My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 359 I am very trustworthy when I collect money to do things

Ren Yaxiang is depressed, and I also know that Sun Bingde can't be there, but the Lishan fief is now a dragon's pond and a tiger's den.

Even if you let the Bull Demon King go there, you have to plow two acres of land before you can leave. Regardless of whether the old man is the prime minister, if you can't say it in the past, you will have to be slapped twice.

Are you going to put the old man on the line?
"Then what should we do now?"

Yang Wu was also discouraged.

Now that you admit that you are cowardly, why did you still say it clearly and logically?

As a result, Sun Bingde is folded in now, do you want to leave it alone?

How can there be such a reason.

"What should we do? All we can do now is stop calmly and wait and see what happens."


I'm going to your grandma's to stop.

I still don't know how to brake with stillness, but now I am like an ant on a hot pan, can I calm down?
You are the prime minister, don't be afraid, I have only been the secretary of the household department for so long, if this is implicated, maybe this black hat will fly off.

What an old shameless thing.

"Prime Minister, I'm afraid that guy Sun Bingde won't be able to stand it and talk nonsense, and it will be bad if he confesses to the Prime Minister."

Yang Wu glanced at Ren Yaxiang depressedly, I told you the ugly words before.

If Sun Bingde bites me, I will bite you to death.

Not kidding you.

"Are you threatening the old man?"

Hearing this, Ren Yaxiang also frowned.

How could he fail to understand the meaning of Yang Wu's words after being an official for decades.

But isn't he helpless now?

He didn't want to go to Lishan to get slapped because of a Sun Bingde.

"No, Yang Wu just has this worry."

Yang Wu shrank his neck, looking helpless at Ren Yaxiang.

"Just do whatever you want, the current situation can only be like this, maybe there will be some violent storm tomorrow."

After saying that, Ren Yaxiang ignored Yang Wu, turned around and left.

Yang Wu glanced at Ren Yaxiang's figure, cursed secretly, and left directly.

"Master, where are you going, are you going back home?"

After getting into the carriage, the coachman asked directly.

"Go back to what mansion, go to the mansion of the Duke of Gaoyang, hurry up."


The horse stepped forward and headed straight for Xu Jingzong's mansion.

"My lord, Yang Wu, Minister of the Household Department, asks to see you."

The housekeeper came in front of Xu Jingzong and spoke slowly.

"Yang Wu?"

"Let him wait in the main hall."


Yang Wu was brought into the main hall, and Xu Jingzong also walked out slowly.

"Mr. Gaoyang, Yang Wu is being polite."

Seeing Xu Jingzong, Yang Wu quickly saluted.

"Brother Huoyu, don't do this, or someone will get angry."

Xu Jingzong smiled slightly and motioned for the other party to sit together.

"Brother Huoyu, you came to my humble house, what are you talking about?"

"Mr. Gaoyang, Yang Wu is here to beg you for help."

Hearing this, Yang Wu quickly stood up, clasped his fists at the opponent and said.

"See what you said, sit down and talk."

Xu Jingzong pressed his hand to signal the other party not to get excited.

"Tell me what's going on."

Yang Wu looked at Xu Jingzong, and also told the whole situation.

"Brother Huoyu, I didn't mean you, but I knew you deserved this disaster as early as the court meeting.

Is Princess Lishan an ordinary princess? If you go to provoke her now, aren't you asking for your own death? "

Hearing that Yang Wu went to stab the hornet's nest in the fief of Lishan, Xu Jingzong was also drunk.

"That's why I want to ask Lord Gaoyang to save my life."

Yang Wu is depressed, aren't you an afterthought?

If I knew this was the case, even if I was killed, I would not go to the fiefdom of Mount Li.

"This matter is difficult to handle. Princess Lishan has been blessed by heaven. Both His Majesty and Empress Dowager regard her as a treasure."

Xu Jingzong glanced at Yang Wu, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Gaoyang County Lord, if you can help Yang Wu survive this disaster, I will definitely not treat you badly."

Yang Wu cursed secretly, saying that Xu Jingzong regards money as his life, and now it is true.

"That's not easy. After all, you offended Princess Lishan. I can only say that I will do my best, brother Huoyu, please."

Xu Jingzong's face turned cold, he shook his head, got up and left.

Thank you very much after the special meow is done, and I don't know how to be an official.

How can someone do the work first and then collect the money? What if it can't be done for you?

The face is sold, but the penny is not earned?
Do you think I am doing charity?

You deserve to be used as a gun.

go to hell.

"Young Master Gaoyang, please stop, Yang Wu was rude just now.

I'm going to ask someone to prepare a thousand taels of gold and send it here, and I hope you can make it happen. "

Yang Wu was depressed, this old clapper is really a profiteer.

If you haven't seen the fart yet, you have to collect the money first.

This is much more ruthless than strong buying and strong selling.

"Brother Huoyu, this old man didn't mean that. Someone is here to set up a banquet. I want to have a good drink with my brother."

Sure enough, after hearing what Yang Wu said, Xu Jingzong immediately turned around.

The old face that was covered with frost turned out to be like a flower.

"Don't bother Duke Gaoyang, I'll go back and get ready, and I'll send someone to bring it to you later, so I'm leaving."

Yang Wu hurriedly saluted Xu Jingzong, just now he opened his mouth and already asked for a thousand taels of gold from himself, if he had another meal, he might not know how much it would cost.

It is still the best policy to go 36 times.

