When Li Zhi came to Wu Zetian's bedroom, his eyes were full of excitement.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong?"

When Wu Zetian saw Li Zhi's figure, he also smiled slightly and moved over.

"Meiniang, do you know that Yanran did another interesting thing today."


Wu Zetian was taken aback, wondering what Li Yanran did to make Li Zhi so happy.


Li Zhi directly told about today's street parade, and he was excited when he heard Wu Zetian.

"Your Majesty, can we take this opportunity to attack Lu Youlin? If he is guilty of this crime, he must not be able to sit still as a servant."

"That's right, I have sent someone to Lishan to inquire about the situation, and there will be a reply soon."

Li Zhi nodded, Lu Youlin was an important pawn of the Lu family, Cui Wang's family had already suffered heavy losses, and it happened to be time to attack the Lu family.

Although it is said that the court needs checks and balances, the first thing he has to do now is to ensure the balance among the aristocratic families, and it is time for the Lu family to suppress it.

When the imperial army came to the Lishan fief, they immediately told Li Zhi's will.

Without hesitation, Li Yanran handed over everything that had been prepared to the guards.

"Your Majesty, the imperial army sent to the fief has returned."

Ryan spoke slowly outside the door.

"Well, I got it. Take him down and take care of him. I will be of great use tomorrow."


"Meiniang, tomorrow's court meeting will have fun."

Li Zhi smiled slightly, Lu Youlin, you are finished.

"Hehe, Your Majesty, don't go crazy."

Wu Zetian also smiled slightly, looking at Li Zhi who looked like a child with a pair of phoenix eyes.

"Don't worry, I'm going to give my daughter a bad breath this time. If I dare to use the Lishan cup for profit, I really want to kill myself."


At the court meeting the next day, Li Zhi glanced at all civil and military officials, and directly gave Xu Jingzong a wink.

"Your Majesty, I have the original play."

Xu Jingzong nodded and stood up directly.


Li Zhi smiled slightly, and the next thing is the beginning of the good show.

"Your Majesty, I have received news that Lu Youlin, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, even set up a gambling game without permission, causing a large number of people to be deceived and triggering a parade.
This move really damages the authority of our Tang Dynasty, and I hope that His Majesty will strictly investigate. "

Xu Jingzong directly told Li Zhi that he would be well informed in advance.

"There is such a thing? Lu Youlin? What do you have to say?"

Li Zhi stared at Lu Youlin below.

"Your Majesty, this is a false accusation, we hope to see clearly."

Lu Youlin's face was ashen, and he directly knelt on the ground and saluted Li Zhi.

"Really? Xu Jingzong, do you have any evidence? You must know that the person you are talking about is the servant of the Ministry of Industry of the Tang Dynasty, a fourth-rank official. If it is a false accusation, do you understand the consequences?"

Li Zhi glanced at Xu Jingzong again, if he doesn't recognize him, what should you do?
"Your Majesty, I naturally have sufficient evidence to do this. Please allow me to bring the witnesses."


Soon Sun Ji, who looked miserable, was brought up. Seeing this scene, Lu Youlin's heart fell to the bottom.

Originally, he still had a fluke mentality, but now he knows that he is over.

"Sun Ji, in front of the Holy Majesty, you still haven't told the whole story about you and Lu Shilang."

"Your Majesty, Sun Ji is guilty"

Looking at Li Zhi sitting on the dragon chair, Sun Ji also shivered, and hurriedly told all the things Li Yanran had explained.

"Lu Youlin, you are so courageous. As an official of the Tang Dynasty, you know how to break the law and openly organize gambling. How can I tolerate you."

Li Zhi slapped the dragon case with a slap, his eyes were full of coldness.

"Your Majesty, minister. Minister, guilty."

Lu Youlin knew that the emperor was determined to punish him, so he had nothing to say, so he bowed his head and pleaded guilty.

"It's good to plead guilty. Come here. Lu Youlin will be dismissed from the position of assistant minister of the Ministry of Industry. He will be sent to Qianzhou. In addition, he will be fined and confiscated three times his gambling capital."

Hearing this, Lu Youlin also shuddered.

Now he not only lost his official position as Minister of the Ministry of Industry and was sent to Qianzhou, but also lost all members of the Lu family in Chang'an, and the most important thing is that now he has to confiscate three times his gambling money.

He hasn't seen a penny now, and he doesn't know how much the so-called gambling money is, so he has to pay four times the money.

It can be said that the three losses of personnel, officials and wealth are extremely unlucky.

After receiving the news that Lu Youlin was demoted to Qianzhou, those angry people waited to ambush him on the way back to his residence.

"It's him, smash it."

Seeing Lu Youlin's sedan chair, the people who were ambushing nearby came out suddenly, and smashed the rotten vegetable leaves and rotten eggs that had been prepared.

Seeing this scene, Lu Youlin could only hide in the sedan chair and shiver, his eyes full of distress.

"Brother Li, I'm so relieved."

Li Siwen rushed in front of Li Yanran with an excited expression on his face.

"Hehe, what will happen to Lu Youlin?"

Li Yanran smiled slightly and looked at Li Siwen.

She also wanted to know what happened to Lu Youlin.

