran, why, don't you miss me?"

Looking at Li Yanran who was standing on the side, Li Zhi also turned black instantly.

Your brother knows so much that he is close to me, but you are lucky, what kind of eyes are these.

Don't you want me to come and see you?
Besides, there are so many big bosses here, why don't you give me face like this?

"Father, my son is very happy, but I am not as good at expressing it as my younger brother."

Although Li Yanran's mind was full of rejection, she still moved her feet and threw herself into Li Zhi's arms.

Li Zhi also stretched out his arms and held Li Yanran in his arms.

Seeing the scene of a loving father and a filial daughter, Li Hong felt that he had been hit by a million tons.

Your son likes you so much, you ignore it.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that your daughter is perfunctory, but you poured everything into it.

Don't you take me too seriously?

"Father, why are you here?"

In order to give himself a sense of presence, Li Hong squeezed in front of Li Zhi, tilted his head and asked Li Zhi.

"I still need to inform you when I come here, just wait for me."

"Oh oh oh,"

Hearing this, Li Hong hurried to the side, lowered his head and dared not speak.

"Little Yanran, don't you want to know why I am here?"

After scolding Li Hong, Li Zhi glanced at Li Yanran in his arms, and asked with a slight smile.


Li Hong was dumbfounded. If I asked you, if you didn't tell me, my sister didn't ask you, but you spoke first.

You know the word cheap.

"Father, you are the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. You can't go anywhere in the Tang Dynasty. Besides, father, you can't come and see Yanran even if you have nothing to do?"

Li Yanran tilted her head and smiled sweetly at Li Zhi.

"Hahahaha, Li Hong learn better, look at your elder sister, and then at you, naughty."

Li Zhi laughed, took Li Yanran in his arms and walked towards the first seat, while Li Hong followed behind Li Zhi's buttocks with a twisted face.

"Masters of the state, King of Zhaozhou, what are you doing standing up, take your seat."

Li Zhi sat in Li Yanran's seat without hesitation, and then waved his hands to signal the big shots to take their seats.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Several people looked at each other and sat on their own chairs.

"Yan Ran, why are you standing, sit beside me."

Li Zhi patted Li Hong's seat to signal to Li Yanran.

"Thank you, Father."

Li Yanran glanced at Li Hong beside her, and sat down on her buttocks.

"Father, what about me?"

Seeing that everyone had a place to sit, Li Hong questioned Li Zhi with a bitter face.

"You won't move a chair over here? Why do you want me to invite you?"


Li Hong was completely depressed.

Dad, you are too insignificant.

Daughter slaves are not like that.

You will make your son jealous.

"Your Highness, let me help you."

Changsun Yan hurriedly moved a chair to Li Zhi's right hand.

Li Hong didn't say anything, just sat up on his buttocks, pouted with displeasure on his face.

"Father, this meat is just right, try it."

Li Yanran picked up a lot of mutton with chopsticks and put it into Li Zhi's bowl.

"My little Yanran is still sensible."

Li Zhi gave Li Yanran a smile, his eyes were full of joy.


Li Hong said that he picked up a chopstick of meat and was about to put it into the bowl, but Li Zhi who was next to him slapped him on the head.

"Father, why are you beating me? The flesh is gone."

Li Hong covered his head, but his eyes were fixed on the mutton that fell on the table.

He was thinking whether he should listen to Li Yanran's words, and he thought that 1.1 rice millet was hard to come by, so he picked up the mutton and ate it.

"The elders haven't moved their chopsticks yet, but you, a junior, want to eat them first. Have you lost all the etiquette you learned before?"

Li Zhi glared at Li Hong, his eyes full of indignation.


Li Hong was depressed, that's not what the elders said when they came here.

How come you have changed your appearance.

"Several, the prince is stubborn, don't take offense, let's start."

Li Zhi didn't bother to talk to Li Hong, and directly motioned for several people to move their chopsticks to eat.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Several people were also a little cautious, and they picked up some mutton and put them in their own bowls.

Li Zhi ate this meal very comfortably, but Changsun Wuji and others ate it tastelessly, and the food was cloudy.

And in front of Li Zhi, Li Yanran did not dare to serve wine, even if they did, they would not dare to drink. After all, the emperor is in front, how can he

"So, Father, why did you come to your daughter's place?"

After she was full, Li Yanran glanced at her father, wondering why he came here.

Could it be that his trip to Wugong County was exposed?

But looking at Li Zhi's appearance, he doesn't look like him at all.

"It doesn't matter if I come here, but what are the dukes and county kings doing here? If you really have free time at home, I can find something for you to do."

Li Zhi didn't answer Li Yanran's question, but looked at Changsun Wuji and the others.

"Your Majesty, we are old now and can't take on important responsibilities. As for our reason for coming, we are actually here for the Cuju."

Changsun Wuji shook his head slightly, a group of old guys, you, the emperor, don't squeeze them.

It was easy for me to unload the burden on myself, but I really couldn't carry it anymore.

Cheng Yaojin and the others nodded together. They really came here for the Lishan Cup Cuju Competition.

"How many of you came here for this cuju? I am the same."

Hearing that they came for the same purpose as his, Li Zhi also smiled.

Isn't this a coincidence?
I also came here for this Cuju.

"Your Majesty too?"

Cheng Yaojin was taken aback, he didn't expect that the emperor, like himself, came here for this Cuju.

"Hehe, it seems that you are all of the same kind, Yan Ran, since everyone is here, why don't you arrange a competition, let's see and see first."

Li Zhi glanced at Li Yanran beside him, since everyone came here for the cuju of these 11 people, it happened to be a match.

Take a look at the difference between the 11-person Cuju and the current Cuju of the Tang Dynasty.

"Naturally, Cheng Chubi, Yuchihuan, you guys hurry up and make arrangements."

Li Yanran smiled at Li Zhi, and directly asked Cheng Chubi and Yuchihuan to arrange the match.



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