My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 351 What do you guys want to do?

Chapter 351 You. What do you want to do?
Hearing Li Yanran's bizarre remarks, everyone was stunned again.

What is a tree ticket, a building ticket, and the worst thing is a mountain ticket.

What is this all about!

"By the way, what happened to the mascot and peripheral products I asked you to make?"

When it comes to the Hercules Cup, I have to say that the mascots of the Hercules Cup are popular all over the world. Each of them will become a hot item and earn a lot of money. Naturally, she will not let it go.

"It's all done, but."

Zhang Sunyan has done all the things Li Yanran explained.

What kind of mascot, ball uniforms, and a lot of surroundings.

For the eldest grandson Yan, he gathered all the women around him. If he couldn't sell it, he would lose money.

"Do not worry."

Li Yanran is not worried at all, these things have no cost, and if you sell one, you can earn ten, so you can't lose money.

"Meiniang, tidy up and I will take you to Mount Li."

Li Zhi rushed over, looked at Wu Zetian who was still buried in the memorial, and said directly to her.

"To Lishan? Your Majesty wants to see your daughter's Lishan Cup?"

Wu Zetian looked up at Li Zhi, and replied with a smile.

"Meiniang, did you also hear the wind?"

Li Zhi also smiled, he really didn't expect that Wu Zetian, who lived in the palace, would also hear the news of the Lishan Cup.

It can be seen that the wind is really strong.

"There are quite rumors. Recently, the Lishan Cup has been rumored in Chang'an. Even in the palace, there are many discussions."

Wu Zetian got up slowly and tidied up her somewhat messy hair.

"The relationship is good, such a good thing, as parents, how can we not cheer for our daughter? How about it?"

Li Zhi directly took Wu Zetian's arm and stood up for his daughter, which is what a father should do.

"Okay, let's go together, Mei Niang is also looking forward to her daughter's 11-person Cuju."

Wu Zetian nodded.

The two of them rode on the dragon together, escorted by two thousand imperial guards, and marched towards the fiefdom of Mount Li.

"Your Majesty has gone to Mount Li."

"I see, let's go too."


The emperor went on a tour, and Chang'an was shaken. Originally, the Lishan Cup was already popular in Chang'an. Now that the emperor has gone, even those who don't like Cuju are moved to Lishan after hearing the news.

It's nothing more than an empty alleyway.

"Brother Li, just got the news that His Majesty and the Empress have left the palace and are heading towards Mount Li, saying they want to watch the opening ceremony of the Mount Li Cup."

Li Siwen rushed forward frantically, his eyes full of horror.

"What's all the fuss, everyone is ready to welcome Sheng Jia."

These were already expected by Li Yanran, but she didn't expect that her mother would also come here with her.

The Lishan fief was immediately put under martial law, and all the prisoners were taken into custody, even those migrant workers who went to work were sent home one after another.

Fifteen hundred imperial troops and one thousand princess guards made the fief into an iron bucket, let alone people, even flies couldn't fly in it.

"The sons and ministers respectfully welcome the father and mother."

"The sons and ministers respectfully welcome the father and mother."

"Sun Yan, Minister of Foreign Affairs, welcome Your Majesty, Empress Empress."

The emperor's chariot arrived, and Li Yanran and others saluted together.

"Be flat."

Li Zhi and Wu Zetian got off the chariot together.

"Thank you, Father."

"Thank you, Father."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Everyone was flat, Li Yanran and Li Hong went directly to their parents, especially Li Hong flew into Wu Zetian's arms like a little mouse.

"Queen, my son misses you to death."

"Missing your mother? Then when you returned to Chang'an, you didn't even know you were visiting your mother."

Wu Zetian tapped Li Hong lightly on the head, her eyes were full of kindness.

In the blink of an eye, she hadn't seen her son for more than a month, how could she, a mother, not want to.

"Isn't Erchen in a hurry to come back to study?"

Li Hong was embarrassed, he didn't expect his mother to know about the last time he returned to Chang'an, and when he gave Li Zhi a blank look, it must be his unreliable father who did something good.

"You know how to learn? Learn how to make trouble."

Wu Zetian glared at Li Hong, and she would not find a convincing reason for lying.

Said that the prefect was about to knock Li Hong on the head, but the other party put his head in his hands and surrendered.

"Mother, don't fight, son Chen really learned a lot from sister."

"Then tell me what you have learned?"

Hearing that Li Hong dared to speak harshly, Wu Zetian raised his eyes and stared at his son.

"The mother and son have learned arithmetic, learned composition, and learned."

Li Hong counted his homework in Lishan with his fingers, but what he said was bragging in Wu Zetian's eyes.

"Okay, then the queen mother asks you, what is the number of seventy-nine?"



Wu Zetian was stunned. Could it be that Li Hong really learned arithmetic?
"What is the number of five and eight?"


"What about the number thirty-seven?"


"Okay, queen mother, you are all pediatrics, and my sons and daughters are all about the method of summing after they have learned ten."

"Okay, trust you once."

Wu Zetian looked at Li Hong, who looked like a little rooster, with a smile on his face.

"You guys have talked enough, let's go in."

Li Zhi looked at the scene where his mother was kind and his son was filial, and his eyes were full of smiles.