"Your Majesty decreed that Lu Youlin be demoted to Qianzhou, and at the same time confiscate three times the amount of gambling money."

"What? Confiscate three times the gambling money?"

Li Yanran stood up immediately, her eyes were full of anger.

Dad, the sixth child, did all of this by himself, you are just the one who handles the last procedure, and you actually earned three times as much money as yourself.

It's really infuriating.

"Brother Li, don't be angry. Money is something outside of you. The most important thing now is that no one dares to do anything on the Lishan Cup."

Li Siwen looked at Li Yanran, he understood what Li Yanran meant.

For the master who wants money but not life, it is uncomfortable to do so.

But things have to look in the right direction, at least with this incident, no one dares to mess with the Lishan Cup.

"Well, what you said is quite reasonable. My lord will forgive Lu Youlin if I have a lot."

Li Yanran nodded her head, but she had made a note of this incident, father, you just wait for me.

If I don't cut you three catties of pork belly, I won't be your girl.

The Lishan Cup continued, and with Lu Youlin's lessons learned from the past, the atmosphere of the entire Lishan Mountain was also cleared.

No one dared to do anything in Lishan anymore.

Time passed day by day, after the knockout round of 24, only twelve teams remained.

Li Yanran's four teams sang all the way to occupy four places.

Wang, Lu, Cui, and Zheng's four aristocratic families also all advanced.

Except for Cheng Yaojin's team, the remaining four teams are all Weisuo teams.

This also formed a point of view. On the one hand, it is the representative of the host country, on the other hand, it is the representative of the family, and on the other hand, it is the representative of the military.

Everyone is guessing that it is Li Yanran's team that can triumph all the way to win the championship,
Or a powerful family can rely on superb kicks to break out of the encirclement.

Or the military will fight to the end with its strong physique.

In the first promotion match of the top [-], Li Zhi also gave up his chores in the court and brought Wu Zetian to Lishan to watch the battle.

Several princes were also on the list, and at the same time, all the boxes arranged by Li Yanran were rented out.

Members of the aristocratic family, the nobles of the royal palace did not hesitate to spend a lot of money, but also enjoyed the upcoming game in this box that symbolized status and status.

After all, this is a rare performance opportunity.

Cheng Chubi slowly entered the field with his players. Their opponent today is Lu's Cuju team.

This match can be said to be very interesting, on one side is the Princess Guard Cuju Team, the favorite to win this time, and on the other side is the Lu family who just got slapped in the face by Li Yanran.

This is destined to be a game full of gunpowder.

Everyone wanted to see if Li Yanran could continue to advance by leaps and bounds, beat up the Lu family violently, and let them continue to lose face.

Or the Lu family can get rid of the shame, defend the honor that belongs to the family, and pick up the lost face again.

Cheng Chubi was standing in the middle of the field, facing Lu Yuan, the titan of the Lu family.

Since the other party is now Yuanwailang of the imperial court, he was given the nickname Lu Yuanwai.

"You are Yuanwai Lu? Why don't you come here to humiliate yourself if you don't be your Yuanwailang?"

"You are Cheng Sanlengzi? You are just a suckling child."

The two looked at each other, and each opened their mouths to swear at each other.

"Don't talk nonsense."

Changsun Yan turned into the referee again, looking at the two of them was depressed for a while.


As the whistle blew, Cheng Chubi directly moved the Cuju to the rear, and then rushed into the Lu family's backcourt like a sharp arrow.

The members of the Princess Guard were experienced in many battles, and a wave of subtle conduction tore through the Lu family's line of defense.

"Catch the ball."

Seeing that Cheng Chubi had already rushed to the vicinity of the penalty area, a second pass flew towards him.

Seeing this, Cheng Chubi also jumped up high, wanting to stop the ball.

"Don't think about it."

Seeing this, a player from the Lu family jumped up high, trying to stop Cheng Chubi from receiving the ball.

With a loud bang, the player from the Lu family was directly knocked over by Cheng Chubi's huge force, then pressed Cuju under his feet, and rushed into the penalty area.

"Stop him."

Seeing this, the goalkeeper directly instructed the two players to step forward to block it, but Cheng Chubi was like a beast, which was justified.

Relying on his strong physique abruptly, he broke away from the blocking call for help, and then kicked Cuju into the goal with a volley.

"Depend on."

Looking at Cheng Chubi's beast-like physique, Lu Yuanwai also frowned.

He could see that restricting Cheng Chubi was the most critical step to win this match.

As the game continued, the Lu family's Cuju players were all well-paid players, and they could all play brilliantly with their feet.

Through strong personal ability and small-scale passing, the advancement speed is extremely fast.

But what they faced was the princess guard who was the first to contact 11-member cuju. Although these people did not have as gorgeous cuju skills as the opponent, they had a strong defense.

As the Lujiacuju team got closer and closer to their own penalty area, they found that no matter how gorgeous their footwork was, it was difficult for them to take half a step forward.

Looking at the penalty area close at hand, he couldn't get in at all, so he could only pour the ball frequently outside, compressing the opponent's defense while waiting for the opportunity to come.

"give me."

Lu Yuanwai turned around, shook off the defenders around him, and raised his hand for the ball.

Cuju soared into the sky and flew directly towards Yuanwai Lu.

"De Jong."

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