My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 349 Making money?This is called an entry fee!

Chapter 349 Making money?This is called an entry fee!

Changsun Yan glanced at Cheng Chubi and the others behind him, tears streaming down his face.

"Yan'er, don't talk nonsense, this Lishan fiefdom is very good, you have to learn from His Highness here, understand?"

Changsun Wuji touched Changsun Yan's head, feeling like an old father.

"Father, I miss my mother."

Changsun Yan hugged Changsun Wuji's waist directly, he really didn't see those murderous eyes behind him.

If you don't run, you will really die here.

"Yan'er, a man has ambitions everywhere, how can he go back just because he misses your mother? If you really want to, I will bring your mother to visit you next time."

Changsun Wuji pushed Changsun Yan away as he spoke, and was about to get into the car when he raised his leg, but Changsun Yan hugged his thigh.

"Father, take me back to Chang'an."

Changsun Yan really cried this time, bursting into tears with snot.

"Don't be willful, or you will do it for your father."

Changsun Wuji's old face was blushing, so many people were watching.

You gave me this trick, isn't this embarrassing me.

"Prince Changsun, we will treat Changsun Yan well, don't worry."

Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan looked at each other, then walked directly to take Changsun Yan aside.

"Well, thank you, old man."

Changsun Wuji nodded and got into the carriage directly.

"My grandson, you'd better be happy now, don't let your father worry about you now that you're so old."

Li Siwen also leaned into Changsun Yan's ear and said softly.

I really want to be happy too, but am I happy?

You guys are vicious, when my father is gone, you may not know how to harm me.

Seeing that Changsun Yan was still crying, Cheng Chubi also said with a straight face, "Smile for me."

"Ha ha,"

Changsun Yan tried his best to squeeze out a smile that was uglier than crying, just as Changsun Wuji opened the curtain of the car to see.

It seems that my son really has a group of good friends, not bad, not bad.

After waving his hand, the carriage started, and the brigade rushed towards Chang'an.

When the carriage left, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, except Changsun Yan's heart was in his throat.

"Heroes, I really didn't know that you were stealing hot pot. If I knew, I wouldn't tell if I was killed."

Looking at the three big black faces, Changsun Yan hurriedly begged for mercy.

"You have the guts to say, if you don't tear your mouth apart today, you won't know how powerful you are."

Cheng Chubi slapped him with a slap, and his eyes widening scared Changsun Yan into a shudder.

"That's right, if it weren't for you, I would have been beaten for the second time today? Let's talk about it."

Yu Chihuan also slapped him across the face, his round face flushed and everyone who watched trembled.

Changsun Yan was sandwiched between two strong men, he looked very much like an elementary school student who was bullied by seniors.

Eyes full of despair.

"That's right, our Changsun county official can't do anything else, but betraying a friend is a must, right, both of you."

Li Siwen also gave Changsun Yan a slap from behind, and then turned his eyes to Cheng Chubi and Yuchihuan on both sides.

"Li Siwen, it's Changsun Yan's account now, how will our account be settled later? We can't mess ourselves up first, can't we?"

Hearing Li Siwen's words with a gun and a stick, Cheng Chubi also scratched his head.

At the beginning, I was indeed a little unkind, but I was beaten a lot.

It was a wrong move.

"Well, now we must unanimously communicate to the outside world."

"Where is Changsun Yan?"

Just as he was talking, Changsun Yan took advantage of this opportunity and ran out.

"Catch him up and beat him to death."

"Run? Did you run?"

"There are no doors."

Cheng Chubi and the others chased after her, Li Yanran shook her head when she saw this, and walked inside, not forgetting to take Li Hong with her when she left.

"Sister, why are you dragging me? I still want to watch the excitement."

Being dragged by Li Yanran, Li Hong felt depressed for a while.

I'm still waiting to eat melons, what are you doing?

"Watch the fun, did you write your homework?"

Li Yanran glared at Li Hong, and asked directly.

"I don't want to do my homework, Ma Monkey, help me."

Hearing the word homework, Li Hong's mind was about to explode.

I don't know where my aunt came from to see the strange things, not only to do arithmetic, but also to write essays, the key to special meow is situational essays.

I don't even know what you are painting, and you asked me to write a situational composition, isn't that embarrassing?

Looking at the miserable Li Hong, Ma Hou was also depressed for a while.

Boss, stop yelling, you can't protect yourself if you don't look at me?
Since Ma Hou became Li Hong's follower, Li Yanran gave Li Feng a task.

Train this kid every day.

To be a follower, you must have the awareness to be a follower, otherwise one trash will follow another trash.

What's the point of that.

Let the two of you work hand in hand?

Li Feng glared at Ma Hou, but didn't speak, and the other party followed Li Feng with his head down.

When everyone returned to Chang'an, they immediately began to organize their own teams. Seeing that the Dukes of the state were like this, the people in Chang'an were also moved by the news, especially those aristocratic families.

Some time ago, due to the banditry situation in the Lishan fiefdom, they were rubbed on the ground by Li Zhi, and the Cui Xiuye ​​brothers officially broke up with the Cui family.

