Chapter 360
Li Zhi's will immediately went to the Lishan fief, and then the forbidden army directly escorted a group of officials from the household department back to Chang'an.

Seeing the pitiful and staggering Hubu people, Li Yanran also waved goodbye.

"Sister, do you think Father will blame us?"

Li Hong looked at Li Yanran, with tears in his eyes.

He was really scared, if his father called him back to beat him up again, it would be a loss to Changsun Wuji's family.

That's right, grandma and eldest grandson Wuji are siblings, so if you lose money to your grandma's house, it means you have lost money.

"It's you, don't we understand?
How many times has my sister taught you that one person should do things alone.

This time, you have shown your ambitions and stole the limelight. You can't let Sister suffer with you. "

Li Yanran rolled her eyes at Li Hong, her eyes full of amusement.

Judging from his current attitude, Dad didn't mean to blame himself.

Since I'm fine, I have to blame those people.

Although I don't know the consequences of the old man Ren Yaxiang behind the scenes, the fate of these people is already doomed.

That is to become an abandoned child, to be degraded, and to be assigned.

"Sister, you have to save me. I don't want to be a scapegoat. It hurts a lot when my father hits someone."

Hearing this, Li Hong hid directly behind Li Yanran, his face full of grievances.

"Sister can save you for a while, but not for the rest of your life. You have to learn to grow up and learn to save yourself, understand?"

Li Yanran gently touched Li Hong's little head, and what she said was full of philosophy.

"Sister, brother Hong is still young, I can't save myself, so please save me, sister."

Li Hong was wronged, but I wanted to save myself and stay out of it.

But with you, the deep pit sister, no matter how capable I am, I can't escape the bad luck of being blamed on you.

I am the prince of the Tang Dynasty, why did the sky treat me like this.

"Since you said it sincerely, Sister Guo carried it for you this time. If the emperor blames you, how about I just take it all on my own?"

Seeing Li Hong who was terrified enough, Li Yanran didn't want to scare him anymore.

Otherwise, tonight, I might have to carry the quilt and come to my place to make a bed on the floor.

"Sister, are you serious?"

Li Hong flashed out immediately, looking at Li Yanran, the king of dumping pots, somewhat in disbelief.

"Of course it's true. Sister is famous for keeping her word. Why, are you questioning Sister's character?"

Li Yanran turned cold, staring at Li Hong in front of her.

" could it be, who doesn't know that my sister is called Bo Yuntian.

This time you take the blame for me, next time if there is any disaster, just blame it,

If Hongdi Hongdi frowns, I will take your last name. "


Li Yanran was stunned, what is my last name?
It's as if my surname is not Li, why leave my card with a bug?
Immediately, a shy iron fist hit Li Hong's head.

"Sister, why did you hit me?"

Li Hong clutched his head, his eyes full of depression.

I swear, what else do you want me to do.

Do you want me to say that if I frown, I will make sister die?
"It's right to hit you. Remember that you owe me once. Just don't blame sister next time if something happens."

Li Yanran gave Li Hong a blank look, kid, play word games with me?
I'm afraid I know that your sister is known as the bully of the kindergarten, and a sister of your level doesn't even need to open her eyes.

"Okay, then I'm going to play, sister."

Speaking of which, Li Hong jumped away from Li Yanran, and said to Ma Hou, "Mahou, run quickly."

The two figures, one tall and one short, ran away.

Looking at the backs of the two of them, Li Yanran also smiled.

Little Li Hong, oh little Li Hong, even if you are as treacherous as a ghost, you will follow the way of this girl.

It is impossible to take the blame, and it is impossible for me to take the blame in this life.

At the court meeting the next day, Sun Bingde was escorted to the main hall with a miserable look on his face.

All the officials were taken aback when they saw this. It was fine yesterday, but why did it become like this today.

Everyone was silent, Yang Wu was trembling, Ren Yaxiang and Yang Wu looked at each other, and stood up helplessly.

"Your Majesty, I don't know what kind of law the servant of the household department has violated, and why he is being treated like this."

Ren Ya bowed to Li Zhi and spoke slowly.

"Ren Yaxiang, this Sun Bingde really deserves to die, I just said yesterday that no one can touch the Lishan fiefdom, but he ignored my order and took people to Xinfeng County.

Going there, relying on the identity of the Ministry of Households, he severely criticized the local merchants, causing all businesses to wither, and the people complained.

If the prince hadn't brought someone to stop it in time, I'm afraid I would be pointed at by the people of Xinfeng and cursed.

No, it's not like that for him, so why don't we have to carry a big sedan chair to invite him back. "

Li Zhi slapped the dragon case with a slap, his big eyes widened, glaring at Ren Yaxiang who spoke.

Ren Yaxiang was depressed, I just said a word, you are waiting for me with a hundred words.

You only said that Sun Bingde led people to impose harsh punishments in Xinfeng, but you didn't say anything about the people from the fiefdom attacking the Ministry of Household Affairs.

After all, they were also officials from the Ministry of Household Affairs, and they were all beaten to the point of being disfigured.

Where is the quality?
Where is the law?
Where is the morality?
Most importantly, where is the compensation?

"Your Majesty, although Sun Bingde's actions may have gone too far, he was also acting in accordance with the court's laws, but he suffered such bad luck. Shouldn't His Royal Highness be held accountable?
Isn't this a bit unfair. "

Ren Yaxiang frowned, trying to draw Li Zhi's gaze away.

