My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 358 Make a small report if you have something to do!

Hearing these words, Li Hong was a little taken aback.

It is still difficult to understand this sentence with his brain capacity.

"Prime Minister Ren Ya is the prime minister of the dynasty. It's not what we can do, how to deal with him. I can't do it, and I can't you. Only my father can do it."

"If Royal Father thinks that this person is useful, even if we tell him to break the sky, Royal Father won't touch him. If Royal Father thinks he is useless, we don't need to tell him that he won't get better."

Li Yanran looked at Li Hong, and slowly expressed her opinion.

"What Sister means is to tell Father about everything here, and Father can do whatever he wants, right?"

Li Hong was smart, and immediately understood what Li Yanran meant.

"Ruzi can be taught."

Li Yanran touched Li Hong's small head, a trace of satisfaction flashed in her eyes.

"So, let's compile the situation here into a book now, and send it to the emperor quickly."

"Didn't you hear? Li Siwen hastened to tidy up and send it to Chang'an in the name of the prince."


Li Hong was depressed again, why should he send it in my name.

Sister, you are tricking me again.

Although those people in the household department are a bit hateful, they are also decent officials of the Tang Dynasty after all.

You are really standing behind me.


Li Siwen smiled slightly, and immediately went to tidy up, and then let the imperial army lead them to Chang'an.

"Sister, let's go back to the fief, it's so boring here, let's go back and watch the Lishan Cup."

Li Hong also resigned to his fate. Anyway, he has not been blamed once or twice, and he doesn't care about this one more time.

"Well, take all the people from the household department to the school grounds of the fief, and wait for the emperor's decision."

With a wave of her hand, Li Yanran led the officials of the Ministry of Rites straight to the Lishan fiefdom.

"Your Majesty, a letter from Lishan."

Ruian slowly entered the imperial study, looked at Li Zhi who was reviewing the memorial, and spoke slowly.

"A letter from Lishan? Bring it."

Li Zhi was taken aback for a moment, thinking about it after he hadn't been there for a day?

As he spoke, he opened the letter excitedly.

"Bastard, bastard."

After reading the letter, Li Zhi stood up abruptly, slapped the dragon case, his eyes were full of surging anger.

"Your Majesty, rest your anger."

Ryan was taken aback and quickly knelt on the ground.

"Calm down your anger? The Ministry of Finance really played a good show for me to make a fool of myself and secretly hide Chen Cang."

Li Zhi's back molars were about to be crushed. At the court meeting, he just said that no one is allowed to touch the Lishan fiefdom. You are good, and you went to Xinfeng County to wreak havoc.

If you want to talk about taking advantage of loopholes, you are really a group of experts.

Although Ryan didn't know what happened, he could roughly guess something.

It must be that the people from the household department have troubled Princess Lishan again.

These people really are the ones who don't shed tears when they see the coffin. The emperor's love for Princess Yanran is in his eyes.

Didn't even see that I didn't dare to provoke that demon king, you dare to go.

This is no longer as simple as poking a hornet's nest, but poking a real dragon's nest.

The emperor, the empress, whoever you propose is enough for you to drink a pot.

"Ren Yaxiang, Ren Yaxiang, I didn't want to touch you at first, but now you forced me."

"Show me, go to the queen."

"Your Majesty will drive."

Riding on the dragon drive, Li Zhi got in the car and headed for Wu Zetian's bedroom.

"Mei Niang."

"Your Majesty is down?"

Wu Zetian was also taken aback when he saw Li Zhi appearing in front of him, and hurriedly stood up to salute.


Li Zhi directly embraced Wu Zetian's willow waist, but his eyes were full of coldness.

"Your Majesty, what's the matter? Who made you angry."

Looking at Li Zhi, Wu Zetian was also a little depressed. I don't know who has offended our Ninth Five-Year Supreme again.

"It's not the group of Ren Yasang and Tobe."

Li Zhi's face turned cold, and he directly sent the letter from Li Shan.

"This, this, it's so unreasonable, killing people, they are going to shovel the foundation of Yanran's fiefdom."

After reading the letter, Wu Zetian's pretty face was also covered with frost.

These people are really shameful, Xiao Yanran has done well enough.

Don't fight or grab, don't quarrel, just stay in their own fief, but they still don't agree.

Now it's not like before, the child's parents are still alive, it's just so rampant.

"Your Majesty, what are you going to do?"

Wu Zetian glanced at Li Zhi, wondering what his own father was going to do.

"All of this is due to Ren Yaxiang. I am going to take him down and send him elsewhere."

Facing Wu Zetian, Li Zhi didn't need to hide it anymore, and directly expressed his thoughts.

"Your Majesty, benevolence and elegance are well-known, and doing so may be detrimental to our society."

Although Wu Zetian also felt that this Renya was quite useless, but if she did it just because of her daughter, it would be a bit of a small loss.

"What's the big deal because of a small loss? He didn't do this once or twice. If I pamper him again, he might not know what he will do next."

Li Zhi shook his head, he didn't think he did it because of a small loss.

Since taking office, Ren Yaxiang has not only set an example of merit, but also contradicted himself many times.

He has long had the idea of ​​losing his appearance, but there has been no good reason, and now he has made a foolish move, which has nothing to do with him.

"Your Majesty, it's not beautiful for Prime Minister Ren Ya to be abolished as soon as he became prime minister. Isn't there another Minister of the Household Department this time?

