My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 368 Fight for a good reputation for the family!

Chapter 368 Fight for a good reputation for the family!

Li Yanran glanced at Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan who were smiling innocently, her eyes were full of helplessness.

At first I thought that these big brains had grown up, but I didn't expect that they were still a bunch of idiots.

wooden club.

"Understood, stop scolding, if you scold me again, I will die of shame."

"What about people, bring them in."

Since she was fine, Li Yanran didn't bother to say anything.


The forbidden army immediately brought down Chen Youde who was tied up in the carriage, and then everyone entered the school grounds together.

"Sun Ji, who do you see coming?"

Li Siwen threw Chen Youde, who was bundled into rice dumplings, in front of Sun Ji.

"Youde, it's your father who implicated you."

Looking at the miserable Chen Youde, Sun Ji also burst into tears.

Originally thought that his son was smart and would have a good future in the future, but he didn't expect to be implicated by himself now.

"Father, what the hell is going on, you... what have you done?"

Chen Youde was also depressed for a while, he still didn't know what was going on.

"Hey, Your Highness, I don't know if you keep what you say."

Sun Ji didn't speak, but just looked at Li Yanran.

Sun Ji has long ignored his own life, but his son shouldn't have this ending.

"You can inquire about the whole Lishan Mountain. This Palace has always said that it is hard to follow up. As long as you tell the people behind you and their plans, I will keep your son safe."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, although she had roughly guessed who was looking for trouble, and wanted to hear Sun Ji's explanation.

"Your Highness, actually, hey."

Sun Ji sighed heavily, and told Li Yanran all the ins and outs of this matter.

"So that's how it is. First, the two of them will be detained separately. In addition, Li Siwen will give the confession to Sun Ji and ask him to sign and draw on it."


After everything was settled, all the giants in Lishan gathered together.

"What do you think, tell me."

Li Yanran glanced at the few people in front of her, and asked slowly.

"Brother Li, what is there to say, report this matter to His Majesty immediately, and ask His Majesty to punish Lu Youlin severely."

Cheng Chubi stared and asked Li Yanran to file a complaint with Li Zhi.

After all, the child has been bullied, and the father should also stand out.

"That's right, Brother Li, report directly to His Majesty."

"I also think Cheng Chubi is right."

"It's just the right time. Now that we have ironclad evidence, we should be able to bring down Lu Youlin."

The three of them also nodded together. Now that their evidence is sufficient, it is a good time to sue.

"Do you think you can bring down Lu Youlin with these?"

Li Yanran glanced at the four of them and shook her head involuntarily.

Although now they do have evidence to prove that Lu Youlin was involved, but what can they do with the other party based on the mere words of a farmer?
"In fact, what His Majesty needs is just an excuse, and then His Majesty can attack them, and our mission will be completed."

Li Siwen smiled slightly. What he thought at first was that he was not strong enough, so he put himself at risk and wanted to lure the family to attack him.

Now he has figured it out, even if he doesn't do that, His Majesty will take the opportunity to attack the family.

There is absolutely no dissent in his efforts.

"We don't understand the affairs of the court, so we don't have to think so much. What if Lu Youlin really collapsed? So we should focus on money now, and earn money."

A chill flashed in Li Yanran's eyes. The reason why she had to dig out Sun Ji to reveal the truth was to find out how the other party operated.
In this way, she can make the best use of the situation and fight back.

"Brother Li, what do you mean?"

Changsun Yan's eyes lit up, he quickly opened his notebook and started to record.

Brother Li said another famous quote, and I am one step closer to publishing a book.

"Now that we have figured out the relationship between Sun Ji and the upper family, then we can use the name of the family to continue what they want to do, and then catch them all."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, showing two canine teeth.

"Brother Li? You want to steal a chicken? Use the name of the family to collect all the money of those who like to gamble, and then refuse to exchange it?"

After all, Li Siwen had a good brain, and his eyes immediately filled with excitement.

Li Yanran's move is much more clever than suing. At that time, not only can he generate income for himself, but it can also damage the reputation of the family. The most important thing is to teach those who have been deceived a lesson.

The word gambling is harmful to people, let them take it as a warning.

"This matter is entrusted to you, is there any difficulty?"

Li Yanran nodded, after all, she was the little military advisor in Wolongfengchu, and her reaction was quick, unlike those three idiots.

One was burying his head in writing, while the two stared at each other.

Really drunk.

"Brother Li, you are good or bad. Lu Youlin may be too scared to sleep now, but now you are doing the opposite and putting your hand into their purse, Gao."

Changsun Yan also understood what Li Yanran meant, and he also had a deeper interpretation.

Anyone who does such a disgraceful thing will be worried that others will be poked out. This is a thunder, and Lu Youlin will always worry about it being blown up.

Fortunately, Li Yanran covered you up, and put her hand into your wallet when you weren't paying attention.

