My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 350 A New Means of Making Money

Chapter 350 A New Means of Making Money
The Lishan Cup was originally held by Princess Lishan herself. Isn't it right for them to spend money to participate?
Besides, no one forced them to go. If anyone dares to impeach my daughter because of this, I will take their black yarn. "

Li Zhi slapped the dragon case with a slap, his eyes were full of coldness.

"Slaves know."

Ryan shuddered and backed out directly.

"Lishan Cup, it's getting more and more interesting, hahahaha."

After the efforts of thousands of bandits and the efforts of nearly a thousand craftsmen, the stadium for the competition was finally built.

Looking at the magnificent building and the top circle of VIP boxes, Li Yanran was also smiling.

If she doesn't make a good harvest of leeks at this time, she will really be ashamed of the three words Li Yanran.

"How many teams are registered now?"

Li Yanran glanced at Changsun Yan beside him, and asked about his current situation.

"We have thirteen teams here, a few princes have gathered a team, and there are six teams from surrounding counties. There are 28 teams in Chang'an, adding up to a total of 48 teams."


Hearing this number, Li Yanran was also taken aback.

There are so many teams, doesn't that mean that he has already earned [-] yuan before the game started.

"It's not over yet, Brother Li, look at this."

Changsun Yan handed over another form, which was densely filled with names.

And they are all well-known commercial shops in Chang'an.

"What are these for?"

Seeing what was in front of her, Li Yanran was stunned, not understanding what it meant.

"Brother Li, these are merchants in Chang'an. If you want to spend money to post their names in the venue, I dare not make a private decision. I will leave it to you to decide."

Changsun Yan smiled slightly, and the fat sheep who gave the money came, and it depends on Brother Li how you want to slaughter it.

Hearing this, Li Yanran was also taken aback.

Could it be that the businessmen of Datang are so smart that they now know how to use the Lishan Cup to advertise.

She knows the Hercules Cup of later generations, the advertising fee is simply an astronomical figure.

But I didn't expect that businessmen in Datang would use traffic to promote themselves.

This is too forward.

"What are the quotations here?"

Shock is nothing but shock, but this is what Li Yanran wants to do. If she doesn't use every inch of the Lishan Cup, she will be ashamed of her identity as someone who has been here.

"The highest one is this Li Ji Silk Shop, which offers [-] guan. In the finals, the entire venue will be covered with their advertisements."

Changsun Yan's eyes were full of light, he really never thought that someone would spend thousands of dollars for an advertisement, it was really beyond his imagination.

"It's impossible to advertise in the finals. During the finals, we will run our own advertisements, Haagen-Dazs, Shuren Tea Room, Lan Kwai Fong and sofas."

Li Yanran shook her head, everyone knows the significance of this final, what can be advertised in this competition is not only a promotion but also a symbol of strength.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for her to embarrass her own property. This position cannot and will not be given up.

"But that's a thousand guan."

Changsun Yan was depressed, did Li Yanran have a sex change?

What does it mean that a thousand consistent transactions can be rolled out.

"You don't understand, now you can reply to Li Ji's silk line, I will allow their advertisement to be placed on the semi-finals for two thousand."

Changsun Yan's eyeballs popped out, and he already felt that it was outrageous for a thousand points.

Now that Li Yanran actually offered [-] guan, do you really think that other people's money came from a strong wind?

"Brother Li, isn't the two thousand gongs a bit much? And it's still the semifinals."

Changsun Yan frowned and spoke to Li Yanran.

After all, this butcher was too cruel. If he stabbed him down, his head would fall off.

"Hey, are there any other silk companies in this quotation?"

Li Yanran gave Changsun Yan a blank look, when have I ever been away on business.

"There is a company called Baoji Silk Shop, but their quotation is only four hundred guan, not even half of what Li Ji Silk Shop sells."

Changsun Yan flipped through the records, pointed at the Breguet silk and walked back.

"Just tell the people at Liji Silk Shop that Breguet Silk Shop has agreed to bid [-] coins to buy the advertising rights for the semi-finals.

If Li Ji gives up, then send someone to talk to the people from Breguet Silk. "

After listening to Li Yanran's words, Zhang Sunyan was taken aback, and immediately understood what Li Yanran meant.

This is to kill three scholars with two peaches, but there are flaws in it.

"Brother Li, what if the Li Ji silk line and Breguet silk line can't match?"

Changsun Yan frowned, and expressed his worries.

"Hehe, if the two silk and silk companies don't agree, then we will postpone it and find another silk and silk company to cooperate with. I don't want a penny from them, and I will advertise for them for free."


Li Yanran's operation was dumbfounded by Zhang Sunyan.

What does it mean to advertise for free without paying a penny?
Brother Li is not cutting leeks now, but doing charity instead?

This is not his style.

"You don't understand, when the time comes you will be like this"

Li Yanran whispered in Changsun Yan's ear for a while, after listening to Changsunyan, she was also greatly touched, can this business still be done like this?

It was really beyond his imagination.

"Is this really okay?"

