Li Yanran nodded, as expected, the more simple and honest the person, the better the disguise.

"There is a man named Liu Ming who is from the same hometown as Sun Ji, and Sun Ji made many things through him.

And many bettors also pooled the money to him, and then handed it over to Sun Ji for unified management. "

Li Siwen already understood what Li Yanran meant.

"Then what are you waiting for, go and meet with Sun Ji."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, since everything is ready, let's go meet the old man.


The door opened instantly, and Sun Ji shivered when he saw Li Siwen and Li Yanran coming.

Now that the other party came here, he must have had sufficient evidence, and he might be doomed.

"Sun Ji, I believe that you understand what I mean when I come here now. I will give you another chance. Do you want to recruit?"

Li Yanran ordered someone to remove the gag from Sun Ji's mouth, and smiled at Sun Ji.

"Your Highness, I really don't know what you mean?"

Sun Ji still shook his head in resistance.

"Really? Liu Ming is from your hometown, but he recruited all your family members. If you don't tell me, maybe I will invite your family members over."

Sun Ji's answer was already expected by Li Yanran, it is not so easy for such a person to confess.

"Your Highness, the disaster is worse than your wife and children. You will be punished by God for doing this."

Sure enough, upon hearing Liu Ming's name, Sun Ji's eyes darkened instantly.

"Let me see, there is only one son, and he is still working as a errand in Lu Shilang's family under his name. Not bad, he is very promising."

"Your Highness, you can't do this. One person does things and the other is responsible. I admit that I am obsessed with ghosts. If I want to organize and use the Lishan Cup for profit, I hope Your Highness will punish it."

Sun Ji lowered his head, originally wanted to resist, but he didn't expect Princess Lishan to be so ruthless, but now he hates Liu Ming even more,

The two grew up naked together, but now they betrayed themselves.

"You know what I want to hear. Your crime is already doomed. Don't play tricks on me. You don't want your son to be implicated because of you."

Li Yanran patted the table in front of her, her eyes were full of coldness.

"Your Highness, it's really my own fault."

"Don't cry when you don't see the coffin, Li Siwen, go to Chang'an immediately to arrest people."


Li Siwen left directly.

"Okay, I know what you're thinking, now your son's life or death is in your hands,
You said that I will keep your son safe, but if you don't say anything, I can take your son's life without others doing it. "

Now that Li Yanran has come, she has made all the preparations.

Hold your son in your hands first, so that if you say that your son is fine, if you don't, let the white-haired person send the black-haired person.

See what you do.

"Your Highness, are you really not going to give the old man a life?"

Looking at Li Yanran, Sun Ji was completely convinced.

He didn't understand why a doll was so scheming, playing around with an old man in his 50s?

If you do this, you will be condemned by God, condemned by God.

"I am saving you and your son, do you think that your son will end well if you are exposed now?
I'm still a bit human compared to those behind you, say it or not. "

Li Yanran smiled slightly, if I can't handle you, I will live my life in vain.

"Let's talk about it when I see my son."

After finishing speaking, Sun Ji didn't say anything else. If Li Yanran could really bring his son back from Lu's house, he would explain that if he couldn't bring him back, he would hit him head-on to death, and he couldn't be implicated.

"it is good."

Li Yanran left directly, while the imperial guards gagged Sun Ji's mouth again, and then stared at him with wide eyes.

But the princess said that if the old man died, they would be buried with him.

Li Siwen came to Chang'an on horseback, but he didn't go directly to Lu's house to find Sun Ji's son, but came to Zuo Jinwuwei Yamen.

"Xiao Langjun, how could you come to my place today in a leisurely manner?"

Zheng Xuanfeng can be said to be proud of his spring breeze now, the higher-ups have sent someone to review, and he will be able to jump up in a short time and become the General of Zuo Jinwuwei.

Seeing Li Siwen coming, how dare he neglect, and hurried over to greet him.

"General Zheng, no, it will be General Zheng soon."

Li Siwen also smiled slightly at Zheng Xuanfeng. The other party accepted Li Yanran's great affection, and he was considered half of his own. There was no need to bully him like before.

"Xiao Langjun, I'm just joking. It's all thanks to the contribution of Her Royal Highness and the recommendation of several princes. Zheng Xuanfeng is very grateful."

When Zheng Xuanfeng heard Li Siwen's words, he immediately understood what the other party meant.

This is to let myself know how this General Zuo Jinwuwei got his official position.

"Alright, Your Highness has something for you to do."

Li Siwen leaned close to Zheng Xuanfeng's ear and told about the situation of Sun Ji's son.

"Going to get someone from Lu Shilang's house?"

Hearing Li Siwen's words, Zheng Xuanfeng also shivered.

Although Lu Youlin is only the minister of the Ministry of Industry, he is also a proper fourth-rank official with the same position in the six departments.

Mao rashly went to the government office of a fourth-rank official to pick someone up, but the key opponent was the Lu family's son who was favored by the five surnames and Qiwang. Even himself, the third-rank General Zuo Jinwuwei, would be in trouble.

"Why, if General Zheng has any difficulties, then I will go by myself, so as not to cause trouble for General Zheng's promotion path."

Seeing Zheng Xuanfeng's appearance, Li Siwen's expression turned cold.