Wait for you to react, and then detonate mine for you.

Brother Li is really a master of masters in the world of cheating people.

"It's not as embarrassing as you said. It's just a small punishment and a big commandment. When this matter really becomes a big deal, I will send Sun Ji to my father. If you dare to attack me, I will make him ashamed to stay in Chang'an." go down."

After saying that, Li Yanran waved her hands and left directly, Li Siwen and Changsun Yan left together with their arms around their necks, Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan glared at each other and trotted all the way.

Sun Ji was released the next day and continued to work in his previous job, but the people around him were replaced by Li Yanran's people.

With Li Siwen's secret support, everyone soon found out that the Lu family had opened a gambling market in the Lishan fief, and those who like to gamble couldn't help it.

They found people from Sun Ji and Li Yanran one after another to bet on winning or losing, and Sun Ji also accepted all the orders, and even offered higher odds than before in order to increase the enthusiasm of everyone.

Everyone was a little skeptical when they saw such a high odds, but under the leadership of Li Siwen, they still generously donated money to buy.

It happened that the weather was not good and it rained for another two days, which gave Sun Ji a lot of time to search for the wealth of those gamblers.

As Zhang Sunyan said, Lu Youlin has not been able to eat well or sleep well in the past three days. Today he is waiting for Li Zhi to clean him up tomorrow, but he is waiting to be cleaned up the day after tomorrow when he is in court tomorrow.

This taste is simply too uncomfortable.

Instead of this, it's better to be killed on the first day, and I can go home and study my knowledge.

"Master, I just got some news, I don't know if I should tell it or not."

The housekeeper moved closer to Lu Youlin, his eyes full of hesitation.

"Just tell me if you have anything to say, what else do I not care about now?"

Lu Youlin was depressed, what could be more tormenting than what he was going through now.

"Recently, I heard rumors that Sun Ji was released, and he is still gambling in your name in Lishan, and it is said that the odds are so high that it is amazing."

Hearing the butler's words, Lu Youlin was stunned.

Wasn't he arrested by Li Yanran?And his son was also robbed.

Why is it released again now?Could it be that the other party is really willing to sacrifice his son for the Lu family?

"Since he opened the gamble, did he send the money back?"

Thinking of this, Lu Youlin has some hope in his heart, it seems that I am really immortal.

"This is the most important thing. We didn't receive a single copper coin at all."


Lu Youlin gasped, as if he already understood what the other party wanted to do.

It's not that Sun Ji is loyal, but that the other party wants to frame him.

Sun Ji set up a gambling game, and when the time was almost up, Li Yanran arrested Sun Ji,

At that time, those who participated in the gambling could not find anyone to exchange, and they would definitely find themselves here to make a big fuss.

At this time, if Sun Ji is pushed out again, even if the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty talk to him, he will not escape bad luck.

No wonder the emperor has been silent for the past few days. It turned out that the other party was setting up a trap to trap him.

At that time, if I lose my official position and reputation, then I will lose my wife and lose my army.

This hand end is playing high.

It seems that there is a capable person behind Princess Lishan.

No wonder there are so many actions against Lishan. With such a master in charge, who can please him.

I was also insane, why did I listen to the bewitching of Wang Peng and want to make a fortune from the Lishan Cup.

"Master, what's the matter with you?"

The butler saw that Lu Youlin's face changed color like a rainbow, and couldn't help asking questions.

"I'm fine, I want to be quiet."

Lu Youlin left the butler with a dejected look on his face, and walked towards his study.

"Brother Li, this word of gambling is really harmful. Do you know how much you have charged in just a few days?"

Li Siwen came in front of Li Yanran, his eyes were full of emotion.

"There should be no [-] strings."

Li Yanran took a sip of milk tea and asked slowly.

"Brother Li, a total of [-] guan has been sold, and this is still four games today.

I really can't imagine how crazy these people will be after the quarter-finals, semi-finals and finals. "

Li Siwen looked at the sky with his eyes. Although he was rich now, it was beyond his imagination to get the money so quickly.

After all, there is no need to return the money, and the cost is only the meal money of those people. It is true that Lishan does not support idlers.

"Don't think about it, won't your heart hurt for earning such unconscionable money?"

Seeing Li Yanran's small expression, Li Siwen fell silent on the spot.

What do you mean I won't hurt?
You obviously came up with these things, and you are the biggest beneficiary. Now you have the face to ask my conscience.

If possible, Brother Li, I would like to see if your conscience is made of meat.

How many people will not be able to sleep at night if this knife goes down.

"Brother Li is right. If the delay continues, the game will start. Unless you pay to maintain it, now is the best time to run."

Among these people, Li Siwen is the worst. Sometimes he even suspects that Li Siwen has no conscience.

Otherwise, how could he cheat food and drink, following him for so many years.

(End of this chapter)

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