"Then I'll send Huoyu brother off."

Soon Yang Wu sent thousands of taels of gold, and Xu Jingzong smiled slightly when he saw the gold everywhere, and then got into the carriage and went to the palace to meet Wu Zetian.

"You want to intercede for Yang Wu?"

Seeing Xu Jingzong kneeling in front of him, Wu Zetian frowned slightly.

"Empress, this Yang Wu's status is unusual, he has turned against us now,

If you can keep him, the Ministry of Household Affairs will definitely work for you, which is a good thing. "

Xu Jingzong lowered his head and didn't dare to look at Wu Zetian. Although what he said was true, he didn't know what the queen thought.

After all, the other party provoked Li Yanran.

"Your Majesty has already decided to depose Yang Wu, wouldn't it be embarrassing for you to speak now, and besides, he has indeed done something that should not be done, how can I forgive him?

Ben Gong has said it many times, now that we are quite powerful, there is no need to be jealous by His Majesty just because of a little Yang Wu. "

Wu Zetian raised her phoenix eyebrows slightly, and glared at Xu Jingzong.

It's not that easy to find someone to excuse me after messing with my daughter.

"Empress Empress, what I mean is that it's just right that we can't keep the position of Minister. With his help, we can also put a nail in the household department. When it comes time to use it, we won't be at a loss."

Xu Jingzong shuddered, but he was famous for taking money to do things.

Now that the money has been collected, you can't smash your own signboard.

Even if he can't keep the position of minister, he should be a servant to some extent.

"Well, there is some truth in what you said, how about this, I will go and talk to His Majesty, success or failure depends on Yang Wu's fate."

Hearing this, Wu Zetian also nodded.

"So the foreign minister resigned."

After saying that, Xu Jingzong withdrew from the main hall, got into the carriage and rushed out of the imperial city.

Wu Zetian came to Li Zhi's imperial study, looked at Li Zhi and hesitated.

"Meiniang is here, hurry up."

When Li Zhi saw Wu Zetian coming, he asked her to sit beside him.

"His Majesty."

"What's the matter, just say something."

Li Zhi embraced Wu Zetian while looking at the memorial in front of him.

"Your Majesty, the concubine thought about it just now. If Yang Wu is really demoted, it would be too much.

In this way, wouldn't it make those courtiers say that His Majesty is immoral, on the contrary, it will cause more troubles for Yan Ran. "

Wu Zetian rested her head on Li Zhi's shoulder and spoke slowly.

"Well, this is indeed very possible, but if you don't take Yang Wu, how can you deter Ren Yaxiang?"

Li Zhi frowned when he heard that, he could ignore other things, but he really didn't want to cause trouble for his daughter.

After all, the child is still so young, if he is framed by officials, even if he protects him, it is not good.

"Your Majesty, we just want to express our attitude. We might as well demote Yang Wu as the servant of the household department and Sun Bingde from Beijing. That's enough.

In this way, the act of deterrence is still in place, and Yang Wu has been demoted to be a servant, and he has no power to control the household department. These are enough. "

Wu Zetian smiled slightly, she was very happy that Li Zhi could listen to her words.

"Well, what you said is also a method, so let's do what you said, but who should be the head of the household department? After all, this is the most important department of Datang."

What Li Zhi is scratching his head now is not how Yang Wu should deal with it, but who should fill the vacancy.

Waiting for idlers can't take this position at all. After all, it is Datang's pocketbook, and it is very important.

"Your Majesty, have you forgotten about Cui Xiuye? This person has now openly broken with the Cui family. During his time in the Ministry of Punishment, he has shown his abilities. The concubine thinks he can be reused."

Speaking of people, Wu Zetian immediately thought of Cui Shouye who broke up with the Cui family for his younger brother.

This person can be considered to be from a famous family, famous, talented, and has weaknesses. He should be the best candidate to control the household department.

"Cui Xiuye ​​intends to let him serve as Minister of the Ministry of Punishment in the future, and the Ministry of Households should choose someone else."

Li Zhi shook his head, it wasn't that he didn't like Cui Xiuye, but that he had already made arrangements for this person.

"Your Majesty, even if he becomes Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, it will be a matter for the future. Besides, although the Ministry of Punishment is more important than the Ministry of Households, there is still a gap. Now, I think it is okay to bring him up."

Wu Zetian shook his head, the selection of talents must be flexible, and you can't keep suppressing the other party just because you want him to be the minister of the Ministry of punishment in the future.

This will be the occasion for employing people, and it is just right to start it now.


Li Zhi pondered for a while, then nodded, Cui Xiuye ​​should be Cui Xiuye.

Anyway, they are all their own people, at worst, when someone chooses in the future, it will be over after the exchange.

"Your Majesty Shengming."

Wu Zetian also flattered Li Zhi sweetly.

"What is my sage's understanding? It is clearly Mei Niang, you are the sage."

Li Zhi smiled slightly, and glanced at Wu Zetian.

"Your Majesty, don't say that. The concubine has been your wife from the beginning to the end. Meiniang will be angry if you say that."

Hearing Li Zhi's words, Wu Zetian shuddered involuntarily.

You can't say that, you are the Ninth Five-Year Supreme, if you think of me like that, then I'm done.

The rooster's morning call has been the most taboo thing in the Tian family since ancient times.

She didn't want to be hated by Li Zhi for such a trivial matter.

"I don't mean that, Meiniang will always be my Meiniang, and I will always be your Saburo."

"Your Majesty~"

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