Brother Li worked so hard to support you to the top, just so that you can help when you need it.

If you are afraid of wolves and tigers, it probably won't come in handy.

Is it necessary to support a person who is useless?

If it doesn't work, go find your father by the way, and tell him not to listen to this guy anymore.

Don't support another white-eyed wolf at that time, you will really be ridiculed.

"Since His Highness told you what Xiao Langjun said, how could Zheng Xuanfeng hesitate, but I always have to think of a reason, otherwise there will be some trouble."

Zheng Xuanfeng is also a fine person, how dare he not go after Li Siwen said so.

Otherwise, don't say that General Zuo Jinwuwei has no hope of promotion, even the current position of General Zuojinwuwei cannot be said or kept.

Which is more important, the royal family or the aristocratic family, he can still figure it out.

"It's not that simple. General Zheng just said that Sun Ji's son, Chen Youde, was an assassin who intended to assassinate Lu Youlin.
As for what Lu Youlin thinks, don't worry about it, as long as someone understands, Your Highness? "

Li Siwen nodded, this is the awareness that a younger brother should have.

If you want to hang out with Brother Li, you have to show some courage.

Otherwise, you really don't qualify.

"That's how it is, Mr. Xiaolang, wait a moment, I'll take people there right away."

Soon Zheng Xuanfeng led nearly a hundred soldiers of the Jinwu Guard to kill outside Lu Youlin's mansion.

"This official, dare to ask what is the purpose of this?"

The servant at the door looked at the murderous Zheng Xuanfeng, and couldn't help hesitating for a while.

You come here so blatantly, are you looking for trouble?
"I've got secret security. There is an assassin lurking in Lu's mansion. Don't open the door quickly to let me in. Otherwise, that person will hurt Lu Shilang, and ten of your heads are not enough to chop off."

Zheng Xuanfeng's eyes glared, and he immediately showed his prestige as General Zuo Jinwuwei.

"There are assassins?"

"Did the general make a mistake? The Lu family is full of kind people who know their roots. How could there be assassins?"

The servant is completely stupid, you should make up a reasonable reason if you make up a reason.

There are assassins who want to assassinate Lu Youlin, why don't you say that there are assassins who want to assassinate the emperor?
It's really a hot dog.

"There's so much nonsense, the general said there is, so get out of here."

Zheng Xuanfeng whipped the servant directly, and he trembled from the pain.

"Rush in, and we must catch Chen Youde, regardless of whether he lives or dies."

Zheng Xuanfeng gave the order, and more than a hundred Zuo Jinwu Guard soldiers rushed in, and the two servants punched and kicked to stop them.

"Where is Chen Youde?"

A soldier grabbed a servant casually and questioned him with staring eyes.

"Chen Youde? He's in the garden."

Seeing the ferocious Zuo Jinwu Guard soldiers, the servant was also taken aback.

"Take me there quickly."


"plz follow me!"

The servant did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly led the soldiers towards the garden.

"Master, it's not good. A group of officers and soldiers rushed into the mansion, saying that they had received a secret report and came to arrest the assassin who wanted to assassinate you."

The housekeeper of Lu's house rushed into the main hall in a panic, and shouted to Lu Youlin who was drinking tea.

"The people of Zuo Jinwu Guard are too presumptuous, let me go and see."

Hearing that the people from Zuo Jinwuwei dared to bring people into his mansion without authorization, Lu Youlin also took the case.

It's true that a tiger doesn't show off its power. Do you think I'm a sick cat?

How could a little Jinwu guard dare to treat himself as nothing, how could he bear it.

Lu Youlin was in front, and behind him was a group of servants, rushing towards Jinwuwei mightily.

With the guidance of the servant, Chen Youde who was pruning the branches was quickly captured. Looking at the soldiers in front of him, Chen Youde was completely dazed.

"Master, why did you arrest me?"

While struggling, Chen Youde questioned the soldiers of the Jinwu Guard.

"Is your father's name Sun Ji?"


Hearing the name Sun Ji, a strange light flashed in Chen Youde's eyes, and he immediately opened his mouth to argue: "Master Jun, please be careful, I don't know Sun Ji at all, my surname is Chen, how could he be my father."

"You still dare to quibble, take it away."

The soldiers of the Zuo Jinwu Guard saw all kinds of people every day, and Chen Youde's surprised expression had already betrayed him just now.

"Master Jun, be discerning. I don't know who Sun Ji is at all. Don't try to defile people's innocence."

Chen Youde was depressed, he could only struggle to defend himself, but the Jinwu Guard didn't care so much about you, they arrested you first.

When Lu Youlin arrived, he couldn't help but frowned when he saw the soldiers of the Jinwu Guard holding Chen Youde away.

Others didn't know, but he knew that Chen Youde's biological father, Sun Ji, was the person in charge who was sent to the fief of Lishan.

Could it be that Sun Ji was exposed so soon?

"Give the old man a stop."

Lu Youlin sank into his dantian and yelled at the soldiers of the Jinwu Guard in front of him.

The soldiers of the Jinwu Guard took a look at Lu Youlin, ignored him at all, and still led Chen Youde out.

"Stop them for me."

Seeing this scene, Lu Youlin was furious, and directly ordered his servants to stop him.

"Who dares to stop Zuo Jinwu Guard from doing business?"

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