My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 369 It Really Exploded!

"Well, close the Internet cafe, remember to act like a little bit, it's best to let everyone know that the money has been sent to Chang'an Lu Shilang's house,
If you want to get a refund or redeem a reward, you can only ask Lu Shilang for it. "

Li Yanran smiled slightly, Changsun Yan has also improved a bit.

Now I know how to accept it.


As if going to work, Sun Ji arrived at the scheduled location early, and then prepared to continue his work.

Just as those gamblers surrounded them, the imperial army arranged by Li Siwen appeared again. Fortunately, not only Sun Ji and the others were taken down this time.

"My lord, I am a member of Lu Shilang from the Lu family in Chang'an. Are you really going against the Lu family by doing this?"

Sun Ji looked weakly at the imperial army in front of him, followed the script, and said what he had arranged.

"There's so much nonsense, you were cheated last time when I caught you, what else do you have to say now? Take it away."

The captain of the Forbidden Army kicked Sun Ji and immediately ordered someone to take him away.

"Together with these people, capture together."

Scanning the gamblers around, the imperial guards did not let them go, and they were all taken to the school grounds.

Sun Jibei was now considered to have entered the palace for the second time. Looking at the densely populated Forbidden Army and those gamblers around him, he knew that his mission was coming to an end.

"Sun Ji, do you know that gambling is prohibited in the Lishan fief, and you are looking for death by doing so."

"As I said before, you are members of the Lu family. You are playing with fire and setting yourself on fire by doing this. There will be no good end for you to fight against Shi Lang Lu."

Sun Ji looked at Li Siwen in front of him with disdain all over his face.

"Hehe, the Lu family, right? Let me ask you where all the gambling money is. Hand it all over. According to the laws of the Tang Dynasty, all of them will be confiscated."

Li Siwen's performance is also very good, and he has to draw a knife in his gestures.

"Gambling money? Hehe, I have handed it all over to the Lu family. If you want it? Just go to the Lu family and ask for it, but do you dare?"

Sun Ji sneered for a while, and pointed directly at the Lu family.

"It's a joke, if I can't take down the Lu family, can I still not take you down? Someone, imprison Sun Ji, and punish the rest of the gamblers."

Li Siwen looked at Sun Ji, but the other party looked up in another direction, where his son was kneeling on the ground with tears in his eyes.

Sun Ji smiled slightly, his eyes full of nostalgia.

Son, that's all your father can do for you.

In the future, you have to be a good person, never trust others, and live a good life.

"Hahahaha, do you gamblers really think that the Lu family will exchange it for you?

You have been cheated, the money went into their pockets, and a penny will never be taken out again. "

Sun Ji laughed wildly, and was escorted by two imperial guards, waiting to be handed over to the emperor at that time.

Although Sun Ji was imprisoned, he was smiling because he died without regret.

To be able to exchange his own life that deserved to die for his son's life, he deserved to die.

Sun Ji was imprisoned, and the rest of the gamblers were also punished, and everyone's anger was burned in their hearts.

Damn the Lu family, they lied to themselves, this matter is endless.

The game continued, but many people had already left, heading towards Chang'an.

These people have all kinds of identities, including merchants, farmers, people who wander in the market, and naturally there are people arranged by Li Siwen.

They have no idea now, only one purpose, to go to Chang'an, to go to Lu Youlin's house to seek justice.

"I didn't expect that the money was cheated and I was punished. No matter who he is, I will vent my anger and seek justice."

"That's right, even if I sue the yamen, I will try my best to get punished, and I will drag that shameless Lu Youlin into the water."

"The law does not blame the public, let's go together and see what Lu Youlin will do then."

While heading to Chang'an, the people arranged by Li Siwen shouted loudly to stimulate the surrounding people.

Nearly a thousand pedestrians entered Chang'an like a torrent, and some people even found white cloth to make banners.

It says despicable Lu Youlin, defrauding people, paying back money and so on.

"We can't go to Lu Youlin's mansion. In my opinion, we should parade through the streets and make Lu Youlin feel ashamed.

In this way, in order to calm things down, he might spit out all our money or not. "

"That's right, parade, make this Lu Youlin ashamed, and see if he wants to lose face."

"As it should be."

Now these gamblers are completely led away by Li Yanran. Sure enough, whether it is ancient or modern, people's blind obedience exists.

"Master, it's not good, it's not good."

The butler rushed into the main hall with sparks and lightning all the way, looked at Lu Youlin who was in a daze, and shouted directly.

"what happened?"

Lu Youlin was taken aback for a moment, not understanding what happened again.

"There will be countless people returning from Lishan Mountain. They hold banners and shout, "Master, you deceived the people and want you to pay back the money. This society is parading in the streets."


Lu Youlin's whole body is about to collapse, this is the rhythm of wanting to fix himself to death.

I just want to earn some pocket money, and I didn't kill your father.

Are you going to fight me to the death?

Besides, I didn't do it alone, other aristocratic families also had a share, so why did they arrest me alone.

It was really bad luck for eight lifetimes.

"Immediately send someone to report to the officials, and ask Jingzhaoyin Yamen to disperse them for me."


