My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 371 He passed it to himself 3 seconds later!

Chapter 371 He Passed It to Himself Three Seconds Later!

Cheng Chubi let out a loud roar, and De Jong rushed out like a wild beast, grabbed the ball directly in front of Lu Yuanwai, and at the same time bumped Lu Yuanwai into a big somersault with his big butt.

Lu Yuanwai sat on the ground with doubts in his eyes, when did this guy rush out.

How many meters away was he just now?Is this really human?
As early as the moment De Jong rushed out, Cheng Chubi had already run wildly, like a wild bull rushing towards Lu's half court.

"Xiao Langjun, catch the ball."

De Jong volleyed hard with his right foot, Cuju drew a rainbow and flew towards Cheng Chubi.

"Stop him."

Seeing this situation, Yuanwai Lu was stunned. While running backwards, he ordered his own players to stop Cheng Chubi.

Two players from the Lu family surrounded Cheng Chubi, one left and one right,
Facing Cheng Chubi who was like a beast, the two thin players from the Lu family were knocked out by Cheng Chubi like little chickens.

Breaking through the defense of the two, Cheng Chubi ran wildly with Cuju, and when he was almost outside the penalty area, he suddenly kicked and shot.

The goalkeeper didn't expect the opponent to make a move at this time. Without any preparation, he could only watch Cuju plunge into the net.

"Trash, a bunch of trash."

Seeing that Cheng Chubi scored two goals in such a short period of time, Lu Yuanwai's eyes flickered coldly.

Cheng Chubi, right? You forced me to do this.

Boy, don't blame me.

Two players from the Lu family were called, and after whispering, they looked at Cheng Chubi who was celebrating, and they also sneered.

Lu's kick-off was still sharp, but facing Cheng Chubi's iron-walled defense, it was still difficult to get a better shooting position.

Suddenly kicked, but the football was firmly in the bag by the goalkeeper.

The offensive and defensive situation changed instantly, and Cheng Chubi, like an arrow, led several forwards under his command to rush towards Lu's house desperately.


Member Lu let out a loud roar, and followed Cheng Chubi closely. At the same time, the two players he had commanded also approached Cheng Chubi in a detached manner.

Cheng Chubi glanced at the people on both sides, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

When Cheng Chubi rushed out of the restricted area, Cuju shot up into the sky like a cannonball and flew towards Cheng Chubi.

This is how the Princess Guards play, hand the ball to Cheng Chubi.

With him around, scoring goals is trivial.

Cheng Chubi soared into the sky, and the two players next to him also flew up together, pinching left and right.

A gleam of coldness flashed in Lu Yuanwai's eyes, seeing Cheng Chubi's landing point, he stretched out his right foot seemingly inadvertently.

Can't you fly and run?Do you know what a stepping foot is?

Young people are so ignorant of the severity, facing Lao Tzu, let you know what is evil in society.

Cheng Chubi knocked the two away, stopped the ball in front of his chest, and glanced at Lu Yuanwai and his evil right foot below him.

"Want to play dirty with me?"

The corner of Cheng Chubi's mouth turned cold, and at the same time, his right foot suddenly bent slightly, then suddenly straightened, and his whole body fell from the sky like a cannonball.



There was a scream, and Cheng Chubi's right foot stepped on Lu Yuanwai's right ankle like an iron pincer.

Member Lu looked at Cheng Chubi, who looked like a beast, hugging his right foot, rolling on the ground and screaming.


Changsun Yan hurriedly blew the whistle to stop the game, then glanced at Yuanwai Lu, and shook his head involuntarily.

He ordered the doctor to carry Lu Yuanwai down, but he didn't give Cheng Chubi any punishment. After all, anyone with a discerning eye could see that the other party was asking for trouble.

The game continued, without Lu Yuanwai's command on the field, the Lu Family Cuju team was like a mess, and it was difficult to resist the attack of the Princess Guard.

In the end, the game ended with a big score of [-] to [-]. Among them, Cheng Chubi scored three goals alone and had a beautiful assist. It can be said that he is the brightest star in this game.

"See, that's Lao Tzu's son, Lao Tzu's son."

Cheng Yaojin shouted loudly, stood up abruptly, and shouted at Li Ji and others in the box.

It felt as if Cheng Chubi hadn't won, but he had won.

"Silence, silence."

Changsun Wuji had a gloomy expression on his face, the old boy was almost buried, and he was still so frizzy.

"Quiet, how can I be so quiet, my son scored three goals."

Hearing this, the three of them fell silent together.

This old guy started again, three goals, it was really their nightmare.

"I can't take it anymore."

Yuchi Jingde immediately stood up.

"What do you want?"

Cheng Yaojin glanced at Yuchi Jingde, and couldn't help taking a step back.

This old boy is not a good quarrel, if there is a fight here, this box must be dismantled.

The emperor and empress are by the side.

"I'm going to urinate, get out."

Yuchi Jingde pulled Cheng Yaojin, slammed the door and went out.

"He's in a hurry, isn't he in a hurry?"

Cheng Yaojin looked at the swinging gate, his eyes were full of complacency.


Li Ji didn't want to say anything, everything he said was wrong.


Seeing Yuchi Jingde coming out, Bu Qu immediately came over to salute.