"Fadu? Why didn't you see them like this in Chang'an? I still say that, all the people in the world are the people of Tang Dynasty, and they are my people.

Favor one over the other?

I just want to ask you, why do the officials of the Ministry of Households favor one person over another? "

Li Zhi has long been aware of Ren Yaxiang's routine.

Just as Ren Yaxiang thought, if you say a word, I have a hundred words waiting for you.

Fight with me?You deserve it too.


For a while, Ren Yaxiang was also a little short of words, and Li Zhi didn't fall for it at all.

He focused on the matter of the Ministry of Households interfering with the operation of Xinfeng merchants, and did not mention the beating of the officials of the Ministry of Households.

"His Majesty."

"Okay, stop talking."

Li Zhi took another look at the dragon case, and glanced at Sun Bingde who had a miserable face.

"It is my will that Sun Bingde, as the servant of the household department, does not want to serve the country. Instead, he uses the reputation of the household department to act recklessly, expropriate and endanger the local area,

He was removed from the post of minister of the household department and demoted as governor of Lingzhou. "

"The minister is wronged, wronged."

Ignoring Sun Bingde's cry of grievances, the two imperial guards dragged him out directly.

"Yang Wu, Minister of the Household Department, was unfavorable under the imperial court and committed the crime of negligence. That's why he made such a big mistake. He was removed from the post of Minister of the Household Department and relegated to serve as Minister of the Household Department to stay in the court and obey orders."

"Thank you Lord Ron."

Yang Wu was depressed for a while, glanced at Xu Jingzong and knelt obediently to thank him.

"Cui Xiuye, the servant of the Ministry of Punishment, has a good temperament and understands government affairs. He was specially appointed as the Minister of the Household Department to succeed Yang Wu and take charge of the affairs of the Household Department."

"Sir, thank you Lord Long En."

Cui Xiuye ​​was also taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately stepped forward and knelt down to thank Li Zhi.

"Prime Minister Ren Ya is in charge of supervising the six ministries, this time the Ministry of Household Affairs is so disrespectful, it is also guilty of negligence of supervision.

With a fine of three months, today I will be expelled from the court, and I will go home and think about my mistakes behind closed doors. If I commit another crime, I will be punished severely. "

Ren Yaxiang was taken aback, originally he thought that he would be implicated by Sun Bingde this time, but he didn't expect that he would be fined for three months and expelled from the court.

Although it is not very heavy for him, it is a heavy hammer for his prestige.

This time Cui Xiuye ​​was promoted to Minister of the Household Department, he has now completely defected to Li Zhi, and from now on the Household Department will also be out of his control.

So it seems that the emperor's trust in him has dropped to freezing point,
This time it was a small punishment and a big warning. If I did something to make the emperor angry again, my black yarn would not be guaranteed next time.

"The minister obeys the order."

Ren Ya saluted Li Zhi, then sighed, and slowly left the Jinluan Hall.

"Princess Lishan is a model of the royal family who is dedicated to the people. Under the radiation of the Lishan fiefdom, Xinfeng enjoys peace and prosperity, and the people live and work in peace and contentment.

According to my decree, Xinfeng County will be given to Princess Lishan as a fief, the number of food households will increase by [-], and the reward of land will be [-] mu. "

As soon as Li Zhi said this, all civil and military officials frowned.

The emperor loved Princess Lishan too much.

First, Li Shan was granted Li Yanran's fiefdom, and now the entire Xinfeng County was given to Li Yanran.

This kind of glory covered the entire Tang Dynasty, which has never been seen before.

Even though Emperor Taizong loved Princess Hengshan very much, he never did.

This is too.
"Why, do you have any opinions?"

Seeing the silence of all the officials, Li Zhi smiled slightly.

Just now I have used my prestige enough, and the only upright old man Ren Yaxiang who dared to challenge me was also kicked out of the court.

"I believe that Princess Lishan deserves such an honor, Your Majesty is wise."

If Xu Jingzong still can't see anything now, then he is not worthy of following Wu Zetian for such a long time.

In terms of standing in line, he is smarter than anyone else.

"Your Majesty Shengming."

Gao Zhizhou also took a step forward, followed by Xu Jingzong to express his agreement.

"Your Majesty Shengming."

The same is true for Cui Xiuye, who has just served as Minister of the Household Department.

He can be said to be Li Zhi's hardcore faction now. As the emperor's younger brother, he understands what his mission is.

It is enough to support every decision made by the emperor.

"Your Majesty Shengming."

"Your Majesty Shengming."

With these important court officials taking the lead, the rest of the officials have nothing to object to.

Firstly, the emperor is determined now, and secondly, with Yang Wu and Sun Bingde's lessons learned from the past, no one dares to take the lead in opposing it.

In this way, the assignment of Xinfeng County to Li Yanran as a fief became a foregone conclusion. Immediately, someone who delivered the decree left Chang'an with the imperial decree and rushed towards the Lishan fief.

"Meiniang, Meiniang, your plan is done."

Li Zhi returned to Wu Zetian's bedroom and immediately picked her up.

"Your Majesty. Your Majesty."

Wu Zetian was also shy when Li Zhi hugged her. The emperor was really like a child, when it was sunny and when it was raining, he was so happy about such a small thing.

"Meiniang, I'm getting justice for Xiao Yanran. You said she would jump up happily when she heard that Xinfeng was assigned to her too?"

(End of this chapter)

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