The Jingzhaoyin Yamen has long received the news that there are people marching, and the target is Lu Youlin, the servant of the Ministry of Industry, which is not bad.

But when Wei Rumin learned that these people came from Lishan, and because they were cheating on the Lishan cup, he immediately ordered all Jingzhaoyin officials not to stop those marching people.

The joke, he has seen through it now, it was Lu Youlin who offended Princess Lishan.

On the surface, it appears to be the grievance between Lu Youlin and Li Yanran, but in the dark it is the confrontation between the five surnames and Qiwang and the royal family.

This is a confrontation between two towering giant ships, he is just a small boat, and is of no importance at all.

He had received a severe slap last time because of the situation in Xinfeng County, and now he trembled when he heard Li Yanran's name.

Whatever he likes, he doesn't dare to participate anyway.

Lu Youlin's people came to Jingzhao Yin Yamen, but they were rejected.

The people in the Jingzhao Yin Yamen told them very clearly that they don't care about it, and they can solve it as they want, and you can figure it out.

"How dare Wei Rumin treat me like this? Do you really think he is a first-rank official? How presumptuous."

Hearing that the Jingzhaoyin Yamen didn't care about this, Lu Youlin almost died of anger.

He really didn't expect that a little Jing Zhaoyin would dare to disobey him, he really didn't want to live.

"My lord, what should we do now? How about we send people to disperse those marchers?"

The housekeeper is also depressed, but depression is depression, and now he has to find a way to stop them, otherwise this person will really lose his fortune.

"Do you want to die?
This is Chang'an, not the wilderness. If you send people to disperse them, will they speak well?
I'm afraid it's not going to turn the world upside down, do you want me to be the laughing stock of the whole world? "

Lu Youlin kicked the butler away with one kick, it was really outrageous.

Sand sculpture one.

"Then we can't let them do this."

The butler clutched his butt with an aggrieved expression on his face. I'm not thinking of you, the Lu family.

As for doing this to me?
"What should I do? Send people immediately, but I will send people to all the yamen in Chang'an, and I want them to stop those people. I will definitely remember this kindness."

You can't send people out, but others can.

The yamen in Chang'an have such rights, and now it's up to which idiot can jump out.


The parade in Chang'an intensified. After hearing the news, Ryan came directly to report to Li Zhi.

"You said there were people marching in Chang'an? You also scolded Lu Youlin, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, for defrauding the people of their money?"

Li Zhi glanced at Ryan, and couldn't help being puzzled, not understanding what was going on.

Since ancient times, people did not fight with officials, so it is rare to see such a scene.

Are these people crazy?

"Your Majesty, these people are all from Mount Li. It seems that Lu Youlin used the Lishan Cup to make a handicap.
Now that his people have been arrested, these people have no choice but to come to Chang'an to seek justice. "

Seeing Li Zhi's puzzled eyes, Ryan hurriedly explained.

"The opening of the Lishan Cup? This is probably caused by Yanran."

Now Li Zhi is transparent, and it looks like Li Yanran's handwriting.

Lu Youlin, Lu Youlin, it's not good for you to offend anyone, if you dare to offend my daughter, you really are looking for death.

"Ruian, please upload my secret decree immediately."

Ryan glanced at Li Zhi, feeling depressed for a while.

This Lu Youlin really suffered eight lifetimes of bad luck.

The little ones were dealt with, and now the big ones have to intervene.

This is to embarrass Lu Youlin to death.

Thinking about it, Ryan immediately went to convey Li Zhi's will.

After receiving Li Zhi's message, all the yamen were dumbfounded, not understanding what the emperor was going to do?
Have nothing to do?

But when they learned the reason for the parade, they understood it instantly.

This is the emperor and the princess teaming up to cheat the minister of the Ministry of Industry.

Lu Youlin's people went to every yamen, but without exception, they were rejected.
Even the county magistrates of Chang'an and Wannian used the excuse that they were unwell and could not see anyone at all.

It's a joke, just one Princess Lishan is enough for them to drink a pot, and now the emperor's oral order is added, whoever dares to make a move.

That's a really big stick.



Looking at the depressed housekeeper, Lu Youlin's heart also fell to the bottom.

"No yamen is willing to help, even Chang'an, Wannian county magistrate has disappeared."

The butler shook his head, his eyes full of depression.

He really didn't understand, even those yamen who were close to Lu's family didn't help, what was the situation.

"The only one who can do this is His Majesty, close the door of the mansion and let them do it."

Lu Youlin got up and went straight back to the inner hall.

It is not only Li Yanran who can achieve this bottom, it must be her father who made the move.

The emperor has taken action, and he may also be finished.


The butler nodded, and then ordered the gate of Lu's house to be closed tightly. There will be no visitors at Lu's house today.

After parading the streets for a long time, the people finally arrived outside Lu Youlin's mansion.

Countless people surrounded Lu Youlin's mansion, looking at the tall mansion in front of him, no one dared to attack.

After all, no one would care about them when they paraded through the streets. If they attacked someone else's mansion, which was still a fourth-rank servant's mansion, the nature would change.

These people blocked Lu Youlin's mansion and cursed the curfew before leaving. After they left, Lu's mansion, which was originally clean and clean, turned into a garbage dump.

"Meiniang, Meiniang."

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