The concubine thought she could take action against him, and then found someone who was opposite Ren Ya to stand up,

This can not only weaken Ren Yaxiang's strength, but also beat him and let him know how powerful he is. "

Wu Zetian still shook her head, she really wanted to vent her anger on her daughter, but now was not the time.

After all, Ren Yaxiang is a hero, so if he takes action against him like this, he will be criticized to some extent.

Even if you are the emperor, you can't do this.

"But I can't swallow this breath. If I don't punish him properly, how will Yan Ran think of me as a father?"

Li Zhi also understood Wu Zetian's thoughts, but he just couldn't get angry.

The child is bullied, but being a father can't punish the principal offender, he can't pass the test in his heart.

"Your Majesty, although this letter is signed by Hong Er, it is actually written by Yan Ran.
She knew that Ren Yaxiang was the pillar of the court and could not be moved easily, so she just told the situation of Lishan, and did not ask Ren Yaxiang to be dealt with.

This is her attitude, and I want His Majesty not to make a big fuss because of her, to abolish the public with private interests.

She is so sensible, you can't be as good as Yanran. "

Wu Zetian gave Li Zhi a blank look, he is not as good as a nine-year-old child at such an adult.

Really intoxicating.

"It is precisely because Yan Ran is so sensible that I behave like this. I must seek justice for her."

How could Li Zhi not understand what Li Yanran meant, his daughter was really sensible and made him feel distressed.

That's why he didn't want his daughter to be wronged like this.

"Your Majesty, in fact, Yan Ran wants to know what concubine she wants, and you know that, she doesn't care about these things, all she cares about is making money.

If you feel sorry, you can also reward Xinfeng County to Yanran, it will be much happier for her than having Ren Yaxiang abolished. "

Wu Zetian smiled slightly, her own daughter knew best, even if you killed Ren Yaxiang, it would not be as comfortable as rewarding him with ten thousand taels of gold.

"Is this really okay? After all, the fiefdom of Lishan has been opposed by all the officials. If Xinfeng County is granted to her again, I'm afraid it will be difficult."

Li Zhi was also taken aback, he naturally understood what Wu Zetian said.

But Xinfeng is a serious county after all, if he really did this, the courtiers would really be blown up.

"Your Majesty, you can do this."

Wu Zetian smiled lightly, and whispered in Li Zhi's ear for a while.

"Meiniang, you are really my virtuous wife, this plan is very clever."

After listening to Wu Zetian's words, Li Zhi immediately became excited and kissed her on the face.

"Your Majesty~"

Wu Zetian was also angry, and her face was full of shame.

It's still broad daylight, do you still look like an emperor?

Really drunk.

"What's the matter, this is the palace, you are my queen, I can do whatever I want."

Li Zhi was not shy at all.

I'm making out with my wife, isn't that a matter of course?

Do you still need to carry someone behind your back?
Speaking of which, Li Zhi directly picked up Wu Zetian and walked towards the inner room.

"Master, something is bad."

The servant ran in directly, looked at Yang Wu in the main hall, and bowed his head.

"what happened?"

Yang Wu put down the ancient book in his hand, his eyes were full of doubts.

"I just got the news that Sun Bingde and Sun Shilang went to Xinfeng, but all the staff disappeared, and everyone was arrested by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."


Hearing this, Yang Wu's eyes were full of horror.

How is this possible? I just went to Xinfeng County to find trouble, and didn't go to Lishan to fief.

Besides, shouldn't it be Princess Lishan who came out? Why is it the prince?

Is there a mistake.

"Tell me carefully."

The boy hurriedly told all the news he had just received.

"There is such a thing, it is really going to be reversed."

A gleam of light flashed in Yang Wu's eyes.

"Prepare the carriage right away, I'm going to the Prime Minister's Mansion."

Now things have developed a little beyond his imagination.

Originally, he thought that Sun Bingde took people to Xinfeng, even if the princess was upset, he would not dare to stir up any disturbances.

The most he could do was go to the emperor to file a complaint, and he had already figured out how to deal with it.

Slowly figured it out, it took only a few days to drag Xinfeng down, but he didn't expect the other party to overturn the table directly.

It's nothing like knowing the way of officialdom.

Facing such an opponent, he didn't know what to do.

Sun Bingde is the servant of the household department, even if you are nobles, you can't act recklessly like this.

If you say grab it, you will catch it, if you say it, you will hit it.

Is there any more law of the king?


Soon Yang Wu rushed to Ren Yaxiang's residence in a carriage.

"Prime Minister, things have changed in Xinfeng County."

Yang Wu saw Ren Yaxiang and saluted him directly.

"I've heard of it."

Ren Yaxiang glanced at Yang Wu and motioned him to sit beside him and talk.

"Prime Minister, you can't allow Sun Bingde to be bullied like this, after all, he is the servant of the household department, a proper fourth-rank official.

If this is spread, what is the majesty of the Great Tang Law? "

Yang Wu's brows were twisted into mountain characters. What he was worried about was not Datang Fadu, but the fear that Sun Bingde's grandson would wantonly grab and bite in order to escape.

If he made himself the principal offender, he would be in trouble.

"I understand what you mean, but you can't let the old man go to Lishan to ask for someone now, can you?"

"Let's not talk about whether I want face, even if I don't want this face, it is estimated that His Highness will not give this old man this face."

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