My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 367 Taking the Body as Bait

Zheng Xuanfeng came to the mansion slowly, looked at the servants rushing from around, raised his eyebrows and shouted.

"Zheng Xuanfeng, what are you going to do? My Lu Mansion is not your Zuojin Wuwei Yamen. If you do this, don't you be afraid that I will go to His Majesty's place to read your book?"

Seeing Zheng Xuanfeng coming, Lu Youlin couldn't help feeling his scalp tingle.

Now the whole Chang'an knows that Zheng Xuanfeng has a great relationship with Princess Lishan, and it is very likely that Princess Lishan ordered him to come here.

If this is the case, it will be troublesome.

"Lu Shilang, I have a secret report saying that Chen Youde is an assassin. To protect your safety, he came here to capture you. Lu Shilang doesn't need to thank me."

Zheng Xuanfeng smiled slightly, and saluted Lu Youlin.

"Assassin? Zheng Xuanfeng, are you treating this old man like a three-year-old? I know everything about Chen Youde, how can I not know it?

You let him go and take him away immediately, and I will pretend that today's incident never happened, otherwise the old man will definitely go to His Majesty to read a book for you. "

There was a sneer at the corner of Lu Youlin's mouth, Chen Youde is very important, he must not let the other party take him away.

"That's up to Lu Shilang. Zheng Xuanfeng offended him and took him away."

Since the other party didn't appreciate it, Zheng Xuanfeng had nothing to say, so he was about to take him away.

"I see who dares? Zheng Xuanfeng, let me let him go."

Lu Youlin was furious, and directly ordered his servant to take him back.

If you dare to treat me like this, don't blame me for being rude.

"I see who dares? The soldiers of the Jinwu Guard obey orders, but if someone dares to attack, he will be killed."

Zheng Xuanfeng also stared wide-eyed, and directly ordered the soldiers of the Jinwu Guard to draw their swords.

A steel knife was drawn out, and the soldiers of the Jinwu Guard were also murderous.

Seeing the situation in front of them, Lu Youlin and his servants were stunned.

They really dare not move forward in such a scene. If they really make people anxious, killing people will only happen in a flash.

The soldiers of the Jinwu Guard escorted Chen Youde to leave directly, boarded the carriage and went straight to the Zuo Jinwu Guard's yamen.

"Master, what should we do?"

The housekeeper was also stunned when he saw the situation before him, and looked at Lu Youlin with a livid face, and didn't know what to do.

"Prepare the car, I want to go out, and arrange someone to monitor Zuo Jinwuwei's yamen, I want to see what they plan to do."

A trace of fear flashed in Lu Youlin's eyes, and he asked someone to prepare the carriage and went to discuss with someone.

"Xiao Langjun, Xiao Langjun, I brought him back for you."

After Zheng Xuanfeng got off his horse, he rushed directly into the Jinwuwei Yamen.

"Okay, you did a good job this time, I will report to His Highness."

Li Siwen drank the tea in the cup in one gulp, then stood up abruptly.

"Xiao Langjun, take someone away immediately, I don't think Lu Youlin's attitude will let you go."

A gleam of joy flashed in Zheng Xuanfeng's eyes, but thinking of Lu Youlin's attitude, he hurriedly urged Li Siwen to take someone away.

"Really? That's a good relationship. Leave the person to me, and you don't care about the rest."

Hearing that Lu Youlin would not let it go, Li Siwen also smiled slightly. The more panicked they were, the closer they were to the truth.

"I'll arrange for someone to take you away."

Zheng Xuanfeng nodded, and will soon arrange for someone to take Li Siwen away.

"No, I'll just take someone away by myself."

Li Siwen shook his head and rejected Zheng Xuanfeng's offer.

"Xiao Langjun, I'm afraid this is inappropriate and may be in danger."

Zheng Xuanfeng was stunned. He knew the importance of this person, and the other party would take the risk and send someone to intercept him halfway.

"Don't worry, I'm not stupid, what I'm waiting for is that they send people to intercept and kill them."

Li Siwen showed a playful smile, and left directly.


Zheng Xuanfeng was also taken aback, not knowing what the other party wanted to do.

Li Siwen brought Chen Youde, who was tied up in a big way, without going out of the city, and came directly to the British government.

"Father, my son is back."

Li Siwen yelled directly when he entered the mansion, and Li Ji walked out slowly after hearing it.

"Why are you returning to Chang'an now? Shouldn't you be hosting the Lishan Cup in Lishan?"

Li Ji looked at Li Siwen, wondering how he came back now.


Li Siwen leaned directly into Li Ji's ear, and slowly told the situation of the fiefdom.

"Is there such a thing?"

After hearing this, Li Ji was also shocked. He looked at Li Siwen with disbelief in his eyes.

"That's right, I have already snatched Sun Ji's son from Lu Youlin's residence, and I hope that my father will lend me the part and escort me back to Mount Li."

Li Siwen nodded. He didn't believe it at first, but it was true.

"This move is dangerous, are you ready?"

Li Ji touched Li Siwen's head sadly.

"My son is naturally prepared. If they really dare to come, then this matter will be much more interesting."

Li Siwen smiled slightly, he was afraid that the matter would not be serious.

How much deterrent power can a private handicap have, if coupled with the interception and killing of the noble son of the duke of the country.