"Go and call Yuchihuan right away, I have something to tell him."

Yuchi Jingde glanced at Buqu, his eyes were full of depression.


Yu Chihuan was preparing for the next match, when he heard his father calling him, he didn't dare to hesitate, and ran over quickly.


Before Yuchi Huan could speak, Yuchi Jingde slapped him directly with his big fan-like hand.


Yuchi Huan was stunned, what's going on, why did Dad take medicine again?

"Yuchihuan, I'm not kidding you. If you don't score four goals in the next game, I'll break your leg. Do you understand?"

Looking at Yuchi Jingde's murderous eyes, Yuchi Huan couldn't help shivering.

He knew that his father must have been provoked again, otherwise it would be impossible to treat him like this.

"Did you hear that?"

Yuchi Jingde slapped him again.

"Understood, father, just watch."

Yuchihuan nodded quickly.

I'm sorry Cheng Chubi, our agreement will not count from now on.

My father is going to kill someone, you can't just leave him alone.

"Fuck off."

"Oh oh oh."

Yuchihuan quickly turned around, and Sa Yazi ran out.

Back in the waiting room, Yu Chihuan also looked at the imperial guards with a fierce face.

Seeing Yu Chihuan like this, everyone didn't dare to get angry.

Usually when Yu Chihuan is like this, something happened.

"Cheer up for me, our opponent is the Wang's Cuju team in the next game, give me all the strength I've been breastfeeding,
Give me the ball if you have a chance, and I want to see who dares to be careless and cut him off and feed him to the dog. "

After Yu Chihuan finished speaking, he licked his lips and scanned around like a beast.

Hearing Yu Chihuan's words, everyone's expression turned cold, and a murderous aura surged up in their bodies.

"Get out."

The Forbidden Army's Cuju Team headed by Yu Chihuan walked out slowly, and the Wang's Cuju Team on the opposite side was stunned when they met them.

What's wrong with these people, why are they so murderous.

If it wasn't for the stadium, they even suspected that the opponent would draw a knife and fight themselves desperately in the next second.

Shivering, everyone turned their attention to Wang Zhuangchu, the son of the Wang family.

Wang Zhuangchu also shuddered when he looked at the crowd, and hurriedly imitated the gaze of the crowd, and looked at the referee on the side.


The referee Liu Tong was also stunned when he saw this scene, and looked directly at his side.

nothing?What do you think I am doing?

"Ha ha ha ha."

Seeing this scene, Li Hong smiled happily in Wu Zetian's arms.

I'm afraid this guy is not a fool, right?

quite funny.

Li Zhi touched Li Hong's small head and smiled slightly.

I originally came to watch the football game, but I didn't expect to come to see a joke.

"Hey, look, it's ready to start."

Yu Chihuan was stunned, you stupid referee, what are you looking at if you don't kick off the ball?
"Oh oh oh,"

Seeing Yu Chihuan who was about to eat people, the referee also shuddered, and quickly placed the Cuju at Wang Zhuangchu's feet, and then blew the whistle to officially start the game.

As soon as Wang Zhuang's pestle touched Cuju, he saw Yu Chihuan rushing out like a tiger.

Sensing Yuchihuan's murderous aura, Wang Zhuangchu passed the Cuju to Yuchihuan's feet with a sudden push.


Looking at the Cuju under his feet, Yu Chihuan was stunned.

What does it mean?Come up and pass the ball to yourself?

Are you so nice to me?
"I grab the ball."

Wang Zhuangchu was also taken aback, and hurriedly stretched out his foot to grab it, but Yuchihuan's feet were stained with Cuju, and he turned around and wiped it away.

After avoiding Wang Zhuangchu, Yuchihuan also took Cuju and ran wildly.

The surrounding Wang family also responded when they asked for help, and surrounded Yuchihuan.

"Whoever stops me will die."

Yuchihuan was full of evil spirits, and rushed over like a bulldozer carrying Cuju.

Shocked by Yuchihuan's aura, everyone around swallowed, even the referee.

Is this guy on drugs?It was people from the Wang family who stole your rice.

As for looking like he's going to kill someone?
Relying on his domineering body and skillful footwork, Yu Chihuan broke out of the encirclement directly, and then swung his right foot to pass Cuju to Leshan who was following behind.

Leshan continued to move forward after receiving Cuju, Yuchihuan suddenly accelerated, passed the two of them and reached out for the ball.

Le Shan didn't dare to stay, and directly passed Cuju back.

When Yu Chihuan received Cuju, a strong man from the Wang family next to him immediately posted it.

Yuchihuan kicked the Cuju forward vigorously, and it rushed out like a bolt of lightning.

Two or three seconds later, Yuchi Huan first received the Cuju from him three seconds ago.

Looking at the direction, Yuchi Huan kicked up directly, and blasted Cuju into the goal with a Yuchi heavy cannon at a distance that no one expected.

The goalkeeper stared blankly at Cuju behind him, but he hadn't reacted yet.

"Wow, father, this Yuchihuan is so powerful."

Li Hong jumped up directly, his eyes full of admiration.

He really didn't expect that Yu Chihuan, who usually looks silly, was so good at kicking Cuju.

It's so bullshit.

"He passed it to himself three seconds later."

(End of this chapter)

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