The aristocratic family was immediately disgraced, and their prestige plummeted. Now that the Lishan Cup is a major event that has spread throughout Chang'an, they also sensed an opportunity.

If I can organize a team to participate and win the championship, I can somewhat increase my prestige.

For a while, the wind of Cuju in Chang'an immediately blew up, and Cuju could be seen everywhere.

"Brother Li, things are beyond imagination. Today, many teams from Chang'an came to apply to participate in the Lishan Cup."

Changsun Yan frowned and came to Li Yanran.


"I'll run my Lishan cup. What's the matter with those people in Chang'an? Are they short of money?"

Li Yanran was taken aback, she was just trying to give the people in her fief something to play with, why did the people in Chang'an react so strongly.

"Brother Li, take a look, this is the name of the team."

Li Siwen shook his head, and handed a list to Li Yanran.

"Wang Family Cuju Team."

"Cui Family Cuju Team."

"Lu Family Cuju Team."

They are all teams from aristocratic families, what do these people want to do?
Since the team of the aristocratic family is definitely not for the thirty rewards, then why are they here to join in the fun.

"You look down."

Changsun Yan shook his head and asked Li Yanran to continue watching.

"The Cuju Team of the Left Jinwu Guard."

"Jing Zhao Yin Cuju team."

"Youxuwei Cuju team."

Now Li Yanran finally understands what is tricky in it.

Although the Lishan Cup is just a small ball game organized by himself, after all, his identity is there.

Rather than saying that these people came to join in the fun, it might be better to say that they came to fight for fame.

If he can win the championship in one fell swoop, he will definitely become a man of the hour in Chang'an, and no one wants to let go of this opportunity.

This is true for aristocratic families, so are those officials, and even those business firms are the same.

They all regard this Lishan Cup as an opportunity to become famous.

Really beeping a dog.

"How to do?"

Changsun Yan glanced at Li Yanran again, the current situation was beyond their imagination.

This is no longer just a matter of fiefdom, but has become a major event affecting the entire Chang'an.

If something goes wrong here, then as the host, there must be an inescapable responsibility.

"What should I do? I hold this Lishan Cup for my own entertainment. If they want to participate, it's easy to say,

The registration fee for each team is [-] guan, and I will allow them to join if I pay the money. "

Since you want to use my Lishan Cup to win fame, then I, the organizer, must give you some tolls.

Everyone treat me like a leek, and prepare to be scytheed by my death scythe.

The key is to be cut leeks by themselves, they still have to bear it, there is no way, who told you to have bad ideas.

"One hundred guan? I don't want much..."

Hearing that Li Yanran wanted to take the opportunity to make money, Chang Sun Yan was also taken aback.

He didn't expect Li Yanran's mind to turn so fast, and immediately thought of how to cut those people.

One team has one hundred hits, ten teams is one thousand hits, and there are at least dozens of teams on this list. Doesn't that mean that they have netted thousands of hits before the start of the game?

High, really high.

"That's not the end yet. Teams that want to participate must stay in the fief. Anyone who dares to leave without authorization during the competition will automatically give up their qualifications."


Changsun Yan has already thought of the faces of those family members after hearing this.

I paid for the qualification, and I have to stay in the fief.

After these expenses, the fief will make a lot of money again, and the group of people was cut off twice by Brother Li.

He had to grit his teeth and send money over, but he accepted it.

"That's all I can think of for now, go and post the notice right away."


Changsun Yan nodded, and immediately ordered someone to post a notice in Chang'an.

After seeing the notice, the people were in an uproar. They didn't expect to pay [-] guan in advance to participate in the Lishan Cup, and they had to live in the fiefdom. This is a bit too overbearing.

Some people who wanted to fight gave up on the spot. After all, no one is very sure that they will win the championship, and they will get the reward of [-] points per person.

Ordinary people are meaningless, and those from aristocratic families really don't care at all.

Money is just a number to them, what they care about now is fame.

The fewer people who participate, the greater their chances of winning.

At this meeting, they wished that no one would participate, and there were also good players among the people.

Therefore, the members of the aristocratic family also started the grabbing mode, offering high prices to search for players to expand their Cuju team.

"Your Majesty, the news you just received, Your Highness again...again."

Ryan couldn't continue talking, and directly sent the written notice to Li Zhi.

"This Li Yanran is a good money maker, interesting and interesting."

Seeing the content of the notice, Li Zhi also smiled.

He already understood the thoughts of those aristocratic families, and wanted to take this opportunity to save their prestige.

Even if you are treacherous like ghosts, you should be taken care of by your own daughter obediently.

My daughter seems to be born to be the nemesis of the family, from the lottery, to banditry, and now to the Lishan Cup.

God really treated Li Zhi kindly to me, and sent me such a precious daughter.

"Your Majesty, if this continues, His Highness may be impeached by those speech officials to collect money."

Seeing that Li Zhi was not angry, but laughed instead, Rui An couldn't help being a little stunned.

"Impeachment to collect money?"

"I want to see who dares?"

(End of this chapter)

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