At that time, the emperor can take the opportunity to wield the butcher knife and kill them in a bloody storm.

"Some things need to be figured out slowly, don't figure out Tianxin privately, the key is to be yourself.

Although it is said that wealth and wealth are sought in insurance, the winner is the one who survives to the end. "

Li Ji slapped Li Siwen on the head.

At a young age, I wanted to reach the sky in one step. It's not that easy.

Besides, even if you can really get involved in a big case, so what?

Your Majesty wants to talk about checks and balances in the court, and what you do is nothing more than increasing His Majesty's bargaining chip.

It's not worth risking your life for this.

"Father, my son understands, but I believe that with your steps, I will be safe, don't worry."

Li Siwen covered his head, he knew what he was doing.

He would not fight a battle he was not sure of, and the opponent sent people to intercept him, but only a few hundred people.

If there were more words, even if he really took him down, what would the emperor think.

Although the aristocratic family will jump over the wall in a hurry, they are not stupid dogs.

They can still figure out which is more important.

"Well, since you've already decided, it's up to you."

After Li Ji finished speaking, he directly called the housekeeper to ask him to assemble a series to escort Li Siwen out of the city.

A group of more than 200 people rode directly from the British government and rushed out of Chang'an.

When Lu Youlin came back from the negotiations, his eyes were full of exhaustion. Just in time, the housekeeper came to report that the son of the Duke of England had left the city with more than 200 plays.

"Don't worry about it, that's it."

Lu Youlin glanced at the sky outside, his eyes were full of loneliness.

Li Siwen led people out of the city, and immediately sent two people to ride fast horses to the fief first, and let Cheng Chubi and Yuchi Huan lead people to meet him.

On the other hand, he escorted Chen Youde to continue towards Mount Li.

Yuchihuan and Cheng Chubi got the news and ran towards Chang'an with [-] forbidden troops.

Li Siwen walked all the way, but he didn't find the situation he expected at all. Looking at the dust and smoke rising in the distance, he shook his head.

Aristocratic family, aristocratic family, this son gave you a chance, who would have thought that you would be so useless that you would not even dare to intercept and kill.

What a shame.

"Li Siwen, don't panic, Cheng Chubi is here."

"I'm here too."

Cheng Chubi and Yuchihuan rode their horses first, rushed to Li Siwen's side, looked around and were depressed for a while.

"What about people?"

Cheng Chubi looked at Li Siwen with a big face.

"I thought so too, but they didn't dare to come, it made my plan come to nothing."

Li Siwen shook his head, I also want to know where he is.

Now it seems that there is no hope.

"It's really unlucky. I'm training, but you're telling me the trick?"

Cheng Chubi hit Li Siwen's chest with his fist.

"Me too."

Yuchihuan also imitated Cheng Chubi and gave Li Siwen an explosive iron fist.

"You guys are going to beat me to death. How many people have been brought back, and they can be regarded as returning to life with Brother Li."

Li Siwen clutched his chest, laughed and cursed at the two of them.

"Let's go, Brother Li is very nervous."

With the guards of the Imperial Army, Li Ji's trilogy also saluted Li Siwen, and then turned his horse's head and ran towards Chang'an.

"Brother Li, fortunately, he did not disgrace his life, and he brought it back."

Li Siwen got off the horse, and Li Yanran was already waiting there.

Li Yanran immediately jumped up and slapped him hard on the head.

"Next time you dare to do such a dangerous thing without my permission, this girl will break your dog legs."

Looking at Li Siwen who was covering his head, Li Yanran's eyes were full of anger.

This silly boy actually wants to use his body as a bait to trick those aristocratic families, he really wants to piss himself off.

"Didn't I come back safely?"

Although Li Siwen's brain was buzzing, he was very happy in his heart.

At the very least, this proves that Li Yanran cares about him as a follower, and doesn't regard him as a pawn that can be easily thrown away.

"I've returned safely, what if I can't return? You still expect this palace to erect a monument for you, on which lies the martyr Li Siwen, immortal?"

Li Yanran kicked him again, this is bad, what I want is a younger brother, not a martyr.

If you really die, let alone how sad I will be, your father will go crazy.

I really don't know.

"Don't worry, my life is at stake."

Li Siwen rubbed his thighs with his hands bravely, and his eyes were also depressed.

Brother Li, I know you are doing it for my own good, but you are kicking and beating me so hard, don’t let me die in someone else’s hands, but in your hands instead.

"You still dare to talk back, those who are killed are those who know how to use martial arts, and those who are drowned are those who know how to swim, do you know that.

The grass on the grave of the last person who said this in front of me is already two meters high, I don’t want to go to your grave to talk when I miss you. "

Li Yanran was depressed, and she talked back when she said you.

How many people die because of their arrogance, don't they know that the only way is the way?

A handicap, so what if he is from a family?

It's not that I can't cure myself, but you are so self-assertive, are you joking with your life?
Survival?Big your elbow.

"Hehe, I know, I won't do it next time."

Li Siwei scratched the back of his head and smiled foolishly at Li Yanran.

"I will spare you this time, if there is another time, I will eunuch you and send you to the palace to serve my royal father."

"You are more important to me than everything in Lishan, do you understand?"

"Laugh, not just Li Siwen, but you as well."

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