Although what Li Yanran said was miraculous, Changsun Yan was still a little worried.

"Don't worry, just do as I say, this is just the last step, I hope they don't let me down, otherwise don't blame me for being cruel."

"Then do the others have to do the same?"

Changsun Yan frowned as he looked at the list in his hand.

"Well, do it all, remember there is only one advertiser per category, understand?"


Changsun Yan left, and immediately started negotiating with those merchants according to Li Yanran's idea.

In the end, those people were still persuaded by Li Yanran's high price, and Zhang Sunyan didn't panic, and started to contact the third merchant according to Li Yanran's idea.

Just like this, I wrote a bunch of bad checks and went out without earning a penny.

But if Li Yanran's vision can be achieved, the benefits will be much more than the current situation.

After the stadium was built, all participating teams also moved into the town one after another, but when they heard that the accommodation fee would cost the same amount every day, they were all angry.

It is true that they are here to gain fame, but they are not here to be taken advantage of.

They put up with the entry fee of one hundred guan before, and they also put up with not being able to leave the fief, but now the accommodation fee has caught up with the restaurants in Chang'an.

It's really unacceptable that the place where the bird doesn't shit is so expensive.

"We want to see Her Royal Highness."

"That's right, isn't this bullying?"

"That's right, we need to see Her Royal Highness, otherwise we will strike."

A group of Cuju players gathered together and started shouting at the Imperial Army in front of them.

"Damn it, you dare to make trouble in His Highness's fief, you don't want to live anymore?"

A Lieutenant of the Forbidden Army stood up with a haughty face, looking at the troublemakers in front of him, his face was full of coldness.

"You guys are so unreasonable. With such an expensive accommodation fee, do you really think we are country bumpkins who don't understand anything?"

Wang Meng, the leader of the Wang family, glanced at the captain of the Imperial Army in front of him, stared at him and shouted.

"Get out if you have ideas, this is the rule of Lishan, if you are a dignitary, you can buy a house to live in, otherwise you can live in the street,
The princess ordered that anyone who didn't obey the rules should be expelled directly, and if he wanted to stop the game, he could stop the game, and the money would not be refunded. "

"The captain will give you three breaths to leave, otherwise you will be punished severely."

The captain glanced at Wang Meng, you guys are nothing.

It's okay to be domineering in Chang'an, this is Lishan, the fief of the princess.

To put it bluntly, even if your Patriarch comes, you have to obey the rules.

If you have the ability, you can find a place to live by yourself, and see if someone cares about you.

"You, you are too deceitful."

Wang Meng's eyeballs were about to pop out. He had never seen such an unreasonable person in his life.

This is because I am sure that I dare not retire, so I can only accept it.

"It's you who are bullying, get out of here quickly."



Seeing that the captain of the Forbidden Army was so arrogant, everyone felt a little helpless.

"Walk, walk, let's talk after winning the championship."

"That is, don't make a dispute about this."

"I'd like to see what else they can come up with then."

The people who gathered just now scattered away in an instant, holding their noses and starting to pay and stay.

At the same time, everyone is gearing up, and will see the real chapter in the competition.

We must take back all the dumb losses we suffered today.

"Your Highness, everything is settled."

The captain came to Li Yanran and reported the situation there.

"It's hard work, go down and rest."


Li Yanran glanced at the stadium in the distance, and couldn't help showing a sneer.

If you want to come here to fight for fame, you have to accept my rules.

Otherwise, just fuck off.

Father is used to that you are for the country and the country. I don't have a country, so you don't want to kidnap me.

Making money is the last word.

"Changsun Yan, how are the tickets sold?"

Li Yanran glanced at Changsun Yan who was walking towards her, and directly asked about his ticket sales.

"Brother Li, the tickets are all sold out. I really didn't expect that there are so many rich people. The preliminaries are sold out for ten yuan each."

Changsun Yan glanced at Li Yanran, his eyeballs were about to pop out.

The stadium built by Li Yanran is not small, it can hold 800 people on the first floor, and 4000 people on the fifth floor. Unexpectedly, all [-] tickets were sold out.

The income from the tickets on the first day alone was [-] yuan, that is, [-] yuan.

This is just the preliminaries, the semi-finals, the top sixteen, the top eight, the top four, the semi-finals, the tickets for the finals are much more expensive than this.

Needless to say at that time, the ticket revenue alone will be an astronomical figure.

It has to be said that in terms of making money alone, Li Yanran's head is simply a blow to dimensionality reduction.

Instantly kill a group of rich merchants in the Tang Dynasty.

"Now all the people in our fief are rich, and there are also people from Chang'an who like Cuju.

If you can't sell all the four thousand tickets, then go to hell.

If it weren't for the conditions, I would have to sell tree tickets, building tickets, and mountain tickets. "

Li Yanran smiled slightly, the Hercules Cup of later generations is a prosperous world, even if it is not far away, people will rush there by plane.

Now that the Tang Dynasty is strong and the people are rich, ten qian is only half a day's wages for the people of Lishan, let alone a rich place like Chang'an.


(End of this chapter)

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