My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 361 Sister, How about you become the emperor?

Chapter 361 Sister, How about you become the emperor?

Li Zhi put Wu Zetian on the ground, his eyes were full of excitement.

"Yanran will definitely thank you for being a good father."

"Hahahaha, I feel the same way, no, I'm going to Mount Li to see how excited she is when she jumps up."

Li Zhi smiled slightly, he had already imagined Li Yanran's expression now.

If I go there now, my daughter will definitely throw herself into my arms happily, and sweetly praise myself for being great.

"Your Majesty, there is no need to go to Mount Li, after all, there are still so many memorials."

Wu Zetian glanced at the mountains of memorials on the table and scratched his head.

"Then leave these memorials to you. I feel a headache when I read these memorials, so I will go."

Speaking of which, Li Zhi directly gave up Wu Zetian, and went outside the door.


Wu Zetian also shook his head depressedly, and sat down in front of the table again.

Come with your Majesty.

"What? Father granted Xinfeng County to me too?"

Hearing this edict, Li Yanran was completely dumbfounded.

Isn't dad looking for trouble?
One Lishan Mountain is enough to bother me. Five thousand eaters have to take care of food, drink, and food. This burden is already heavy.
Now you throw another county over, isn't this bullying honest people?

"Your Highness, you have accepted the order."

The servant who had to pass the decree looked at Li Yanran's eyes of rejection, and was a little confused for a while.

Is there really someone in this world who would despise his small fiefdom?
This princess is really different.

But even if you refuse again, you still have to accept the order, otherwise how can I go back and return the order?
"Li Yanran accepted the order, thank you Lord Long En."

Li Yanran walked over depressed, and took the imperial decree, her eyes were full of disgust.


Seeing Li Yanran like this, the servant did not dare to speak.

This Princess Her Royal Highness is really unique, and this is the first time he has seen such an imperial decree.

"I've accepted the imperial decree, why don't you go back soon, why, I still have to arrange for you to eat."

"The servant girl will leave immediately."

Feeling the chill on Li Yanran's body, the servant also shivered.

Originally, he still wanted some reward money, but now it seems that he should forget it.

36 It is the best strategy to move away, slip away first.

"Sister, why do you have such an expression, such honor and grace, never seen in the entire Tang Dynasty."

Li Hong looked at the depressed Li Yanran, not understanding what his elder sister was thinking.

"Brother Hong, I am not you, you are destined to become the emperor's man in the future,
The so-called great power comes with great responsibility, I don't have such big ambitions,

I just want to be happy, carefree, watch the men farming and the women weaving, the ducks playing in the water, and live this life leisurely and quietly.
Now that Xinfeng County is on my head, I have to take responsibility for the future of the people of Xinfeng. This is not the life I want. "

Li Yanran shook her head. In her previous life, she was a social animal who had to work hard for herself. In this life, she has no worries about food and clothing. Making money is just a hobby.

Now that she bears the future of so many people on her body, doesn't this force her to start her social animal life in her previous life?
Is it because of this that I traveled through time?

She didn't want that.

"Sister, Brother Hong is actually very distressed,
Thinking that I will be responsible for the eating, drinking and drinking of the tens of thousands of people in the entire Tang Dynasty, I tremble, get scared, and lose my hair.

Otherwise, sister, you will be the emperor in the future, and I will always be your younger brother, so that I can experience the life that sister said, how about it? "

Li Hong tilted his head and glanced at Li Yanran, the time in the fief was the most leisurely time he had ever lived.

Don't be bound by the great principles that matter to others, and don't listen to articles that you don't understand.

Every day I sleep until I wake up naturally, if I am hungry, there is delicious food, and if I want to play, I take Mahou to the market to tease Er Ya,
If you are sleepy, you can find a straw pile to lie down and sleep, and if you are bored, you can go to watch a football game.

This kind of life is what he wants, and he is a little confused now.

Is the position of Nine Five Supremes really that important?Let countless people give up their lives and forget to die, rushing forward one after another.

Thinking about his father staying at his desk until late at night every day, he would tremble when he had endless revisions and military affairs.

"The beauty you think of is my sister's life, not yours. You are destined to become the Ninth Five-Year Supreme, His Majesty to all the people of the Tang Dynasty."

Li Yanran slapped Li Hong on the head.

"Sister, what I said is true. I really feel that you are more suitable to worry about this than me. I am more suitable to be your little follower, hehe."

Li Hong smiled slightly, as if he had already begun to look forward to a better life for himself in the future.

"Get out, have you done your homework? It seems that my sister has indulged you too much. I will add another set of test papers every day."

Li Yanran kicked Li Hong, what is there to be an emperor.

Again, the greater the power, the greater the responsibility, she doesn't want to live a life like Li Zhi's.

"Sister, I was wrong, Mahou, run away."

Li Hong clutched his ass, and ran away like a girl, and when he left, he didn't forget to drag his little brother to escape together.

Add another set of test papers every day, sister, you are a devil.

Looking at Li Hong's back, Li Yanran also shook her head.

When the emperor's decree spread to Xinfeng County, the people of Xinfeng were all excited.