He hadn't seen such a situation for a long time.

It seems that Li Hong has really made progress, and it can be said that he is not in vain here in Lishan.


Everyone stopped hesitating and walked directly into the town.

Entering the newly completed stadium, Li Zhi stood on the rostrum, surrounded by soldiers of the imperial army in armor.

"let's start."

Li Zhi glanced at Li Yanran, and directly told him to start.

"Your Majesty has an order. The Lishan Cup will officially begin and the team will enter the field."

Li Yanran nodded, shouting together with the guards next to her.

The participating teams entered the field one by one from the player channel with neat steps.

The 48 teams lined up neatly, like soldiers undergoing review, waiting for Li Zhi to speak.

"Preach my will, and the Lishan Cup will officially begin."

"Long live, long live, my emperor."

"Long live, long live, my emperor."

"Long live, long live, my emperor."

The 48 teams shouted together, and the imperial army next to them also shouted like a mountain and a tsunami.

Li Zhi smiled slightly, looking at the flags fluttering around him, there was a great momentum to inspect the soldiers and dispatch troops.

This baby girl really knows how to make adjustments, and she satisfies her own vanity very well.


After Li Zhi finished his lecture, he took Wu Zetian away directly, and entered the VIP box arranged by Li Yanran for them through the exclusive passage.

Looking at the furnishings in the room, Li Zhi and Wu Zetian nodded together.

There are sofas, soft beds, rocking chairs, spider plants, desk tables, dried fruits, pastries, and even ice cream filled with ice cream. It can be said that only I can't think of it, not Li Yanran.

And being at the highest point, Li Zhi and Wu Zetian had a panoramic view of the entire stadium.

"Players leave, spectators enter."

Li Zhi's box was already surrounded by imperial troops, Li Yanran nodded and ordered the audience to come on stage.

Several state princes were arranged in the box next to Li Zhi, and after entering, they were also very happy. Not only did they have everything they should have, but there was even mahjong.

"Changsun Wuji, what do you think of Princess Lishan?"

Cheng Yaojin sat directly on the sofa, picked up a peach and put it in his mouth.

"This girl should be the girl of heaven, what a pity, what a pity."

Changsun Wuji shook his head, sat on the side, and began to fiddle with the tea leaves.

"With this girl here, I'm afraid His Royal Highness will always live in the shadow of Auntie."

Li Ji glanced at Changsun Wuji, he naturally understood what Changsun Wuji meant.

But she is not a man after all, there is no way.

"Girls, it's a must to get married, it doesn't matter."

Yu Chihuan dug out a bowl of ice cream from the ice mirror, put two cherries on it, and began to feast on it.

"These are not what we should think about. Anyway, I feel that my bastard has grown a lot since he followed Her Royal Highness. After a hundred years, I don't have too much to worry about."

Cheng Yaojin didn't say much, who knows what will happen in the future.

He can only live for a few years. Li Zhi is only in his 30s now. After a hundred years, the grass on his grave will be several meters high.

As long as the Cheng family doesn't fall because of his death, he is satisfied.

"It's still Lu Guogong who can see it. My stupid son has grown a lot, a hundred years? I'm afraid I won't live."

Yuchi Jingde was so sweetened by the ice cream, his round face instantly bloomed like a sunflower.

"Ha ha."


Spectators who had been waiting outside also entered the stadium one after another after being inspected one by one by the imperial guards.

"This old man is the servant of the Ministry of Rites, you dare to search for me?"

An old man in his [-]s saw the forbidden army approaching him, and couldn't help shouting angrily.

"This is not the imperial court, nor your yamen of the Ministry of Rites. This is the fiefdom of Mount Li. If you want to enter, you will be searched obediently. Otherwise, please leave."

The forbidden army had been notified by Li Yanran long ago, no one was allowed to enter the arena without being searched.

Anyone who dares to make trouble will be beaten out with sticks.

"Are you not afraid that the old man will go to the hall to join the princess?"

Zhou Bing glanced at the forbidden army in front of him and was also impatient. He really didn't expect that one day he would be insulted like this.

"If you don't want to, please leave, so as not to delay the entry of the audience behind."

The imperial army is depressed. I don't know if you will join the princess or not. I only know that if my work is not done properly, something will go wrong.

When the time comes, he will be dead without a whole body.

"You, how can you be so reasonable? It doesn't matter if the old man doesn't watch this game, and I will definitely read the copy of Princess Lishan, so that she will know that scholars should not be taken lightly."

Zhou Bing heard that the imperial army was not afraid at all, and looked at the people behind him, and couldn't hold back his face for a while.

Leaving a harsh word, the Minister of Rites also left in a huff.

"Pretend to be a wolf with a big tail."

"Look at it if you can afford it, and leave if you can't look down on it. It's a lot of nonsense."

"That is, what has blocked the road for so long."

Seeing Zhou Bing's figure, the people behind him cursed one after another.

"What are you in a daze for? Hurry up and get your ticket and enter."

The forbidden army glared at the common people, and wanted to scold them inside, so as not to delay their work.

"Okay, okay, here is my ticket."

Everyone obediently handed over the receipts and allowed the imperial army to search them.

As soon as Zhou Bing left, he was surrounded by people.

"What do you guys want?"

(End of this chapter)

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