Xinfeng was allocated to Princess Lishan, which means that they will be the people under the rule of the princess from now on.

Xinfeng just touched one side of the Lishan fiefdom, and their lives have undergone earth-shaking changes. After that, they are going to take off.

Soon the long dragon formed by the common people, under the leadership of Xinfeng Ling Sun Fuming, marched mightily towards the Lishan fiefdom.

"Your Highness, Your Majesty has come, and is now at the gate of the town."

Li Yanran stood up abruptly when she heard the words of the imperial guards.

I'm bothering you, you came here by yourself, Dad, if you don't show you how good you are this time, you will have to give me a few more counties in the future.


Li Yanran ran outside directly, Li Hong also threw the candied haws to Ma Hou when he saw this, wiped it on Ma Hou, and ran out after him.


Looking at the half-bunch of candied haws and the stain on his body, Ma Hou was also speechless.

Li Zhi got out of the carriage, looked at Li Yanran who was running from a distance, smiled slightly, and stretched out his arms.

I knew you would be happy, hehe.

Just as Li Zhi was thinking, Li Yanran stopped directly in front of Li Zhi.

"Xiao Yanran, I know you must be very happy. Why, the fiefdom has expanded again, so don't be too grateful."

Looking at Li Yanran, the corner of Li Zhi's mouth twitched, and he spoke slowly.


I appreciate your elbow.

If you were not my father, I would be grateful to your eight generations of ancestors.

The more she thought about it, the more angry she became, Li Yanran went directly to Li Zhi's side, stretched out her hand and pulled a beard down.


"What are you doing?"

Li Zhi covered his beard and stared at Li Yanran, not knowing what she meant.

Why is this scene different from what I imagined, shouldn't it be throwing myself into my arms and saying "Thank you, Father."

Why do you want to pull out my dragon beard.

"What am I doing? Father, I still want to ask you, what are you doing?"

Li Yanran stared at Li Zhi with wide eyes, eyes full of anger.

"Your wings are stiff, right? How dare you question me?"

Thinking about it, Li Zhi slapped Li Yanran directly on the head.

I tried my best to get you such a big benefit, but you asked me why?
Give you a face, right?

"Father, I'm only nine years old. You gave me the land of Lishan. I don't want to say anything. Why do you want to assign Xinfeng County to me?"

Li Yanran covered her head and looked at Li Zhi aggrieved.

"I love you and expand the fiefdom for you. Could it be a mistake?"

Hearing this, Li Zhi was completely stunned, not understanding what happened to his daughter.

No matter how you put it in other people's eyes, it's something you can't wish for, but it's a big mistake for you.

"If you want to compensate me, you can reward me with 10 taels of gold. Isn't he good? You know that I have worked hard for the fiefdom, and you are looking for trouble for me."

Li Yanran gave Li Zhi a blank look, of course it was wrong, what I like is money, not responsibility.

"I reward you with a big mouth."

Li Zhi was really furious, and slapped Li Yanran on the head again.

I reward you with 10 taels of gold, how dare you say so.

Even if I want to, I have the talent.

Are you mocking me?

"You hit someone again, father, you are not good."

Li Yanran was depressed, you kept hitting me when you made a mistake, what's the point of that.

Where is Wang Fa?Where is the morality?
Isn't this bullying honest people?
"I hit you for your own good."

Li Zhi raised his hand as he said that he was going to continue to perform the stunt of Tianwaifei's slap, but Li Yanran just ran away.

"Old Li, run quickly."

When he ran, he didn't forget to pull his little brother Li Feng.


Li Hong was watching with great interest, and was taken aback when he saw Li Yanran's appearance.

Sister, you actually plagiarized me, plagiarism is shameful, you return my patent.

Li Hong said and followed Li Yanran and ran out.

"Li Hong, get the hell out of here."

Li Yanran did something wrong by running, so why are you running after me?

Do you want to hang me here?

"Father, emperor."

Li Hong lowered his head and walked to Li Zhi with a depressed face, not daring to show his temper, for fear that Li Zhi would take the blame on himself because of his elder sister.

One must know that father's beating of Li Yanran was nothing more than a small punishment, but when he beat himself, it was a big punishment, that is called merciless.

"What do you want to do?"

Sure enough, just as Li Hong thought, Li Zhi slapped him directly on the forehead.

"Father, I did nothing wrong, why did you hit me?"

Li Hong was depressed, did he make a mistake, why did Li Zhi treat him like this.

"Do you need a reason to beat you? Because I am your father."

As he spoke, he slapped him again.

Li Hong was not stupid either, and shouted loudly: "The wind is blowing hard, the mahout runs quickly."

But before he started running, Li Zhi grabbed his collar and lifted him upside down.

"Where do you want to run?"

Li Zhi stared at Li Hong who was kicking his calves, his eyes were full of anger.

I can't cure your sister, can't I cure you, little bean?

Sometimes it's not good to imitate others. Your elder sister is smart if you run away, but you are stupid if you run away.

"I, I want to find sister and continue to listen to my father's teachings."

(End of this chapter)

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